Carversion -28-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Oops? I hope that doesn't mean I'm stuck like this," questioned the Margaret that used to be Tyrone.

"Oh no, it's not permanent, unless you wish to keep it as your alternate form, giggled Sara, looking at the two twins.

"It is a nice body," approved Carolyn, looking at her twin and then at herself.

Tyrone had to agree, he had planned to choose a more mature body, than what Sara had. Still it would have been nice to have a say in its design. He shrugged and turned his/her attention to her wife.

"Are you okay love? I hope you feel like I do, in this body. It's kind of overwhelming for me." Tyrone stated.

"I'm fine Ty..rona," his wife confirmed, altering his name to the feminine.

"Tyrona? Hmmm, I guess that's more appropriate at the moment, although I kinda like Tyrissa."

Sara smiled, and interrupted the twin's debate over Tyrone's name to be, explaining that there would be a price for this gift of a cure.

Tyrissa nodded, having wondered what price, all this would cost.

"I don't have a lot in the bank, Carolyn's medical bill's have drained them out, but I'll find some way of getting whatever you want."

Sara, who hadn't told Tyrissa the full story of the Shelke and what was looming in mankind's future, smiled, and told them that money wasn't needed.

"What I'm going to tell you mustn't leave this house. After I'm done, and you don't wish to participate, then we will leave you alone without the Krin, and the gifts it will give you," Sara told them quietly.

"Does that mean Carolyn will still be sick?" Tyrissa asked worriedly.

"Not at all, we would leave her in a healthy body as good faith," answered Sara, reassuringly.

"Then go ahead," Tyrissa urged after getting a nod of agreement from Carolyn.

Sara told them both of the impending fate of mankind and the danger if something wasn't done now. She told of the power of the nexus, which came with the use of the Krin. The twins nodded in agreement, of wanting the chance to become closer to each other. Tyrissa still had some questions, seemingly unaware of the natural way she was sitting and acting like a woman.

"Why us... I mean the transgendered community in general. Why are we the first to benefit, why not the sick and dying, not that I'm objecting at all, we will all benefit greatly?"

"Well, for one thing, you can keep secrets, the other thing is you have just as much to lose if this got out to the general public. Think of the witch-hunt if it got out that transgendered where getting the power to change their bodies at will. The other thing is that you dare to be different, whether this was a condition at birth or not."

"I wouldn't say I dare to be different, just I can't stop being the way I am." Tyrissa admitted shamefaced.

"Hey there's nothing wrong with getting in touch with your feminine side, is there Kevin?" Sara asked looking at Kevin for support.

"Hell no, it's kind of liberating really," Kevin admitted, smiling at Sara before poking his tongue out at her. Just to show he was being genuine, Kevin touched his Krin and became Anita to the twin's surprise. Here before them was another set of twins just dressed differently. Sara was wearing a sundress that was obviously comfortable, while Anita was ready to go out on the town in her figure hugging evening gown.

"When I'm like this, I'm called Anita, explained the former Kevin, without a hint of embarrassment.

Sara went and hugged Anita, glad that Kevin wasn't worried about being exposed as Anita in front of relative strangers. She kissed Anita deeply, causing the twins turn to each other and follow suit.

"Getting back to the sick and dying," Sara started again, having broken off her kiss with a lingering look at Anita. "We need people who have a flexible mind, open to new things and possibilities. Most old people that are ready to pass on are just not able to handle this. We will be targeting groups like those that good to science conventions or anime conventions. Also cancer victims that will suddenly go into remission, we need people to form a nexus all over the world and raise babies with telepathic powers. Are you willing to be a part of this, and help save this planet?" Sara finished.

The twins looked at each other without saying anything, but it was plain to see that they were both in agreement.

"Yes," they said together, "count us in."

"What if one of the people that get a Krin decides to blow the whistle?" Tyrissa asked, thinking of all the possibilities.

"The Krin does allow the Shelke to monitor partially. In addition, the Krin once placed on the wrist will be keyed to that person. Not only will it not work for another, it will become an inert ring if it's removed. Oh don't worry about people thinking you are wearing a woman's bracelet in guy mode," Sara added quickly seeing the question in Tyrissa's eyes. "There's a stealth mode where it becomes invisible and undetectable by anyone touching your wrists."

"So, how do I select this alternative form?" Tyrissa asked, as she turned the Krin that Sara had handed out to them, around on her wrist.

"We have this program that I'll load on to your computer. It lists all the forms stored in non-space as well as some that can be generated easily. We can alter your male form as well, seeing you’re not using it at the moment," grinned Sara.

Anxious to start, Tyrissa led them to the computer, while Anita swivelled out to get the laptop.

"Even though I know Anita was Kevin, I can't believe how sexy she moves, it’s as if she was born female," Tyrissa said wistfully as she watched Anita's departing derriere.

"Believe me that's all man in there," giggled Sara, just packaged differently. The body comes with a handy built in program to help ensure you look feminine and can put on makeup. I bet you haven't noticed the way you walk either," Sara added.

"Hell, I haven't had time to do more than look," complained Tyrissa, with a pout. I've been dying to get myself alone to check everything out," she sighed.

"Why don't you and your twin, go do that now, while we set things up? Just take your time and if you make any noise in your explorations... well, we just went deaf." The implied suggestion wasn't lost on the twins, as they hurried off to the bedroom and closed the door.

Maggie, who had been tagging along underfoot, giggled and held up her hands to the now alone Sara. Smiling, Sara lifted her up and hugged her, as she waited on Anita, who seemed to be taking her time. Hearing some sounds emanating from the bedroom, that suggested the exploration was fully underway, Sara turned the TV on for Maggie to watch, while she opened her mind to find out what was holding up Anita. She smiled, as she heard Anita move the RV from where it was parked on the roadside, to up the driveway of Tyrone's house.

When Anita came inside, she was red faced.

"Flirting with the law now, are we? I bet it was that powerful motorbike that got your juices running," teased Sara.

"Hey! You told me to park there, I didn't know I was blocking a fireplug." Anita explained, blushing.

"I heard you talking that nice officer out of giving you a ticket, did you give him a phone number? You did, you minx, I'll have to put you on a chain, giggled Sara as she caught the thought from Anita's mind.

"Yeah, but we are gone by the time he decides to ring that number, smiled Anita, joining in with Sara's playful banter. "Anyway, looking like this did pay off," Anita added with a smug grin.

"Hey! Leave the girl tricks to me, you are getting too darned good at it," protested Sara.

"Well I learned from the best," Anita, replied, sashaying over to Sara and planting a nice one on her lips.

"Hmmrfph," was Sara's cut off reply, as they tried to suck each other's tongue out.

Coming up for air, Anita asked where the others were. Sara nodded to the bedroom door where some interesting moans were coming from.

"Ah I remember that song well," laughed Anita quietly.

"Where's the laptop?" asked Sara, changing the subject.

"Oops! I forgot it." Anita blushed and ran back outside, her haste making her move in interesting ways as she coped with moving rapidly in a tight gown and heels. Sara looked at the computer, avoiding looking at Anita return with the laptop. Any more stimulation and she'd be banging on the bedroom door telling them to hurry up, so she and Anita could sate themselves.

Coming back in with the laptop, Anita grinned at Sara, as the squeals and moans from the bedroom continued unabated. Obviously, sex had been off the menu during Carolyn's illness and Tyrissa's initiation into how the other half played, was being met with repeated success.

"Hon, can you take Maggie out to the RV and make up a triple batch of pikelets. I think we'll have some hungry people after all that exertion," Sara asked Anita.

"But haven't they just eaten?" Anita grinned back.

Sara gave her the 'look,' before turning away to hide her smile.

"Maggie? Will you help, your aunt Anita make some pikelets?" Sara asked, having walked to where Maggie was sitting watching TV.

"Uhuh," agreed Maggie, tearing her attention away to grin with glee.

"Oh and no eating any, till they come inside," warned Sara, with raised eyebrow. "And that goes for the big kids too," she added, giving Anita an arched eyebrow.

"I show awnty Anita how we dids it," Maggie squealed happily in her kidlish (kid English).

"Come on munchkin, you better show me good, or I expect we'll be in big trouble," laughed Anita, as she walked over to Maggie.

Maggie's hands went skywards, a signal that would become familiar for when she wanted to be lifted up. Anita pulled her up into her arms and carried her giggling burden outside.

Sara started setting up the laptop and loaded the program to Tyrone's computer. She wanted to do something extra for the couple, so she rang Kim to see if there was a way to accommodate them. Sara smiled when Kim said it was possible, and when she hung up, she was very pleased with herself. Checking with Anita, in a mental communion, to when they would be finished, Sara went to the bedroom door. She could hear muted talking, and figured that the sexercise was finished for the moment.

"You two have 5 minutes to shower and freshen up, before afternoon tea is served." Sara spoke through the closed door. She grinned hearing the scramble going on inside, as the pair hurried to comply. Sara put the jug on and found where the cups and saucers were kept. She had just poured the water into the teapot, when Carolyn and Tyrissa emerged flushed and steamy. Sara took no notice of their embarrassment and ordered them to sit like errant little children. Both of them sat with eyes cast down with the occasional sideways glance at each other.

Sara couldn't hold it any longer, and giggled, as she went and hugged them both.

"I'm very happy for you, just as well there are no men in the house. Or we'd all be pregnant probably." She grinned, gently poking fun at them.

"Sorry, but it's been so long, and Tyrissa needed instructions," Carolyn blushed, grabbing Tyrissa's hand.

"Sounds like she learned pretty quickly," Sara replied with a grin at Tyrissa.

"It's funny, I'm not a lesbian, but knowing it was Tyrone in that body turned me on in a way I didn't expect." Carolyn admitted.

"So how was it Tyrissa? Judging by the noise you enjoyed yourself," winked Sara.

"Words can't describe it. I thought that I was only a cross dresser, but having experienced that, I know that just looking like a female wont be enough. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that experience, but I don't know if I should take you up on your offer, I might never want to turn back, and as much as I wish to I don't want to do that to Carolyn." Was Tyrone's heart felt admission.

Anita and Maggie walked in, preventing further discussion. Anita carried the plate of pikelets, while Maggie followed with the canned cream and jar of jam. Carolyn poured the tea, while Sara buttered the pikelets to the sounds of anticipation from Tyrissa and the others. Silence ensued with the consumption of pikelets and tea. Maggie had a glass of cold milk, instead of tea, in keeping with her looks. Looking at Maggie, Sara laughed, with the others following suit at seeing her jam and cream encrusted face, as she tucked into the last remaining pikelet. Carolyn was quick to grab a paper tissue to gently obliterate the impromptu beauty regime applied to Maggie's face.

"I've heard of a peaches and cream complexion, but not a jam and cream one," teased Carolyn as she finished her task on the satisfied looking face of Maggie.

"I like peaches and cweam too aunty Carolyn," giggled Maggie, prompting another round of laughter.

"I bet you do, I bet you do," Carolyn repeated wistfully, as she ruffled Maggie's hair.

Maggie due to her cunning disguise as a child escaped having to help tidy up after the afternoon tea. She was allowed to got watch TV again while the big girls talked in the kitchen.

"Tyrissa, don't give up on your dream just yet, I have a surprise for you that I think you'll like. Kim says it’s possible, so let's see what we can do first, okay?" Sara offered, with a wink.

Tyrissa, nodded, hope rekindling in her eyes, as once again, her wish was being offered. They moved to the computer, which had Tyrissa's old male body spinning slowly like a puppet, on the computer screen. With a few keystrokes, Sara explained how they could alter the body, so that it would look slightly more feminine, without being obvious. The face was softened, by slightly reducing the nose and building up the cheekbones. Reducing the forehead in depth and then disguising it by lowering the hairline, gave her a face that could be made feminine with the use of cosmetics, and yet could still look like he'd only changed his hairstyle.

Next came the body changes. Narrowing his shoulders wasn't really noticeable and making his hands and feet smaller wouldn't really be noticeable to most men, who don't pay much attention to another guys hands, as a rule. Sara smoothed out his legs to make them softer looking and not so angular. She left his waist the same size, which puzzled Tyrissa, until she explained. Bringing up another menu, she selected a corset from a list of clothing options. She then used the mouse to drag the corset over to the body, where with a click, magically fitted itself to the body. Using the mouse instead of hooks or laces, she made the corset appear to tighten. The extra flesh that was left on the waistline was forced up and downwards as the waist was narrowed. When finished, the body had a very feminine set of curves, as the flesh pooled at the hip and formed nice breasts.

"This looks painful, but Kim says, we can narrow the skeleton of the torso, and yet hide it with a layer of flesh that will move easily up and down, once a corset is fitted. Without the corset, it will look like a normal male body, Sara explained.

Tyrissa and Carolyn looked suitably impressed, but Sara wasn't finished yet, as she opened a file containing Carolyn's old body.

"Wait there's more," she said, as she dragged Carolyn's image over the top of Tyrone's

"Oh, oh, I know this one, if I order now, I get-" Tyrissa started, but was downed out in a chorus from the others.


Everyone burst out laughing at that tired out cliché. When everyone recovered, Sara pointed to the screen where the male body of Tyrone was now covered by his wife's form.

"See, you can now wear Carolyn's clothes perfectly," Sara grinned triumphantly.

"Oh no," wailed Carolyn melodramatically, lifting her arm and putting the back of one hand to her forehead. "I have to share my clothes now."

Everyone laughed.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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