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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Home, Alone & Home, Alone 2 by Susan Brown on Kindle


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After a family tragedy, young David decides to live by himself in his home where he can be his true self, Katie. It's almost like a dream as Katie explores her new life.

But it's not easy. Where will she get money? How can an eleven-year-old deal with something as mundane as shopping when at any moment some adult may decide she needs help from police, doctors, teachers or lawyers?

It's lonely, too. Katie needs a friend, but who can she trust with her secret? That she's just a child living in her home, alone?



Home, Alone
by Susan Brown
Buy on KIndle & Buy Book 2 on Kindle

Turnabout Part 1

6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed.

“What’s wrong, Dan?” I heard myself say, from the bed.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 193

"I thought you were going to cook us all dinner before you went." There were times when I could cheerfully thump Simon, this was one such.

"No way, I have to save my energy for Des." I smirked back at him, the look on his face was probably more satisfying than a slap.

Stella giggled then said, "I hope you have your sexiest lingerie."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by: Angharad.

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 1

Case#101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls"

Dossier: Four teens were found harassing a transgendered girl in the boys bathroom of James Madison High School on the morning of January 30, 2008. Agents Johnson and Mitchell were dispatched to the scene and quickly determined our course of action. This case requires a different approach. Mike, Joe, Tom and Sean will have to walk a mile in the shoes of people like Kelly. They will learn what we mean by our motto: Paybacks are Hell. One of them will even find their true self in the process...

Rules Are Rules: 47. A Little Father-Daughter Talk

"I never realized that when I show up as Marcie, you'll have to explain..."

"Well..." Dad said, in a noncommittal way.

"What are you going to say?"

Rules Are Rules

47. A Little Father-Daughter Talk

Who Was I - 25

In which Bill has a revealing session, and then later a dream, or is it? But Hey, the two friends are found.

Who Was I

By: Annette

We were quietly sneaking up to the building. Stacy had remained at the corner to keep watch while Karen and I went in first.

"You ready to climb up and hook the ladder." I whispered to Karen.

She nodded, and stepped into my hands as I lifted her to waist level. Two quick taps on her leg then a quick hop had her standing on my shoulders. Two more taps, and I stood back up. She squeezed her toes to my chin so I knew she could reach the sill. I stood very still, bracing my hands against the brick wall.

An Unfinished Symphony Chapter 7 - Back to the 'Future

Chapter VII Back to the Future

By Kelly Ann Rogers

. . . This realization made me quietly buoyant. It freed me from the transvestite prison of being my clothes, and opened more attractive options for defining my personality

. . . Everyone could see me changing but me, and I was having so much fun I was blind.

. . . I, of course, was clueless, perhaps willfully so, about her feelings, just as I had been clueless about my increasingly femme image.

Ma'at - Chapter 07: Back to the Future


Chapter 7 - Back to the Future
By Itinerant

Synopsis: She's Baaaaack! But how does Dani convince her team she was Dan?

And who're those guys in the weird car?

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 1

Stephanie’s Deal by Jennifer Brock

This serial is a spinoff from my holiday story, Nancy’s Patterson’s Criss-Crossed Christmas Pageant. The first couple of episodes overlap the timeline of that story, but from a different point of view. Later chapters will continue showing what happens to Stephanie, for as long as she exists.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 192

"No, I'm an ordinary woman who came to womanhood by a more tortuous path than you, but my world is as boring and mundane as yours. I'm not into any secret worlds except that of The Mammal Society and Portsmouth university cycling club." It was a slight fib, but I felt my cowardice wouldn't allow her to tar me with any brush, except that of normality.

Easy As Falling Out of the Tardis, Part 8 - A Fanfic Based on Angharad's "Easy As Falling Off a Bike"

Camp Kumoni : 28

“Yes.” He found himself saying aloud. He thought about it again. “Yes….. yes, I enjoyed it. He found himself standing in the middle of no where, standing on the side of the road smiling. Smiling, because he enjoyed being a girl. He did enjoy dressing the part. Enjoyed the attention from both guys and girls. Enjoyed the friendships. He enjoyed being a girl and yes, he was content with it.
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Rainbow Girl - Part 5 - Refuge

           The tedium of the wait was interrupted by the return of an hysterical announcer on the station TV's replacing the coverage of the international bog-snorkeling championship.


Rainbow Girl - Part 5 - Refuge

by Alys

The Price to Pay - Vol. 1.04 - Tears

           "These holes in my head," she said referring to her bandage, " really slow me down these days. Maybe I need some replacement brain cells, you got any spare ones?" she chuckled.

The Price to Pay - Vol. 1.4 - Tears

by Alys

Rules Are Rules: 46. My First Period

"You sound a little sad," Cassie said brightly. "What's wrong?"

"If I tell you, you'll just tease me," I replied, "Besides, I want to tell Jerry first."

"Oh my god," she said breathlessly. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Rules Are Rules

46. My First Period

Humor Me ~ Part 1


======== HUMOR ME
======== by LAIKA PUPKINO
======== Part One: TURNING PUNKIN' JUDY

[===> As I review my notes here in this abandoned fun house deep in the Monkeyshine District, I am aware that this memoir has ended up a lot longer than the few pages I had assumed it would take. But the more I wrote the more important it became to chronicle the events of that day---my bizarre transformation and everything that led up to it---EXACTLY as I remember them. It would sadden me terribly to think that Billy Xenakis had disappeared off the face of the Earth without leaving at least some record. So please. Humor me here...]

Revenge is Snowy White - Part 3 of 3

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

In the conclusion of this tale, we find out exactly what Aurora's secret plan is. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 3 punishment and hate

I really began to think where my life went wrong. As I looked at my life for those 15 years I spent living in that hell on earth as I now refered to it years later. I realized I had a few choices really, 1. kill myself , I really came close several times over that 15 years I spent with my undeserving parents and brother. 2. leave and never look back. I chose option 2.

Young Love, Chapter 10 & 11

"How about it, Bright Eyes -- you ready to marry me?" asked Philip.

"No," answered Lizzie Jane. "That is why I wanted to talk with you. I don't think neither of us are ready for marriage. You will go off to some college, find some lady friend that you will fall in love with and the next thing you know, she will hook you."

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 10 & 11
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Bureau Of Karmic Retribution Case # 101-7 "Sam's Reckoning "

"On January 1, 2008, a new new agency was born. The mission of this agency? To repair the personality flaws that

have long kept the human race from achieving harmony with each other.

They are led by a tough, no nonsense, director named Rebecca Snow. She went to work assembling the best team of agents, the Universe had to offer.

Agency: The Bureau Of Karmic Retribution

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 191

We walked up to the front door and Tom pushed the bell button, a ding dong chime sounded in the hallway behind the door, I felt quite sick. I kept thinking, the police have to do this sort of thing quite regularly - which probably explains why they're all so bitter and twisted when it comes to dealing with motorists, passing on the grief.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 191.

Rules Are Rules: 45. Blessed Yvette

"That's your new high school: Blessed Yvette High School for Girls. I've told you the name before."

"I don't think so," I said. "I'd remember a whacked-out name like that."

She gave me a funny look.

Rules Are Rules

45. Blessed Yvette

Healing a Princess...17 (Stinking Fog)

“Ambassadors, Ladies, stay in there, and keep those shutters closed.”

“Like Hell!” Kalgar roared. He jumped out of the carriage on the other side with his axe and ran forward a few paces so that he could see better.

“Ambassador, I don’t have time to argue.” Kadyr swore as more dark riders emerged from all around them. “I won’t be responsible for your death.. Get back in the carriage.” Kadyr ordered.

Healing a Princess

Chapter 17 - (Stinking Fog)

by Anistasia Allread

An Unfinished Symphony Chapter 6 - Sara's Got Game

Chapter VI Sara's Got Game

By Kelly Ann Rogers

. . . Then, looking down at my own chest, I realized what they were really looking at. My nipples, the nipples which Rebecca had insisted I glue to my breast forms, now jutted aggressively through my sports bra. They were calling to the men like the Sirens called to the lost sailors in the Odyssey.

. . . He had never turned his personality on like this when I was a man. Now, he was totally engaging: a force of nature, nearly. I knew that if I continued to look into his eyes, he'd melt me, and all I'd want to do was caress his face with my hand, and then pull him down into another kiss. But I just couldn't let that happen. . .

. . . And as long as I was rebelling, I decided to leave my toes, figuring that no one would see them anyway, and I could wait until they chipped to clean them up. At least that's what I told Rebecca. I really thought that once they needed to be redone, I could just switch to another color, and no one would see that either.

Balthasar's Extract (Evelyn's Diary : 4)

 © 01.2008 by Daphne Laprov

Balthasar's Extract - Part IV
Evelyn Westcott's Turn of the Century Diary

It was an age of new things — the automobile, the aero- plane, social consciousness, moving pictures, mental hygiene and ragtime. Women were dumping the corset and demanding the vote, kicking over the pedestals upon which Victorian Sensibility had placed them. A time of creativity and experimentation in the natural sciences, of rapidly growing comprehension of how 'internal secretions' regulated human physiology. Our heroine, Evelyn Westcott, born Edward Tucker, is now seventeen and in the full bloom of youth. She and her friends are awakening to social injustice and sensual pleasures, spreading their wings, setting forth to conquer the widening world.


A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith
By Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and shalimar

“Look … Randall, I know I’ve given birth a few times, so you might assume it’s a bit old hat by now, but I think I’d know if I’d dropped another baby. It is kind of a memorable experience. So let me make this really, really clear for you. There is no Stephanie Watson. There has never been a Stephanie Watson. I don’t need to fill out any damn forms to say so, and if we don’t get this sorted out and my children onto the shuttle you’ll be the one suffering from illness or incapacity. Now put that in your database!”

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 190

I was in the kitchen making some tea, I badly needed a cup of its life giving waters. I took us out a tray of tea. We sat in the lounge, Tom and Stella jabbering away and me trying to calm down after the afternoon's trauma. I closed my eyes and what seemed like minutes later opened them, it was dark

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Angharad,


More DopplerPress

Heaven and Hell 5: Lillith's Ransom at Amazon


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TG Universes & Series: 

Lorelei did such a good job on various Hellish problems that she got kicked upstairs. No! Not up THERE, just into the Bureaucracy of Hell. The Big Guy Down Below has a cruel sense of humor.

Oh, Joy.

And now a new problem! Lillith, Queen of Temptresses, Mother of Succubae, has been canned — literally! Jade has her in a canning jar displayed as a trophy.

Heaven and Hell 5 Cover

There's only one thing Lorelei can do. Sit on Lillith's throne to keep peace among the Succubae while moving ahead with Hell's agenda—including maintaining the Truce with Heaven—and figuring out how to get Lillith's pretty butt out of the Can!

Oh, Bliss!

Book 4 - The Reluctant Prom Date


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Chrissy is no different then any other High School girl - except that she's a BOY!
But she has the same concerns, classes, cheerleading - and now the PROM!
RPD - Banner.png
The Reluctant Prom Date
by Melanie Brown

Copyright © 2004 Melanie Brown

Peaches on Kindle: New Edition!


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New cover! New revision of the text!

by Angela Rasch and Amelia R.

Peaches is an unusual boy with an unusual school project -- he's going to spend his semester exploring gender roles in high school by living as a girl. Things get complicated but everybody learns something -- including Peaches!

A BigCloset HatBox Book
from DopplerPress

Masks 5 - Energia - Out of Template's Shadow - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


The Leader narrowed its pupils, just a bit... the equivalent of a slight smile for its species. The most important of the group were already supporting the plan. The others would go along, eventually. It sat back and let them plot and scheme, only occasionally asking a question or making a suggestion. Yes, this would work well...


Masks 5


Out of Template's Shadow

Rodford Edmiston

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