Dress Up Day - Chapter 6

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‘I think you need a little more practice Josie. Can I take you somewhere where there is more space to dance?’

‘Oh Alwyn thanks. I’m sorry I over-balanced. I guess it’s these shoes and the size of the heel.’

He held my right arm as I checked the straps hadn’t broken and the heels were still intact.

‘Everthing OK Josie? No damage done I hope?’

‘No thanks Alwyn I feel a right idiot. Lucky you were around to distract attention and at least I could get up without falling over again.’

He was looking at me and I felt mesmerized again. Had he seen through my disguise now and did he recognize me?

‘Now I know who you are. It’s amazing. I just realized who you are. It’s you Joseph isn’t it? Bloody hell it is you. That’s a wig, come on I know it is because it’s slipped. I knew there was something different about you.’

I wanted to die. There I was now trying to straighten the wig and cover myself up at the same time because my dress had ended up almost at waist level I pulled it down dress straight covering my panties. Thank goodness nothing fell out. Not that that would have caused much of a fuss.I think some real girls have more protrusion than me from what I’d seen earlier in the day.

By now Alwayn was looking directly into my eyes and then up and down from head to toes to examine me more closely. I feared I was about to get a swift smack around the ear and worse still in the stomach. I tried to free myself from his grip on my arm. Not that he was hurting me but at that moment I thought I’d be better out of arms reach. He didn’t readily let go and moved down my arm to hold my hand. I was still in punching distance.

‘Let me help you Josie or should I reall call you Joseph. Come on spill the beans and don’t worry I won’t hit you.’ A broad grin came across his face and I was relieved. ‘Oh Josie what a pity. I thought I’d found a partner at last with potential to go all the way.’

‘what do you mean? No way I would have gone all the way. What sort of girl did you take me for?’

‘No I meant all the way dancing. With a real woman who has the right moves and can follow me we could enter competitions. Damn just my luck. I find someone like you and it all turns out as a hoax.’’

I must have looked stupid with my mouth open wide catching flies. ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you Ally it was only a bit of fun and it just went a bit far. I couldn’t stop myself and I’ve never danced with anybody before like that. Sorry will you forgive me? I can’t see how you felt I was a good partner since I am a novice in heels and have no idea if I could dance like you think I can. I never had a lesson in my life. ’

‘All the more reason to be disappointed. You were pure raw talent that I’d have enjoyed coaching. Anyway there is nothing to forgive. More fool me since it is dress up day after all. Anyway Josie, if you don’t mind me calling you the name you are dressed for, you really look amazing. I didn’t see any other girl like you who switched me on from the moment I saw them. Are you sure you are a guy and not a woman who dresses as a man?’

‘no, yes, no I mean yes I’m sure that I am a man I have the equipment and all that. I never tried to fool anybody and it was mum and Amy who persuaded me to dress like this.’

‘Well Josie all I can say is that you’re bound to win the prize so good luck. I just wish you could stay like this and I’d have liked to really get to know you.’

‘well Ally if you must know I certainly could be more happy than I ever expected if you were around and it really was fun to dance with you. I was looking forward to our next dance together.’

‘Well c’est la vie. Blast it’s a real shame. Just when I thought things were looking up again.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well I broke up with my girlfriend who was a good dancer and then I never kept a partner after that. My girlfriend and I were friends for a long time but she got into trouble after a one night fling and got herself pregnant.’

‘well at least wouldn’t have happened to me.’

He smiled and turned to go.

‘Wait Ally please. Don’t go I didn’t intend to make a fool of you and I don’t know what came over me. You are a great dancer and I guess I just tried to let everybody see you perform. I thought you were fantastic and I really enjoyed it. I was hoping you’d come back and really wanted to explain to you. We just never got chance since everything happened so quickly. I was just going to finish off the dances on the list and try to find you. At least I’d have called. Stupid thing is I thought I might have been exposed before now. Most of all I thought you’d have guessed as I was so clumsy and nervous.’

‘That’s the point Josie you were only nervous at first but you soon relaxed. You quickly picked up the rhythm and followed me as well as any of the girls I’ve danced with. I just wish you were who I thought you were because you were great and also if you don’t mind me saying you turned me on. I felt certain I’d persuade you to come to classes with me.’

‘For sure I would. How could a girl resist? You made me feel like a girl more than anybody today. So I’m sorry Ally. Really sorry for being such a disappointment. I guess it’s the story of my life. I suppose it’s time to stop and take off these things. I want to just crawl away and hide.’

Then Amy appeared. ‘Hi you two what’s wrong?’ She put her arm around my shoulder and I just wanted to cry as Ally turned and walked away without even saying a word.

‘What’s wrong Josie, what’s wrong? Has he done something or hurt you?’

‘No. I feel so stupid. I fell over and he came to my rescue but I guess this stupid wig slipped and he realised I wasn’t Josie at all but me. Now he’s gone and we are both embarrassed and I feel like I owe him.’

‘Well that’s fine isn’t it? You have been saying you wanted to get out of those things most of the day so has something changed?’

‘No not really but I must admit that it’s not been so bad as I thought. I just don’t know I’m going to live this down and Ally will probably never speak to me again. How can we talk to each other if we meet? He’d think I’m gay and I’d hate to embarrass him in front of any of his friends. But I liked him. I liked him as Josie and now I’m all confused. Oh Amy what’s wrong with me?’’

We hugged. ‘Josie, I can tell by the look on your face that you are disappointed. This has been great so don’t let it spoil the rest of our night. He’s a great catch for somebody and he will soon be out there trying to pick up someone and whisk them off for a quick grope and to get his snake out.’

‘No Amy he isn’t like that. He’s above that. He was really disappointed and he was interested to find someone to go to dancing classes with. I wish I could have been the one. I really do. Why am I like this? He made me feel different and I still feel different when I think of the look in his eyes. If he’d tried to kiss me I don’t think I could have resisted. Am I gay or is it Josie that’s taking over my head?

‘Who can say. It’s just attraction between people and we are all human. You obviously like him.’

‘Yes I do and he is going to be a credit to this school one day. I can feel it. Not like me the school muppet. I would like to see him really dance with a good partner. It would be good to see if he finds someone.’

‘I think he found someone but time will tell.’

‘Don’t be silly Amy. I have to get him out of my head so come on let’s finish what we started. Let’s go have some fun. Come and dance with a muppet.’

‘Come on Josie you’re no muppet I can assure you. Well not any of the characters I’ve seen anyway. You’re certainly no Miss Piggy. Too much style for that.’

‘Thanks Amy you’re a great friend. I don’t feel like a pig or a frog for that matter when you’re around.’


‘I feel a real toad though after hurting Ally. HaHa a real live toad who found a prince. Good job he didn’t kiss me and a boy appears. Come on let’s get going. Then I can keep an eye on mum and Mr Davies at the same time.’

The next hour was hectic as the music got more lively and the more I danced the more that I wanted to dance. None of the partners were great and so I found myself compensating. I didn’t see Ally anywhere as much as I looked around. I wish he’d stayed. Why did I have to fall?’

Then the slower dances started and luckily I’d just finished the last on my list with all the money collected. Mum came over and held my hand to lead me to the dance floor.

‘I’m so proud of you Josie. You have been the daughter I always wanted today and it’s been wonderful to watch you laughing and having so much fun at long last. I never saw you smile for a long time and you have such a beautiful smile. You remind me of me at the same age. What would I give to go back and do it all again. It’s great to have a son but nice to have a daughter too. I hope we can do it again.’

‘Well I have enjoyed myself but I hurt someone along the way I’m afraid so it wasn’t all upside. He recognised me when I fell.’

‘Never mind it’s not like you were deliberately deceiving anybody is it. Have you noticed anything by the way?’

‘No what? Who is it? Where is it?’

‘Have you noticed that you are letting me lead and you are following?’

We both stopped and started laughing. I guess I hadn’t seen mum laugh like that for a long time too.

‘How about we have a girly weekend and bring Amy and her mum along too? Are you up for it young Josie Alexander? Who knows we might also book some dance classes together. I heard there’s a great place close by looking for talent like us.’

‘I guess I could be persuaded.’

‘Josie Josie quick, come on hurry up I just heard that you won a prize!!’

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