Carversion -46-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Forty-Six

"Is that the disk that they were after," asked Sara, seeing the CD in Leanne's hand, as she twisted her wrist around. She was admiring the Krin that Kevin had just given her and had nearly forgotten the reason that she now needed one.

"Yes," she answered, handing over the disk in question. "Did Kim have any suggestions what to do with it?"

"Yes, and we can take care of it right now." Sara opened up the laptop that had been put on the small table in front of the couch. Moving the plates and magazines aside to make room, Sara inserted the CD into the slot and brought up the files contained within.

"Phew! There's a lot of stuff in here, no wonder both the mob and the senator wanted it," muttered Sara, as she concentrated on the various items.

Sara clicked an icon, sending the data on the disk direct to Kim. She then sat back, and relaxed, giving Leanne a satisfied smile.

"There, it's all done."

"Done? What's going to happen now?" asked a bewildered Leanne.

"Kim will send the data to several reputable news companies around the states, once it hits the papers, you'll be safe. They'll probably go into hiding to avoid prosecution, if they manage to avoid the police, who will also be informed. You might want to have a short vacation from yourself," here, Sara, looked pointedly at Leanne's new piece of jewellery. "Just in case someone decides to take a risk and wants revenge, Kim thinks that's unlikely; as they'll be too busy getting out of the USA."

"Okay, Jennifer sounds like nice vacation," Leanne agreed, laughing, as she saw Kevin roll his eyes.

"Roll your eyes around like that while Jennifers around, and I'll use them for marbles," threatened Sara, jokingly.

"Either that, or make him wear a pair of Jennifer's boobs as well," winked Leanne,

"Nah, with hooters like that, there'll be no room for me in the same bed," chuckled Sara. "Anyway he might just like that a bit too much. We'd never get him to do any work around here," Sara added, enjoying seeing the changing shades of red on Kevin's blushing face.

"Either that, or she'd use up all the hot water in the shower," Leanne added, grinning as she mimed washing boobs six inches further out from her own bust.

Kevin's head was nodding agreement, making Sara and Leanne shake their heads in mutual exasperation.

"What?" asked Kevin, trying to look innocent and hurt at their pretty accurate accusations.

So for the next month, Leanne remained Jennifer as the news broke about corruption in high places. The senator wasn't able to get away with it this time, as the FBI uncovered more evidence as his cronies ratted him out in exchange for lighter sentences. Several large syndicates had their ranks diminished, as their members exploits were exposed and dealt with.

That month saw the return of Julie and William, with Amelia following a week later, after having managed to sell up and move out to the condo. Kim organised to have a granny flat built on the property, where Amelia could live temporarily.

Other changes included the arrival of both Kevin and William's psychic abilities. Using the nexus to explore Sara's and Julie's abilities, and accruing extra girl time, while helping Sara organise her wedding plans, they soon discovered they had joined the ranks of the other gifted.

Kevin found he could levitate and induce objects to release their energy bonds, which made spectacularly noisy displays, as things exploded. William found himself able to become non-reactive to light rays, which made him pretty much invisible for all purposes. His second power proved handy for chilling his beers as he could absorb the calorific value from any non living material.

The discovery of the primary powers came by doing such innocent things as trying to catch a ball thrown too high or playing hide and seek with Maggie. The secondary powers were also revealed by similar means. Kevin had looked daggers at a rock that he'd stubbed his toe on while walking on the beach. The rock exploded with a bang, releasing its energy in one fell swoop causing it to disintegrate in a mini fireball.

William's gift for freezing stuff came when he opened a warm can of beer by mistake. His wish that it was cold ended up with it freezing solid in a second while it was still in his hand. When Kevin saw the vapour pouring of the sides, he gingerly touched it with a finger, instantly getting it stuck fast as it froze the moisture in his skin. Kevin's yelp and William's realisation that he'd caused it with his thought quickly prompted the reversal, freeing Kevin's finger from the can.

William seemed immune to the freezing contact, which when measured later in an experiment, proved to be in the cryogenic range of many hundreds of degrees below zero.

The Shelke had been busy as well, spreading different variants of the Krin to different segments of the community. Those enquiring in the chat rooms about the possibilities of getting their own body of choice were being vetted and supplied by the Shelke. Usually it meant that more than one received a Krin. Wives and other family members were often included, getting one as well. This process was like a juggernaut, slow to start moving, but once it started to increase speed, it became nearly unstoppable. The Shelke were using the same principles overseas, using the internet to start the process off and then employing those converted to spread the word.

"Julie, what do you think of having a double wedding?" Sara, asked, her head deep in a glossy magazine featuring wedding gowns.

"Sounds like fun, especially seeing you're going ahead with the double bride ceremony," answered Julie with a grin.

"Telling our parents is going to be fun… not," sighed Sara, closing the magazine and looking up.

"Are you still going to do it this weekend?"

"Yeah, we booked a hotel for both Kevin and my parents for a week, on the pretence of seeing our new place. We paid for their coach ride, and I was going to ask for William's parents to come along as well."

"Oh boy, that should be interesting," chuckled Julie, as she picked up and opened the discarded magazine.

"Yeah, oh boy is right," agreed Sara, watching Julie browsing through the various outfits displayed.

Sara made a call to the hotel, adding two extra guests, under the name O'Toole.

"Hi mom, hi dad," Kevin said, greeting his parents a few days later at the hotel.

"Hi yourself son, I hear from your mother that you're marrying some rich girl," commented Kevin's father Ben Black. "I hope she's not one of those spoiled brats that change their husbands to suit their new hairdo," he added, giving Kevin a one armed hug.

"Now Ben, don't you go jumping to conclusions," admonished June, as she wormed her way into a hug with Kevin. "I'm sure she's as wholesome as a girl next door," Kevin's mom added, accepting a kiss on the cheek from Kevin.

"Sorry June, but you know the stories as well as I do," replied Ben.

"Mom's half right," Kevin muttered under his breath, as he ushered them out to the waiting RV. Leaving them there with instructions not to touch anything, he then went to pick up Sara's parents, Sue and Peter Evans.

William knocked on the door of the room in which his parents were booked into. Despite Julie's assurances that his father had changed, he was still nervous of meeting him again. He still remembered his fathers parting words to him, when he told him that he was leaving home. The opening of the door curtailed further thought on the subject, as the smiling face of his mother, greeted him.

"Tom, William is here," she called over her shoulder, as she grasped her son in a hug. Amanda O'Toole led William to the couch, to await the arrival of his father from the bathroom.

Williams's first question to his mom about their trip west was cut short, when Tom entered the room. William gasped, making Amanda respond with a chuckle, as he took in his dad's new appearance. 'Where was the fat hairy monster, he remembered having for a dad?' He thought, seeing the clean shaven and 50 pound lighter figure masquerading as his father. He was wearing a suit, which also lent further credence to this being an impostor.

"Dad ad?" William stuttered, having trouble believing his eyes.

"It's me believe it or not," chuckled his dad, knowing he had shocked his son by his appearance.

"Mom?" William called, turning to her, seeking an explanation.

"Son, I'm sorry for what I said, when you left home. It was the alcohol talking. I know that's not a good excuse for all the times I went overboard at you and Amanda. Since your mom went ballistic and took control of my excesses, I've been a changed man. It hasn't been easy, but I've stopped drinking completely and even quit smoking. I have a lot of years to make up to you both, but God willing I'll be around long enough to make amends."

William was gob smacked. Amanda nodded her head, smiling at her husband's admissions, seeming happy with the current status of their marriage.

"Son, I'd like your forgiveness for my past behaviour, and hope we can still be friends, even though I don't deserve it," offered Tom, holding out his hand like an olive branch.

William stood and ignored the outstretched hand. Instead, he held out both arms and moved to enfold his dad in a hug. Tom's eyes glistened, threatening tears as he held his son once more in his arms, reminding him of days when William used to hug him as a child. William too, was overcome with emotion, not afraid anymore of letting others see the tears on his cheek. Tom let his tears flow, thinking, 'I have the son that I nearly lost forever, back with me.' Amanda joined in the hug, stealing a kiss from Tom and another from her son. She wiped the tears from their faces with the ubiquitous hanky that moms the world over, seem to be able to produce like magic. Amanda, seeing those tears, knew that the healing process had started, giving her hope that they could be a real family again.

"You look great dad," William commented, once they finally broke apart.

"You know son, I feel a whole better now that the weight has gone," agreed Tom, patting his stomach emphasising its flatness.

"So, what's this Julie like, and how did you meet her?" Amanda asked curiously.

"Are you sure you're ready to marry this girl and settle down?" Tom added. "What about a job? You didn't mention anything about that."

Mom, dad, I'll explain everything once we are at the condo. It's too complicated to give you a quick answer. Be prepared for some shocks, is all I can say for now," offered William, side stepping the questions.

Amanda and Tom looked at each other and shrugged, each wondering what was going on that had their son so nervous.

William got them moving at last, escorting them outside to the Volvo, where he prepared to take them to the meeting with the others. William wondered if his new and improved dad could handle what was about to be revealed. He hoped that the shock wouldn't send him crashing back to his old self.

Kevin knocked on the door where Peter and Sue Evans were booked in. Kevin had no plan of what he was going to say to them, hoping that inspiration would come to him, once they started talking. The door opened to reveal Peter standing there.

"Come in Kevin, it's good to see you again," Peter greeted him, opening the door and beckoning him inside. "Sue's putting her face on, so sit down, she might be a while." Peter laughed, having raised his voice for the last part.

"Hey! I heard that," a voice echoed from out of the bathroom. "I only do it for your sake dear. You should try doing what I do, just to look nice for a husband that doesn't appreciate it," Sue grumbled.

Peter winked at Kevin, raising his eyebrows in that time honoured expression men use, when they are being chastised and where they can't be seen by the chastiser.

Kevin smiled, but not for the reason Peter assumed. Kevin was fully on Sue's side, having been there, done that. Kevin was also smiling for another reason. Peter, if things went as planned, would get the chance to appreciate just what Sue was doing in the bathroom. At least Sue should be receptive to the idea of her husband crossing the gender divide. Peter and Kevin sat waiting, knowing that to start a conversation without Sue, would find them in more hot water.

"There, all done," Sue winked at Kevin, as she emerged from the bathroom, posing in the doorway.

Sue looked very elegant in her blue silk dress that was hugging her figure. Her face, which the topic of discussion had just been about, was perfect, in fact, apart from the subtle hint of eye shadow and the enhanced hue of her lips, she didn't look like she had any makeup on, unlike the plastered on look that most teenage girls use.

"See what I mean," Peter argued, digging a deeper hole for himself. "All that time, just for some lippy and eye shadow," he scoffed, using the imaginary shovel furiously.

Sue pouted, and shrugged, knowing it was useless trying to explain to her husband. She glanced to her visitor and saw that Kevin seemed sympathetic. She swore that he had silently mouthed, 'men,' and winked at her.

"How is Scott doing?" she asked Kevin. "You mentioned that he was getting married. I don't understand why he didn't call instead." Sue started asking, having perched herself on the arm of Peter's chair.

"I promised not to tell you, as it's rather complicated," Kevin fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable. "Once all the parents are together, then we'll explain. It's going to be a double wedding, as William is getting married at the same time," offered Kevin, sweating a little.

"Has this got anything to do with those FBI guys that came asking questions in town?" Peter asked, searching Kevin's eyes intently.

"Yes and no," Kevin replied, trying to evade giving a direct answer.

"Is Scott in trouble with the law?" asked Sue anxiously.

"Let's say he looks a little different now," conceded Kevin with a half truth, not denying or confirming Sue's question.

"Take us to him," demanded Sue, standing up and making it plain that she wouldn't tolerate further delay.

When Kevin helped them into the RV, a few minutes later, and the Evans saw the O'Toole’s sitting there, confusion reigned. Each knew the other, but expecting to see the bride's parents, instead of their son's friend's parents, only made the tension increase and left each set of parent's wondering what was going on.

To be continued


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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