
The Craigslist Killer Part Two

The Craigslist Killer Part 2
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

“Missy, are you still there? Please don’t hang up on me!”

“I’m here.”

“I really want to see you.”

“I don’t know, Ron…let me sleep on it, okay?”

“Sure, Missy, whatever you say. Can I call you tomorrow?”

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 10

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 10: Princess On Parade


Even after spending nearly eight months as a Princess the idea of riding through the middle of Persistence in a dress had me scared to death.

Twisted Throwback, part 14 of 25

Ingrid said: “I’m not going to ask you about your Twist. You’ve told me more than you really need to tell a stranger, already. But if you want to listen I’ll tell you about mine.”

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 9

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 9: A Princess At Odds



It's funny how something can be right there in front of you, staring you in the face, and you can still ignore it somehow until someone points it out.

The Craigslist Killer

The Craigslist Killer
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I think I’m in the clear for now. The police have come and gone, and the hotel staff has cleared the hallway outside my room. If I could, I’d try to get some sleep, but after what I’ve just been through, that would be difficult. So I’ll try to write down exactly what happened this week, while it’s fresh in my mind, in case my lawyer needs it in the morning.

One thing’s for sure: I will never, ever dress up as a woman again.

For Friends and Family Part 14

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For Friends and Family Part 14 – Love and Truth.

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter the new Nichola's feeling for Brett intensify and she has a really deep heart to heart conversation with her new Mother.


Shivering With Antici... pation: A TG Mixed Tape

Shivering With Antici... pation


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

It’s Halloween. While on assignment a warlock finds himself observed by strange man with tape recorder. At a music festival for monsters, two security guards set out to apprehend an intruder. As darkness falls across the land, and the midnight hour draws near, hit play on this collection of spooky, sentimental and surprising seasonal short stories. [Includes an interview with Zapper (creator of the Consultant Universe).]

Twisted Throwback, part 13 of 25

“This sometimes happens with Twist compulsions,” Dr. Oldstadt said. “They are vague at first, and easy to ignore, but once they become more definite, they are harder to resist and one suffers more distress when trying to resist them. I’m sorry we did not realize that wearing feminine clothes was a Twist-compulsion for you, and not just an expression of your altered gender identity.”

Spooked - Part 1

The first 20,000 words of the Halloween story. I don't know if I should continue it since it's so long and involved. If there's a big demand to keep going then I will, but both the people asking and my commissioners have to understand that while I'm doing this I'm not doing anything else.

Four friends find treasure maps, but the treasure is guarded by monsters, seductive strangers, and often each other!

Boy? Girl? My great Granddaughter.

How on earth was I supposed to deal with the question – “Can I come and stay with you for a month and learn how to dress like a girl” - This was my grandson Frank asking me.

With a little effort, this story could quite easily fit into the 'SisterDom' series. As currently written, it is a separate story.


Boy? Girl? My great Granddaughter.

“Can I come and stay with you for a month and learn how to dress like a girl?"

Are you in this gang - or not ?

"The three of us were a gang, Rachel, Charles and me, Johnny. So we did everything together."

Intro - The SisterDom is a group of wonderful women who know that it is important to help their men to access and, when they are comfortable with the concept, to release their inner girlhood. These women are willing to train and transition their new-girls using a variety of simple techniques, sometimes with a touch of ‘domination’ and strong encouragement. Characters overlap between the stories.

The Bride's Groom Chapter 3


My name is Albell Sentnaria. I am a 4th generation boy of the famed Sentnaria merchant family. Unlike other merchant families, my family is incredibly poor. So when someone of high birth offered a large sum to my family in exchange for marrying me to his child, my family jumped at the chance.

Now here's my dilemma. I'm betrothed to the prince of the kingdom, who has a weird taste in brides. Depending on how I seduce him, I will either have him as my bride or he will have me as his bride. To make matters worse, I will have to seduce him, who will be crossdressing as the princess of the kingdom while crossdressing myself as a young girl. Why me?!!!

The Bride's Groom Chapter 3
A tale of crossdressing love between two straight boys.

By Shinieris

Training Stories

"Teresa is fed up flat-sharing with messy boys, but there aren't any decent girls around either. What surprising solution can there be?"


Intro - The SisterDom is a group of wonderful women who know that it is important to help their men to access and, when they are comfortable with the concept, to release their inner girlhood. These women are willing to train and transition their new-girls using a variety of simple techniques, sometimes with a touch of ‘domination’ and strong encouragement. Characters overlap between the stories.

Twisted Throwback, part 12 of 25

“I have another question for you. What does it mean to you to be a girl?” After I’d been quietly thinking for a while, Dr. Underwood said: “I’m not your Social Studies teacher, asking you to define gender. What being a girl means to you might not have much to do with what it means to someone else. Just say what first comes to mind.”

Debriefings 17

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Aunt Caroline's Girdle

Aunt Caroline's Girdle


Pamela ([email protected])

"Where did you get that?"

"Get what?" I said to my wife Linda. The tone of her voice caused me to become instantly anxious.

"This girdle."

I looked up at her and she was holding a white panty girdle.

"Oh, shit," I said to myself with an awful nervous flash running down my spine and into my stomach.

"I found this in your suitcase Blake, wrapped up inside your dirty laundry."

Twisted Throwback, part 11 of 25

Another girl stepped out of one of the stalls just then and went to wash her hands, looking warily at me. Tracy said to her: “This pervert is using some Twisted trick to make us think he’s a girl, so he can sneak in here and spy on us.”

“No, I walked in here openly so I could empty my bladder.”

Twisted Throwback, part 10 of 25

I gave in. I was annoyed at how overprotective he was being, but another part of me was secretly pleased about it, too — that it showed he really thought of me as a girl.

For Friends and Family Part 12

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For Friends and Family Part 12 – Misogynists Don’t Rule

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter the new Nichola starts work and confronts a misogynist.


Twisted Throwback, part 09 of 25

“There’s someone I’m close to who’s Twisted, but my family doesn’t want anything to do with him,” Morgan said, and hurried on: “Not like you’re thinking. He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my cousin. I haven’t seen him since his parents got divorced, which was right after his Twist, and because of it.”

An Invitation to Come Out

An Invitation to Come Out
By Patricia Marie Allen

Even after eight years of marriage, Charles still couldn’t bring himself to tell his wife. He was just too afraid of losing her. It would be different if he had told her before they were married. But who knew this would be a lifetime condition. Oh sure, he knew that by the time he got married, he had given into the urges five or six times a week. Almost daily. He had still thought having a wife would banish the habit.

Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters

Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters
Formally known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears


Players: Chuck, nicknamed Golden Locks for his curly blond hair; Sam, Chuck’s best friend; Paula Bear, Mona Bear and Brenda Bear also known in wrestling as the Bear Sisters.

Synopsis: Chuck is a huge fan of the huge sisters that wrestle as a tag team known as the Bear Sisters. A big enough fan to throw caution to the wind when he discovers they live near by. He missed a chance one night to get the top Brenda was wearing and tossed into the audience. He had another shot at getting one of those tops and took it. As it happens he also got her bottoms, shoes, socks and a pictures of him wearing them.

For Friends and Family Part 11

For Friends and Family Part 11 – Finally Meeting Nichola

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter The new Nichola meets the old Nichola in the clinic where she is being treated and things go far better than expected.


Twisted Throwback, part 08 of 25

“You should stay here near the house,” Renee said to me, “and me and Todd will go way over to the far corner, maybe even a little way into the woods but not so far the trees block our view. And we’ll see if you still look like a girl from that distance.”

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


Like everybody I know at various stages of my life I came to a point where I needed to make a decision and some are big, some are small and some may seem of no consequence but in truth thay can influence the rest of your life and the people around you.



By Patricia Marie Allen

The days were getting shorter. Summer had just flown by. Patrick was beginning to feel a quite a panic setting in. He had promised to find a job by the end of summer, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Here it was already the second week of September. His father was getting impatient. Patrick would rather have gone to school. He had the grades for it. But his father had not supported his choice of schools. Linfield’s College of Nursing at Good Samaritan Hospital was accepting men in the nursing program. In two years he could be an LPN if he stuck it out four, he could graduate an RN. But his Dad said “I’m not paying anybody to turn my son in to a pantywaist male nurse!”

For Friends and Family Part 10

For Friends and Family Part 10 – Going Public

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter after Amy comes out of hospital Nichola gets a phone call that means she has to go public earlier than was expected. And Amy and the new Nichola have a truth discussion.

Twisted Throwback, part 07 of 25

“It’s what they call a mental Twist. Most of my body didn’t really change at all, but my brain... there are a lot of little changes there, because I have a kind of new personality. Basically, I have a girl brain.”

Butterfly Curse

.Butterfly Curse

Written by Dauphin
Be careful when you visit a Chinese shop to see TV in piece, and if you get thirsty, remember that one bottle can be the Butterfly Curse
"A Sad story that sees a happy boy ruined and with no hope" Diana
"Sometimes its hard to see justice in the world, i wanted to write about that" Dauphin

Dating Above Their Station

Dating Above Their Station
By Paul Calhoun

A totem pole trench story I did for Badboych on DA because I think his work is awesome. Only 5000 words because I'm supposed to be on vacation.

Proxy 2 Jeff Returns



Synopsis: The original story released in 2014 left the fate of Jeff unknown. In this version Jeff returns and meets Chad his understudy while sharing with his sister's that fateful night his father dragged him from their home. Meanwhile, Chad, hired to play the Wentworth's cross dressing little brother is laying in bed with the dominate who was training him wondering what's going to happen next.

Girl Power

Girl Power Rules.
By J.A. Stevens.

Mark was your typical thirteen year old boy. He skipped class now and then and maybe more than he should. He was working on his bad boy reputation as it seemed the prettiest girls all like the bad boys. His parents weren’t pleased in the direction he was headed and when the teachers started picking on him, they let it slide thinking it might be a good thing. Landing a girl’s part in the school play starts a prank that sees him become the homecoming queen. But that is just the least of his troubles now.

Twisted Throwback, part 06 of 25

I heard a guy sitting a row or two behind me say: “Aren’t guys who Twist into girls supposed to get a really nice rack? She’s not much to look at,” and I felt my face burning. Ms. Rutherford heard him, though, and wouldn’t stand for that; she assigned him a three-page paper on the persecution faced by first-generation Twisted, and sent him to the office on top of that.

Twisted Throwback, part 05 of 25

Then the real fun began, picking out skirts and blouses and a couple of dresses. I was eager to finally try on something that was right for me, but worried that, until I got my body fixed — and who knew how long that could take, if it was even possible these days? — this stuff wouldn’t look right on me, even if it felt right to my Twisted mind.

Twisted Throwback, part 04 of 25

“Around fifty years ago, most developed countries added gender dysphoria to the list of things they test for and treat prenatally. Over the next few years, researchers’ attention shifted focus toward prenatal sex reassignment. Adult sex reassignment was done by fewer doctors and hospitals every year; no young doctors were going into a field where the supply of new patients had dried up. By now, I’m pretty sure all the surgeons, psychologists and endocrinologists with experience in that area have retired.”

John's Living Nightmare

John's Living Nightmare
By Daphne Xu
Copyright 1999

Bruce and other bullies who follow him pick on John by calling him Alice and calling him a girl. Eventually, everyone follows Bruce's lead, driving John crazy. I first wrote and posted this story elsewhere in 1999. Bruce and Alice in this story have nothing to do with Bruce and Alice in "A Bikini Beach Summer."

Debriefings 16

The Rev. Anam Chara✠

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

For Friends and Family Part 7

For Friends and Family Part 7 – Work and Boys

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this chapter Nichola is now ready to face the world and goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel


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