Synopsis: Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life." Arriving back at the Ellery's, Sara jumped out of the car with an urgent need to use the bathroom. She saw Kevin and William in the lounge watching a football game on TV as she passed through on the way to the toilet. Daniel had followed her in, having changed out of Margaret's form. He stopped in the lounge, as the others asked if Sara was okay. Once Sara had finished recycling the wine she had drunk, she took a shower, ridding herself of the smoky cigarette smell that the club had imparted on her clothes and skin. Borrowing a nightie and a robe from main bedroom, she then wandered into the kitchen to make herself a hot chocolate drink. She found herself making cups of hot chocolate for the others, as they heard her pottering around in the kitchen and came in to hear about her date with Ken. Once the chocolate worked its magic, Sara just wanted to crash. Not even the mystery of the box the guys had found could deter her from going to bed, alone. Saying she was exhausted, she left them to it, as headed to the master bedroom. She knew the morning would be soon enough to start solving the problem of the box. She went out like a light, as soon as her head hit the pillow. She never stirred or woke, as Kevin slipped in beside her, several hours later. Sara woke, feeling something poking her. She lay in bed trying to recollect the previous night. She could feel the warmth of a body spooned against her back and felt the weight of an arm draped across her body. For a panicky moment, she thought it was Ken, till she snapped her eyes open and saw where she was. She could feel the turgid love muscle twitch, as she moved to see who was in bed with her. Kevin, his face relaxed in sleep, gave her a naughty idea. Reaching over to her purse, Sara withdrew a small foil wrapped package. She opened it and slid the sheets down to expose Kevin's weapon. Kevin stirred and rolled onto his back while Sara held her breath lest he wake. She slowly eased the condom over Kevin's penis, marveling at its silky texture. Having owned one for most of her life, touching someone else's wasn't an experience Scott had ever indulged in. It felt different touching a penis without the attendant feelings it generated. It was familiar, yet odd, as if the nerves that should have been sending their erotic message her brain had been cut off. Her task done, she positioned herself astride Kevin's body, her waiting sex engorged and wet as she lowered herself onto Kevin. Keeping her body clear of Kevin's by holding herself up with her hands, she slowly thrust her body against Kevin's. She was building up to release when Kevin's hands gently cupped her swaying breasts. The sudden increase of stimulation sent her over the edge and she came, gasping as the tide of sensation sweep her away. She felt Kevin throb within her, as he reached his own nirvana, just before she collapsed onto his chest. Kevin brushed aside her hair as it caressed his face. He kissed her languidly; slowly caressing her body with his hands. He was content to let her stay in the dominant position, enjoying the morning wake up call. Sara felt a sense of power in her act of sex, in what was generally a more passive and accepting role, she had taken control and satisfied her needs to her time frame. None of this wham bam thank you maam, in taking the initiative, she had allowed her body the time to slowly build up to a glorious orgasm. "Can I order this wake up service tomorrow?" Kevin chuckled. Sara smiled, before rolling off Kevin's body and headed for the bathroom. She paused at the door, looking back at Kevin, as she grabbed a fresh robe. "Maybe, it all depends on what body I'm in. Maybe you'll be sitting on my cock tomorrow," she threw back, laughing at Kevin's widening eyes. Later at breakfast, Sara was eating her cereal, when Kevin plonked the box in front of her. "This it?" mumbled Sara, swallowing quickly. "Yeah, that's the sucker. There's no catch and no gap to prise it open," Kevin replied disgustedly. Sara looked at the slim box sitting in front of her as she finished her bowl of Wheaties. The silver box was uniform in colour with a metallic feel. She picked it up, gauging its weight. There was a fine hairline crack running around the sides, indicating that it was designed to open. She placed her hands on the box to try and open it. The second all of her fingers where in contact with the box, it popped open, much to the surprise of the others at the table. "How come you could open it when we tried to and failed," complained William indignantly. "Maybe it was coded to open only to aliens in their borrowed forms, as a security thing." Sara answered, loving the way this new brain of hers seemed to come up with probable answers. "Okay, we can check that out later," Daniel interrupted, leaning closer to look inside the opened box. Inside were four silver bracelets, nestled in slots. They were about an inch wide and the surface was dotted with slight depressions. Sara went to touch one, but Kevin cautioned her, saying there was no way to tell what they did. Whether or not it was some kind of budding feminine intuition, Sara dismissed Kevin's warning and promptly slipped one of the bracelets on her wrist. "They are meant to be worn," Sara retorted, supplying the guys with her reasoning. The bracelet tightened, until it was a snug fit against her skin. No longer would it slip off accidentally. Sara had a moment's worry, thinking that she might be stuck with it on her wrist. Not wanting to be told, "I told you so," she rubbed at it gently, hoping to trigger its release. Thankfully, pulling it towards her fingertips triggered it into loosening. "It must do something, besides being a fashion statement," offered Kevin, picking up a bracelet too and examining it closely. "It could be just jewellery," argued William, picking up one himself. "No, the way it tightened shows it's not meant to come off unless you take it off. That smacks of something you wouldn't want to fall into just anybodies hands." Sara stated emphatically. "I agree," confirmed Kevin, placing watching the bracelet tighten to his own wrist. Sara had put it back on and pressed on one of the slight depressions that dotted the outside. She watched in amazement as the bracelet faded from view. It was as if it had melted into her flesh leaving nothing to be seen or felt, as she confirmed that fact by feeling her wrist with her other hand. This was stuff of fantasy, maybe a little horror too, as thoughts of that TV show where Borg and their assimilating implants, flashed across Sara's mind. She calmed, trusting her first instincts that the aliens were not inimical to the human race. Touching her wrist in the same spot as she remembered the one on the bracelet was, she pressed down, despite not feeling the bracelet under her fingers. The bracelet shimmered into view, much like the Klingon decloaking device used on a popular TV show. Sara looked at the others, hoping her makeup had covered the way her face had paled at this extraordinary display of futuristic technology. "Wow!" a statement echoed by the others. "Okay, this is getting scary," Kevin stated with a hint of fear in his voice. Sara, who had been the unofficial leader, since all this had started, made a decision. "We can't stop now, we have to find out the purpose of these things. The lengths that they went to, too prevent the bracelets falling into the wrong hands, means they are probably more dangerous or powerful than their truck. I'm willing to test this, but first let's synchronise our bracelets." With that, she examined her bracelet more closely; noting that the spot she had pressed was slightly larger than the others. Once the others found the same identifiable spot on their bracelets, Sara said she would press the next one along going clockwise. If anything untoward happened, they would know not to press that one. Hopefully that way, they would avoid the same trap should there be any. Sara trusted her instincts, and wasn't too worried, but it was better to be prudent with unknown technology. She pressed the next spot. A familiar feeling overtook her body. It was the same one Scott had felt when he first experienced the change. Once the pulling/pushing sensations finished their work, Sara was no more; instead, Jennifer was standing there in her place. The bracelet was a portable form changer. "Oh boy, no wonder they went to all that trouble to keep them secure. If anyone got hold of these, think of the neat stuff you could get away with." William gasped, fingering the bracelet on his own wrist. "And we wont, I suppose?" Daniel said with a grin. "Hey this doesn't work," complained William, as he fruitlessly pressed at the unresponsive bracelet. When none of the other bracelets responded like Sara's, the conclusion was obvious. You had to be in one of the forms supplied by the truck, before it would work. Jennifer changed back to the less endowed form of Sara, feeling more comfortable in that body. To check on something that had just occurred to her, Sara asked Kevin to try pressing on her bracelet while she was wearing it, both in the visible mode and the invisible. Nothing happened, it was obviously keyed to her touch. This relieved Sara's worry that someone grasping her wrist could trigger an unplanned change, something that would be disastrous. They all decided to keep this discovery from Leanne, seeing that there was only enough for the four of them. Time enough to reveal the bracelets if there was a dire emergency. Sara experimented further while the others went to change into alternate forms so they could activate their own bracelets into stealth mode. One of the settings once pressed opened a lens like opening in the bracelet. 'Was it a camera? If so, what was its purpose?' she thought. She pointed the lens at the TV, which had been showing the morning news. The attractive black anchorwoman was introducing the next news item, when there was a soft click, and the lens disappeared back into the bracelet. When Sara pressed the same button again, she felt herself changing. Looking at her arms, and seeing her clothes, she knew she had changed into a copy of the woman on the TV. This surprised the others as they re-entered the room, after having changed their own bodies. "It's me- Scott," she forced out, fighting off the urge to say Sara. "I just found another function," she explained, telling them what happened. "Damn these things are going to be hard to resist using. We have to be extra careful, we could blow ourselves out of the water if we duplicated the wrong person." Groaned Margaret/Kevin. They experimented further, finding out the limits of this new function. Finally, they made a list of what they could do with it. One, any person to be duplicated, could be stored in the next setting and used repeatedly, like any of the other forms. Two, the stored form would be overwritten once another form was captured. Three, to get the complete form and voice, the person needed to be talking and in full view. (Partial scans where only part of the person was visible, only gave them that part, resulting in a confusing mix of the two bodies, and clothes.) If the person didn't speak, during the capture scan, the voice defaulted to the original form, with hilarious results. Four, anything the original body had on/with them, at point of scan was duplicated, including documents in purses/wallets. Five, as with the original forms that the car produced, there was a residual memory assist, allowing them to act and behave largely as the original person. The first thing they did, on completion of playing around with the bracelets, was to capture their original male forms in the bracelet. This meant using a complicated series of changes with one person becoming the one required and the owner (in an alternate body,) storing the final image. This had to be repeated till all had their own form stored. This meant that they could wear the bracelet invisibly in their own form and still be able to use the bracelet, unlike when they first tried to do so. Scott said he would take the truck back to the condo and change back into Sara in case Ken called her again. Now that they had the bracelets, they could use the normal Volvo in the garage if they needed to go anywhere. Scott phoned Leanne and told her to come to the condo so she could become Jennifer again. Scott now back as Sara, drove to the condo, realising as she did so, the clarity of her thinking. She wondered if her IQ was higher in this body than in her own. It stood to reason that the aliens would ensure that any body they had to live in would be optimal both in intelligence and in health. That would possibly, why she was getting more comfortable in this body. That was another thing, after her night out with Ken; she hadn't suffered any adverse effects from all the alcohol he had plied her with. Scott would have had headache at least, if not a full-blown hangover, a far cry from what Sara had felt that morning. Thinking of that morning and her sexual romp with Kevin, made her chuckle and she felt a slight moistness gather between her legs. By the time she reached the condo, she was feeling rather horny again. She saw that Leanne had beaten her there, and was waiting in her car. Sara wasted no time in getting Leanne into Jennifer's luscious form. It took several attempts to produce the air hostess garbed Jennifer with her attendant papers and passports. Once that was out of the way, Sara offered Jennifer a drink, saying she needed one herself. Accepting, they sat on the couch together with a bourbon and coke each. Sara informed Jennifer about her thoughts about her IQ and the whole health thing. Jennifer noticed Sara wriggling and looking uncomfortable. "What's up? You look like you have ants in your pants." Sara blushed, and admitted that she felt horny and in need of some relief. Jennifer laughed, saying maybe she could help. "Huh? You mean-" "Yes, I'm bi," admitted Jennifer, reaching out and taking hold of Sara's hand. "Ever since I first saw you, I wanted to take you to bed, but I didn't, because I wasn't sure how you would handle it, plus it didn't seem right to confuse the issue of gender roles." "Ha, ha, ha." Sara laughed, thinking that talking about gender role confusion was hilarious in this situation. "Come on, let's get naked," urged Sara, pulling Jennifer to her feet and moving towards the bedroom. Jennifer didn't protest, but went willingly, hoping that this wouldn't create problems later on. Soon, both were naked, and Sara was being initiated into the intricacies of lesbian sex. The only disadvantage in Sara's mind was the fact that they were not face-to-face when in the throes of their orgasms. Changing position to kiss each other, both tasted their own love secretions; content to lie in each other's arms as they relaxed in post orgasmic bliss. "What the fu-?" Ken uttered, stepping unheard into the bedroom filled with the laden smell of sex. Ken roughly pulled the two entangled bodies apart, demanding an explanation. Sara was furious, how dare he come barging into her home and start man handling her. "This is my home," she screamed. "What I do in here is my business. How dare you come sneaking in here and start demanding things." She continued, her anger overcoming any caution she may have had about upsetting someone in the CIA. Even though she was naked and standing before a man who could easily subdue her, the frustrations and fears she had had about not arousing suspicion and having to play along, all boiled over, giving her courage to face up and refuse to back away from the obvious danger. Ken was stunned, backing off from the fury shown by Sara. His normally easygoing girlfriend had suddenly turned into a wildcat, seemingly growing in stature, so that he never considered offering any resistance. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have entered without calling," he admitted, trying to mollify Sara. " I got called away to start an investigation into a strange explosion caught by one of our satellites a few days ago, near Nellis Air Force base," he blurted out, revealing more than he should have in his haste to explain. "I came to tell you in person, that I could be away for a while. I wasn't expecting to find my girlfriend in bed with another woman, but I guess that's better than finding you with another guy." He half apologised. Sara paused, her anger dying an uneasy death, as Ken's words sunk in. 'Was that the same explosion that had nearly destroyed the truck?' She thought. 'What if the satellite had picked up the alien craft, or more worrying, herself, amending that to Scott- himself, damn it, was like Scott was becoming a separate person.' These thoughts flashed across her mind in the time it took to draw one breath. Mollifying her belligerent stance, she waved him off, turning to grab a robe. "Okay, your said your piece. I'm still upset, so don't think this matter ends here," she stated in a calmer tone. "Go sort out your crashed UFO or whatever," she threw in, trying to see if she could elicit more information. "Who tol.." he broke off, before starting again, eyeing her with a hint of calculation. "What makes you think it was a UFO?' He asked, trying to untangle his feelings of suspicion, worry, and uncertainty. Sara laughed, despite feeling a sense of dread, knowing that they knew something more than were letting on. Ken's first reaction had told her enough. Showing no hint of the fear inside her, she came up with an explanation. "One," she ticked off on her fingers. "Everyone knows area 51 is located near there in Nevada, with its associated UFO connections. Two, there was nothing mentioned on the news, which would have happened, had it been a plane crash or some terrorist attack. Three, the CIA is involved, end of story," Sara finished smugly, before starting to head out to the bathroom. "Coming Jennifer?" She asked, her meaning plain. "I'd better go," Ken said sadly, seeing he wasn't being included in her invitation. Sara didn't reply, as she left the room to get a shower. Jennifer scampered after her, still naked. She was glad to get out of that room and never paused to pick up any clothes. Jennifer heard Ken leaving, and felt relieved that he'd gone. Joining Sara, they spent some time washing each other, especially around the more sensitive areas. Sara wished they had endless hot water, as she could have spent all day in there. Clean, coiffed, and clothed, the two women got down to details. Jennifer told Sara that she could be on the next plane out of here. She had quit her job that morning and was ready to take over the role of Jennifer. Sara gave her a list of phone numbers should she need any help. Jennifer's instructions were simple, find out what she owned property wise, and check out any bank accounts. Avoid where possible any persons that may or may not have been friends of Jennifer. Liquidate assets and return. Simple. Sara hoped it would turn out to be as simple as that. Jennifer had selected a few clothes that fit her from Sara's wardrobe, mostly skirts and loose tops that fit Jennifer's more endowed bosom. She only needed something for a few days. In case there was a layover in Hawaii on the flight over. Sara had Jennifer check in on the airline, asking when the next flight was available. There didn't seem to be any problems. Jennifer was told that there was an outbound flight at noon if she wanted. Sara made a quick lunch while Jennifer put on her stewardess's uniform. They ate quickly so that Jennifer wouldn't miss her flight. Once at the airport, Sara gave Jennifer a tearful goodbye, and wished her luck, before Jennifer disappeared behind the boarding gate. Sara stayed at the airport lounge window, waiting till she saw the Boeing 747 take off. On the drive home, she tried not to think about the possibilities that Jennifer was heading into danger, alone. Sara thought about the way she had felt in bed with Jennifer. She then made a difficult decision, one that would affect her whole life. She hoped the rest of the guys would understand. To be continued. *********************************************Chapter Five
© 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.
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