Carversion -45-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Forty-Five

While Tyrone and Carolyn were busy rescuing Ricky from the hospital, where he was undergoing treatment for cancer, using a similar approach they'd worked out for Cathy, William had reached his hometown.

He was in disguise, as Mi Ling, not wanting to be recognised, in case his presence was reported to his dad, or the police. He'd adopted Mi Lings form just out of town, and had the car in the VW shape. He wasn't sure why he'd chosen her form over any of the others, he knew Julie wouldn't mind, and it was kinda fun when he stopped at the local hangout to get a milkshake. The usual red neck crowd were there, bragging to each other over their most recent conquest.

William knew most of it was lies, told to get some sort of edge over each other, in the prowess stakes.

When Mi Ling strutted in, wearing a tight silk dress that allowed a glimpse of her underwear in certain light conditions, due to its translucency, silence reigned, as all male eyes swivelled to take in her beauty.

She ordered a chocolate milkshake, licking her lips in anticipation. The guy behind the counter stumbled and nearly fell, as he responded to her order. William grinned inside his delicious form, knowing that his old school mate was taken in by his new body.

A stampede of feet, heralded the arrival of her would be suitors, as the men vied to be the one to pay for her shake.

"Boys, boys, settle down, give a girl a bit of elbow room here," she breathed, reaching for her order.

One of the bolder lads asked her if she would like something stronger. She wasn't sure if he was offering her an alcoholic drink or himself, seeing he was bigger than the others.

"Simon thanks for the offer, but I already have a lover," she replied, winking at the confused former school mate.

Simon blushed, feeling awkward as he tried to remember who this girl was, that knew his name. He knew she was a stranger, yet she acted as if she knew him. Her comment about having a lover finally sank in, making him realise, that she thought his offer of a drink, was mistaken for an offer of his body. Instead of being sad that she wasn't available, he felt pleased that she might have accepted him had she not already had a guy of her own.

He walked back to his mates, knowing that at least she let him down nicely and left him with a sense of self esteem for his effort. He took the ribbing of his mates in stride, knowing they wouldn't have faired any better. They watched the woman, who hadn't offered a name, finish her shake. The way she slowly licked her lips, after she finished, made them all imagine those same lips pressing against their own.

Mi Ling knew she was under scrutiny, as she finished off her drink. She grinned inside, knowing the thoughts going through the heads of her former classmates. It gave her a thrill, knowing that she had them in the palm of her hand, without doing anything, other than breathe deeply to cause the material over her breasts to become taut, or lick her lips seductively. She looked at her watch, sighing, as she knew she'd better get moving. She slipped off the stool and straightened her dress, moving her hands down over her figure in an attempt to remove the imaginary wrinkles. She turned to the guys, and gave them a smile and a half wave, before turning and walking out to her car. She blushed, thinking about that last show she had put on for the guys, as she got into the car.

'Mi Ling was such a flirt,' she thought, trying to blame her performance on the inbuilt programming of this body she was in. She noted with satisfaction, that most of the guys had come to the door to watch her leave. 'Being an attractive woman was fun,' she thought idly, before realising where her mind was heading. Trying to claw back her masculinity, she thought of Julie and how much she, as William, loved her. It didn't help much, knowing that Julie loved being with Mi Ling as well.

Within minutes of leaving the towns main watering hole, William... or rather Mi Ling, as she was currently garbed, stopped the car outside Julie's home. She noted, with a sigh, that one of the lads from the watering hole had been curious enough to have followed her. He didn't stop, seeing she was getting out of the car, but she knew that her whereabouts would be common knowledge in roughly 3 minutes, at the hole.

Mi Ling walked confidently to the front door and was about to knock, when the door was yanked open and a curvy form flung itself at her. Julie blushed, not expecting to feel soft curves in her grasp. She'd sensed William coming, but not the form he was in, not that it mattered too much. She glanced around to see if anyone had observed their amorous, but unorthodox greeting, before hustling Mi Ling inside, with a giggle.

Amelia was prepared to meet William, but seeing the slight but curvaceous form of Mi Ling in her daughters arms, was almost too much. William reverted to his own form, before moving forward to greet Julie's mom.

"Mom that was Mi Ling, in case you hadn't guessed," giggled Julie, seeing the shock on her mom's face.

"I thought William's face might be a bit conspicuous after that business with the FBI and all," explained William. "I think I stirred up another kind of interest, when I stopped off for a shake at the hole, before heading here," he confessed, blushing as he did so.

Julie laughed, imagining the scene at the hole, if the usual crowd where there. Amelia had a good imagination as well, and could picture the scene when Mi Lin's exotic form graced the establishment in question. She smiled, seeing that Julie seemed amused and not a bit jealous that her boyfriend in the form of an attractive woman had been the main attraction of the testosterone filled local yobs. If Julie could accept William like that, then she could too, after all it took a man with balls to be comfortable as a woman. Amelia laughed out loud, as the irony of that thought struck her.

"I'm glad someone thinks it's funny," muttered William feigning a hurt tone.

"Sorry," Amelia gasped, managing to get her giggles under control.

William hugged Amelia, showing her that he wasn't hurt. When Amelia explained the cause of her laughter, they all joined in.

"Being a woman takes balls alright," commented William, managing to avoid the poke in the stomach that Julie aimed at him.

"Simon Carstairs hit on me. He didn't have a clue. The funny thing was, despite of the reek of testosterone as the guys preened themselves, and jockeyed for position, I didn't feel the least bit intimidated by them, even though they outweighed and out numbered me." William added, seeming amazed at the recollection.

"Probably because one, Mi Ling could have wiped the floor with them, and two, you knew the kind of guys they are, seeing you use to hang out with them," supplied Julie with an amused look.

"It's quite a change from the reaction I used to get," admitted William with a grin.

"He probably did it on purpose, just to see the reaction," surmised a smiling Amelia, as she saw the guilty look on William's face

"Enjoyed it, he did, hmmmm," intoned Julie in a Yoda type voice.

"Hey!" He started to protest, but thought better of it when his blush gave him away. "It was pretty good seeing them drool, I felt I had them under my power, it was really heady stuff," he admitted truthfully.

"Maybe the three of us could go down there and really knock their socks off," suggested Julie, with a devilish look in her eye.

"You two could, but I'm too old for those shenanigans," Amelia retorted, shaking her head.

"Not if the Krin has anything to say about it," winked Julie, looking at Williams "oh," of surprise.

Speculation was rife in the 'hole' about why the woman, they'd seen not long ago was visiting Amelia's house.

"Maybe that's Daniel's new girlfriend, come to pay her respects," chimed one of the lads in the back.

"Nah, if she was, where's William then, he couldn't be dumb enough to allow her to come here alone with you lot." Scoffed the owner behind the counter.

Any retort as to who his ancestors came from, was cut short by the arrival of three young women, one of whom, was the subject of their discussion.

Julie, Mi Ling, and Sara entered the 'hole' together, stopping just inside, to accustom themselves to the darker interior. Amelia was wearing Mi Ling's form, after conceding to Julie's urging, decided if she was going to do it, then she was going exotic. William had taken on Sara's form, so she was in the same age bracket as the others, declining to take the older more buxom form of Jennifer.

Seeing the stunned looks of the local lads, they sauntered up to the counter with a walk guaranteed to work better than Viagra ever could. Julie swore afterwards that she thought she heard the sounds of material being stretched, as the pants of every male grew instantly tighter. They each ordered an ice cream cone, putting as much sex appeal into their voices as they could. The guys stood there, mouths agape, trying to sort out which one to look at first. The three women had chosen to wear tight dresses that left nothing to the imagination, although at first, Amelia took some convincing.

Having been given their cones, they stood to face the room, licking their cones slowly and suggestively. Trying to keep a sexy look on their faces and lick ice cream was hard when all they wanted, was to burst out laughing. Some of the guys were mimicking their tongue action unconsciously, as the women slurped up the drips that threatened to fall from the cone.

"Hi guys," Julie finally said to the captivated audience. "I'm Julie, William's fiancée, he told me all about you," she added to the stunned lads.

William made a split second decision that he hoped Sara would forgive him for.

"And I'm Sara, Kevin's fiancée, and this is Mi Ling, she's a friend," the disguised William added.

The three women then turned and left, after winking at the men, who started to talk all at once. As they made it into the car, they heard questions fired at them from the men who had followed them out.

"When's the wedding, and where are Kevin and William?" was heard.

Julie wound the window down as William started to move off.

"Sorry boys, you aren't invited to the weddings, it's a girl's only affair," she ended with a giggle, as William spun the tires and sped off down the street, leaving the boys scratching their heads, as they pondered that last statement.

The three women let loose on the short journey home, making it a somewhat perilous journey as tears of laughter made driving for William, the ersatz Sara, rather more difficult.

"I haven't had fun like that in many a year," Amelia chuckled, trying to get herself under control.

"We could set you up with a younger body if you want," suggested Julie.

"No, that's okay Julie, I'm supposed to older than my daughter, anyway, I've had a full life, so I don't need to live it over, now I've got settled in my life," Amelia answered calmly.

They got back home and changed back to their normal bodies. William and Julie kissed each other after Julie ribbed William a little about her time as Sara. Amelia saw the sparks flying, and was content to know that her troubled son had at last found herself and had found someone that loved her as much as she did. Even though the future was uncertain, she was glad that they could still take the time to have some fun while they could.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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