
Meeting of Minds - Act II


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Sue and the gang hit the road. It should be a fun trip - an Immortal pretending to be a Senior Watcher Researcher, an ex-Watcher pretending not to be an Immortal, who has been essentially possessed by the spirit of her Immortal subject, an active Watcher, and the only true Mortal of the bunch, who must not learn the truth about other two, as well as two known Immortals, one a three thousand plus year old witch, ant the other the newest Immortal, who is followed by a homicidal curse. All together in a single vehicle. Let's party!

Act II

Cigarettes Are a Girl's Best Friend -5-


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Cigarettes Are A Girl's Best Friend

By: slimv


Part 5


Laura Doyle put down her menu, gave her order to the waiter and lit a cigarette. "You know Bobby, I'm always glad to see you. We go back a long way and

The Deception of Choice -Part 6-

The Deception of Choice

by Fleurie 

Part 6

Chapter 15.

David rejoined the waiting group of girls. He saw their faces expectant, anxious for his news.


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TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Tammy's Diary #1 - License to Shop

My take on the first entry in Tammy's Diary - characters and situation created by Little Katie

Tammy goes shopping and pays her debt to society. :)

Tammy's Diary #1

License to Shop!

By Jezzi Belle Stewart

(This is a continuation of Little Katie's "Tommy's Christmas Diary" series, now in Tammy's diary.)


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TG Themes: 


The Deception of Choice -Part 3-

Some light is cast onto the general background, but not enough to provide real illumination. And, alas, none appears at the end of the tunnel for David.

Indeed it is generally a rather dark episode; with nothing in it to provide comfort for those who enjoy a happy ending. Although I suppose such depends on your point of view and where your sympathies lie. With the Foundation or with David?


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The Deception of Choice -Part 2-


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"Girls must strive to develop a personality that could best be characterised as ladylike."

The Deception of Choice

Part 2

by Fleurie

These are Chapters 3, 4 and 5. David's life might be thought by those more concerned with physical rather than mental deprivation to have taken a more promising turn. Perhaps so but David is less than convinced; indeed in his mind the confusion mounts. As indeed it does in the author's.

Apologies if it still seems slow. Maybe after all it is wrong to blame David for it. Other factors could be at work.

The Deception of Choice -Part 1-


Audience Rating: 

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Sometimes, life is a game of charades and no one knows the solution to the puzzle...

The Deception of Choice

by Fleurie

These chapters concern an enforced selection, random or otherwise, and its consequences. About hope against sad inevitability. About futility in the face of nameless authority. Neither the author nor the main character know yet how it will end. Doubtless all in tears though. Life usually does.

It is dreadfully slow but possibly may get better. So much depends on David.

A Christmas Diary -12- All Good Things...


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"Goodbye, I love you."
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again
All Good Things...

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Twelve: All Good Things...

When discussing this work, it was designed to go this far. This will be the last installment from me.

A Christmas Diary -11- Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again - Tug O'War


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Discovering who you really are can be painful.
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again
Tug O'War

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Eleven: Tug O'War

Cigarettes Are a Girl's Best Friend -2-


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Cigarettes Are A Girl's Best Friend

by slimv


Jimmy felt queasy with excitement. He'd never experienced this kind of anxiety before. He looked at his mom and glanced back at the cigarette between his fingers. For crying out loud! He was 13 years old. He was sitting in a public restaurant with his mom- wearing girl's clothes and smoking Virginia Slims! This was insane. He was insane. After all, hadn't he just promised her he'd see a psychiatrist?

A Christmas Diary -10- Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again - New Endings


Audience Rating: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Sometimes, it's not over till it's over...
Hello, Mrs. Diary, It's Me Again...
New Endings

Tom's Christmas Diary

By Little Katie

Part Ten: New Endings

The Rigby Narratives -18- A Well-Heeled Spy

The Rigby Narratives:
The Ultimate TG Experience

McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael


Chapter Eighteen -- A Well Heeled Spy


Igor Batinoff was a small man; small of body, small of stature and small of mind. While he was still a young man, his size was not the result of immaturity.

The Rigby Narratives -17- The Mansion and the Madame

The Rigby Narratives:


The Ultimate TG Experience
by McKenzie Rigby

as told to Andy Hollis and Jaye Michael

Chapter Seventeen -- The Mansion and the Madame

The storm raged on as bolts of lightning split the night sky. It was the only light available as McKenzie tried to locate his car before dashing to it through the pouring rain. Power looked to be out everywhere. Yes, McKenzie thought, another freaking Dark and Stormy Night. The wind tore at Mac's umbrella as he pushed off from the warehouse and ran for his car.

A Christmas Diary -7- Ask for Tammy


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A Christmas Diary
Part 7

Do you think of yourself as a girl? How about when you're kissing? If you're my girlfriend how can I be yours? Too many questions, just...

Ask for Tammy



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