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(aka Bike) Part 732 by Angharad |
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“Potatoes,” I sniffed wiping my eyes and nose.
“Potatoes?” Stella queried.
“Yes, I need to get them on to cook.”
“Come on then, I’ll carry on doing them, you go and wash your face before the girls see you’ve been crying.” I came back down ten minutes later and she was putting the spuds on to boil.
“Thanks for doing that,” I said, she seemed to have mellowed since she had Puddin’, sadly I didn’t have the same opportunity, although I did have the three girls who had transformed my life.
“You’re welcome, what are you doing with them?”
“I’ve got some salad stuff and cooked ham, I thought I’d do new potatoes with butter.”
“Very good for the figure and cholesterol,” she said smiling.
“Stella, your figure has come back really well.”
“Yeah, well yours has never been away, s’not fair that you can eat what you like and stay slim, except where you want a bit of meat.”
“I’ve had to go up pretty well a whole cup size.”
“So? I haven’t heard Simon complaining. Nor you for that matter.”
“I didn’t say I was complaining,” I laughed thrusting my chest out at her.
“Put ‘em away, Cathy, there’ll be enough fat on the cooked ham.” I decided that discretion was the better part of valour, and stopped my retort before it left my mouth.
I prepared the rest of the dinner while the spuds boiled, I felt quite at home in this kitchen nowadays, it was over a year since my mother had died and she’d only recently had it all refurbished. I know I could have had it done again, but I didn’t feel a need to stamp my name all over it, after all, I was the sole owner of it now.
“What happened to Des’ house, I wonder?” asked Stella.
“Um, you mean you didn’t hear?”
“No, I suppose he died before he changed his will. I was a bit disappointed that he hadn’t, and of course he didn’t know about Puddin’, did he?”
“I think Puddin’ will get something from it, when she’s older.”
“How do you know that?”
“A little birdy told me.”
“I can’t tell you that, it was given to me in confidence, but I was told that he’d left it for the children of the family.”
“I don’t believe you, your nose is growing…”
Even though I knew that was absurd I felt it all the same. “No it isn’t,” I threw back.
“You are lying, Cathy Watts.” She paused and then gave me a long hard look, “He left it to you, didn’t he?”
I went red and hot and spluttered, “I–I–can explain.”
“Judas,” she said and stormed off up to her room.
I felt my eyes fill with tears, I had meant to tell her yonks ago, but just how do you tell someone that the man they are intending to marry, says he loves you more? As Stella was in such a vulnerable state, I could hardly say anything, could I, nor was there a good time to break it – then it was all too late.
I went upstairs and knocked on her room, “Go away,” she called back.
“Stella, please I need to talk to you.”
“Go away, I have nothing to say to you.”
I pushed open the door, she was sitting on the bed her head in her hands. “I want you to listen and then if you still feel angry with me, that’s fair enough.”
“I don’t want to listen….” she sobbed, “I feel betrayed….”
“You weren’t, Des had a crush on me from day one. Why I don’t know?”
“You were prettier than me….”
“No I’m not. Anyway, he did and try as he would I wouldn’t accept his advances and for some reason that seemed to make me different.”
“Different -- ha, that’s a bloody laugh, isn’t it. Of course you’re different, you’re a bloody boy.”
Her comment cut through me like an arrow and I felt a combination of sick and hurt. “Yeah, that’s what I am, a bloody boy. Thanks for stating your real opinion of me, instead of all that bullshit earlier.” I walked out of her room closing the door behind me and went to my own room. I felt numb, it was worse than feeling hurt or angry. It felt as if the pain was so great that my body and mind couldn’t cope with it at all and so completely dissociated from any sensation. My immediate thought was to kill myself and be done with all this nonsense – how can anyone change sex, it’s absurd, not to mention impossible – how could I delude myself? Worse, how could I allow Trish to make the same stupid mistake?
I looked at my watch, it was nearly six, the girls needed feeding – well two girls and a boy. I washed my face yet again and went down to feed them.
“Are you okay, Mummy?” Trish asked.
What I wanted to say was – ‘No, I’m bloody well not alright and don’t call me mummy, I’m not your bloody mother.’ What I actually vocalised was, “I’m alright, sweetheart, just got a bit of a headache.”
“Can we help make you better?”
“I think you already have, sweetheart. Wash your hands and you can lay the table.”
“Okay, Mummy, I know where it’s all kept.” She went off to the cloakroom to wash her paws.
“You bin cwyin’, Mummy?” said Meems as she hugged my leg, it was like having a sex-starved dog at times.
“Only with my headache, and that’s passing now.”
“I’s gwad, Mummy.”
“Yeah, so am I, darling. Come on, you can help me wash some lettuce.” I made her wash her hands too, and left her drowning an Iceberg.
“What can I do, Mummy?” Livvie presented herself.
“After you’ve washed your hands you can get some drinks for the three of you.” Which is what she did.
“Shall I lay a place for you and Auntie Stella, Mummy?” called Trish.
“Not just yet, sweetheart, we may eat later, she was feeling a bit off colour as well.”
“Oh dear, poor Auntie Stella,” Trish quipped. I looked at her, she was as girlish as the other two, not exaggeratedly so. She looked and acted like a girl. Part of me remembered my rant to myself from earlier, provoked by Stella’s nastiness, yet it seemed so inappropriate. This child was a girl, pure and simple – despite what her biology might say, she was as much a girl as the other two. She also looked to me for protection, the world was going to be a mean and nasty place for someone who was different, and I had given my word to support her as much as I could as long as she was dependent upon me. I couldn’t go back on that, that would be dishonourable and a betrayal of trust on so many levels–it would have been unforgivable, in fact, unthinkable.
I had responsibilities which I had to honour, why should these three mites be disadvantaged because of a stupid spat between two silly women. Yes women. I cared not what Stella said, I was a woman – I accept, a somewhat vulnerable one, but her brother loved me, well until a day ago, and my children needed me, and they loved me without conditions. And as the tears streamed down my face, I knew I loved them too, as their foster mum.

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Was wondering when that was going to happen
People always go for that which hurts us most when riled. Those who know us best can hurt us the hardest.
Glad she has formed her resolve though, for the sake of the kids...
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
I Just Hope That
Stella doesn't lose it. Cathy needs her sister.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm not trying
to defend Stella (what she said was cruel and thoughtless!)but if Cathy had told her about the house earlier, Maybe all this upset could have been avoided,
What worries me now is given Stella's previous problems just how she might react now faced with the knowledge that Des fancied Cathy more than his future wife!!!
I knew this was coming!
I knew this was coming! Naturally Stella knows how to hurt Cathy the most, but I doubt she really meant it. Still, she's got a lot of apologizing to do! Good job Angharad, you got me misty eyed!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
glad to see cathy's resolve growing
But even though she was cruel, I'm very worried about Stella. Hope Cathy checks on her very soon.
I Just Hope Stella Realizes Puddin Needs Her
I just hope that Stella realizes that Puddin needs her and she doesn't do anything to herself. Of course Cathy should have told her a lot sooner, but in reality, her mental state wouldn't have been able to handle it at the time. Cathy has had her hands full being a mother and she has so many other things to deal with. Hopefully, Stella and Cathy can get past this and move on. Des left a big mess behind. If he had really taken the time to realize what this would do to Stella, he wouldn't have put Cathy in this position. Therefore the greater blame lies with Des. If Stella can get over her hurt, then she will come to understand that Cathy was not responsible for Des being an insensitive Cad.
There is the possibility that Des was only marrying Stella to gain access to Cathy. At some point he would have then attempted some hanky-panky with Cathy if he could talk her into it. And he fancied himself as a ladies' man, so he would perhaps think that time and proximity would wear down Cathy's resistance.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Spot on
... I am just in awe how Angharad has braided and set up these plot lines so far in advance and/or she deftly finds it and weaves it in so seamlessly.
With Bonzi's constant supervision of course !
If I remember rightly Cathy
Jengrl If I remember rightly Cathy could not say anything before because Stella had a breakdown after Des died and by the time Cathy could discuss it a lot of time had passed and she most likely had forgot by then.
Stella always hits that spot every time they fight and then promises to never to do it again then blows that promise by using Cathy's past against he again it's no wonder Cathy is so self concious.
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Pre ops listen up, Damit.
This shit really does happen and it happens to the best of us. After you spend those thousands of dollars making yourself the best woman you can, it will still happen. Learn to be strong.
No kidding....
Once you tell somebody it is always just a matter of time. It is no wonder so many of us post-ops would prefer to stay stealth if possible.
There is no good time.
I expected this to happen when Stella accompanied Cathy to Bristol. Stella needs to talk with Cathy to resolve tthis before she does anything drastic. Des and her had one weekend together and were getting together to reconcile when tragedy struck. Realistically, Des did not have time to change anything. It was his impulsiveness and feelings for Cathy that set the stage for this act.
Stella knows that Cathy always puts other's first. Cathy is unselfish to a fault. She did not know until after Des' funeral that he left everything to her. Cathy has indicated that Puddin will benefit. Cathy's is only amiss in not addressing this issue sooner. Given all that she's been through and Stella mental health issues there never was a good time. I hope Stella is strong enough now to rationally deal with this issue.
Thanks for maintaining this quality story over 732 installemnt. May your muse inspire you to write many more.
~There is no reality, only perceptions.~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Here's Another Idea
Since Cathy knows that the blue light can bring people back from the dead, how about going to the cemetery and digging him up? She could use the blue light to bring him back and then kick his ass from Bristol to London for putting her in this mess. She should drag him back to the house and make him apologize to Stella. She could then strangle him, cut his privates off and then put him back in the grave LOL!
Remind me...
...not to upset you.
Was the will
written before Stella? It would make a difference.
I just hope this doesn't set Stella off into a depression again.
Bonzi makes Stella evil and nasty
This should have come out at the reading of the will, even if Stella was nutty. But of course Bonz has her strike out at Cathy again. Cathy should say Des was really gay, and having sex with Stella was a test he needed to do.
Get it over with all at once.