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Dress Up Day – The Follow Up
By Julie D Cole
Josie managed a weak smile to Amy as she pulled herself together but her eyes were searching for Ally as he seemed upset that he’d been deceived. She saw him disappear through the main exit without looking back and finally Amy took hold of her shoulders and got her full attention.
‘Did you hear me Josie, I heard that you’ve won a prize. Hev overheard somebody talking to the announcer. Something about a special prize to you and Ally for best dance couple. Where is he?’
‘He’s gone. He stopped me from falling and my stupid wig slipped. He recognised me. I don’t think he’s very happy.’
‘Really, That’s hilarious he will never live it down. But he fell for you and why not? It’s supposed to be a fun day and nothing serious. You never tried to trick him. Did you?’
‘No. Well not really. I suppose I could have told him but I was trying to recover from swirling around and to be honest I couldn’t make my mind up if he was just playing around and was doing it as a bet or something.’
‘Oh yeah. Pull the other one. I saw you looking into his eyes. Why do you think he was there to save you when you fell. You hooked him.’
The music stopped and the girls checked to see that I was OK. I could see mum and Mr Davies in front of the stage with a group of teachers. He was holding her hand and she was leaning into him. Amy had noticed too and giggled. ‘Looks like mum hooked her guy too. Must run in the family.’
‘Look Amy I can’t carry this on any longer. I’ve been stupid to come to the dance like this and deceive everybody today. I just got caught up in all the excitement and enthusiasm. I suppose I liked all the attention and I was surprised at how many people assumed I was a female student.’
‘Yes a lot of girls asked me who you were and what you were doing at our school. Some of the boys did too,;
‘Amy look please I need your help for me to get out of this outfit and remove the make-up. I’ve got some spare sports gear in my locker outside. How do I get this make-up off?’
‘You don’t without doing it properly at home. Just play along for a bit longer and just take the wig off when you collect your prize. Then let everybody see it’s you and how you fooled them. You’ve nothing to be ashamed of, it’s only dress up.’
I followed her advice and calmed down by the time that the music stopped and our headmaster took over the microphone to thank everybody for a successful day. I couldn’t really leave anyway as everybody stopped whatever they were doing to pay attention and Amy grabbed hold of my hand and held on tight.
He made a short speech and quickly handed over to Mr Davies and Mrs Bale, the gym mistress, who had been supervising the netball game earlier. Mum was looking around for us and she smiled and waved.
Mr Davies opened an envelope to announce the prize for the best costume based upon students voting. Neither Amy or I had voted so which students were they? I was nervous in case Amy was right about me winning and I was about to be pulled up on stage. Relief. The best female went to one of the school hockey team who was a Madonna impersonator with conical breasts, making a point I suppose. Much to my relief the best male prize then went to a classmate, Danny Webster, in a fat suit with a balding head cap dressed as Danny DeVito. He didn’t need much padding really and he was always playing around and not embarrassed about his size and plumpness. Amy smiled and said not to worry I might have won the booby prize.
Then Mr Davies took the mic again and said there had been another prize awarded by the charity committee because of the splendid turnout. A Dress Up Day award for the best effort on the dance floor and the support for raising over £25 by dancing with a variety of partners. Mr Davies called out Allys name and his guest. Amy dug me in the ribs and said it was me. It went quiet as everybody looked around for Ally and after what seemed an age he appeared at the side of the stage and climbed the steps to receive the applause. He took the mic and said the fund raising was not his achievement and he looked around to beckon me to join him. ‘This was the real winner my partner Josie who’d never danced before tonight.’
I was totally embarrassed by now and the girls pushed me forward towards the stage to be met by Ally who took my hand to help me up the steps in the heels. He didn’t let go of my hand and took me centre stage to enjoy the applause.
Then he spoke again. ‘Please everybody what is also amazing is that this was my partners first time dancing in heels and I was so impressed I asked her to join our dance classes as my new partner.’
I saw mum clapping with a lot of enthusiasm and Amy by her side.
‘Please everybody. I never got an answer and then I found out why. I’d been besotted and completely fooled by the real star of our Dress Up Day who is not really my guest she is a fellow student. May I introduce you to Josie otherwise known as the one and only Joseph.’
I froze again then removed the wig. There was a cheer then more applause. Ally took hold of me and hugged me. He whispered ‘Just my luck. You were perfect. So beautiful too.’
It was all over. Or was it?
The dance didn’t finish late and of course everybody was well behaved because there was no alcohol on sale. Some boys had smuggled in a few light beers and were pretending to be drunk showing off to the girls as the final dances took place. I became centre of attention although the boys kept a safe distance. Several female classmates came over full of admiration and I gave all the credit for my transformation to mum who joined us and gave me a big hug. Mr Davies was attached that was nice to see and he shook my hand. Amy said I did a little curtsy and laughed but I know she was just joking. I wished Ally had joined us so I could explain everything but he’d disappeared again.
We all went our separate ways and Amy and I waited patiently outside the main entrance whilst Mr Davies escorted mum to the car park to collect their cars. She seemed so happy to have connected and I was so pleased I’d helped by agreeing to dress up and creating the opportunity for her.
Amy was full of chatter and was desperate to know if I’d be contacting Ally and letting him meet Josie again. I kept shaking my head and insisting this was a one off but she wouldn’t let it go and it carried on all the way home. She tried to involve mum but mum just smiled and said it had been nice to have a daughter and maybe she’d come out again sometime on special occasions. I just said maybe but not to hold their breath.
We ensured that Amy was safely indoors after a hug and she kissed me and whispered that she hoped I’d meet up again soon and maybe do something together. By now I’d stopped reacting and just said thanks to her for all her support and how I’d really had a good time and didn’t mean to be grumpy.
Mum insisted we sat and had a milky chocolate drink together and she wouldn’t let me remove my wig. She was so happy that she’d met Gwyn, Mr Davies and they’d agreed to have dinner together. He told her that he was forever in my debt for agreeing to follow mums advice and attend the dance. Now I supposed I had a teacher to watch my back in case boys made fun and bullied me at school.
‘One thing mum before we go to bed. I need to remove this make-up and Amy said I should get you to help.’
‘Of course I will we can do it together in my room if you like.’
‘But mum what about these boobies that seem to be fixed.’
‘Let’s do that tomorrow after you’ve had a long soak in the bath. You can manage for tonight can’t you?’
I nodded and went to my room to change into a t-shirt and shorts. I looked in the mirror at the nipples clearly protruding from a bust under the tee shirt. Even without make-up and a wig I could have been mistaken for a daughter as I said goodnight to mum.
She seemed happier than I’d seen her for several years and she kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I climbed into bed and checked my phone. There were lots of facebook messages and posts from the day and lots of pictures included shots of me. The girls were complimentary and boys less so but still quite positive. At least I hadn’t upset anybody.
Well possibly I’d upset Ally. I thought I’d better text him at least so I didn’t feel so bad. I just thanked him for the dance lesson and thought that he had realised I wasn’t a girl and had been dared to dance with me by his friends.
Within 2 minute a reply came back.
‘Not so Josie. I would never make fun of you. I meant everything that I said. It was nice to dance with you. Sleep tight.’
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What a sweet story.
Thank you.
Thanks Again
Kudos and comments always motivate me. I should not have left this story so long without a follow up.
Awh, nice follow-up
And finish, thank you Julie. Of course, we wouldn't complain if your muse plonks another manuscript on your desk..
Anyway, I had to go back (way back) and re read the story.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Too Long I agree
I was under a lot of pressure back then. Writing and posting stories to BC helped my sanity. I had good kudos and lots of hits so a sequel does seem justifiable. Thanks so much.
Follow-up should not be over...
Josie's finding herself... Alwyn has left an opening. Whether it is them or not; the best thing Josie has is a good girlfriend. She has to establish herself so she can go on with her life.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Thanks Again
For the encouragement. I want to carry this story on alongside Summer with Em that I need to finish soon.
Nice to see a follow up
Thanks for carrying on with this story.
Gillian Cairns