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(aka Bike) Part 1664 by Angharad Copyright © 2012 Angharad
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Despite my husband and son’s apparent male bonding, it was still muggins here, who had to get Danny off to bed. He was quite tired and didn’t do more than put up a token protest when I told him to go to bed. When I checked on him a short while later he was fast asleep, as were the girls.
I felt pretty tired myself, but thought I’d be able to do a few minutes on the survey and settled myself in the study. I’d only just started when Jacquie tapped on my door. “Could I have a word, Cathy?”
“Of course, sit yourself down.” She sat in the chair alongside my desk, I just hoped it didn’t feel too much like a doctor’s consulting room.
“It’s probably a bit silly, but you know those books the girls like?”
“They like several.”
“The Gaby ones, you have three or four of them.”
I knew which ones she meant from the beginning. “Oh, those, yeah, they do like them.”
“Why do they like stories about a boy who ends up dressed like a girl much of the time?”
“I suppose because the plots are reasonably simple and the characters are straightforward most of the time and they have a strong sense of right and wrong, so I consider for the most part they’re okay for younger children. They sometimes get a bit fed up with the race descriptions, but I enjoy that, and I mostly read to them.”
“I didn’t even know such stories existed, although I hear the odd story of gender confused kids in the Daily Mail or Mirror.”
“This is in strictest confidence,” I started.
“Of course,” she confirmed.
“The little girl who died out cycling with me? She was born a boy.” I hoped that I wasn’t deceiving Jacquie, but at this stage, I wasn’t sure how much to tell her, and I knew Billie wouldn’t have minded helping protect Trish and Julie.
“Oh gosh, I’d never have expected it in a family of this status.”
“Why not? It can happen at all levels, I believe one of the Sainsbury family is transgender, or was.”
“Was?” she looked a little bemused.
“Well yes, if someone has had gender surgery to help them move from one group to another, or presents convincingly in their new gender, they cease to be labelled as trans anything and become male or female as they prefer to be.”
“I hadn’t actually thought of it that way, but, yeah, why not? You’ve obviously thought about it, having a transgender child.”
“Just a bit, and I suspect we’re all a bit more sympathetic than some might be, as a consequence. As long as people don’t adversely affect me or mine, I don’t much care what they say or do. If you’re not happy in your body–change it.”
“Yeah, I agree. Thanks for explaining that.”
“No problem, is Si still about?”
“I think he’s still watching some corny martial arts film.”
“He does like his action movies, it’s a boy thing I expect, a way of dissipating violence or aggression, perhaps?”
“Yeah, maybe. I’m off to bed–mind if I read one of these Gaby books?”
“No, not at all, they’re relatively easy reading, so good bedtime stuff.”
“Goodnight, Mummy.” She bent over and pecked me on the cheek.
“ Goodnight, Jacquie.”
About half an hour later, I’d just collated some results about otters–why they’d sent them to me, I had no idea–I’m the rodent catcher, not mustelid amasser, when Si walked in. “We going to bed tonight?”
“Dunno, I might not if I get a better offer.”
“Ha,” he jibed, “Some chance of that missus.”
“Well you never know.”
“Yes we do, Johnny Depp is busy, so is Tom Cruise, so you’re stuck with me.”
“Is that so, how d’you know I haven’t got someone hidden in the bike workshop?”
“If you did, they’d be chained up with the bikes, just in case they tried to steal one.”
“This is true, I probably would chain them up. Bikes come before bodies any time.”
“Unless the bodies happen to be your children?”
“Our children, Si, how many times have I got to tell you?”
“Okay, okay, our children. Bugger I’ve lost my thread now.”
“Well here’s a new one, I told Jacquie that Billie was transgender.”
“She started reading one of the Gaby stories and wondered why I let my children read them.”
“I thought they were our children?”
“Sorry, I mean our children–particularly the girls.”
“But she hasn’t twigged you, Trish or Julie?”
“I can’t say an unqualified no to that, but it would seem that way.”
“Poor old Billie,” he said and looked rather sad for a moment.”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded, covering for her sisters and mum.”
“Probably not,” agreed Simon. “C’mon, leave your wee furries alone and come to bed.”
“I’m not guaranteeing I want to play with your little furry,” I responded, I felt knackered.
“Fine, as long as you let me play with yours.”
“You have to promise not to wake me then?”
“Goodness, is sex with me that bad?”
“No, not at all, but I’m just very tired tonight.”
“Okay, let’s just go for a kiss and a cuddle?”
“Can we just go for the cuddle, I feel so tired, Si.”
“I s’pose so.” The look on his face tended to suggest he felt very let down by me, but I really was so tired, I didn’t care as much as I might otherwise have done. I was pleased that Danny had had a reasonably good time, and felt wanted in the family again. I admit I don’t do as much as I ought to, but I can’t do everything that’s needed here, the others must learn to help, and that includes making the children feel valued.
“Well, c’mon then,” he asserted himself and I switched off the computer after saving my work. I nodded and he followed me up the stairs to our bedroom. Ten minutes after getting into bed, I was zonked, much to Si’s disappointment. He’d have as much response from a corpse and told me so the next day. I told him he was gross and went back to sleep until the clock radio dragged me into consciousness yet again.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1664
If Jacquie reads those books, will she go to the website and read the others as well as go to the chatroom? And ill she visit here?
May Your Light Forever Shine
I hope ...
I hope Jacquie isn't going to turn out transphobic. With her childhood (sorry, early life,) there's no knowing what other problerms the poor kid's got.
Interesting scene setter Angie.
Still lovin' it.
Wham, Bam, Thank you, Mam
Si still seems to think that Cathy's just there to fulfil his needs. He doesn't seem to have learned much in nearly 30 years on the planet.
and Rinse and Repeat
He feels the urge and he assumes his wife should automatically be available to plug-in. She is not a bloody iPhone. That is the reason I may opt out of a sexually based relationship and just have friends. If you have the urge just meet somebody who also has the urge. There are of course the downsides of aids and stuff *sigh*.
Mismatched sex drives are a problem. A transwoman I believe, in general, has less of a sex drive due to a drastic reduction in testosterone ( maybe even from the adrenals ) and likely not be interested as often as a male in his prime. The needs may just conflict too much.
Cannot help ...
But think that Cathy might not be storing up problems for the future if she is not honest with Jacquie ....If she is curious a search on the internet could well turn up details about Cathy that show Jacquie that her (new) mummy has a secret, Who knows then what Jacquie might do, At the moment she seems calm but finding out details about your Mummy that she did not want to share with you might just change that....
Technically speaking...
...going by Cathy's own definition, there are no longer any TGs in the household, since all three have had the op. Of course, Trish will probably be put on a course of HRT in about four years' time, but if Jacquie's still around by then she'll probably have been made fully aware of the family situation.
Although Cathy's agreed to help her re-establish a life for herself, she's still a relative newcomer and apart from the two specific incidents in Jacquie's life (the accident and the abortion / hysterectomy) we know very little about her life; similarly she knows very little about Cathy's life. Therefore, it's best if information about Cathy's unique family situation is only released on a "need to know" basis.
Once she's fully settled in and maybe has had a chance to do further research on TGs and formulate (hopefully positive!) opinions on TGs (perhaps even to the extent of choosing to read the occasional non-Gaby TG fiction...), then maybe more details of the family can be revealed.
Of course, one tale she definitely won't be able to see is Cathy's top secret diary, started some time after she met Stella for the first time (i.e. this tale - since it's written with Cathy as first person perspective narrator...)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I am only up to episode 758, so I have a way to go to catch up. But if Bonzi is still on the prowl, and fathering offspring, may I have a solid black male?
As of 758, Bonzi is the King of the Cats, and father of desired offspring!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
I'm afraid Bonzi went and got done at the vets some years ago.
Jacqui and Gaby
I thought I'd comment on the comments already posted, and add my own thoughts on the story so far and this latest chapter.
Cathy is facing a difficult situation.
First, it is evident that Cathy may intellectually accept that Jacqui is innocent, but emotionally she hasn't. The episode in which she panicked when Jacqui took baby Cathy for a walk is illustrative. Further, the approach Cathy used, one of force and intimidation, was different from that which she has used in the past. For instance, she could have noted the number of incidents in which members of her family were kidnapped or attacked as her cause of concern. She didn't, which I think is important.
The use of Maddy Campbell's Gaby books is one way of introducing Jacqui to a very different world from that of her earlier life experience. The revelation of Billie's condition was an evasion. However, it demonstrates that Cathy is not yet ready to accept Jacqui's presence as a member of the family. As far as Cathy is concerned, Jacqui is still in the probationary stage, half-way between employment as an outsider and full acceptance within the family fold.
Of course, if Jacqui is curious she could take one of two actions. She could look things up on the internet. Once there, she would find a font of information on Cathy, Si, and the entire family. Perhaps an easier solution would be to talk with Trish. Of the two, however, it might be easier to obtain information from the internet than receive a technical data dump from Trish, the all-knowing. ;-)
Based on previous episodes, I would expect violence in Jacqui's future from those who raped and tortured her, in order to quell court actions. Futher, I would expect Cathy to become Nemesis, once again, to preserve and protect her family. That trauma should establish the familial relationship, if past chapters are any indication of future events.
As always, I await the next chapter with eagerness.
Again, thank you, Angharad, for your delightful grand novel.
PS. Angharad, have you found a new feline companion?
Red MacDonald
Maddy Bell
Sorry. but I got carried away.
Of course, it's Maddy Bell who is the wonderful author of the Gaby novels. I don't quite know why Campbell fell out of my head and into my fingers, but it did.
So, let me apologize to Maddy, and all her readers, of which I include myself.
Red MacDonald
As a MacDonald
I'd have thought you'd have kept well away from any Campbells!
New feline? I've still got Bonz & Whizz, don't think I could cope with any extras.
whilst i can claim German, English and Welsh ancestry there isnae a hint of anything that Hadrian tried to keep oot!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
MacDonald and Campbell
I'm MacDonald, Donnachaidh and Lamont, with a smidges of several others tossed in for flavor. The family emigrated from Glasgow in the early 1920s. And, I'm a bit English, too, but I've been forgiven, since I had little to do with it.
Yes, I do know the difference. And, my Lamont heritage would be the deterence, since my MacDonald side is Nova Scotia.
However, as a Yank, it sorta doesn't matter. It's a real melting pot when the families gather, and nobody but me has delved into the family's history enough to understand the old clan wars, rivalries and religious animosities. It's just as well we've put all that behind us, and just think of ourselves as Scottish-Americans.
Still, Clan Bell would not appreciate being called Campbell, nor would Argyll appreciate being Bell. I just hope that Maddy appreciates my typo was one made in good faith, and accepts my apology.
And, it's cool you have two cats. They can be fun, as long as you don't mind them sitting on the paper while you're trying to read it. ;-D
Red MacDonald
Life is full of disappointments,
but there is always the next morning.
"after saving my work" ...
/public service announcement/
Responding to the question "How often should I do a save?", I told a roomful of co-workers: "If you even think about 'thinking about' doing a save - do a save".
Auto-save in applications may be much better now, than 'back then' ... but if you've been working for an hour - do you trust auto-save? Or will you do a 'manual' save?
In many applications, saving is as fast and simple as pressing CTRL-S. And we can do that one-handed.
In many cases - stuff, including on-line application crashes and network outages, happens, so preparing your text locally, before uploading it, can be a Very Good Idea, and way better than losing a great chunk of work.