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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Mates 18

I was on another trip out to Bethesda around two years later when I got a serious surprise. The way time was flying was more than enough of a shock to start with, but then I was getting used to that as both Enfys and little Davvy seemed to change markedly on a weekly basis.

Kul and his boy were unavailable that weekend, so it was just me who loaded the bike for the run up to the bunkhouse. The forecast wasn’t the greatest, but I didn’t care. Sheffield was fine in its own ways, and the climbing was perfect for a thug like me, but I had always been a sucker for the call of real mountains.

Golden Hours

Golden Hours
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I always considered that I would be involved in medicine somehow – I wanted to save lives. I considered myself a caring person, but I also liked the idea of adventure – of standing between life and death and fighting to allow somebody to live. It seemed to me to be the noblest calling.

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 59

** Sorry about the absence. I was renovating, got injured and couldn't take the time to rest and recover. Writing was difficult.
Everything should be back on schedule now.

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 59

“I look like an idiot,” I said to my reflection and the empty room.

Thrown Away Like Trash

Hunter slowly wakes up in a strange room under a warm blanket. The last thing he remembered was passing out on the side of the highway. He had walked as far as he could before he passed out from the cold and exhaustion.

He looked around the bedroom and saw that it had an old-style dresser drawer like his mother's. There was a nightstand next to his bed with a lamp on it. The bed he was lying on was more significant than the baby mattress on which he was forced to sleep.

One to love - Part 4

I had dozed off talking to her .

I got up and sat on the bed.Long strands of straight black hair fell all over my face and body . I had forgotten about it . I was still dolled up. I got up and stood infront of the mirror.
"What have I done to myself !!"
The worst part was that I didn't look ugly like I expected. I switched off Shreya's phone and changed back. I felt disgusted looking at myself. I don't know what made me do something like this. "I have to stop this nonsense. I am a man and this doesn't suit me". I felt embarassed looking at myself.

Snow Angel: Chapter 39

How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a Girl! (7)

How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a girl!
Rebecca Coleman

Note to readers: The “How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a Girl!” is an ongoing in-universe serial that appears each Saturday Evening in the “Benton Evening Post” the story focuses on the ongoing struggle of Emil “Emily” Anderson as she strides to adopted to her new life in a small southern town that straddles the hills and the delta. The story chronicles her daily life and sometimes that of her aunt Flora.

A double vanilla frappe with whipped cream and chocolate Sauce!

The Voyage of the Visund -82-

The Norse and Zebrins have been confronted by a local force with an officer who wants to shoot first and not bother asking questions. Eriana and Ursula do their best to pacify him but then another vessel arrives... and another, and another! The first of these newcomers is an unexpected surprise but the occupants are able to answer many questions.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

82 - Gathering at Hamalbek

Do not complain

Essentially Egg. Part 30 of 39

Chapter 30

The blonde was Sharron and the dark one was Carol. The baby was Tabitha. Once they had stood and gathered their bags of baby necessities, I led them into the clinic where we left the baby with the vet’s wife to look after while I took them though to Jordan’s office.

Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters


From a personal perspective, the conference was a disaster. They had listened to her but from the podium she could see that wave of realization start to take hold in the audience. Although she could not hear, she could see the lips and guess what they were saying. “That’s a guy.”

Sixteen the Hard Way -21- It's Showtime!

Does it get easier? Not enough to notice...

Sixteen the Hard Way
21. It's Showtime!
by Erin Halfelven

By the time I got through changing clothes six or seven times, I was thoroughly sick of the whole thing. Everyone tried to be supportive and encouraging, and Linda was positively enthusiastic, but I ended the “fashum” show by coming out of my room wearing a pair of my old jeans and one of Dad’s polo shirts that had ended up in my laundry somehow.

Donna scowled at me. “Your little alligator is lying on his side. You’re cute even when you’re not trying to be,” she accused.

Linda laughed. “Hey! Cute is what I do!” Which made everyone laugh, even me.

The importance of being a team player - Chapter 14

I looked down at two unfamiliar shoes running on a green surface that resembled a carpet made from artificial grass. My hands were gripping an L-shaped piece of sports equipment, and looking to my right, I could see a white ball making its way to my exact position. I crossed over a curved white line on the ground while stopping the plastic ball in its tracks using my stick. A high-pitched voice yelled out behind me, but due to my concentration on the physical activity, I was unable to make out the words.

Gaby Book 26 ~ On The Edge ~ Chapter *9*

book 26 print cover_1.jpg

Book 26
On The Edge

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2021 Madeline Bell

Seventeen - it's a birthday overshadowed by its predecessor and successor and Gaby's looks set to follow that pattern. There are however big decisions to be made, should she grab life by the horns and experience everything it has to offer or take the more conservative, safer route through life. This volume, the 26th in the Gaby series has all the elements of classic Gaby, bike riding, teenage angst, developing relationships, grist to the mill for our heroine as life in the Ahrtal ticks on.


All I Need is a Miracle Lesson 4


“You used the wish, didn’t you?” I whispered as we entered the locker room with our shirts back on.
“I didn’t think about anything except how I just wanted to win just once, maybe that triggered it, like a sub-conscious thought made the connection.”
The score was thirty-six to zero by the time the coach yelled for us to hit the showers.

How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a Girl! (6)

How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a girl!
Rebecca Coleman

Note to readers: The “How I spent my Summer Vacation: I became a Girl!” is an ongoing in-universe serial that appears each Saturday Evening in the “Benton Evening Post” the story focuses on the ongoing struggle of Emil “Emily” Anderson as she strides to adopted to her new life in small southern town that straddles the hills and the delta. The Story chronicles her daily life and sometimes that of her aunt Flora.

Can I pass as a girl?

Space Queen Chapter 2

I entered the pilot quarters, the first door on the left after leaving the bridge. The room was cozy, with dimmed lighting and a comfortable-looking bed. As I stepped inside, the door slid closed behind me, sealing me off from the rest of the ship.


More DopplerPress

Swifter, Higher, Stronger on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


When Tony's attempt to follow in his father's footsteps on the football field comes to nothing he gives his undivided attention to a different sport - gymnastics.

His unorthodox training leaves judges bemused but coaches impressed enough to give him an opportunity. With the Olympics in his sights a twist of fate has him seeing things from a whole new perspective, one that will affect the rest of his life.

Book Cover artwork for Swifter Higher Stronger rendered as virtual Paperback and Tablet editions - Cover art is girl, doing a gymnastics move, on her toes, with one arm in the air, and the wording Swifter Higher Stronger at an angle on a black background slightly overlapping the girl

Risky Endeavors by Maryanne Peters on Kindle!


Audience Rating: 


Falling in love must be easy, at least Maryanne Peters makes it seem so -- but maybe it's a risk worth taking to enjoy a happy ending.

Risky Endeavors
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Here are eighteen stories of lumberjacks and bodyguards, fishermen and drag racers, plumbers and financiers who took a risk and fell in love with someone unexpected. They're a lot of fun and one or two of them might make you laugh-out-loud or even get a little teary-eyed. You should take that risk -- after all, romance is worth it.

Heaven and Hell 1: Recruiter


Audience Rating: 


Michael, after a debauched and corrupt life, goes to Hell, as he very much deserved. In a fit of demonic irony, the Powers of Hell recruit him to be sent back to Earth, transformed into a succubus called Lorilei.

Who the Hell knew he --now she-- would have such talent for the job? And if Heaven knew--They aren't talking about it.

Sex and power go together for a succubus and Lorilei learns to enjoy both with a spicy bit of Chaos as well. But there are dangers even for one of The Damned and Lorilei needs to watch her cute little tail with the spade-shaped point on the end.

Heaven and Hell
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