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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

EXPO Summer -1- From the Depths of Despair


Part 01

From the Depths of Despair

by Kim EM

Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM

All rights reserved


With humor and empathy, Kim tells the story of Billy, an 11-year-old whose life has reached a low point. Weaving in some autobiographical details, Kim follows Billy's journey toward becoming accepted as the girl he has always been.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 1

A video of a meeting taking place at the home of Keiji Watanabe was shown next. Present were Keiji, his nephew Goro, Dai Hashimoto, Hiromi Sato and at least two shareigishiras plus guards. The audio wasn’t of good quality and only snippets of conversation could be made out by Captain Slater.

“Where did this video come from?”

“Captain, we have a source in the Watanabe family. You’ll learn more in due time.” Agent Tanaka replied. As Major Hollins narrated the meeting, Captain Slater was already drawing conclusions as to what lay ahead for him.

Or was it her? It was too mind boggling, something out of a science fiction story. Captain Slater had to be wrong.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter One

A brief synopsis- Army Captain Tom Slater has been asked by the FBI and the US Army, to infiltrate a Japanese organized crime family. But first the Captain has to undergo some interesting DNA therapy and training to prepare him...her for the mission.

Altered Fates Hawaii Five 0- A Woman’s Work is with a Gun

Altered Fates Hawaii Five O - A Woman’s Work is with a Gun

By Danielle J

Based on a teleplay by Glen Olson and Rod Baker

This story is dedicated to the late Leonard Freeman, creator of one of my favorite television shows, Hawaii Five 0.
Author’s note- I’ve been toying with the idea of doing an AF Hawaii Five episode 0 for years. One season seven episode, A Woman’s Work is with a Gun, was best suited for making a few TG modifications to. The trouble was, I hadn’t seen the episode in years. That’s till I recently got a copy of it.

Camp Kumoni : 21

A few moments later, Erika was standing before the two of them with breasts. Breasts that looked real unless they were examined closely. She cupped her new appendages with her hands and lifted slightly, before releasing them to allow their full weight to pull at her chest again.

"Now, don’t go playing with those." Samantha warned. "Girls don’t go around playing with their own breasts."

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Jump Rope

Sometimes, acceptance can be found in the most unexpected places. The last place I ever would have thought to find it was on the school playground. Instead of being terrorized by bullies, for a moment, I experienced joy. The drabble below is a glimpse at that moment.

Jump Rope
Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Healing a Princess...9 (Sick)

     ““You don’t wanna hear me ramble, you must have things to do.”
     “Actually, Monyka, I am through with things to do until we reach River Bend West.” He looked down at her taking in her strength and her beauty. “Right now, I would like nothing more than to hear about your childhood. Please continue…

Healing a Princess

Chapter 9 - (Sick)

by Anistasia Allread

Warning: This is a Non-TG story

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 130

A special extra episode 'cos it's my birthday and I can't go out on my bike and I don't feel like doing housework.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Birthday Girl & Bonzi.
part 130 ("Same as her age," Bonzi).Gonna kill that cat!

I found myself sitting in the car again, seemed to be becoming a habit, it used to be a bike. I had an idea and shot home.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 129

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.

you know the rest.

I sat in my little car, which thankfully had over half a tank of fuel left and pressed the sat nav, it would take about an hour to get home and I could make some soup but bread would be a problem, no time for the dough to rise or prove. Oh well, Daddy would have to compromise, I'd take him some potato instead.

A Walk In The Mist - Chapter 02

I wonder if this had been that girl’s weird way of staying with me forever, by twisting my wish? By making me look like her so that every time I look in the mirror I would see her for the rest of my life! And even my DNA had been changed looked like it had been added with some of hers as well. What the hell was I going to do, live like this as a girl for the rest of my life?

Chapter Two

Riding Princess - Chapter 3


By Maggie O’Malley

Chapter Three - Going Home

A woman goes to the mall in search of a DEPARTING gift for three special friends and ends up finding a very special one that gives her the ride of her life.

A Walk In The Mist - Chapter 01

“I have been waiting for you” She answered cryptically “and I would like to listen to you play some music. Would you please?” She said with a smile. What is she, some kind of stalker? But then how would she know I would pass by this field or even stop because I saw the fire?

Chapter One

Riding Princess -Chapter 2


By Maggie O’Malley

Chapter Two - Lost and Then Found

A woman goes to the mall in search of a DEPARTING gift for three special friends and ends up finding a very special one that gives her the ride of her life.

Riding Princess - Chapter 1


By Maggie O’Malley

Chapter One - Waiting On Angels

A woman goes to the mall in search of a DEPARTING gift for three special friends and ends up finding a very special one that gives her the ride of her life.

Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 4

In this chapter, Billie is faced with some hard choices. Will he continue wearing his sister's dress and put up with people assuming he's a girl? Will he wear some of the boy clothes he's gotten from the commissary? Is there a third option?
Madam Martinique's

Finishing School

Part Four

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown


Suited For Danger - Book 2 - Chapter 5

For cripes sake! As if I didn't have enough other shit to worry about, now I gotta deal with guys hitting on me? Understand, I didn't blame the guy for doing that. Actually, I should have expected it, looking the way I did. I just still wasn't used to looking like that, and he caught me on a bad day.

(sort of)

Book Two, Chapter Five

By Catherine Linda Michel

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 37: The Trouble with Men

        Christina Chase went up and down the row of fresh produce, spritzing the vegetables with fresh water from a bottle. Though she'd only been working in the grocery a few days, she had already fallen into a comfortable routine. Every morning, she woke up early to help Misha with breakfast. Afterwards, she sat with her aunt and uncle enjoyed the meal long before Nina woke up.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 126

Cathy plays a googley and promises to love, honour and bake cakes....read on.

Easy As Falling Down A Hole.
by Sir Isaac Newton & Bonzi.

I was getting myself packed to pop in and hopefully kiss and make up with Simon and then dash up to Bristol. The throb down below had practically eased off but I wondered if I needed to find something more comfortable.

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 12

Synopsis: Jamie deals with the aftermath of his movie-date with Megan and breaks the news about his pantyhose to his friends.

Chapter 12

"How was the movie?" asked my mother as I got into the car.

"It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"It was some teen girl movie. A lot of talking."

"That was nice of you to let Megan pick the film."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 125

Stella makes Cathy a tempting offer....

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi & Tiddles
part: half way to two hundred and fifty, or an eighth of a thousand! (that is frightening!!!)

I eventually calmed down through exhaustion as much as anything else and got off the toilet, my bum stuck to the seat and when I detached myself, had a nice ring around my bum and my foot had gone to sleep.


More DopplerPress

Eerie Saloon - High Noon - now on Kindle


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Eerie Saloon - High Noon

by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson

A desperate sheriff resorts to magic to stave off an attack from a vengeful gang of owlhoots. Can the bartender's potion prevent a massacre?

It's a long, dusty trail from the Territorial Prison to Eerie, Arizona.

Now the one-time badmen are faced with a life sentence - starting with being trained to work as saloon girls!


What If?


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What If on Kindle

A story of heartache and pain, sins, misadventures, curses, a gods wrath and finally redemption.

What If?

by Monique S.

What if even an ordinary mortal could alter history? There are so many theories as to what time is and what it would mean if you could alter history and create an alternate timeline in a parallel universe.

Being interested in extreme Astrology and a technician I have always rejected such theories, just until I woke up in HER bed and found myself changed ...

Brainjacked! by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Some experiments are supposed to fail..


The "Too Successful" Experiment

by Melanie Brown

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