Carversion -32-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Thirty-Two

"Wow"! Grinned Tyrone, as he stepped outside the RV.

Sara nudged him so that he noticed the sign on the side of their new mobile salon. There, in all its pink glory was the words Cee Tee Styling. Underneath it had the words, 'fashions from the stars to you, we can make anyone outshine the rest.' There was a web site under that, showing the address as [email protected].

"That's for those we might miss on the way." Kim explained. "The website will direct inquires to you laptop," she added.

"Oh boy, that will certainly alert anyone who has read any of the TG fiction stories online," agreed Tyrone. "What made you pick VainGirls?"

"Well, we do our research, we needed something that readers would associate with what you will be doing."

"Good choice," Tyrone said, as he explained the significance to the others.

When Sara mentioned getting on the road again, a protest from Carolyn and Tyrone, had them change their plans. Both Carolyn and Tyrone wanted to repay them for the miraculous gift that they had bestowed.

"The least we can do is give you all a makeover, free of charge. We need to practice and you're the perfect guinea pigs," they laughed. "It could be our debut event," they both insisted.

Sara gave in quickly, and Maggie agreed without reservation, plonking her cute backside in a chair immediately. Kevin looked on resignedly, knowing once Sara had agreed; there'd be no budging her. He sat and watched as Sara and Maggie had their hair washed and shampooed. Even Kim, after a few nudges, sat in the third chair, as Carolyn and Tyrone flitted from one to the other, in a flurry of pink.

Sara moaned in pleasure, as Tyrone massaged her scalp. This was only the second time she had her hair done by others, and she loved it. Maggie giggled and was a handful to keep still. Kim closed her eyes and relaxed as her pampering in turn, eased the stresses of the long journey overnight. Kevin sat and felt a bit left out, even though he had refused to participate either as himself or Anita. Sara knew that he wanted to try it, but didn't want to look too eager to join in as Anita.

Maggie was eventually finished, Carolyn having given her a Shirley Temple look, with lots of curly ringlets that bounced as she moved. When Sara got up from the chair to head to the makeup section, she whispered in Kevin's ear.

"For me?" Her message clear to him to join in.

Kevin shook his head, wondering if he was a man or a mouse, as he touched the Krin. Becoming Anita again, she moved into a chair vacated by Sara, feeling its warmth though his skirt, as she sat down. Maggie wanted to experience another go as her adult form, so that her new hair do would be available for when she had to return to adulthood again. Anita saw the attraction, once her own head was being massaged, during the shampoo and conditioning.

Tyrone spent a while on Anita's hair, knowing it might be a while before Kevin allowed himself to experience it again. Anita wasn't bothered watching Tyrone, knowing that once he was Kevin again; he'd be back to normal. She relaxed and dozed, while Tyrone played with her hair

Therefore, it was with some surprise, when she woke and found she was finished. She gasped as she looked in the mirror. She didn't know whether to be pleased or not, seeing such an ornate arrangement on her head. Some part of the primitive in Kevin, wanted no part in the girlification of her appearance, having only just put up with the coming female bit, but that small voice was overridden by the more enlightened part of Kevin that saw it as just another step in experiencing what women feel like when they go all out. No point in agonising over if she was losing her masculinity, while she was female and looking like a model. She relaxed admiring the look, as she turned and checked out her new profile.

"Great job, I see you did my makeup as well," Anita said, smiling at Tyrone, to show she approved.

"Well you dozed off, so I thought I might as well," Tyrone grinned, as he walked behind her and teased her hair a little more.

"With talent like that at your finger tips, I don't see how you can go wrong," Anita laughed, as she stood up.

"Hmmm, you look scrummy," giggled Sara, looking at her twin with an evil glint in her eye.

"Hey! I just got it done, bedroom Olympics will have to wait," pouted Anita, as she saw what was on Sara's mind.

The rest laughed, although Tyrone could see the wheels turning in Carolyn's mind as the idea of Olympics with her femmed out husband looked pretty good.

"Pole vaulting for gold, might be nice," she said, blushing as she realised she had verbalised her thought.

I think swimming for me," Tyrone came out with, covering his wife's fau paux.

"Swimming?" echoed around the others, looking puzzled.

"Breaststroke." He said, demonstrating on himself as he ran his hands over his enlarged chest, making everyone giggle.

"Backstrokes nice too," Maggie giggled, still in her adult form. She demonstrated on Tyrone's back, making him arch back and let out a theatrical moan of pleasure.

Carolyn looked at Maggie and winked, before saying archly, "hey! That's my man's... woman's back."

Maggie used her Krin to turn back into a toddler-sized handful of trouble, lifted Tyrone's skirt, and looked up. Her muffled voice, as Tyrone looked down at this new intrusion, was filled with giggles.

"Aunty Carolyn, aunty Tyrone, already has a pole vault."

"Hmmm. I have just the place to keep it safe," smirked Carolyn, as she activated the option on her bracelet that controlled whether Tyrone or Tyrissa was the poker or the poked.

Tyrone let out a startled 'eep,' as his member withdrew from the boys club and joined the girl's team.

"Don't fight it hon," Anita said, patting Tyrone on the back. "The women really have us by the balls," she added, with a coy smile while looking at Sara in the eye.

"I don't mind that so much," Tyrone grinned. "As long as they don't lose them when they are finished playing with them," he added half seriously.

Once the laughter stopped, the five women, (well, Tyrone passed as one) and little Maggie, trooped inside. Anita went to change back into Kevin, but Sara shook her and whispered it would upset Tyrone if he got rid of it so soon.

Seeing the day was a bust as far as leaving, they went over Tyrone's plans for their own journey. Maggie was asked to take her adult form and spend time in the chat room contacting as many of her friends on what to expect. Tyrone suggested giving certain people, he trusted more than just the one bracelet, saying that it would speed things up, if more people were actively involved. Kim agreed, and mentioned that whenever they wanted more of the Krin or needed extra money for anyone in need, all they had to do was ring her, then switch from the RV to the car form and back again, to restock.

They decided to eat out for lunch and went into the city to a nice place Tyrone recommended. Tyrissa, not Tyrone drove them around the local sights as they made their way in driving a people mover that Kim converted the RV from. Maggie stayed in her adult form, as Carolyn suggested they go clothes shopping afterwards. The rest of the day passed quickly, as everyone had fun turning the men's heads, and a few ladies, as they showed off their new hair dos. Coming into a shop in a group, they claimed, much of the attention and the racks of clothes trembled in fear as they were systematically plucked and plundered, leaving a wake of near destruction as they donned, discussed and then discarded dresses by the dozens.

Deciding to eat out for dinner, after their hectic afternoon, they found a nice place that was quiet with a relaxed atmosphere. While waiting for their order, Anita grumbled.

"How come only Tyrissa and I ended up with any clothes, while you lot didn't buy anything."

"Well that's because both Carolyn and I already have loads of clothes. Kim probably has hers made for her and Maggie won't need any in her adult size, after she goes back to being underfoot again," grinned Sara, looking at Maggie with a wink. "You need to build up a wardrobe for the times when we want to go out as twins, same for Tyrissa, isn't that right Carolyn?"

Carolyn nodded, and put one of her arms around her glamorous lover and hugged her close. "She needs her own clothes, as I'm looking forward to more times like this," she laughed.

"Besides, we can always borrow your clothes, if we want," Sara giggled, at Anita's expression.

"Hmmm, then that white bustier was for you to wear then," suggested Anita hopefully, remembering the way it looked on her, and imagining it on Sara instead.

"Maybe, if you're a good girl," Sara winked.

I'd prefer to be a good boy," Anita sighed, knowing it was useless to argue.

Sara looked at Kim with a half smile, as she activated the recently loaded program to her Krin.

"Maybe you could be both," she said quietly as watched Anita's eyes widen in surprise and saw the smile form as her panties got suddenly crowded with little Kevin.

"Hey where's my addadictomy control?" he whispered loudly to Kim.

"It's loaded, but..." Kim started to say, but saw it was too late to tell Anita of the extra twist Sara had asked for, seeing Anita had already activated her Krin. Sara blushed, as she felt a growth spurt in her crotch. Knowing what was going to happen, Sara watched Anita's face, as her recent addition retracted back to its former state.

"Huh? Why'd it do that?" Anita said, reaching for her lost member.

Sara laughed as Kim explained, that both of their options were linked, so that if Kevin or Anita gave Sara a penis then they would lose their own if it was present. This was to prevent there being two outies at the same time.

Anita accepted that quite calmly, knowing, that as Kevin, he had a normal anti gay mindset. He change the setting back, seeing how uncomfortable Sara was with her male reminder of her life as Scott. Anita grinned at the thought of the possibilities of this option while having sex, in near public places. They could lie facing each other with a towel or a blanket over their naked groins and have sex without even moving. The thrill at doing it in public would add a new twist to their sex life.

That evening Sara took Carolyn aside with Kim, to discuss possible wedding ideas an options, and also, while Maggie was on the internet chatting to her friends of her adventures, what Sara wanted to do about Maggie's wish. Kevin, seeing the ladies had abandoned them for the moment, asked Tyrone, who had also gone back to being male with normal male clothes, about how his obsession for wearing women's clothes had started. As Kevin listened to Tyrone's somewhat disjointed tale, he began to get a deeper understanding of the attraction of the whole business. Kevin asked Tyrone why Sara seemed to enjoy it when she persuaded him to become Anita.

"Possibly Sara sees Anita as a possible sexual partner, because of who she used to be. Scott would see Anita as attractive, and I think there's still a bit of Scott still in her that sees that as being normal. Then again, she might be a latent lesbian," he laughed. "You seem to enjoy it when you get relaxed as Anita, I wouldn't worry too much about it, think how lucky you are instead," Tyrone added.

Kevin nodded; knowing he would never have to guess what Sara was feeling, seeing he could become Anita and know exactly. Maggie trotted in, having finished on the computer and gone back to her toddler body. She climbed up on Tyrone's lap and from that vantage point, kissed Kim good night, before hurrying off to see if Carolyn would tuck her in for the night.

The next morning everyone said their goodbyes, as Kevin and Sara prepared to drive back home. There were more than a few tears on all sides as readied to depart. Kim, who was cadging a lift back with them, lifted Maggie up into the RV. Kevin, who had decided to drive in the morning started up the motor, glad that the sunglasses he'd donned hid the telltale moisture in his eyes. This had been one of the most memorable times in his life, attested to, by the joy that they had managed to give to this loving couple. He knew that this wouldn't be the last they would see of them, and this made the departure easier to bear. Finally, all the waving and air kisses were thrown, and they drove out onto the street, heading for home.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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