
Chrissy's New Life Part 10

Chrissy's New Life Part 10

Next morning I woke feel myself wet in the front of my panty, had I wet
myself again without me knowing it. I touch my panty and the sheets
around me and discovered they were not that wet. I felt inside my panty
and felt it was a bit sticky, I brought my coated finger to my mouth and
licked it tentatively. It taste a bit salty but otherwise not unpleasant.
I supposed it was a wet dream that I had in the night

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 6

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 6

I woke the next morning and Patricia was still sleeping and looked at her
with admiration. I had this urge to suck on her breasts. I slipped the
shoestring strap off her shoulder and exposed her delicious breast and
gently took the nipple into my mouth. I savoured the taste of the nipple
and just then Patricia woke and said, "Ooh, baby it's so exquisite when
you suck my nipple."

Chrissy's New Life Part 9

Chrissy's New Life Part 9

I woke the next morning with Aunt Mary's nipple in my mouth and under her
nightgown and sucked on it again. Aunt Mary stirred and said, "Ahh, my
baby you are awake, I have been holding for a while now but I must go to
the toilet. I extracted myself from under her nightgown and let Aunt
Mary go to the toilet.

The White Squaw

indianWoman_0.jpgThe White Squaw
By Anon Allsop

A young settler is captured by Indians while wearing women's clothing. To keep from being killed, the boy is forced to assume the role of the white female he is pretending to be. Donovan becomes friends with a white female who has been living with the Indians for many years, however, his ruse only worsens as he desperately tries to ward off the amorous advances of his Tehya's step-brother.

From my research on this story, the Osage were as far north as Independence Missouri in 1825. The youth was captured along the Platt River in 1851 by a lone Indian and then taken south for Several days. He had no real idea where he was...he only knew that Indian was in control, and he would die... The Osage Indians at the time of my story, were mostly living in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, however, It would not be beyond the realm of possibility for a single Indian to venture as far north as the Platt River.

Baby Jenny Part 5

Baby Jenny Part 5

Mary gently guided my head to her breast with her hand on the back of my
head. I noticed her nipple was oozing milk and she rubbed my mouth with
the large nipple. I opened my mouth and felt her hand apply gentle
pressure to the back of my head. Her nipple slipped into my mouth and I
opened my mouth further and took more of her breast into my mouth.

Chrissy's New Life Part 8

Chrissy's New Life Part 8

Saturday morning.

I woke to see the sun light streaming through the lace curtains in the
room. I felt my diaper was wet and a bit of a worry I was not aware I
had wet my diaper during the night. Carolyn came into the room and as I
turned my head in her direction I saw my doll Sarah was on the pillow.

"Good morning my baby, are you wet?"

"Yes Carolyn, I didn’t even wake when I wet myself."

"Breakfast will be brought up by Edwina in minute, let me get this wet
diaper off you."

Chrissy's New Life Part 7

Chrissy's New Life Part 7

Aunt Mary said she was going down for breakfast and we should join her
as soon as we were finished. After a while we both had enough and then
Carolyn helped me into my slippers and gown and picked up Bernice after
getting her own gown and slippers on. We made our way downstairs and
into the dining room. Another of the maids was already there placing the
plates on the table.

Baby Jenny Part 4

Baby Jenny Part 4

Beverly was already busy soaping up a wash mitten as Mary pushed the teat
of the bottle into my mouth and sat on the edge of the bath as she held the
bottle. Taking the teat in to my mouth was so almost indescribable. I felt
so incredibly content, I sighed into the teat and began to suck. In my
mind I just see myself sucking on Mary's huge breasts while she cuddled me
and held me close to her.

Change for the better: Part 4

Change for the better Part 4

I closed my eyes tightly and I could feel a garment placed by my feet and
then pulled up my feet. I could feel that the garment was not one of
mine. It was far softer and silkier. I just lay there on the bed and my
legs were lifted and the garment was pulled further up my legs until Candy
said, "Ok Baby, you can put your feet down now and lift your butt so we
can pull this over your hips and butt."

The Princes proposal

The princes proposal
By Kellen

This was another harebrained idea that kept nagging at me. I am not sure if this will be a good story at all, but this is a small part. Does anything think this can be made into a larger story? I would like to know
The boy had just outlined his plan to the imposing figure before him. The trip there was arduous and fraught with danger. Braving the storms and a typhoon to cross the channel to meet this man in Bristol. It had to be done and then Richard told of him of what he wanted.

Henry almost laughed, “That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Are you serious, boy? You can’t be. It can’t be done!”

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 4

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 4

On the bedside cabinet a cup of coffee was waiting for me. As I drank my
coffee the smells of mom cooking breakfast drifted down the passage. I
got up and put on my fluffy slippers and my gown and went to join mom in
the kitchen. Mom was at the stove wearing a long pink satin nightgown and
pink marabou feather high heel slippers. She turned to face me when I
greeted her.

"Did you sleep well my darling, are you ready for some breakfast,

Twisted Throwback, part 21 of 25

“It’s okay most of the time,” I said. “Times like this, I can forget what’s wrong with me and just enjoy being a girl out shopping with her friends. My friends accept me for who I am, and strangers can’t tell what’s wrong with me.”

Chrissy's New Life Part 5

Chrissy's New Life Part 5

"Father, I'm Mrs. Alexander and one of your students is staying with me
over the holiday. It seems we left without his suitcase. Did you happen
to come across it in the driveway last evening?"

"I'm afraid not; I was just up that way a little bit ago."

"I brought my niece along with me in the car; would it be an
inconvenience if we came in and looked for just a minute?"

Baby Jenny Part 3

Baby Jenny Part 3

I was happy to stay at home and keep the house clean for Karen. Samantha
came over one day and asked if Karen and I would like to move in with her.
Karen said she would love that and was sure I would not mind too. We
keep our house and rent it out. I just went with what the ladies said.
We made the move to Samantha's mansion in the spring. We lived in Los
Angeles and Samantha's mansion was in Beverly Hills. Samantha had lots of
maids so I was not required to do housework.

Change for the better: Part 3

Change for the better Part 3

After a short wait the trio and Candy came into the room. The other
maids were also dressed in very short low cut French maids dresses, just
in different colors and styles. Ms. Alexander had certainly chosen
well, all 4 of the maids were very beautiful and had large breasts,
beautiful long hair. Gloria was a redhead; Sarah was a brunette while
Jane had black hair. Priscilla had honey blonde hair.

A Goddess Like We

Bought by Demuto

Two starving street urchin refugees are given a chance at living a life of luxury by a corporation desperate for good news. The catch is that publicly they're living as a goddess incarnated by the company as part of their program of creating deific avatars.

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 3

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 3

Beverly said , "Don't blush so much, I think it's sweet a man likes to
wear women's clothes after all women wear men's things."

I said, "Yes but it's not acceptable for guys to wear women's clothes in

Beverly said, "Anyway let's see what we can to for you to get your
prize." Beverly took my hand and led me towards the rear of the shop.
There were the most beautiful frilly gowns on display and I noted that
most of them had sleeves and full necklines, not like some gowns that
were strapless.

Twisted Throwback, part 20 of 25

“I’m not sure, but I think I may have a clue about why your condition is somewhat different from many of my earlier patients. It seems to me that you may have Twisted based on your idea — much more accurate than it had been a few hours earlier, but still somewhat oversimplified — of what transsexuals are like.”

Chrissy's New Life Part 4

Chrissy's New Life Part 4

The next morning I awoke from my slumber suddenly, light streaming into
the girlishly decorated bedroom as Carolyn, the beautiful maid, flung
the curtains wide.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," whispered the maid in my ear. "Breakfast will be
ready in just a few minutes."

As the cobwebs cleared from my brain, the activities of the previous
evening flooded back into my consciousness. As if somehow disbelieving,
I quickly peeked beneath the satin sheet, blushing as my feminine attire
was confirmed.

Chrissy's New Life Part 3

Chrissy's New Life Part 3

"I'm afraid we have a slight problem, dear," spoke Aunt Mary. Somehow
your suitcase didn't make it into the car when we left the Academy. I've
called the school, but there's no answer"

"Oh, that's right, I don't remember putting it in the trunk; it must be
still there in the driveway, I said as I tried to slide deeper beneath
the bubbles. "I guess I will just have to wear what I came in; it's no
problem"; "I'm afraid I already sent your clothes to the laundry",
Carolyn volunteered.

Baby Jenny Part 2

Baby Jenny Part 2

Some days later I had arrived home from work, it had not been a good day
for me at work as I been told that day my employer had to cut back and
they were letting a lot of people go. I was without a job and would be
finishing in a week, I was given a generous severance package of 6 months'
salary which I thought was good considering the reason they were letting
people go.

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

On thanksgiving a trans girl prepares to come out to her family. A mysterious entity wreaks havoc on a porn set. While experimenting with each other’s sexual fantasies, a man learns more about his partner than he bargained for. These are just some of the stories on offer in this collection of short, short fiction by twelve different voices in TG Fiction. [Includes an interview with Dorothy Colleen.]

Change for the better: Part 2

Change for the better Part 2

As we drove the winding road to towards the front gates Candy took my
hand and placed it on her knee. She was wearing stockings and said,
"Kenny don't you just love the feel of my stockings, I suppose you have
never have had a woman touch her this, do you even have a girlfriend"

Twisted Throwback, part 19 of 25

I tried to elicit clues that would help me figure out what he was thinking and feeling about me, without leading him on in a way that would mess up what I had — or might have — with Rob. It didn’t work; by the end of the meal I had no more idea than before what Vic felt about me, and had only succeeding in confusing myself about my own feelings.

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 2

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 2

Patricia then pressed the emergency stop causing the elevator to stop
between two floors. I did not know what to say and wondered if I was
going to be discovered. Patricia goaded me further and said, "If you
weren't wearing panties you would not been blushing and besides I know
you live alone and I saw panties in your wash, come on 'fess up."

Twisted Throwback, part 18 of 25

“— trick to make herself look like a girl, she could look like a supermodel, and instead —”

“She looks fine,” Vic said. “Better than fine. And I think her trick’s mostly subconscious — she’s making us see the girl she thinks of herself as. A girl next door, not a model. I respect that. And I don’t think Rob does.”

Little Boy-Girl 1 the Start

This story is kinda weird to start with. You see Jamie was a happy little boy when his daddy was around. It's when his daddy was away he wasn't his happy self. Sabrina, Nicole Jenny and Amber would ask him to play with them when their mom was at work. Jamie never let his mother or the babysitter see him dressed as Jamie the happy little girl. When they had to go somewhere with the babysitter he was all boy. He just wasn't his normal self. It was when he got caught things changed forever to a point. Jamie had two older siblings he never knew about.

The Craigslist Killer Part Three

The Craigslist Killer Part 3
© 2014 by Nom de Plume

I paid the cabbie and hurried up a few steps to a side entrance to the Palmer House. It was still unlocked, and I let myself in and made my way quickly down a deserted shopping arcade. I was grateful for the solitude, conspicuous as I must have been in my taffeta dress, shawl and stilettos, but I didn’t encounter a soul all the way to a bank of elevators.

A Walk in the Park

A Walk in the Park Cover.jpg

I tied my shoes and hid the secret cargo in my backpack then locked the door behind me. I could see the entrance to the park in the distance as I started my hike. Memories of a lifetime filled my thoughts.

Un-Tuck-ing Believable

Un-Tuck-ing Believable

***an unauthorized Tuck fanfic***

By Melanie E.

I've been wanting more Tuck for a while now, but since Ellen has pulled her disappearing act again (with any luck without any major personal issues -- we love ya Ellen!) it seems the only way I'll see any more any time soon is to write it myself.

This may be a limited time release: if/when Ellen sees this, should she ask me to remove it I will. Until then, though, I hope people can enjoy my personal take on the adventures of one of TG fiction's longest-running characters.

For Friends and Family Part 20

For Friends and Family Part 20
The Adventure Begins
Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter Nichola and Fiona become very close – with surprising results and Nichola reaches a decision about the way ahead.


Twisted Throwback, part 16 of 25

“Vic, it’s just a game. And I’m not exactly Rob’s girlfriend, not yet anyway. Besides, when me and Laura were an item, that didn’t mean my character couldn’t flirt with girl NPCs... or even with other players. When Lionel was playing a girl alien in Schwarzschild Radius II —”

Marooned In Paradise

sea-storm_0.jpgMarooned In Paradise
By Anon Allsop

A young boy traveling with his Grandmother across the ocean encounters a great storm, suddenly washed upon a deserted island frightened and alone, he must brave the loneliness and survive. Everything seems to change when another young man is washed ashore a few years later, will they get along...can they both cope while, "Marooned In Paradise"

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 11 (The End)

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 11: A Princess Goes Home

This part is dedicated to the memory of Wren Phoenix, Edeyn Blackeney, and Stanman. All three were very supportive of the story, and I'm incredibly sorry that they are not here to celebrate its completion with us.


The last day before a major break starts is always a hectic one. What do you take with you? What do you leave?

For me, that question had another layer: do I pack for Becky, or for Beck?


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