Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch


Back home in Virginia, and there are some tasks to be done before boot camp. The joys of pre-enlistment testing, and an offer accepted.


Amazon - Part 10c: Home Stretch
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R

Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer.

Monday, March 5, 2001
Nicole and Angela's apartment
7:20AM EST

"You're in a good mood this morning. What did I miss yesterday?" Angela was indulging in a breakfast of biscuits with sausage gravy, as her roommate, Nicole, put the final touches on her egg, flipped it onto a piece of toast, and took her place at the table.

"I had a chance to spend some time with Amelia and Trish, yesterday. Between the company and the food, how could I not wake up in a good mood today?"

"That would be one way to explain it, I suppose." The dark-haired woman's face took on a mischievous look, and her eyes twinkled with humor. "You've been in this good a mood in the past, though the last time the evening before was a trifle noisier. I suppose the timing *could* have been a little different, though."

Her hair color clashed with the blush on her cheeks, and Nicole regretted the lack of ammunition for return fire in the tease war. "Don't complain. She's willing to help out in an attempt to salvage my cooking skills." It was a pea-shooter returning fire at a tank, but it was all she had -- for now. She filed the incident away for future retribution; the two were settling into a comfortable companionship, heavily seasoned with good humor, but it required mental agility to keep the score even.

Her planning was interrupted by her companion. "You and Amelia seem to get along very well, and your background looks more suited to IT than field work. Are you sure you don't want to switch into the state-side support work?"

The long, red braid swung as her head shook. "I signed up to help Dr. Wing set up his specialized field team, and I'm looking forward to doing something different. Besides, I won't go back on my word to him." ~Or his boss.~ She noticed a speculative look on her roomie's face, and the curiosity and drive to excel that flowed though the emotions beneath the look.

Angela held her silence for the remainder of the meal, and the Amazon was left to wonder about the deeper thoughts left unspoken.

Hunter Security Offices - Washington

Connie settled primly into the chair in front of Rod's desk. That odd corner of her mind, the one that seemed to know a lot more than she did, insisted that she could relax with this man. She wiggled a little as she sat; she felt as if her clothing, or her frame, didn't quite fit.

"So, Connie, how did your trip to the recruiter go? Did you run across our target as we expected?"

She nodded, and was coaxed through a summary of the morning's events -- including the useful extra data about the specialization the redhead had applied for. Connie also scored well on the ASVAB; though she didn't stand as high as Ms. Harrison, the young woman had been allowed her choice of specializations and had picked Intelligence. She was in a good position to keep an eye on their target.

"We're both due to report at the receiving station this coming week, if the paperwork is processed as quickly as they expect. The recruiter mentioned that he'd see that Ms. Harrison and I are assigned to the same room, just so we'd both have someone from near home around."

She paused. "Rod, have you ever run across someone who just makes you feel warm and welcome just by smiling at you?" At his nod, she continued. "When I walked in, she looked at me. Just her *smile* was so warm and ... I had a feeling like she was welcoming me into a safe place."

Rod frowned in concern. "Do you think you can do the job you're being sent to do, Connie? It's important that we find the Amazons before they can suck in someone like Ms. Harrison and get her into trouble." ~And it's more important to you than you know. I want my friend back!~

"Yes, sir. I understand how important it is. And, frankly, if I can keep someone like Ms. Harrison from getting hooked by this mysterious queen, I can wind up with someone who I'd like to have as a friend."

~Perhaps true, my now-female friend,~ Rod thought. ~If you don't find something, perhaps our bugs will; if that works out, maybe we can get you back the way you belong. If the bug-planting teams don't screw up, that is.~

"Rod, I really don't understand why we're dogging her steps so much. Do we have any information about her that I haven't seen?"

He shook his head, as much from frustration as in answer to the question. "No, we don't. That's part of the problem. You know how the weather service's lightning detectors can pick up strikes?" She nodded, and he continued. "Apparently there is a way to pick up on the bonding of the Amazon scepter with the new queen. We know roughly where -- within a half-mile, anyway, and almost exactly when, it happened, but we can't track it afterward. That was why everyone was going crazy reviewing video tape and tracking down everyone they could find who'd gone through that area at the time." He sighed. "We found nothing, and no one, to give us a clue. We still have teams reviewing the list of people who went through Minneapolis at the proper time.

"We're tracking Miss Harrison because she's the only new arrival since the bonding. You know already that Artemis is known to be personally involved with Wing's company, and Harrison's arrival is too close to the right time frame to totally ignore."

"But she doesn't act at all like an Amazon! She was courteous and respectful to everyone at the recruiters, including the men. I read the profile, and the reports, and she seems to be a very warm, caring, friendly person."

The man shrugged. "We don't have any alternatives at the moment, and Central is putting a lot of pressure on. They've indicated that there will be changes in the organization here, if we can't find the queen. We need to do what we can, and if that means we chase a redheaded herring, then so be it. We have to at least look like we're doing something."

WGSS Offices
12:00 Noon

The field team's morning had been spent developing the information for tomorrow's department heads meeting. Each team member had his or her own area of responsibility, and Angela passed around her summary for a group review before sending it to her boss for inclusion in the report.

Nicole had also received an e-mail from David Stirling, 'requesting' that she join him in a lunchtime chat with Michael Wing. He'd apparently followed up on his complaint from the training session on Thursday.

It was an interesting meal.

From the outset, it seemed as though much of the reconciliation that had occurred during her absence from the company offices had been undone. Stirling felt as if he'd been blindsided -- again -- due to being left ignorant of crucial information. Michael had told him that she was more physically fit than she looked, but it was a comparison between a candle and a halogen lamp. His preparations had been useless.

"Doctor Wing, with all due respect, I cannot do my job if I do not have the most basic information about what I need to do! I'm at the point of deciding you need to find someone you can trust with the sort of information they need to do what you are asking of me."

The target of the colonel's frustration nodded. "Colonel, I truly understand your frustration. That said, you, of all people, understand the need for security. Nicole is, as you've found already," he paused, "unique. Her physical conditioning is exceptional. You know that her physical capabilities exceed anything you can easily reach; those abilities are untrained, however. You know from your own experience that it takes more than raw strength to be an effective warrior, David, and you've trained your SAS teams to know that, too. I'm asking you to put that training to use here."

The colonel nodded. "If there is anything else, anything at all, that will significantly impact this young woman's training, tell me now, or else find someone else to do it. I will not take responsibility for a task when I am kept so utterly in the dark." Stirling's face was immobile, but still reflected his deep frustration.

Michael nodded. "There is much going on that I would prefer you know, and in time you will be told, but at the moment it is all 'need-to-know'. At the proper time, I promise to tell you exactly what it's all about. The new team I intend for her to head will be targeted for environments like the Sudan, but I want their full capabilities to remain hidden." There was a long pause, before he continued. "What you teach her will be critical, David, for her and others. Yes, what I'm doing goes far beyond this company and its needs. I have to ask you to trust me."

Nicole had found herself a spectator in the exchange up to this point. The colonel was determined to resolve the situation to his own satisfaction before he would agree to continue, and Michael was unwilling to reveal more than was absolutely essential. Nicole found herself briefly wondering if angels could get testosterone poisoning.

~That's unfair. He knows as well as I do that the more people who know, the more chances that our cover will be blown.~

"Colonel, if you recall our conversation the day I first reported, I told you my life would depend on your training me as hard as possible. I have worked hard at running and strength training; that is, in part, why I was able to easily manage your tests. I also have an exceptional reaction time. I need help in learning to make effective use of my capabilities in a military setting."

David snapped his attention to the previously silent woman.

She continued, "This is the essence of what I was referring to, though Doctor Wing has yet to enlighten me as to everything he has in mind."


After lunch, Nicole found Amelia just entering the server room and joined her on the way in. Outwardly, the blonde was her usual, composed self; Nicole felt an underlying anxiety that was entirely out of character. There was much to say about the meeting during lunch, and even more about work, but the anxiety the queen felt from her new sister had to be dealt with.

Amelia's feelings were no surprise; yesterday their relationship had changed so profoundly that they were effectively starting over from scratch. Nicole could feel the uncertainty, along with warm, steady love, across the 'bond' she had with each of her sisters. She also felt the links to Trish and Kate; they were plain, now that she knew what to look for.

~I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Suddenly, Amelia finds that her 'new hire' is effectively twice her age, and has more years working with computers than she's been alive. It's a hard situation for a manager to face.~

The two walked into the empty server room, and Nicole finally broke the awkward silence. "Do you feel like talking about it, Amelia? I know something's bothering you, but I can't help if you won't tell me what it is."

The young woman grimaced at her nominal subordinate. "You have to be kidding! You should be the one in charge here, not me. I've sworn myself into your service, and you've forgotten more about systems like this than I've learned."

"But...." Nicole hid her smile; Amelia was smart enough that the Socratic method would work well; she would wind up answering her own questions.

"But it would look suspicious for a newbie out of school to walk in and take over."

"Among other things. I can do little things, such as the tests I'm running, that will help. I'll teach you all I can while I'm here, but I can't afford to do too much in the open, since I need to keep my cover as a bright, but young, new graduate. If the bad guys get a whiff of who I am, they might decide to eliminate a threat on general principles."

"Are they that cold-blooded?"

"The 'people'," Nicole made air-quotes around the word, "who head our opponents are descendents of the same group that systematically exterminated our sisters the first time around. What do you think? For the moment, just treat me in public as if I lucked out, and found something easy to follow up on and leverage. We'll generate the background data, and you can present the preliminary results tomorrow. In private, you should use me as a consultant; ask questions, or toss problems in my lap that you want looked at."

The blonde grimaced. "It still doesn't seem right, but if we must. I guess we should take a look at your test results."

The afternoon was a crash course for Amelia in the subtleties of database system setup. Nicole walked her friend through each test and its results, pointing out that even small things, such as pre-loading index tables, could have a marked effect on the throughput of the overall system.

It was a typical session for a mentor and new employee, though the roles had reversed from what anyone outside the room had expected. Each test was reviewed, and the results checked, as the two women looked for patterns to reveal the adjustments required.

The preliminary report was ready by the end of the day, with the executive summary in the distribution packet for Joanne's meeting tomorrow. There hadn't been enough time to properly cover the lunchtime meeting, and since it was Nicole's turn to fix supper, they agreed to meet at Amelia's later in the evening.

David Stirling's Home
7:20PM EST

He hung up the phone, leaned back in his chair, and gazed thoughtfully into the distance beyond the warmly lit den's walls.

Graham's call had come unexpectedly, given the late hour in England, yet the information was worth the sharing. The pattern of attack was the same as several others that had been seen recently, though the systems were new to the list. The frequency was increasing slowly, and had been for some time. Stirling's data had been an outlier though; all the other systems to that point were security support for airports, ocean shipping, and railways. Several military systems had been probed, but at a far lower rate.

The systems behind the systems engaged in the electronic assault on Wing's systems were known, however. They were part of a group that had been used in other probes, and the owners of those systems were being sought.

It was still all disjointed information, despite the increasing frequency of attempted intrusions. There had to be a point to the attacks, but none had been divined so far.

~We're still on our own on the network attacks.~

He mentally filed the incident, and turned his attention back to the preparation of Ms. Harrison for boot camp.

~I think the young lady isn't quite what any of us have been led to believe, nor are her abilities anything that could be anticipated.~ He closed his eyes and sighed. ~And just how do I train someone like that? The easy and obvious tasks are unnecessary.~

He stood and walked to a bookcase. It held books -- training manuals, notebooks, and personal journals -- that he had used to take trained, hardened soldiers and turn them into the special warriors that made up the Special Air Service. He scanned through several, quickly returning each to its place. At last, he laid his hand on the journal he'd sought, and an almost devilish grin appeared on his face.

~Oh, yes! We might have some useful tools after all, even for someone with *her* strength and speed.~

He chuckled and set the book down, then sought another as he planned the next evening's activities. The prospect of giving free rein to his imagination as he prepared the training regimen -- to prepare something that would have reduced the best of his SAS troopers to a whimpering, quivering wreck -- became an irresistible treat.

Tuesday, March 6, 2001
WGSS Conference Room
10:45AM EST

"In summary, Angela's team is well ahead of schedule in entering their data, and Ted's team is just finishing their package for the client. We're in position to meet both milestones in time for early completion bonuses." David clicked the presentation to the last slide. "Any questions?"

Joanne nodded. "How is your new trainee working out?"

"She's been a challenge, to be honest. Angela's had to work to keep up with her, and I am forced to rework my training program. Nicole's physical conditioning is excellent, so I'm skipping the basics of the schedule. Instead, I am in the process of adding some of the routines used for Special Operations training, which sharpen extremely fit bodies even more. I think I can make it ... interesting for her."

There was a general chuckle around the conference table, and Joanne grinned as she remarked, "I almost feel sorry for her. Any last comments before we move on?"

"Yes, and this touches on Amelia's department. I regret that I cannot provide details on the systems that have been a nuisance, but they are known to be used for other attacks on government systems around the world. My contact was grateful for the additional data, and has promised to inform us if any data comes to light which may be shared."

"Very good. Amelia?"

The IT department report touched on the status of the systems in place, and the purchase of additional storage. The system load projections showed an alternate usage prediction with an abrupt drop, and Amelia referred to the report that explained the testing and its results. She was perplexed by a murmur -- inaudible to anyone without her enhanced hearing -- from Joanne, "I wonder if this isn't another stirred pot?"

Despite the slight distraction, Amelia briefly touched on the main points of interest and the conclusion that, should the detailed analysis confirm the initial analysis, an upgrade to the processor array planned for the next fiscal year could be postponed.

"Nicole was the one to suggest the tests, though we worked together to analyze the results. She ran them over the weekend, and we spent yesterday afternoon examining the system logs and test output. We still need to double check everything, but we believe we can improve system response time by at least fifty percent."

There was a quiet muttering around the room; the databases were a core resource for the business, and that kind of improvement would be a large boost to the bottom line.

Joanne asked, "How long to you expect it will take to produce your final report?"

Amelia thought for a moment. ~If it were just me, I'd expect it to be the end of next week. Given Nicole's ability, who knows?~ "We can have it completed by the end of next week."

"Good; is there anything else?"

"My staff and I have also tried some additional investigations regarding the network attacks. We've tried contacting some other system administrators, as well as attempting to locate the owners of the systems we know about. The contact data, despite ICANN regulations, appears to be bogus. We've come up empty so far."


Lunch had passed without Amelia seeing Nicole, and she made her way to the server room with as much haste as possible. The redhead was parked in front of a terminal, and so focused on the task at hand that she didn't appear to notice the new arrival.

"I missed you at lunch, Nicole. Did you have anything to eat?"

The start of the woman at the terminal was comical, and Amelia found herself laughing quietly as she walked up. "Don't tell me you skipped eating?" she asked as she reached the desk.

Nicole looked abashed as she turned to face her 'boss.' "I was on my way to the break room when I had a thought about our testing. I was just going to take a quick look...."

"... and you got so hooked that you forgot to quit. Okay, out of here! Go grab something to eat, and don't come back until you're done."

The tall redhead slunk out of the room, followed by comments about having to assign someone to make sure she took care of herself.

The break room was quiet as she walked in to pull her meal from the refrigerator, and she ate quickly as her brain buzzed with issues she wanted to explore. A squeak of rubber on the vinyl floor tile brought her attention to the doorway as the vending machine service person rolled his cart into the room.

It was a thoroughly unremarkable sight, until she felt an intense spike of panic from the man pushing the cart. The panic hardly diminished as he began servicing and reloading the machines. The young woman studiously avoided looking in his direction as she ate, concerned that any overt reaction on her part would further spook the young man.

~I wonder why he's so worried?~ She kept a casual watch on him as he worked down the row of equipment, ending at the snack machine. Her lunch was gone by that point, and suddenly she had a hunger for some chocolate covered peanuts.

~I wonder what reaction this will get,~ she thought as she stood and walked toward him.

The man's face paled to the point that she wondered if she'd have to call for an ambulance, and the fear that rolled off him was almost painful. His hands shook as he tried to hurry. Nicole watched him, apparently indifferent to his activities, but she examined the inside of the vending machine as he restocked. All he saw when he looked around was a slight smile. He fumbled as he closed and locked the machine; the squeaking of the wheels seemed to be rather faster and louder now, as compared to his arrival.

She walked slowly back to the server room, and shook her head at the questioning look she received as she entered. She needed to consider what had happened before discussing it, even with Amelia.

Nicole's Apartment
10:00PM EST

~He's a monster! He can't be human!~

Nicole dragged herself in through the door, and the light of the apartment revealed a sweaty, bedraggled form. Angela's lips quivered, but held her comment as the redhead made her way to the kitchen.

A tall glass of juice and a pair of energy bars restored much of Nicole's energy, and slowly her mood as well.

Angela, in a fit of kindness, refrained from teasing her roommate and retired early. Nicole was left to sip a refilled glass of juice as she pondered the simple effectiveness of the evening's training.

There was no attempt to simply run her to exhaustion, nor weights applied to the point of physical collapse. David used far more subtle and effective means to accomplish his goals. He applied extra weights to each of her limbs, but then worked her through slow, precise exercises as he began instructing her in the martial arts. By the end of the time, her limbs were quivering from the effort to control the trajectory of her hands and feet.

She had seen his surprise, at first, at her strength and endurance; the surprise turned to satisfaction as the first tremors in her muscles began. The slow, steady loads had achieved what any normal burden couldn't have. He refrained from either scolding or praise at the end of the session, limiting his comments to an affirmation of the next meeting on Thursday.

The nourishment circulated through her system, and the redhead chuckled. ~He's good. He's very, very good at what he does.~ The combination of techniques would, she was sure, make sure she was in complete control of her strength when she got to Parris Island.

She sniffed, wrinkled her nose in distaste at her own 'eau de athlete', and headed for her room. ~I need a shower. No way I can sleep like this.~

David Stirling's Home
10:20PM EST

~She's absolutely phenomenal!~

The man shook his head in wonder at the quality of the raw material he had to work with in Ms Harrison. She was unskilled, that was obvious, but when he considered the pure strength of those slender limbs, it was almost frightening.

He'd found that a combination of tai-chi, aikido, and the weights were effective in developing the strength, endurance, and precise self-control -- both mental and physical -- required for SAS and SBS teams.

In the years of his work in training soldiers, he had developed the ability to gauge what kind of capabilities they had from the length of time they could endure the slow, steady burden of the weights. Tonight, as the young woman had managed to work her way through exercise after exercise, he'd concluded that she could manage to lift at the very least seven-hundred pounds, if her frame was capable of bearing the strain. Possibly much more than that, as he wasn't at all sure his measurement method scaled to that extreme level. He'd succeeded in reaching her limit of controlled endurance, and that would suffice for his needs at the moment.

He poured himself a drink, and wondered how else he could adjust his training for someone like this utterly remarkable young woman.

~I wonder if there are any more like her out there?~

WGSS Offices
Wednesday, March 7, 2001

Nicole shivered and stamped her feet as she joined Angela in the lobby. Between the sub-freezing temperatures and the wind, she was feeling a desperate need for a hot cup of coffee to defrost her toes. The location might be Virginia, but it seemed a bit of the Wisconsin cold had followed her.

She had also nearly completed the data archiving over the past few days; the investment of a little time each day had paid handsome dividends as the scripts had automated an increasing amount of the drudgery, and despite the need to verify the results, she'd be finished by the end of the week.

Angela had grinned when Nicole requested time to clean up and document the scripts.

"You have to be kidding, Nicole! Those scripts will take a lot of the drudgery out of filling the database, and, since you're running off to boot camp, we'll need the scripts as easy to use as possible."

Nicole giggled as a gleam came into her eye. "Does your gratitude extend to buying the first cup of coffee today?"

Angela snickered and nodded. "Alright! Alright! I'm a good boss and buy my hard-working team members coffee as a reward sometimes." She paused. "Where did you say Vanessa was?"

The redhead, lips twitching, put her hand over her heart. "Good guys sure do get hassled."


Lunch had been gulped down, which caught the attention of the rest of the folk around the bridge table who gathered to chat. Nicole explained, briefly, that she needed to make a phone call to a wigmaker.

The reactions ranged from raised eyebrows to gasping coughs as the absurdity of the redhead with her magnificent mane needing a wig provoked a few unplanned inhalations. Amelia and Nicole sniggered as Tejas cleared his lungs from the juice he'd inhaled; they were even kind enough to pass along a few extra napkins to help him wipe up the minor mess.

When the scene had returned to a semblance of normalcy, the redhead told the story of the child she'd met at the concert who was being treated for cancer. The little one had lost her hair, and since boot camp required a much shorter length than Nicole's current mid-back tresses, it seemed a good opportunity to meld the need with the opportunity.

"If I have to cut my hair, at least I can put it to good use. All I need is someone who can make the thing for me, and I'm checking on a suggestion as soon as I can finish here."

A voice from the chess table, Greg Johnson from Ted's team, rose above the buzz of conversation. "Once you figure out what the cost is, let us know. I'd like to kick in a few bucks to help."

Despite the protestations of the queen, she found that the group was self-organizing to canvas the various departments. Amelia put a hand on her friend's arm.

"Give it up, Nicole. We do things like this all the time, and they're as stubborn as anyone can be when they see a need they can meet."

Resigned to the situation, Nicole finished her meal and made a call to Williamsburg's Wigmaker shop. She'd expected close questioning, and the price was intimidating, but the man was sympathetic to her cause and willing to meet on a Sunday afternoon to make the measurements required.

She hung up, and sat back as she wondered if she'd bitten off more than she could chew. She thought that, with the funds Michael and Artemis had provided to account for her parents’ estate, she could manage to cover whatever the in-company collections left. It wasn't like she'd have any other major outflow of cash for a while.

1:15PM EST

Nicole and Amelia were bent over the hard copy of the final test results. There were no surprises, other than the fact that the potential impact of the configuration changes appeared more significant that initially expected.

There was a bit of discussion about the implementation, however, as Nicole pushed for a weekend test run with the changes in place.

"Just in case I've missed something, the Friday snapshot will give us a fallback position. No-one's scheduled to do any work this weekend, so there's little or no risk of messing up something important."

"What's the point? We know from the tests what reconfigurations we need."

Nicole grinned. "Sorry, Mela; we'll run the tests again, using the server configuration we want. That way, we'll have documentation that the changes really do what we want, and the final report will practically write itself."

The blonde sighed and rubbed her eyes. "You're the expert on this, and I'd be foolish to go against your judgment."

Nicole nodded. "It really is best, and safest, to do it that way." She paused and looked more closely at her companion's face. "You're awfully tired today. What happened?"

The blush that appeared hid the freckles on Amelia's face. "Ever since we became Amazons, Trish and I have noticed that we're each more aware of what the other is feeling. Last night we were making love and," she paused and shivered in remembrance, "it was beyond anything either of us had ever felt before. It was like we were one soul, not two, and everything one of us felt, the other one did, too. It was like a feedback loop out of control."

"You're both okay, though?" Amelia nodded in response. The situation was, in retrospect, understandable given the emotional bond that the four had discovered. "That explains the vague dream I had last night. I think we'll have to warn Amazon couples of the bond's side effects." The redhead grinned. "You and Trish will have to write a pamphlet on 'Sex and the Amazon Couple.' I can't say it's a bad thing to have happen, though."

Amelia's expression turned slightly dreamy. "Oh yeah...."

Thursday, March 8, 2001

The phone call last night to the Davidson family had been interesting, as Marilyn had sounded surprised to have someone actually call. When Nicole asked about their availability for a trip to Williamsburg on Sunday, the mother had audibly choked up.

"We only met for a moment, so you really don't have to do this, but it would mean so much to Tara." Mrs. Davidson's voice caught with the intensity of her emotions as she dealt with the unexpected kindness of a stranger, and her lingering fear for her sick child. The arrangements took little time, but Nicole found herself chatting for a while as she learned about the family and their life.

The residual emotional warmth of the call ebbed as the car came to a stop at the athletic facility. It wasn't so much the workout that made her nervous; she actually enjoyed the chance to stretch herself physically for a change. No, it was the utter joy the man took in finding subtle ways to reduce her to a quivering mass of exhausted muscles. Despite his ignorance about her full strength, he'd managed to force her to stretch herself in a way she hadn't since she'd been at Michael's cabin.

Even so, Tuesday she had felt more like she'd reached the limit of her energy than the limit of her muscles. Since then, she'd considered her normal diet, and had decided to go with a higher calorie menu. She'd be a little more stuffed, but if the colonel worked her as hard as last time, she'd burn it all off again.

~The strength is nice, but I have to keep the furnace stoked, or I'll start burning muscle mass. I'll be ready for him this time!~

She walked into the facility with a confident air, shivering just a little in the cool of the evening, certain that she'd be able to manage his workout *this* time. Even the confident look on David's face didn't shake her faith in her preparations.

Friday, March 9, 2001
Nicole's Apartment
5:00AM EST

~I wonder if he was Torquemada in a past life?~

Last night, as she'd gone to bed, she had ached in places she hardly knew there were muscles to stress. The evil demon known as Colonel Stirling had made further changes to his workout plan, and she'd felt pain that was matched only when the first day of sword practice had begun. The main difference was that her whole body ached, rather than just one hand. ~As demanding as Artemis was, she never managed to get me to the point of a full-body muscle cramp.~

It was better now, as her inhumanly rapid healing had done its work through the course of a restless night. All that remained was fatigue -- and a determination to get the better of her torturer.

He hadn't said anything -- any verbal note of approval would have been beyond the pale -- but he nodded as he dismissed her. It had been a pleasant change from the harsh, driving, demanding attitude of the previous hours as he ramped up his effort to find her limits and push her beyond them.

~He wasn't kidding when he said he'd make boot camp seem like a picnic. I can't imagine any sort of basic training coming close to this. Learning how to precisely control myself is a bonus, too.~

She'd also noticed a smug, self-satisfied feeling beneath his curt nod as he'd noted her stiff departure; this morning the smugness was replaced by an air of amazement as she'd -- quite deliberately -- *flowed* into the office. She'd felt normal, and had called all her lessons into play to ensure he'd known it.

She felt a bit safer, knowing that her day tomorrow was claimed by the trip to the processing station; he had no immediate shot at retribution.

Thankfully, there were no surprises during the course of the day, and by close of business, she'd set up the test sequence to initiate at midnight. By Monday, she'd be in position to demonstrate the effectiveness of her changes in the results and start preparing the report for Amelia.

It had been a joy to work with the young woman, even setting aside the new relationship as sister Amazons, given the sheer brilliance of the CTO's brain. It was an opportunity to work with someone who loved the same challenges, and had the talent to take full advantage of the chance to learn everything she could about her vocation. Quite apart from the fact that she was so amazingly quick at latching onto the new information, Amelia also made connections to new applications for the underlying concepts.

~This must be the same joy that teachers feel when they have one of those special students who love the subject as much as the teacher does.~

It made the prospect of leaving more painful, as she had only begun to know the splendid women whom God had called to join her. Even the little she knew made the prospect of leaving hard -- even apart from the emotional bond she had with them.


Despite how well the day had gone, the two hour long drive from Fairfax to Richmond had leached much of the pleasure from it. Perhaps there was a better way to get there, but Amtrak couldn't provide the links from Fairfax to the recruiting station over the weekend. There were trains, but the cost for the round trip was eighty dollars, and then there would be taxi costs on top of it all. Even with the absurdly high cost of gas these days -- ~the next thing you know it'll be over two dollars a gallon!~ -- it was far less expensive to drive the little Corolla. Twenty dollars going door-to-door, plus cutting the travel time in half, made the decision easy. Even with the traffic on a Friday evening clogging the outbound Beltway, it was far better than the parking lot that existed earlier in the day and would add little to the overall trip time.

The information packet, which arrived in the mail on Wednesday, had been comprehensive, and included all the orders, maps, letters, hotel information, and general guides she could possibly need. A pleasant inclusion was notification that her MOS preference was approved pending her successful completion of training, and she had been included in the class starting later in the year. She was grateful that the ASVAB was behind her; she'd have had to arrive before four o'clock to take the test otherwise. This way she had a quiet evening to relax after the long week.

She'd have to push the language lesson to make sure she had finished it before she had to leave. Time was running out on that, too.

It didn't matter at the moment; she'd take care of getting accepted for boot camp first. Until that was done, it was pointless to consider what would, or might, happen later. For now it was time to get to the hotel, relax, and get some sleep; tomorrow would be dull in the extreme, but would begin painfully early.

Connie came in looking somewhat less ruffled than Nicole had felt when she arrived, but the undertone of -- what? -- nervousness, perhaps, was the closest name to put on it. That and anticipation seemed to be dominant emotions coming from her young companion.

~I don't get her. Something's off about her, something out of tune, but,~ the redhead sighed mentally, ~she seems like a good kid. I wish I knew what she's hiding or worried about.~

Despite the questions, Nicole smiled warmly. "Hi, Connie!"

Connie was in a rip-tide of conflicting emotions. According to all the briefings, she was in the serpent's den for the night. Yet there was that damned feeling of comfort that she had felt last time. ~I'm not supposed to consort with the enemy, but she doesn't act or *feel* like an enemy.~

The tall redhead was stretched out on one of the double beds, book in hand, and dressed in warm, comfortable looking pajamas. She had an air of utter relaxation and calm about her, and then there was that gentle, welcoming smile of hers that just warmed Connie from her bones out.

She returned the smile as best she could and wondered if her superiors knew what they were talking about.

It was going to be hard to keep her guard up against this woman when every instinct was to open up.

Saturday, March 10, 2001
Richmond, VA
4:00AM EST

The shrill beep of the alarm jolted the two women from the restless sleep they'd managed. Nicole was wrapped around a pillow, and jumped as the increasingly familiar sensations of her female body reminded her that the snuggling up to Beth had only been a dream.

Connie bolted upright, controlling the shriek down to a quiet 'eep!' as the reality of a new morning overrode the nightmare of drowning. The sheets were soaked with sweat, and the young woman looked forward to a quick shower.

Nicole dived in and out of the bathroom to take care of urgent requirements; she'd taken a shower the night before to avoid a madhouse morning, and the sweat-soaked appearance of her companion reaffirmed the decision.

"Connie, I'm done in there. The shower's yours."

Makeup would only get in the way during the physical tests, and was ignored by both women. Nicole blessed Kate in-absentia as she quickly corralled her hair into a braid. Connie's hair, only shoulder length, was pulled back into a ponytail as the two packed up their respective cars and headed for the restaurant for some breakfast.

By the time they had left for the station, Nicole was even more confused. She'd chatted with Connie over breakfast, and the two had exchanged stories of their respective backgrounds and current employment. The young woman seemed relaxed, much more so than their first encounter, yet -- and Nicole struggled to form even a vague concept around what her senses were telling her -- it was almost like another set of emotions were around. ~Maybe Artemis or Michael can help me figure it out?~

The cover letter had included a set of directions for the trip from the motel to the station, and 'recommended' a departure time of no later than 0500 to ensure enough time to travel, park, and check in. Nicole had cajoled Connie away from another cup of coffee and shooed her out the door at 5:00, as the youngster commented quietly on insanely alert redheads.

Military Entrance Processing Station
5:25AM EST

Connie was still grumbling when they joined the crowd of about 30 applicants waiting at the doorway of the MEPS. Nicole checked her watch and, at precisely 5:30 a.m., the doors opened.
The entrance was rather like an airport security station, and a Marine sergeant watched as the applicants lined up and passed through the metal detectors and security inspection. Their small gym bags were opened and examined, revealing only the reading material that each had brought for the inevitable waiting periods between tests.

Connie felt as if she was caught in the tall redhead's slipstream, as Nicole led the way to the room where the MEPS liaison waited with their nametags. The applicants checked in with the soldier at the operations control desk -- at least that's what the sign said it was -- and they were pointed toward an array of green cubbies where they could stow their bags. A sign pointed the way toward their first stop of the day, the medical department.

They found themselves in a classroom, with adult-sized desks, and seated themselves in side-by-side seats as they waited for the rest of the group to arrive. Once the applicants had finally all arrived and found seats, the group was briefed on how to fill out their medical history forms. There were a few questions, but shortly a line developed at the first station where the series of drug tests were administered. Nicole's mind skittered around an array of jokes, some of which were more than a little risqué, and provoked other thoughts that squelched her good humor. Providing a sample for the urine test was far more awkward as a woman, Nicole found. Connie exited the rest room with a face that reflected a similar attitude of 'ick.'

The redhead's face paled slightly as she approached the next station, where each person provided a blood sample for an HIV test. ~I hate needles. I hate needles....~ She repeated her mantra as she looked at a wall while the sample was taken.

The next couple of hours were a round of more tests and measurements of vision, hearing, height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse checks. Nicole and Connie's paths crossed several times as they shuffled from room to room, waiting in line for the next examination. Nicole was unsurprised to find that her vision and hearing were markedly better than the norm.

The hearing tests took a while, as the operator ran her through several combinations of tests at the lowest settings. He'd never had anyone hear anything at some of the sound settings used, but she was absolutely accurate at flagging each time a tone sounded. She managed to keep her snickers under control as she left for the next set of tests, but the bewilderment on the face of the young man forced her to bite her lip.

The snickers stopped completely when she was called in for the next examination.

The orthopedic and neurological exams weren't terribly intrusive in comparison to the gynecological exam scheduled for Monday, but standing around in her underwear wasn't something she was used to. The doctor, a man, was completely professional, and graciously ignored the blush that covered Nicole's face and shoulders.

He guided her through the "duck-walk", squats, and arm rotations, as he observed and inspected her bone structure and coordination. Most of it wasn't too bad, but at one point she was required to walk around on her knees; it didn't quite hurt, but it wasn't comfortable at all.

It was a revelation to her that her feet were ticklish, and she couldn't help the twitching or the giggles that escaped. The doctor tried to control a smile as he checked her feet for skin problems and flatfeet, and managed to corral the wiggling toes enough to complete his task.


"I'm sorry, doctor; I've never had a full-blown exam before. I've never needed one. I found a doctor who's local to my new home, but my first appointment with her isn't until Monday."

It had been the most uncomfortable experience in her life -- either life. While most of the poking and prodding had been standard, the palpation of her breasts had been both uncomfortable and embarrassing. And she swore the man had to have kept his instruments in a freezer, given how cold they felt as he'd poked and prodded during the gynecological part of the exam. The only redemption was that there wasn't a need for a prostate exam, though the only real advantage there seemed to be the lack of lubricant to clean up afterward. His statement that it was only a cursory examination didn't encourage her; she was left wondering where else the doctor could poke freezing metal on Monday.

The man, Doctor Siman, sighed and sat back. The young woman before him was as perfectly healthy as he'd ever seen; she was a textbook example of how everything should look.

~Perfect bone structure, no heart or lung problems, and the first adult virgin I think I've seen since med school!~

There was nothing in the examination that could possibly disqualify her, though he was uncomfortable with the lack of previous medical history. There wasn't anything to downcheck, and despite his nagging misgivings he expected he'd sign off on the form.

"Well, Ms Harrison, I don't see any areas of concern. You're the most healthy individual I've ever seen. Congratulations, you're qualified. I'll have copies of my results for you after lunch, so you can give them to your own doctor."

"Thank you, doctor. I appreciate that very much."

Epps Home
3:20PM GMT (10:20AM EST)

The gray day had finally surrendered to the lash of winter showers, and the quiet thunder of the drops filled the greenhouse. The day had been surprisingly warm, reaching 16C in the mid-afternoon even as the sun remained behind the low, scudding clouds. The artificial lighting provided illumination for Judith as she tended to the flowers that filled the place with their scent. It was the Sabbath, and it was her day to rest, relax, and tend to that part of the greenhouse that was her own domain.

David had finally returned yesterday, a bit before sundown, after spending the last two weeks in London at meetings with suppliers. The long days had drained him, and he had spent much of the morning relaxing or playing with Miriam as she caught up on missed time with her Daddy. She'd been glued to his side until after lunch, when her full tummy and the waning excitement had finally led her to her room and a short nap.

He finally found his way to the greenhouse, and just watched as Judith puttered among her flowers. Some had peaked and were being trimmed; others were just opening their buds. She had worked her way down the line to an array of pots that were filled with bare dirt. He walked over as she bent over to examine them.

"How are the new plantings doing?" he asked, as he got close enough to speak over the rain.

She turned, and beamed a smile in his direction that had a mischievous edge to it. As he came up beside her, she reached out and grabbed him in a warm, dirty gloved hug. "They're doing fine!"

He sputtered comically for a moment, sighed, and returned the hug. "I missed you, too. You always have gotten playful when I've been gone for too long. Now, how did things go?"

She continued her puttering as she related the events of the household during her husband's absence. Once she'd covered the normal activities, she took a deeper breath and tackled the hard part of her tale.

"David, while you were gone, Miri had another dream."

He stiffened as he listened to the story of yet another strange disruption in the life of his family. When she was done, he shook his head.

"Judith, I believe Miri is telling the truth. I also believe we're being herded, and I don't like it. I feel as if we're sheep being chased, however gently, down a path by some unknown shepherd."

One of her gloves was off, and her hand cupped his cheek with all the gentleness shown in her eyes. "Are you sure the shepherd is unknown?" Her hand dropped from his face to take his hand. "Come with me a moment."

She led him to a pot, where a plant was just emerging from a seed. A pair of tiny, pale green leaves perched on a frail looking stem, and still carried bits of soil.

"David, this is what Nicole and the Amazons are. This is just the first growth spurt of the seedling as it pushes free from a long sleep, or perhaps the first shoot from an ancient stump with deep roots. I haven't had any dreams as Miriam has, but I've thought, and studied, and prayed over the last two weeks. It's as if there's a voice, just too quiet to hear clearly, but the tone is plain to me; this is a call I should accept. I won't do it, though, unless we do it together."

He patted her hand, released it, and walked around the greenhouse. She turned back to her pots; she'd seen him do this before. He needed time to think deeply and carefully over a question that would affect his family for the rest of their lives. She didn't notice how much time had passed when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You're sure? Knowing as little as we do, you're sure?" he asked.

"It's a step of faith, love," she replied, quietly. "I know in my heart that it's the right step to take, though."

He nodded. "Very well. Call Miss Harrison and give her the news; we can take time for a short vacation."

Judith found herself leaving a voice mail message. That was sufficient for the moment, and they would likely have a chance to talk tomorrow. She felt a twinge of guilt at disrupting the woman's own Sabbath day, but given the precedent Nicole herself had set, it was only a small twinge.

Military Entrance Processing Station
12:15PM EST

Connie wandered up to the lunch line as Nicole was heading for a table.

"Save me a seat?" The shorter brunette inquired, and received a nod of agreement.

The two found themselves parked at a table, and exchanged stories of the morning's test of patience. Neither had any enthusiasm for the intimacy of the medical examinations.

"I was a bit surprised," Nicole said, "that I had a Latin American doctor."

Connie gave her a puzzled look. "Why's that?"

"Why? Because *nobody* expects the Spanish Inquisition!" The redhead's face was gleeful as she sprang her verbal trap.

The initial frozen reaction turned into a gape, then into giggles. "Tha. ... at's great!" she choked out. "You're a Monty Python fan, too!" Even as a woman, Carson's delight in the wicked British humor had carried over.

Another pair of young women, twenty-year-old Stephanie Johns, and seventeen-year-old Kandy Frey, joined the two Flying Circus fans as they swapped favorite skit memories. Nicole looked them over as they sat down, and wondered how such young children could be enlisting.

~What will it be like when I have to send my own sisters into the fire? What will it be like when it's my own daughter that goes?~ The smile on her face vanished for a moment, before returning as a shadow of its previous warmth.


Stephanie and Kandy had left for their interviews, and Nicole was parked in a chair reading as she waited for her own turn after having retrieved copies of the medical reports. Connie read until her curiosity overwhelmed her.

"What's wrong, Nicole? You were doing fine, and then you suddenly got quiet. You've been morose ever since lunch."

"I was just sitting there enjoying the conversation, and suddenly it hit me how young Kandy and Stephanie were. I know we're not sending them into a war or anything, but they're so terribly young. I was thinking about how I'd feel if one of them was my daughter, and ...." She shrugged and gave up trying to smile.


The Marine Captain was waiting for Nicole as she stepped into the room and closed the door. The file folder he'd received and reviewed left him wondering about the applicant it described. Her ASVAB scores, and physical exam results, gave him a mental picture of someone who was a geeky, intellectual type who was tall, skinny, and probably wore glasses with coke-bottle lenses. She'd break before the first two weeks at Parris Island were over.

His mental gears stripped when a tall, slender model walked into the interview room. He thought he'd done a good job of slamming his poker face into place, but the small smile on the woman's face made him sure she'd caught his disorientation.

Nicole had sensed the initial boredom within the room as she'd opened the door and had just managed to stop the giggle that tried to erupt as the shocked reaction hit. Even without her empathy, the Marine's wide eyes were a sufficient indicator of his surprise.

His recovery was swift, and Nicole found him to be knowledgeable about her background and intended specialization. He was young, at least in comparison to Nicole's real years, yet he managed to conduct an efficient interview to gain insight into the motivations of the young woman across the desk.

"I can understand your MOS selection; it seems a perfect match for your education. I can't say that I quite understand your enlistment in the Marines, as the Navy or Air Force have broader selections of positions and advancement tracks for women. Even the positions that women are allowed to fill in the Marines have significant risk of direct combat; are you really sure you're ready to accept that kind or responsibility?"

"Captain, I was aware of the alternatives and knew precisely what I was signing up for when I first applied."

The remainder of the interview had gone about as expected, and since Nicole had already received her slot for boot camp, there was little left after the talking was done. The redhead was reminded of the grooming standards; hair was not permitted to extend below the eyebrows, nor below the bottom edge of the collar. She was encouraged to ensure her hair conformed prior to reporting, as the quality of haircuts in boot camp was uneven.

All that was left was the swearing in.


Connie had walked up a little later, after her own interview was completed. Neither woman was overly chatty anymore; the day had been long and boring in spite of the testing they'd been subjected to.

Perhaps half of the group that had begun the day outside the doors was clustered in the chairs near the operations desk. They were the ones who'd be taking the oath today. Nicole was startled a bit as her reading was interrupted. It was five-thirty, and time to go into the ceremonial room.

The ceremonial room was formal with heavy drapery and flags; the American flag stood in a row with the flags of each of the services. The remaining applicants were jockeyed into a more organized array, and a Navy Captain stood at the front to administer the oath of allegiance. It rolled out like a slow avalanche:

"I, Nicole Joy Harrison, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

~That's it. I'm committed, and my life is even less my own than before.~

She sighed and joined the stream of exiting bodies. Connie waved as she headed for her own car, and Nicole forced a smile as she returned the wave.

~Maybe food will help.~

The sun was setting as she wound her way out of the city toward her home, and the miles rolled by unnoticed as she considered the prospect of that time in the future when she had to send her own out to risk their lives.

Her mood improved considerably when she stopped for a quick meal. She finally extracted her cell phone from her luggage, and the voice message left by Judith overrode all the weariness and worries of the day.

She spent extra time that evening giving thanks in her prayers.

Sunday, March 11, 2001
Nicole's Apartment

The wind whistled outside, and the cold morning was clear as the sun rose. None of it made much of an impression as Nicole sipped her coffee. Her thoughts turned joyfully to the phone call she'd made, and the latest addition to her new family.

She'd had one cup of coffee with her light breakfast, but just how it had tasted she couldn't say. Her mind had been focused on the call she'd make. Judith had been expecting the contact, and the business of the morning had lasted only minutes.

The Epps family, all three of them, would arrive Thursday and were booked at the Ritz-Carlton in DC until Sunday, the twenty-fifth. They'd take time for sightseeing, but any time during the visit was Nicole's. The discussion was free-ranging, and Nicole looked forward to having time to sit and talk with the Epps adults again, when a thought struck.

"Judith, what are your plans for your Sabbath day? It runs from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, if I recall correctly; are you and your family strict in your observance?"

"We have at rare times broken the Sabbath; it isn't something we do unless the need is urgent."

"I understand, and I don't plan on forcing that choice on you at the moment. It will take time to make arrangements, but we'll schedule whatever we do around that. I won't promise that I'll *always* be able to work around a Sabbath or holiday, but I do promise to do it only when there's an urgent need."

Judith smiled as she nodded to herself. ~She's more considerate than most.~ She thought back to an incident, shortly before Miriam's birth, when they'd had an American company representative insist on a Saturday follow up telephone conference for their convenience. David suggested, in a deceptively bland voice, that if there was real urgency they could have the conference on Sunday, too. The phone on the other end was muted briefly, and the schedule was set for Monday.

"Nicole, I appreciate your taking our faith into account."

"I'm just trying to treat you as I'd want to be treated; it's even more important to me now that you're going to be family."

There was little more that could be settled until Nicole had time to speak with Amelia and Trish. Whatever schedule they had for the next week or so would determine where and when Judith would be inducted. Kate, too, needed to be at least alerted and brought to meet the new family.

~She'll love Miriam; Amelia and Trish will, too, I suspect.~

She smiled gently at the thought of the precocious little girl, and wondered briefly about the meaning of the dream the child had had. It was an unanswerable question at the moment, but the little one had been somehow chosen for a role in this great game being played out.

~Time for that later. For now she needed to get everyone together in a safe place for the ceremony, and where they could spend time without calling attention to themselves. And what should she do with David and Miriam?~

It was well into the afternoon before her next call was made, as she considered the situation and her options. She had a little time to think; she intended to use it.


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