The Womanless Beauty Pageant – Part 1 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant — Part 1 of 11

The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby.

As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community.

The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written.
The second is our muse, Kelly Ann Rogers; her midcourse corrections were vital to the story's completion.

As the authors we hope you enjoy reading this bit of fun.
If anyone wishes to build off our FFL cub theme; you have our permission and encouragement.

Marina Joy and Monica Rose 

Miss Bobby, the former Robert Turner sat ramrod straight in front of his makeup mirror as his friends Fran, Rose and Monica, worked to give his bouffant hairdo the final touches. He nervously waited to be called for the swimsuit competition. He fidgeted trying to get his string bikini to settle properly in place. The halter-top struggled to contain his massive breasts. For the twentieth time he adjusted the top so it would just cover his large dark areolas. Due to the thin taught nature of his suit, there was nothing he could do to keep his erect headlights from being on high beam for all to see. The bralette was connected to his thong bottoms by way of a series bands that caused the skimpy briefs to ride up his butt crack and squish his knobby boy parts even more.

He licked his lips and thought back on how his life had changed so drastically in only one year. Twelve months ago he sat at this very seat, a man wearing a yarn wig and water balloon tits. It was all a big lark. At the time he'd enjoyed what he thought was an idyllic life with his wife Sue.

That had all changed when he was asked to be a participant in a womanless beauty pageant. His reluctant acceptance had cost him his job, his masculinity and quite possibly his marriage.

He couldn't help but look back on his life before the contest. He had a job he loved that allowed him to work from his home office. This was so convenient when the baby came along. He stayed at home and took care of her. Meanwhile Sue continued working. Bing freed from most of her motherly duties, she put her energy into her career.

No two people had ever been more in love. Not only were they lovers they were best friends. And were the happiest parents on the planet. Both enjoyed traveling and each had a love affair with cars. Sue preferred large luxury cars, while Bob's tastes were for light responsive sports cars.

Then disaster stuck in the form of a Chevy Nova. Bob had his 10 month old daughter in an approved child seat in the rear of his Mustang GT. He was running an errand and was stopped at a red light waiting to make a left hand turn into the mall parking lot. The left turn arrow turned green Bob popped the clutch and his speedy sports car leapt into the turn.

Trusting to the fact he had the right-of-way he didn't bother to check for oncoming traffic. He only caught a brief glimpse of the front fender of the heavy muscle car that was attempting to make it through the intersection on the end of a yellow. Milliseconds before impact Bob knew he was screwed. He regained consciousness thirty minutes later in excruciating pain, trapped in a car of twisted metal, plastic and fiberglass. His first thoughts were of his child. One look on the fireman's face cutting him out of the car answered all his questions.

Two months in the hospital, six weeks of bed rest were followed by eighteen months of physical therapy. Then another two years of psychotherapy for both him and Sue.

During all that time, Sue was the glue that held them together. The entire time she was there for him, never once did she accuse him of being responsible for Sally's death, though Bob always felt she harbored those thoughts. The accident changed both of them. Their relationship was never the same. They still lived together, but the joy had gone out of their marriage. The two were now more like roommates than a married couple. Bob was aware of the statistic that a large percentage of couples who lose kids end up divorced. He vowed that would not happen to them.

Both tried to make the relationship work. Fortunately life goes on despite the sadness. If he hadn't blown off his wife's request to participate in her club's womanless beauty pageant a year ago; he wouldn't be here today. Of course hindsight is always 20 20. He ran his hands down his silky smooth legs, breathed in his heavenly perfume and thought; I never wanted to be a woman. But in all honesty being a smoking hot chick isn't too bad.

@ @ @ @

Susan Turner was now a moderately attractive woman who was rapidly approaching middle-aged. After tragically losing their child, she'd forgone having a family and became a workaholic who dedicated her life to being a successful Investment Banking Analyst. As a reward for her selfless contributions she'd recently received a promotion to company chief financial officer. It meant a great deal more work and a significant increase in supervisory responsibilities; which was a cause of concern as Sue tended to be insensitive to her associates. It also guaranteed Susan a lavish lifestyle as it came with a signing bonus, stock options and a substantial pay raise.

While searching for a home that befitted her new status in life, she met Candice Grant who was reputed to be the most high-powered real-estate agent around. Despite the fact Candy was a thirtyish self-absorbed Yuppie; the two women became best friends. They spent a great deal of time together as Candy showed Sue the various homes available. Susan finally fell in love with an impressive mansion. It was a massive red-brick three story home. Built in the late eighties, with trimmings of light-colored stone, innumerable windows, impressive stone steps and dark carved doors set within a deep shadowed alcove. It was during the negotiation phase that the two women truly bonded as Candy saved Susan almost a hundred thousand dollars.

Leaving her old neighborhood for the gated community worsened Susan's feelings of loneliness. Aside from her husband of 11 years, she had no close friends, so she turned to Candice for companionship. As their friendship grew, the two women drew their families into the relationship. Susan her husband Bob, and Candice with her partner Philip, the city's leading used car salesman. Candy was a bit pushy for Bob's tastes but he put up with her for Susan. Candy likewise thought Bob's lack of assertiveness a major character fault. Phil was a bit older than Bob; but was friendly, witty, and intelligent. Bob came to like Phil and the foursome did everything together and became almost inseparable.

The women found they connected on a deeper level than just superficial issues. They had a unique connection; they seemed to share goals, ambitions and thought processes. Susan felt that they were kindred spirits; they shared a number of confidences to include even their love lives. Over coffee, one afternoon Candy suggested that Sue join her club, Feminists for Life or more simply FFL. Explaining their basic purpose was to promote woman's rights.

Sue being a lifelong feminist was immediately interested. When pressed for more details. Candice smiled and continued on, "It's a woman's organization, our Raison d'áªtre is fighting to ensure women get our rightful superior place in society. We aren't a group of man-haters, but we believe the vast majority of males need a complete overhaul, and we know how to do it."

"Superior?" questioned Sue, "I've always felt this would be a better world if men emulated woman, I never thought of us as superior."

"Superior is my word, not all the ladies buy into that concept. I'm convinced that women should strive to achieve a position of dominance! I don't want to frighten you away, but that is how I feel."

Susan was shocked; but acknowledged she was willing to listen.

Candy continued expressing her believes, "Some of us don't want just equal rights with men; rather we want primacy. Our organizations principal goal is to switch our society over to a matriarchal one.

We were founded when a few successful women, bonded together to help one another, in the business and social world. The leading men in the community launched a major campaign to ostracize them both socially and financially. Amidst the threats, rumors and in a few cases physical abuse, we became frustrated with the dimwitted men in this town that couldn't or wouldn't accept that males are obviously the intellectual inferior member of the species. We fought back any way we could. At first we used the time-tested method of giving or withholding sexual favors, as necessary. Later, by pooling our economic and intellectual resources we became strikingly successful. Out of self-perseverance and some say vengeance; the club developed the philosophy to not only be successful but to become 'the' dominate economic force in the local area. A woman's Coup d'état if you will. We have amassed a rather impressive portfolio and are looking for a woman with your skill set to manage our assets. I've been asked to extend to you an invitation to join us."

Susan gave it a great deal of thought and the next day agreed to join, despite the hefty initiation fee and her questions about the dominance issue.

So here Susan sat nervously with the engine running in her brand new BMW 135i Coupé, trying to muster the nerve to enter the lavish country club. She'd been a lifelong feminist; but joining the local chapter of Feminists for Life was a big jump for her. The thought of waltzing into a room full of strangers and making small talk, put her ill at ease. Susan was not a people person, she had a way of unintentionally alienating most people she dealt with. She had been improving on this recently and believed that joining a social club would be the perfect thing — her psychologist highly recommended it. Eventually she mustered the courage to enter the front doors of the Ladies' association.

Her senses were overwhelmed by the ambiance of the vestibule. A massive statue/water feature dominated the center of the foyer. It mesmerized Susan. It had two nude water nymphs, one on a rock, and the other in a pool of water, both figures reaching out, one needing help and support, the other apparently offering it. The main hall, soared nearly two stories in height, the walls were done in pastel colors. Susan became a bit apprehensive when she examined the way the room was decorated. There were countless photographs and statuettes scattered about, some might describe them as pornographic. All depicted women in intimate sexual situations, alone, paired and in a groups. The only thing that they had in common was each depicted a woman in a superior position.

From behind her, someone spoke, "Fascinating piece isn't it. It shows the need to build trust and how frightening that can be. Is the one on the bottom trying to pull her partner into the water, or is the one on top attempting to pull her playmate out of the water? Which raises the issue, will one let go?"

"As you can see both are naked; I believe the artist was trying to represent removing our disguises, our false selves, and our masks."

Susan said, "Maybe it represents our vulnerability."

"That's an interesting point. I'd never thought of it that way."

Susan turned to investigate her docent to find an attractive middle-aged woman dressed in a stylish Vanessa Wong pantsuit. Who held out her hand and said, "Hi, I'm Debbie, you must be Susan Turner. Candice said you'd be stopping by. She has a business commitment and can't make it today. So I will be your sponsor and tour guide. Follow me; the cocktail hour has just begun."

They passed through an archway into a large ballroom, Debbie pointed out a sign that was hung overhead as she said, "As you can see we may have a serious purpose but we all still retain a sense of humor."

Susan chuckled the sign that read, 'Lorena Bobbitt for Surgeon General.'

"We represent the Crá¨me de la Crá¨me of the city's business women. Let me introduce you around."

Debbie never slowed down; she marched through the crowd, like a Marine on a 20 mile forced march. She was obviously passionate about the club and talked in rapid, enthusiastic, long-winded paragraphs.

Susan met several dozen women, each and everyone projected an aura of superiority and refined dignity. Business cards were exchanged all around, as Debbie explained with a wink, "As a group we are bound to support our fellow sisters, at the expense of all outsiders."

One thing disturbed Susan, among the obviously sophisticated women flittered serving wenches dressed in scanty outfits, wearing skyscraper tall heels, and heavy makeup. Their appearance seemed more appropriate to what one would see serving drinks in a Vegas casino.

Putting aside her concerns, Susan was impressed. The women she met were all successful and from all walks of life and occupations. There were doctors, lawyers, judges, real estate moguls, architects, CEOs, owners of construction and manufacturing organizations, and at least a dozen small business owners, Debbie explained that recently the club had decided to put a major emphasis on assisting woman entrepreneurs.

An attractive middle-aged woman took the podium and banged a gavel calling for order. The scantily clad servers scurried about clearing the tables, as each woman took a seat and turned their attention to the woman at the dais. She introduced herself as Veronica O'Shaughnessy, the newly elected chairperson for FFL. She began her talk with a reminder that they operate under Robert's Rules of Order, therefore everyone must raise their hand and be recognized by the chair before speaking.

Debbie leaned over and whispered in Susan's ear, "Historically, these meetings can become rather contentious at times."

After a brief reading of the minutes from the last meeting, Veronica presented the agenda for today's gathering. Volunteers were needed to be on the planning committee for the Christmas party. A number of good Samaritans were quickly identified and a budget for the party was voted on. Other than a reading of the clubs financial status, the only other item on the schedule was the club's upcoming fundraiser — A Womanless Beauty Pageant.

Veronica pledged that this year's social event would surpass last year's record take. Her next announcement took everyone by surprise. "There'll be a major change in rules for this year's contest. Each member in good standing 'must' provide a man as a contestant. It could be husband, boyfriend, son, father, neighbor or a combination of all the above. The more the merrier. Of course, there will be an entrance fee for each."

One woman asked if there was a family discount, as she had a husband and two teenage sons that would benefit from the experience.

Once the murmuring quieted down, Veronica clapped her hands and called for her training aid. Out of the kitchen stumbled a caricature of a French Maid. In teetered a tall man, well over six feet, wearing heavy make-up, and dressed in a scanty French maid's outfit with fishnet stockings and fetish five-inch stilettos and carried a large feather duster. Veronica pronounced, with great relish, "Let me introduce you women to my husband. Fifi come stand next to me so everyone can get a good look at you. Ladies look how cute he is when he blushes. His delusions of grandeur as a man are gone forever. Most men are predatory monsters, isn't that right sweetheart?"

The mortified man mumbled, "Whatever you say, dear."

"She has graciously volunteered to help today, in fact she insisted on it. Isn't that right sweetie? Let's give her a warm FFL welcome."

Acting like Bob Barker on 'The Price is Right' she smiled broadly and continued, "Please notice his exquisite costume; it's made of spandex so it's sexy yet still practicable for housework. Every participant this year will receive his own handcrafted maids outfit as a memento. Ladies let me tell you, once you get your man in a dress, heels and lingerie, he's never the same. It's so empowering."

Under Veronica's determined glare, her husband flounced about the front tables, his obvious anxiety and clumsy antics caused a course of wolf whistles and catcalls.

Veronica explained to bring in more money she'd further altered the rules this year, instead of just the top three finishers auctioned as a slave for a day, this year every contestant would be sold on the docket to the highest bidder. All the monies less the cost of the uniforms will go directly into the clubs coffers.

Sue nervously raised her hand, "Excuse me but the term slave makes me uncomfortable."

Veronica acknowledged the implied question and explained, "Obviously you can't sell a person; but you can sell their services. The person sold will be obligated to provide whatever service his master or mistress demands. These services will be performed not out of threat of corporal punishment; but rather out of charitable duty. Each contestant must sign a one day personal services contract as part of his entrance application. The high bidders have the latitude to use their slaves any way they see fit. Of course there were prohibitions against physical injury and sexual conduct, body piercings, or branding by way of tattoos will be permitted only with the individuals and club member's explicit written permission."

The question was raised about the legality of the contracts. Marian, the clubs legal expert stood and answered that question. "As long as it is for charity, it is legal, if not strictly ethical. Just be sure to get the personal services contract notarized."

Having finished her speech, Veronica came over to meet the newest member. After introductions were completed, Veronica leaned in and said, "Do you have any questions of me?"

Sue looked over at Fifi who was standing demurely behind his wife, his head bowed and eyes cast down.

"It may be none of my business, how did you ever get your husband in that costume? He is obviously humiliated."

"Do you really think he is? Good he deserves it. Last weekend we were having a backyard pool party and Pat tried to impress his poker buddies, with a sexist joke. He had the audacity to say, "What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig? A woman that won't do what she's told!"

Sue groaned and thought her husband would never be that insensitive.

Veronica elaborated, "My husband has come to regret that bit of levity. As you can see, he's not laughing now. He has been paying for that comment for almost a week. I made it perfectly clear the only way he could earn his way back into my good graces was by becoming my maid and housekeeper. Today is his last day in heels, however I promise you it'll be a memorable one. After we finish here, I intend to have him spend the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen washing dishes, by hand."

@ @ @ @

Debbie pulled Susan to a quiet corner for a private talk. "Susan tell me, will you have any problem convincing your husband to participate?"

Susan chewed on her lower lip and thought about it. "I honestly don't know. He's his own man. The days of him doing things just because I ask are long past. If I stress the concept it is for charity he might agree."

"If it's not too personal, tell me about your marriage."

Susan sighed and responded, "Bob isn't a very big man, the runt of the litter. He is five years younger than me; but looks ten. He was still getting carded on his twenty fifth birthday. He's shy, with a meek personality and to his embarrassment a feminine tendency to blush. He's a bit slovenly, despite the fortune I've spent on his wardrobe. He refuses to get regular haircuts and keeps that ridiculous ponytail and prefers to dress in Levis and tee shirts. He wears his stylish clothes only for formal occasions and client meetings.

Bob was able to schedule his work as he wanted. I made enough money for both of us so we traveled the world. Saw Europe, Australia, the Caribbean, and we even trekked through Africa. We couldn't have imagined a better life."

"At first we had a storybook marriage. We were so much in love. We never had sex; we always made love. Each of us was more concerned about the others happiness than their own. The bed room was our playpen. It was pure bliss.

"You said at first. That implies something has changed. Want to tell me about it?"

Sue took a deep breath and continued her thought, "He's a good man just not much of a provider. When our beautiful baby girl arrived it changed everything. Bob became the stay at home mom. He already worked from home so he took over primary care of the baby. He has a nurturing personality, so neither of us gave the role reversal a moment's thought. We didn't think things could get any better. I was a rising star at work. Bob was a great programmer and split his time between his parental duties and work. One day he needed new ink cartridge for the printer. He strapped Sally into her car seat in his sports car and headed to the mall. He turned left into the parking lot and was broadsided by two high school kids who were playing hooky from school. Bob had to be cut out of the car, his legs and pelvis crushed. Sally was pronounced dead at the scene."

Sue wiped a tear off her cheek and finished her thought, "We were both devastated, and spent many months in therapy. Bob still blames himself. Despite the police officers assurances' he had done nothing wrong. Bob fell into a deep depression, holding himself responsible.

"Half dozen surgeries later Bob was home. I took a leave of absence from work and sat at his bedside for months on end and nursed him back to physical health. Unfortunately, over that time he became hooked on pain meds.

"I finally forced him to go to a clinic to get help. That's where he met this physical therapist that introduced Bob to herbal supplements. He became addicted to them and still believes they can cure anything.

"Since that time he has been an adequate husband, he loves me and credits me with saving his life. He has since admitted that before I sent him to rehab he was contemplating suicide.

"That tells me the mechanics of your relationship, if it's not too personal how are things in the intimacy area?"

Sue felt warmth to her cheeks and answered, "He's a good person, and I know he loves me. His sensitive nature, nurturing soul and willingness to put my needs ahead of his make it impossible not to love the man.

Sue looked around to ensure no one could overhear, "Bob was and still is socially awkward — women flat out scare him and men tend to intimidate him. He would never admit it. He was a virgin when we met. I had a ball teaching him how to make love. He was an enthusiastic, if unimaginative student. Unfortunately since the accident he has never been able to fill my physical needs. He seems to always be holding something back."

"Bob says he wants another child, sex for him now is all about making a baby not about expressing our love."

"Oh Debbie! I won't have another child. Does that make me a bad person? I just can't risk the emotional pain. What if we lose another one? We'll both go crazy. So that puts a strain on our relationship."

Sue played with her wedding ring as she thought carefully how to express her recent dissatisfaction with her marriage. "He and I have been contentedly married for over ten years, he is my best friend; but sadly, the spark in our relationship is not even an ember anymore. I have loved him dearly, unfortunately we aren't lovers anymore. I have never refused Bob sex, I just don't encourage it anymore either. I really want more pizzazz in the bedroom, I was thinking of sending Bob to the doctor to order some of those pills."

Debbie nodded her head, signifying her understanding; then she said, "Have you thought of sending him to a sex therapist?"

"Oh, God no, I couldn't stand the thought of him with another woman."

"Susan, don't be so narrow minded, no one said the therapist had to be a woman."

Susan smiled at the thought of her manly husband being taught intimate sexual techniques by another man. Susan shook the image from her head and went on, "He has an agile and resourceful mind. He had the potential to have been a tremendous success in the tech world.

"His one shortcoming is that since the accident he has been a classical underachiever, he has no ambition. He has no real drive to be the best in anything. I'm the acknowledged family breadwinner, and still his emotional support mechanism. God! How I wish he would grow a pair and get over it!"

"With my huge promotion and pay raise, I decided to move us out of the city into suburbs. Candy found me a glorious house, in a gated community not far from here. Bob is an IT specialist and works from home, so I had the maid's room converted into a small office for him."

"Wait a minute. Are you telling me you don't have a live in maid? How do you keep up with all the housework?"

"I do most of it at night and on the weekends. You are right I am going to have to find some domestic help."

"Your husband helps, right?"

"No, now he helps with the household chores only when he can't find a way around it. Bob was always a bit of a traditionalist in his beliefs of men and woman's roles in the home. He never considered himself to be a male chauvinist, however he isn't liberated either. He has never even heard of 'woman's liberation'. Why he even refuses to wear a wedding band. When I suggested that he become a full time house-husband, he freaked out and balked at the idea, saying he tried that once and look how that worked out."

"Susan, that's disturbing. Let me ask, is the vast discrepancy in incomes a problem for him, it would be for most real men?"

"No, not really; we have a number of issues, that isn't one of them. From the start, each of us has kept our money separate. He is a consultant and works from home. On a rare occasion, he will meet a client in the office. We each have our own money, we keep our accounts separate. That was the agreement Bob consented to as part of our prenuptial agreement. In all honesty, his income has always been insignificant next to mine. He denies it is a concern. However with men who can really tell what they are thinking."

Susan heaved a sigh and continued, "I've never told anyone this; but his demand for another baby and his lack of empathy for the feminist movement has driven a wedge between us."

"Cheer up Sue, the club can help you cure his mistaken attitudes."

Susan briefly pondered that statement.

Debbie interrupted her thoughts with a comment, "I assume you have primary responsibility for all the finances."

"Of course, that's what I do for a living! The house is in my name alone, as is the BMW. I pay all the bills, and scrutinize all credit card charges. Bob has access to my AMEX card; but any charge over a $100 he must clear with me in advance. Around computers he's a genius, however in money matters he is a total airhead; he isn't extravagant in anything. He just never gives money a second thought. He buys what he needs and assumes there will be money to pay for it."

"With his driving record my Beamer is off limits to him. After the accident that cost us our baby he refuses to drive anything except a full size vehicle. I was embarrassed that Bob was happy to drive a ten-year-old pickup truck. He loved that old piece of junk. But I explained to him it wasn't fitting for the husband of a finical executive to be seen driving a vehicle ready for the scrap heap. The first thing I bought with my signing bonus was Bob's tank, as I call it. A brand new Dodge Ram 1550 with its HEMI V-8. It didn't take a lot of convincing to get him behind the wheel. I now think he loves that truck more than me."

Debbie smiled knowingly, reached out and patted Susan's hand in a friendly manner.

At that juncture, one of the cocktail waitresses showed up with a tray of champagne flutes. Each woman took one, Susan took a long pull on hers and her curiosity eventually got the better of her, pointing to the waitress showing off her feminine endowments with a low-cut blouse, Susan had to ask, "Debbie, I'm confused, how can this organization profess to be about woman's rights and yet condone the debasement of these woman servers?"

This produced a belly laugh from Debbie, "My dear, those aren't woman, they are all males, and each is associated with one of our members."

"You've got to be kidding!"

"No my dear, here let me introduce you to someone." Debbie raised her hand over her head and snapped her fingers. Within seconds, an attractive albeit broad shouldered heavy set woman, flaunting her womanly charms in a tight fitting low cut top and miniskirt scurried over to them with a try of Champaign glasses balanced precariously. "How may I help you ladies?"

Debbie smiled and said, "Susan let me introduce you to my husband. This is Tamie."

Debbie rambled on, "Tamie, I would like you to meet our newest member, Susan Turner."

Still balancing the tray Tamie did a perfect curtsy in greeting his wife's new friend.

A bewildered Susan looked around for a hidden camera and inquired, "That's your husband? You must be putting me on."

"This is no joke. We have been happily married for almost 20 years, and will continue that way for the next six months, until Tom has his final surgery. Isn't that right dear?"

Tamie answered, "No ma'am that's incorrect! It's precisely five months, two weeks and three days."

Debbie smiled at the response, grabbed two more flutes of Champaign and released him to duties with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"He never brought much to the table in the cerebral category, however he has always been as cute as a bug. I love the dear soul to pieces."

"Debbie, your husband is as feminine as any woman I've ever seen; my god in that outfit I would have thought his was a candidate for playmate of the year, not a man in disguise. Was he always so effeminate?"

"Oh heavens no, we met when he pulled me over for speeding. He was a cigar smoking, beer drinking motorcycle cop. As you can see he was always diminutive in stature, so he overcompensated by being a macho bastard."

"It wasn't until after we were married that we discovered his feminine side. Because he loved me he agreed to be a contestant in our beauty pageant. He threw himself in his preparations and found himself addicted to dressing. At the pageant Tamie finished as runner up three years ago. He was auctioned off to a man. He was bought by a big stud of a biker. He found that after one night in skirts and a romantic date, he wanted to spend his life as a woman. Their love of motorcycles bonded them together. They dated for several months. As I found out on our honeymoon, Tamie has a very talented mouth. It turned out his gifts aren't limited to pussy as they became ardent lovers."

"Your husband loves another man and that doesn't disturb you?"

"No I'm not making myself clear. Tamie was in lust with his biker boyfriend. Once the novelty of sucking cock wore off, he realized what he was really in love with was being womanly. He did everything he could to perfect his feminine image. Maybe he had a man crush; but he was never in love with biker Bill, he reserved the feeling of love for me. Almost two years ago, we had 'the talk'. He confessed he was tired of pretending and wanted to go all the way and become a woman."

"That didn't upset you?"

"Oh God no! Imitation is the ultimate form of flattery. He loves me and says being a real woman will make him feel closer to me. I celebrate all men who self-identify as female. They symbolize true progress toward gender neutrality."

"Your husband is going to become a woman because he loves you?"

"Oh heavens no, he is doing that for himself, or should I say herself?

Debbie heaved a sigh and said, "I've supported him every way I can. I got him to a good endocrinologist, and paid for his hormones. I gave up my evenings to train him in feminine mannerisms. I cheerfully paid for all his cosmetic surgeries. Last Christmas I even signed him up for modeling lessons."

"He is now looking forward to becoming a full-fledged member of FFL."

"The law in this state won't view us as man and wife after his SRS. We probably won't share a bed on regular basis anymore. We still plan on remaining best friends. He is just a dear sweet person."

"Sue, from what you have told me, it would probably help your husband to spend some time here at the club. Tamie would be happy to show him the ropes."

"I don't know Debbie. Sure my husband has some flaws and could use some sensitivity training. However I'm hard pressed to see how putting Bob in a skirt will accomplish anything. I certainly don't want him to become a woman. I just want a more considerate husband."

Sue watched in fascination as another feminized male pranced by. "I'm intrigued, by all this; please tell me more. All Candy told me was this organization was concerned with ensuring female suffrage. How did that morph into making men dress and act like women?"

Smiling widely at Susan's naiveté, Debbie took a deep breath and paused to consider her words carefully. "Susan, I'm sick and tired of people mouthing platitudes about equal rights for women. The male mind is taught from an early age that boys are better than girls...we here know that's a myth, sadly many males still believe that old-fashioned idea. We're light years beyond seeking equal opportunities for women. Now is the time to ensure female superiority, the way God intended it. Women, from an early age are taught to be weak and soft and never compete with men. Our mothers taught us to defer to men, and only concern ourselves with our outward beauty. Men take advantage of the old-fashioned concept of the perfect female body. Our male driven society determines what women should look like and insists that we always be submissive to them. Striving to attain that ideal takes its toll on women in the form of physical pain, health problems, medical procedures, costs of beauty products, time and effort, and damaging psychological effects.

"God forbid a woman doesn't measure up to that standard. Men ensure there are consequences for women who fail to reach their definition of beauty. Men use that as a way to control all women. I'm convinced all the violence in society can be directly attributed to testosterone."

"Surely Debbie, not all men can be held accountable for that."

"Pardon the language; but that's horseshit! As far as I'm concerned, they are all equally responsible. I would like to see a future of female supremacy and domination."

"Since that's not currently possible, we here at FFL feel it is only fitting, that men be given the opportunity to experience the search for ultimate femininity. Let them strive for that ideal of a perfect body. It is so amusing to watch a man spend a day in five-inch stilettos. After that experience I bet you he will never again ask his wife to wear shoes like that, even for an evening out."

"Each member has the option of nominating one male to join our serving staff. It can be a boyfriend, husband, ex-husband, a son, brother, or even a father. That choice is left to the member, as is their length of servitude."

"So you force these men to dress like this?" Susan said pointing to one very attractive server in a pink mini dress and five-inch hells struggle towards the kitchen with a heavy try of empty glasses.

"No dear, don't misunderstand. We don't force anyone to do anything. Well that's not entirely true. Several of our serving girls are here as part of their divorce settlements. However the vast majority serve merely to demonstrate their love for their partner."

"Debbie, will my husband have to serve? I love him and wouldn't intentionally want to humiliate him."

"No dear, you may of course offer him the opportunity; however the decision to become a FFL waitress is something that he must want to do — for whatever reason. There is a rigorous training program each prospective candidate must complete before he is allowed on the floor."

"Let be put all my cards on the table. We have vast financial resources at our disposal, between the cash cow of our gentleman's club, inheritances from dead husbands and a lot of lucrative divorce settlements we're sitting pretty. If we were to just tithe the members we would raise considerably more money than the beauty pageant brings in. But where's the fun in that?

Besides, having the men in our lives willingly subject themselves to feminization; changes the social dynamic of every marriage. Once a man has voluntarily been in public in lingerie, heels, make up and a skirt he is never the same. It's a matter of power and control. As a wife will always have that over him.

I'm glad to hear you still love you husband. Love drives away fear and anxiety. Your exposure to this club will change your relationship with your husband. I believe it'll help grow your love and bring you closer together."

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