Bikini Beach: A Visit from St. Nick
While waiting for the annual visit from Santa, Anya witnesses a near-accident with the old man and his sleigh. Only quick magic can prevent a disaster — but with what consequences?
Special Dedication:
Grandmother and I would like to thank Elrod for his efforts at bringing our stories to life. We've used a bit of magic to help inspire his tales of our special park and people. We know things haven't gone well for him this past year. Perhaps a bit of Christmas magic will help restore his happy spirits and free his wonderful creative imagination to continue writing (and hopefully more of our tales!)
Merry Christmas to all!
Note from Elrod: One morning near Christmas, years ago, I found this story on my computer. I claimed to the group that I didn't remember writing it - naturally, no-one believed me. Was it Anya and Grandmother channeling their magic through my computer, or through sleep-writing, as a gift to me and the group? All I know is that I believe in Christmas magic, then and now. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, and Seasons Greetings!