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(aka Bike) Part 720 by Angharad |
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Walking in cycling shoes is difficult, running is doubly so, I clomped down the corridors after the porter towards the sports area of the hotel complex. What had happened? I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I continued running.
We dashed into a room marked Private, inside two paramedics were bent over someone. “MIMA,” I screamed and they turned to look at me. Someone tried to grab me, but I wriggled free. She lay still on the couch and her lips were blue. “NO!” I screamed again. I pushed past the paramedics and kneeling beside her, pulled her lifeless body into mine. Tears flowed down my face and the assembled group gave me some space with her.
I looked up at the paramedics and they shook their heads. She was naked under the blanket. She wasn’t dead, she couldn’t be. I wouldn’t let her be. I had to save her.
I laid her flat and began breathing into her mouth. One of the paramedics went to pull me away, and I slapped him, “Fuck off, I know what I’m doing.” I went back to my artificial respiration. I poured love and the blue energy into her, breathing the light into her lifeless lungs and then slight pressure on her heart, moving the energy around her static heart.
They watched as I cried and worked. I heard Stella stop someone from interrupting me. “But she’s dead,” said a male voice.
“Just watch a moment,” said Stella behind me.
I kept working for several minutes, and I heard someone expressing dissent behind me, when Mima coughed and water leaked from her mouth, I turned her on her side and she vomited up more water and coughed.
“Get the oxygen and fast,” shouted a voice.
Mima’s eyes flickered open, “Mummy,” she said quietly and her eyes closed. I continued pushing the energy into her until the paramedics dragged me off to administer the oxygen and put on a heart monitor. “Clear the way, she might make it.” They rushed off with her on the stretcher towards their ambulance.
“She’ll make it, alright,” said Stella, “Well done, Cathy.” She put her hand on my shoulder and I felt the room start to spin. “Hang on, help me,” called Stella and hands helped me to a chair.
I stood up and made it to the sink where I was so sick, I couldn’t believe it. After that I felt better. A maid arrived with some jeans and shoes for me, plus my handbag, and I quickly changed and we ran to my car.
“You up to this?” asked Stella, as we got in my car.
“Try stopping me.” The tyres screeched as we flew out of the car park, nearly knocking over some bloke walking his dog. After that I drove like a sedate maniac, I threw the keys to Stella and asked her to park the car–I know, Stella in my car–but I wanted to be with Meems. I ran into Accident and Emergency at the new Queen Alex hospital, and asked for my daughter.
A nurse came out to me and said she was in a treatment room and they were assessing her. I would have to wait. It’s not something I do easily when things are going well, when the situation is critical, I can’t even sit still let alone relax.
Stella came into the waiting room. “I’ve paid for four hours.”
“Here,” she handed me my bag, “don’t thank me, I had to use your money, I haven’t got my bag.”
“Call Simon and Tom, tell them where we are.” I spotted Sam Rose coming out of one of the cubicles.
“Cathy,” he waved, “Come over here.” I walked quickly to him. “She’s alive, but she’s very poorly. I’m going to have her sent up to the ward, you can go and see her.” He held open the curtain and I dashed into the room.
Meems was on a gurney, with a blanket over her and a drip in her arm. She was attached to oxygen and a machine measuring her heartbeat and blood pressure. I sat alongside her and held her hand.
“Remember the light you saw me use, the blue or white light. Feel it surrounding you, feel it coming from me and into you. It’s my love for you, so let it enter your body and relax and heal you. You had a bad shock, but you’re going to get better very quickly. Now sleep and wake soon feeling better and back to normal.”
“Excuse me, madam, I’ve come to take her up to the ward.” The hospital porter and a nurse took my baby out of the room and down a corridor. I wanted to go with her but Sam Rose stopped me.
“Come and have a sit down and a cup of tea, you look all in. Even miracle workers need to rest, you know.” I let him steer me into a room and he asked someone to bring some teas. Stella came in a few moments later.
“Tom is going to the hotel to watch the other two, Simon is on his way here. Dad is on his way to the hotel, too. Heads are gonna roll.”
“What happened?” I asked as I sipped the tea a nurse handed me.
“I’m not sure. One minute Mima was playing on her own in the shallow end while the instructor chap was teaching Trish and Livvie to swim. Next minute, some big lads are larking about and one of them fell in. I think he fell on Mima, she just disappeared. The lifeguard dived in when he spotted her on the bottom and they sent for the ambulance, but they couldn’t revive her. We were waiting to see what happened next when you arrived and here we are.”
“What happened to the fool who fell on her?”
“I don’t know, but I suspect Daddy will have him arrested.”
“Part of me wants to kill him, the fool. Part of me wants to forgive him providing he doesn’t do anything like it again.”
“It was suggested they were two soldiers on leave from Afghanistan.”
“In which case, I’ll forgive them. They tend to have a short enough life span as it is.”
“He also thinks he killed her, Cathy.”
“Let him stew for a bit, he might yet be right.”
“She’s up on the children’s ward,” said Sam, “I’ll get someone to take you up.”
“Thanks.” I hugged him. “She is going to be alright, isn’t she?”
“You know more than I do, I had two paramedics telling me they’d just seen someone raise the dead. I told them, children can go into a suspended animation when they are shocked. I hope he believed me. He saw the light, Cathy, so be prepared for some questions at some point.”
“If it means that Mima survives, I don’t care what happens to me, I’ll deal with it.”
“You know where I am, I’ll be up to see her in a little while, I’ve another child to see to.”
“Thanks, Sam, you’re a good man.”
“So you keep telling me, but what about you? You are so far off the scale of goodness, you must be somewhere above the saints by now.”
“I didn’t think Jews had saints?”
“We don’t, just the odd prophet, okay, you must be up with them then.”
“Move over Elijah, here I come,” I said and winked at him. He laughed and went to see his other patient.
I was sitting with Mima, still half in my cycling kit and half dressed when Simon arrived. I held on to her hand and talked to her. “Hi, Babes, how is she?”
I put my finger to my lips and took him away from the bed. “She’s quite poorly but everything seems to be working. I’m going to stay with her tonight.”
“Is that a good idea?” he asked.
“You going to stop me?”
“No, but the hospital might?”
“I don’t think so, this is the ward where I helped that boy. The sister has already told me I can sit with her.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Give me a hug and a kiss and send in some clean clothes for me. I’ve been out riding and was coming back into the hotel when I was told Mima was sick.”
“What happened?”
“Stella knows more than I do. Talk with her, but can you put some more time on my car?”
“We have a special ticket for that, Lady Catherine,” said the sister as she passed to empty a papier mache receiver in the sluice.
“I’ll get to the bottom of it, and I’ll send up some food for you.” He hugged and kissed me again and left with Stella. I settled down in the chair, holding Mima’s hand and praying that she wasn’t brain damaged.

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All that talk
About who has and who hasn't almost died was premature. Dang it, Angharad, now I'm sitting here crying. As for punishing anybody, it's a bit early for that. Go Cathy, put the healing whammy on Meems.
One thing: Cathy will never get her sainthood using language like that! ;-)
They know they can survive
you have me all teary eyed.
It's the hardest when the little ones are involved.
She has me teary eyed so often
I just ordered enough tissues to stock up the hotel Cathy is staying in.
Cathy Proved Just What A Good Mother Is
Cathy just proved what a good mother is. Her first and only priority was her child and she did not care about what others thought about the blue light. She put her concerns for her child above any media exposure that she will most definitely receive. Hopefully, Mima will be okay without any adverse effects.
Let's hope Sam's
little explanation will provide enough cover to let Cathy go unscathed. It is the first time they had ever seen the blue light so they will probably not understand what it is.
Cross your fingers everyone.
I really hate it when children get hurt like that. I remember the few times I was seriously ill as a kid. It was hard on everyone.
NEVER interfere with Lady Cathy,
Or heads will roll! She is a tiress when her kids are hurt.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Talk about excitement associated with biking. Far too many "near death" experiences associated with cycling here...
Hope Meems gets better soon. Was interesting seeing Cathy sound as loud as Meems used to.
Didn't think Jews had saints...
In the Roman Catholic sense, no, but there is a concept of something approaching sainthood in this world, a Tzaddik or, in Cathy's case, a Tzidkanit, from the same root as the Hebrew word for justice, a person who has conquered their inclinations toward pride, power and oppression, instead practising humility and righteousness. In their merit, they sometimes gain the power to heal, and to miraculously appear* in any part of the world to alleviate suffering and oppression. It's the rough equivalent of a Bodhisattva. Not all Jews believe this, but the concept is there. Miracles are not a Christian monopoly.
* Frank Herbert's Dune fans may recognise this concept in the Kefitzat Ha-Derekh, the so-called "Kwisatz Haderach," who "shortens the way." This ability to fold space and time is traditionally associated with Jewish Saints.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
worried about Cathy's ability
to leave the kids and go enjoy herself now and then. Seems like trouble follows her too much. Glad Stella is there for her.
If Mima said Mummy, I have to believe that she will recover fully.
Anyone else notice the increasing similarity to the healer in "The Green Mile". - "I stood up and made it to the sink where I was so sick, I couldn’t believe it. After that I felt better."
When Cathy
ran into the room and saw that Meems lips were blue my heart was in my mouth...So it was very much a case of thank god for the blue light when Cathy tried to revive her beloved daughter, Thankfully it looks like everything might be okay so we can all breath again and hope Meems makes a full recovery.
Once again Angharad you have shown why so many of us love EAFOAB, Your ability to play with our emotions is second to none, And as i may have mentioned before i hope this series goes on for a long time...Thank you so much for all your hard work.
I feel very baddly for Cathy
I feel very baddly for Cathy and Simon and most of all for Meems. I do feel tho that the soldiers most likely did not even see Meems in the water as she is only a three year old.
They probably just ran and jumped in without looking as a lot of people will do at a pool. Yes, it is a very dangerous thing to do as this episode points out rather well.
I hope the "blue light special" will take good effect on Meems and somehow I see Cathy working her special "powers" on other children very soon. Janice Lynn
This brings back a sad memory…
…for me. Back in 1959 when I was a student I had a summer job as a swimming instructor at a Butlin’s Holiday Camp. It was towards the end of the season and staff numbers were being reduced. My co-instructor had already left and one of the three lifeguards had also gone. One day I returned to the pool after having my lunch to find an ambulance parked next to the pool building and the pool closed.
Apparently s small 4-year old girl had fallen in the deep end while making her way to the loo and the first thing anyone knew about it was when somebody saw her lying on the bottom of the pool through one of the glass windows that were a feature of Butlin’s swimming pools. One of the life-guards got her out about 10 minutes before I returned from my break. We performed artificial respiration—Holger-Neilsen Method, it being before the time of mouth-to-mouth—for nearly 2 hours, without any success. Being officially “in charge†of the pool, I felt terrible about it, even though I was on my compulsory lunch break. Of course the tabloid newspapers had a field day with screaming headlines such as “RIDDLE OF THE GLASS-SIDED POOLâ€, and other gruesome attention catchers. And of course my parents saw some of the headlines.
I had bad dreams which included her limp little body for some time afterwards.
It Happens All Too Often
I looked for some stats and found this: "Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death among children ages 1 to 14. The majority of drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools and in open water sites. However, children can drown in as little as one inch of water and are therefore at risk of drowning in wading pools, bathtubs, buckets, diaper pails, toilets, spas and hot tubs."
Here's The link to the site where the info came from:
There's quite a bit more information there.
The Blue Light
If Cathy had the Blue Light power when her father was incapacitated after the stroke, would she have used it?
I believe
she would. She gets angry at times and usually Simon is the focus of that anger, but she rarely holds malice. So I think if she could have helped either of her parents, she would have done so even if they hadn't thanked her for it.
It is an interesting thing
It is an interesting thing to consider. Later as her father used guilt to wrap Cathy around his finger, yes she probably would have. Earlier when she still felt the full measure shame/guilt/hurt/fear .... yeah she probably would as well, and maybe try to change his mind?
blue light
didnt Cathy's mom have to do with getting blue light, I seem to remember that Cathy & simon in her parents bedroom right after one of her dreams about mom was 1st occurrence of the blue light wasnt something in the box besides the safety box key ... some necklace or somthin ?
Wonder how much
Meems will remember. I believe she will get better. I can't help myself.
Usually it's Stella Ang trys to kill off, bringing one back
From the dead is exhausting. That's thrice for Cathy. Poor little kid .
Let the trooper stew, no excuse, that will be sufficient punishment.
It was a genuine emergency after all.