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(aka Bike) Part 709 by Angharad |
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Trish and I were sitting waiting to be called to see Dr Dorian Henshelwood. We were a few minutes early and instead of reading we were playing ‘I spy’. I’m sure everyone has played it before with children, you see something, give them the first letter and they have to guess what the object is. In a hospital waiting room, that’s limited, so to make it more interesting, the guess had to be used in a sentence.
Trish gave me one beginning with the letter ‘R’. I looked around, and decided I’d have a guess. “I think the word is receptionist; um…I know, the receptionist came out of her house and only discovered she had no knickers on, when she sat on her bicycle.” Trish roared with laughter, getting an old fashioned look from our knickerless receptionist.
“No, that’s the wrong word.” She sat smiling smugly.
“Oh, okay, let me see.” I glanced around the room, “Um, right. The word is red, yeah, I’ve got it, the receptionist left her red knickers at home in case she had to cross a field which had a bull in it.”
“No, Mummy,” she was giggling like a loony and both of us were drawing all sorts of looks from patients and staff alike.
“I give up,” I said.
“Roundabout,” she pointed at a toy carousel thing a little girl was playing with in front of the toy cupboard.
“Clever clogs, now it’s my turn…” before I could get my revenge, a voice called for “Patricia Watts.” We looked at each other and jumped up together.
Standing in front of the door of his room was a kindly looking man with a bushy beard, which was pepper and salt coloured and pair of twinkling blue eyes which flashed under his equally bushy eyebrows and pair of silver framed spectacles.
He held the door open while we entered the room. He indicated a sofa opposite a single chair, with a table alongside it. He shut the door and offering his hand said, “Dorian Henshelwood.” He shook my hand and then Trish’s.
“Cathy Watts and this young lady is Trish.”
“Trish, okay, Trish it is.” He made a note on a file. We all sat down and he looked at both of us. “That’s a very nice dress, Trish, did you choose it?”
“Yes, doctor.”
“You have good taste, do you choose all your clothes?”
“Not all of them, sometimes Mummy does, and school uniform, we don’t have a choice.”
“Oh dear, what’s so dreadful about the school uniform?”
“Nothing I s’pose, ‘cept you never get to choose, ‘cept between the dress and the skirt ‘n’ blouse.”
“Well, when I went to school, I had to wear charcoal grey trousers, a black blazer, white shirt and school tie. I didn’t have the option of a summer uniform, so what do you think about that?”
“I think girls are luckier than boys. Did the girls in your school have a summer and winter uniform?”
“Yes, they did. I think you’re jolly well right, they did have more choice and were luckier. So you don’t fancy wearing trousers and a shirt and tie?”
Trish shook her head, “Ugh, no thank you. I don’t mind wearing trousers when I’m riding my bike, or playing, but I’d rather wear skirts or dresses to school.”
“I see, fair enough. But you do wear trousers, sometimes then?”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Do you like them, I mean to wear?”
“They’re okay, when it was cold in the winter, we went sledging, and we needed trousers for that. My sister Mima, she wore some too.”
“So people didn’t think you were a boy in trousers, then?”
Trish looked at him, and then blushing furiously, said, “No, why should they? I’m a girl.” She gripped my hand tightly. I was trying not to influence anything she said, and I thought they were both doing well.
“Well only because, boys traditionally wear trousers and girls wear skirts. What about a kilt? Boys can wear those.”
“Both my gramps wear kilts sometimes, one has a castle up in Scotland.”
“Indeed,” the twinkling eyes shifted a little, he clearly didn’t believe this.
“It has pointy towers like a fairy castle, and he says when Mima and me visit, we are fairy princesses.”
“You like your gramps, then?”
“Yes, we live with the other one, he’s a professor at the university. Mummy works there too, when she isn’t on television.” He looked at me in puzzlement.
“Your mummy is on television?”
“Yes, she made a film on dormice and is going to make one on harvest mice. She’s an expert on mice, she has a pet dormouse called Spike. I like to hold Spike, she is soft and furry with a long furry tail, she once ran down Mummy’s blouse and weed herself. It’s on the computer, it’s very funny.” She started to laugh and he smiled too. He looked at me, I was blushing furiously, and the eyes sparkled again. He wasn’t sure how much of this to take, but he hadn’t asked me for confirmation–yet.
“So what does the other gramps, do?” he asked Trish.
“That one was Grampa Tom, he’s the professor. Grampa Henry, he’s the one with the castle, and he owns a bank and big hotel in Southsea.”
“A bank, what sort of bank?”
“A bank where we keep our money, Gramps is very honest, so you could keep yours there if you want, I’ll ask him to do it for you, if you want.” I was blushing and smirking at the same time.
“Your grampas sound very nice men, do you think so?”
“Yes, they spoil all three of us, me, Mima and Livvie. Livvie is my latest sister, she’s only been with us for a few weeks. Her daddy killed her mummy and then killed himself and asked my mummy to look after her.”
“Goodness, your new sister?”
“Yes, Mummy can’t have babies, so she fosters us, but we all want to be adopted by her and Daddy after they get married. They’re going to get married up in the castle, aren’t you Mummy and we’re gonna be bridesmaids and wear posh frocks and have our hairs done with flowers in it, aren’t we Mummy?”
I smiled, trying not to say anything, but I felt I had to answer her this time. “The arrangements haven’t been finalised yet, but you will be a bridesmaid, with Meems and Livvie.”
“See, I told you, I gonna wear my hair up like a big girl,” she scooped her hair and lifted it above her head. “I think it’ll be nice.”
“I’m sure it will, Trish, I’m sure it will.” He paused and I wondered when he was going to start asking her some awkward questions or historical ones. They started. “Can I ask you, when you knew you were really a girl?”
“When I was about two, I wanted to wear dresses and play with dollies and my first mummy used to beat me and shout at me.”
“Why did she do that?”
“I don’t know, I think it was because she hated me, but my new mummy says that all mummies really love their children, and she might have beaten me because she loved me and didn’t want me to be different. That’s right isn’t it, Mummy?” I smiled my reply back to her.
“Do you think your first mummy loved you?”
“She wanted me to be a boy, but I didn’t want to. I knew I was a girl, so she put me in a home and I haven’t seen her since.”
“Do you miss her?”
“No, I love my new mummy, she’s nice and she said she’d help me to be a lady like her, she’s going to be Lady Catherine when she marries Daddy, he’s a lord, only they say laird, up in Scotland.”
“Do they? Goodness, for a young lady you know an awful lot, don’t you?”
“Yes, because I like to read a lot, me and Livvie read loads, and we’re trying to teach Meems to read too, but she’s only three an’ a half.”
“So, what happened in the home?”
“I used to get bullied, but I kept telling them I was a girl ‘cept one boy used to bash me up. He pushed me down the stairs and I hurt my head. I had to come to hospital because I was unconscious and I couldn’t walk.
“Meems had been hit by a car and couldn’t walk, but Mummy makes miracles happen, and she cured Meems, then when Dr Rose asked her to cure me, she did too. Then I asked the judge if I could live with her, and he said yes.”
“So, this mummy cured you and let you be a girl?”
“Yes, that’s what I said, didn’t I? Weren’t you listening?”
“Oh yes, it’s riveting stuff, I was just sorting it out in my own head. I’m a bit slower than you.”
“Well try and keep up,” the cheeky maggot sniped at him.
“I’ll endeavour to do so.” He’d made copious notes, and then he asked if he could speak with me. Trish happily acceded to his request, and I filled him in some of the finer points. “An interesting young lady,” he said as he shook her hand again as we left, his eyes twinkling once more.

"Voting and commenting is not obligatory, but it might mean you live longer." Bonzi
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What a pleasant doctor. I'd only hope that all GPs and hospital doctors are that polite. Oh, I see mine at 9.10 in the morning!
Mostly Harmless
What a sweet doctor
that was... And so different from the last one!!! Trish obviously thought he was a very nice man judging by some of the answers she gave him...Although quite what he made of Cathys gift of healing is anybodys guess!!
That was a lot of personal information that Trish laid out all of a sudden.
You have to watch the quiet doctors, they stay quiet and then they hit you with things that can floor you. If Cathy isn't embarrassed yet I have a feeling she will be later. The Doctor obviously doesn't believe Trish about the family, I wonder what will happen with that? will he think Trish is a chronic liar, or will he fall off of his chair when he gets confirmation on everything she has said? What will happen when he finds out about Cathy's powers? Will he try to psycho analyze her instead? This may only be the calm before the storm. I'm hearing rumbles of something coming that might hurt Cathy, Simon and the kids.
Great job as usual Angharad.
Joni W
Background checks
If the new psych has internet access, it shouldn't take long to verify the YouTube incident. And probably not much longer to discover the Camerons. Alternatively, a quick phone call to Sam Rose would also confirm all that...
And hopefully if he noticed all the blushing Cathy did during Trish's spiel he'd realise she said it all off her own bat - she wasn't put up to it by Cathy or anyone else...
Hmm...according to my profile page I've only been registered here for just over two weeks, and I've already ploughed through 709 chapters of this! It's an interesting experience watching the references to real life events get closer and closer to the present, 'real time', as I wade through. Oh well, not long to go now until I've completely caught up, then I can actually start either:
a) getting a life, instead of reading a couple of dozen chapters of Bike ('cause I can't read a dozen chapters into the future from the end, as they won't exist!)(but spending evenings away from my computer? Nah! I'm surgically attached to it <grin>)
b) getting caught up in other stories on BCTS / Maddy's site (more likely)(but still popping back here near midnight to catch the latest episode)
c) re-engaging with some of the other dozen or so Internet communities I've invaded, but more or less abandoned over the past fortnight... (possible)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Well welcome to BC
I purposely delayed reading it for a long time because I am not too good with suspense. It took me about three weeks or so to read it and it didn't affect me at all. Um well, now I go into bike shops and lust over $4000 Bikes, I'm riding 20 miles three times a week, and have this strange attraction to tiny woodland beasties. Don't understand it at all.
Kids Say The Darndest Things ;)
Trish sue did have fun. And that doctor sounds like a Santa Claus, or as our British cousins say: Father Christmas. I just hope that he is like Granpa Tom.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
"Try And Keep Up"
The shrink is doubtless looking for evidence as to Trish's motivation. If there was any doubt as to who is the motivating force in Trish's transition, her exasperated impatience (and cheekiness) with the doctor is pretty good evidence that SHE is.
... but sometimes it takes events later life to light the fuse, so the speak, thus late transitioning TS folks.
In a way it is worst for kids who are so aware that they are trans that early on as their childhood is potentially that much harder as you are aware but have no ability to change your destiny.
If more of them were like this one, more patients would use their services. As it says in the Hippocratic oath..."First of all, do no harm!" (I think)
OKAY !...Okay!...okay!.....
Please Harvest Meeses in me knickers.
Like, I'm commenting, already..............
I am addicted to E.A.F.O.A.B.,
I admit it, "I am a lost cause".
I pitched such a fit, when stuck to the bed, when recovering from
surgery, last year in Bangkok. Finally a friend allowed me, to use
her lap-top, so I could keep up with THE ADVENTURES OF CATHY.
Did I mention, I really do enjoy the ongoing story?
Love, Hugs and Ooodles of Kisses,
Olivea in SUGARTown
What an ending
Made me laugh a lot.
“Yes, that’s what I said, didn’t I? Weren’t you listening?â€
“Oh yes, it’s riveting stuff, I was just sorting it out in my own head. I’m a bit slower than you.â€
“Well try and keep up,†the cheeky maggot sniped at him.
Still haveing a hard time believing that these kids are so young. Guess it's because they are young and smart and living in an environment that supports their development. Bravo Cathy! You not only cured them but you are letting them develop to their fullest capacity.
Back ... Back ...
Bonzi - Good Kitty !! Now sheath those claws now ... See, mommy has some catnip ...
Ha, if I were a sane person I would have a hard time accepting a third of what Trish says. A conventional life that little girl, will not have - hmmm I think I am using Korean grammar - sorry. Makes me jealous ! I think the Trish and doctor will get along fine.
RE: "Voting and commenting
RE: "Voting and commenting is not obligatory, but it might mean you live longer." Bonzi
Bonzi, you may FEEL like a Tiger, but anything larger than a Dormouse would be too fierce for you, pet, so dont make threats, there's a good girl. Just sit and purr like you are supposed to!
Anyway, Angharad, I am just amazed how you manage to keep this going day after day, and even squeeze the odd chapter of another tale or two in as well. How do you find time to feed Bonzi?
It's no wonder she gets stroppy! I'm glad that you do manage to do it though - you brighten our lives so generously. Bless you.
It is readily apparent
It is readily apparent that this psychiatrist is nothing like Trish's former one! I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between Trish and Dr. Henshelwood!
Once again, Dr. Rose has pointed Cathy in the right direction; she really should do something nice to thank him!
Jawohl, Mein Bonzi!
I used to be owned by a cat and I still remember the drill, eh? So, like, I have dutifully voted and this is the comment. Take it or leave it, Kat! Remember, to do anything to me you'd have to swim a very long way and I expect that, like most felines, you don't like swimming much. So, there!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Oh this chapter is just priceless!
I absolutely love it!
Trish's chattiness clearly demonstrates her happiness. Her answers clearly reveal her contentment with her new situation!
As a terrified child, when I was spoken at by the psychiatrists I simply remained dumb and ignorant cos they just didn't seem to understand transvestism and I certainly wasn't remotely articulate enough or perspicacious enough to offer anything like a plausible reason. I was also anticpating more 'behaviour modification therapy' and I was terrified of what I knew was coming!
I just didn't know why I was a transvestite but their questions seemed to be just like a gaoler torturing his prisoner to extract the secrets. The problem was I didn't know the secrets!!!
Truth to tell, I still don't really know why I'm a tranny but I'm conviced there is a pathology.
The only thing I do know is that it gives me a fantastic extra dimension to my life and sexuality that I find wholly enjoyable. Hence I indulge it to the max that I can without upsetting my partner.
Keep it up Angharad!
Fantastic writing; fantastic reading.
Would Love to Vote
I think though that my Browser killed that option and I apologize to all those out there that wish to vote(or it just may be that the people that update the browsers left of the proper encoding to see the site properly) As to commenting well I love to read your stories and still have at least 300 more chapters to read, and loving every minute of it. Though I was told I had ignored dinner last night and they were hungry. Sad part is I do like using the Weber Grill, my Hubby says I should not be taking over his domain like that, SO I reminded him he was the one asking about dinner he could have been king then.
So Ill slow down a little but do not stop writing this wonderful piece. The great part is I see you get offered some wonderful plot devices as well so it should help keep everything fresh.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
glad to see I'm not the only late comer
to the series, but i'm enjoying this all the same - ONE silver lining tho, I don't have to wait each day for my daily dose, I get to right to the next chapter & I see quite a few yet, but I did sneak peak ahead & as of current it appears Angharad is still writing and to be doing this for this long is a great testament to her writing OR IS IT BONZI ? rofl
Still I'm still enjoying this and with me laid up in bed, It's a great way to keep me occupied instead of whining :-)
Lost track
I thought they were getting along with the last shrink, Judy was it? The previous one attacked Cathy. Futile as it is to ask this, what did I miss?
And it was chapters 605-609. I think I'm not the only one who lost track, but then there was several mafia hit squads and a minor war since. Karen was a little brittle, but I was under the impression they got along OK. A do over perhaps?
Crocodiles v Felines - (Bike 709)
My neighbours are sometimes crocodiles and if your feline co-authors give too much trouble Angharad I can send you a crocodile as a pussy pacifier
Rhona McCloud
Wasn't there a film recently
of a lioness killing a crocodile and eating it. So don't mess with da Bonz, he may surprise you.
We know where you live, if you vote. We have agents everywhere
Seems ok so far, but he needs to know Trish wasn't fibbing about the castle.
This is a headshrinker, we don't know if it's MD or PhD
I surrender Bonzi, here is a comment for you. Nice kitty!
I want to live a long long time so comment it is...
...although I'd have commented anyhow. This is my third time through the set. Trish is very secure in herself view. Cathy and the Dr. are somewhat incredulous with this childs precociousness.
Well folks! It only gets better.