Carversion -10-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Ten

The flight home, went like clockwork. Everyone took up the same roles as before, with Leanne being the only exception. Using the same template they used on Bobbie, she became a baby, Glenda's child in fact, travelling on her mother's passport. Glenda was wearing the glasses and used them to convince any officials who asked, that they saw Leanne's name added in her passport.

Before they boarded the flight home, they watched a news broadcast on the television in the airport lounge, about the discovery of an abandoned baby at the main hospital. It showed a close up view of Bobbie's cute face and the presenter was asking for any information that might lead to the mother, as concerns for her, were being expressed.

Glenda had to use the power of the glasses as one passenger sitting next to her noticed the similarities between 'her' baby, and the one on the news.

Leanne may have been in a baby form, but her mind was still adult. She wasn't able to move much on her own due to the weak limbs she now possessed. She never made a mess in 'her' nappies as she warned Glenda in advance, before that happened. "Weee" and "poooo" made to sound baby like, were the prearranged code words for potty time. Glenda changed her, three times during the flight, allowing her to go without dirtying her disposables. Leanne had made sure her feed was going to be ordinary milk, unheated, and that her baby food was mostly of the pulped fruit sort. She may look like a baby, but she wasn't prepared to eat baby food, or drink formula.

Once they landed, it was time to reverse the process, to release the family stuck in limbo. Some preparations were in order though. They rebooked the family's rooms at the hotel they were destined to stay at, and arranged a new flight back home set a few weeks later. They also left several thousand dollars in their luggage as compensation for their trouble. Susan drove back to the alley on the bike, while Sara took the ordinary Volvo there with the luggage, then drove off leaving Daniel to finish. Once Susan/Daniel changed back to the Volvo, she got out and loaded the luggage. The family seemed fine and well despite being nowhere for 3 weeks. Margaret/Daniel dropped them off at the hotel and then left them there.

Sara was checking on the net for any Australian news updates on Bobbie. She was pleased to see that she had been placed into foster care with what seemed to be a nice family. Leanne was pleased and made sure she would check off and on for more news.

The Ellery's house did have a buyer who was just waiting on the banks to approve the loan, so preparations were made to vacate and move to the condo. The computer, the clothes personal items, and food were al packed up. All linen towels and the like, that the buyer didn't want, which included furniture, drapes or appliances, were destined to be sold at a garage sale, at the weekend, then anything left over from that would be offered to the good will people.

The Ellery's place was sold and all the unwanted stuff was either sold that weekend or given away. Obviously, something needed to be done with Ken, now that they had moved to the condo and settled in. If he came around and spotted his wanted suspects at Sara's home, he would hit the roof. Daniel had promptly returned to become Julie again, so Sara suggested that William pick a male form other than his own and be Julie's boyfriend. Sara was going to suggest that Kevin do the same with Leanne, but for some reason that didn't feel right. Leanne saw the wheels turning in Sara's head and told Sara that it would be better if Kevin were someone she had just met. It would account for her not having called Ken all this time.

Leanne took the glasses, just in case, and went back home to await the inevitable developments. She was there barely an hour before the first of Ken's operatives came calling. He'd probably have called 3 minutes after she had got home, but had waited to see if the others might arrive too. Being prepared, she'd first speed dialled Sara on her mobile phone and left it in her purse nearby, before opening the door. Sara listened in, while waiting down the block in her Trans Am with Kevin in a new body, he'd picked that morning.

"Hello, miss, I'm from the...(silence, presumably showing Leanne his badge) I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding your cousin Kevin."

"Okay, but I haven't seen him in weeks, is he in some kind of trouble?" Sara heard Leanne reply.

"We aren't sure at this stage, may I come in?" (More silence while Sara heard the door close) "We are looking for his friend Scott who was on his way to meet him here."

"Look I'm sorry, but I haven't seen Scott. Kevin and his friends went looking for him, several weeks back and I've not heard from any of them since. I'm getting worried; they said they would be back here before me. I was on a holiday up north and just got back." Sara heard Leanne explain.

"Okay, look if you do hear from them, give us a call. Here is my number, remember day or night, someone will answer."

Leanne casually put on the glasses then drawing an odd look from the agent. Looking at Leanne's eyes, he fell into a trance. Sara could hear Leanne asking him whether there was any hidden surveillance equipment in or around her home. She also questioned him whether there were orders to maintain a presence outside her home and whether she herself was to be followed. Getting first a negative for bugs and then a yes for the ongoing surveillance at her home and where she went, she then told him to forget the last few minutes.

A few minutes later, Sara heard Leanne pick up the phone and told her that he'd gone. Sara suggested that Leanne drive back to the condo, where they could await the agents next move. Sara knew Ken would be told and that he'd likely visit himself.

Sara then left, wanting to get home before Leanne arrived. The next few hours would be critical to their continued safety, and Sara wanted to be prepared.

The others were ready, when she arrived home. Julie and Bill, as William had been temporarily renamed, had their cover stories down pat as a couple, visiting Sara. Kevin was now a tall Japanese man in his twenties, courtesy of one of the settings on the bracelet. Because it was an alien generated form, he had documentation and the skills of a martial artist to go with it. When Sara got home, she found him outside stripped to his waist, doing some exercises.

"Wow! That's so cool, is that Thai Chi? I wish I could do that," Sara sighed wistfully.

"It's a mixture of Chen Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do, with a bit of Chi Kung, thrown in. I could teach you, you know. It's strange, but it so easy for me that it seems to flow like water."

Sara walked up to Kevin, or Huang Chien Liang, as his new drivers licence proclaimed, and ran her fingers lightly over his very fit body. Kevin's new body wasn't overly muscular, but as he moved, no one would deny that it was a very powerful one. Sara needed to clear her mind, so she stood facing Kevin and started mimicking his deliberate movements, as he continued more slowly. The exercise was relaxing and she found herself concentrating on the movements and letting the distractions around her to fade into the background.

So it was a shock to suddenly be interrupted by loud voices as Ken and several of his men burst out from the house into the back lawn where she and Kevin were working out. Leanne was sitting with Julie and Bill watching the display on the lawn, and they were equally surprised by the manner of Ken's intrusion.

Sara stood still, waiting, as Ken approached her. That he was pissed was obvious, but Sara felt a sense of inner calm, as her every sense went to red alert.

"Who are these people, and who is this?" he stabbed, pointing at Huang. "Why is a suspected accomplice, of a group we are looking for, doing here?" He ranted, looking at Leanne.

"Shut up Ken." Sara said coldly, her calm voice managing to cut though the air like a knife. At Ken's look of surprise at her defiant words, she continued.

"First, you come barging in here like you owned the place, after I've already warned you about that before. Second, where's your warrant, this isn't a situation which allows you to ride roughshod over our right's. Third, I don't think that who my friends are, is any business of yours. Leanne is my friend, and as far as I know, hasn't done anything illegal and has every right to be here. Unless you can prove your allegations, I suggest you leave before she rings her lawyer."

Ken was angry that Sara, a girl that had never defied him before, was now embarrassing him before his men. His anger overrode his judgement as he grabbed at Sara roughly. Suddenly, Kevin, who had stood quietly by while the words were being exchanged, moved swiftly. Ken found himself on the ground with his wrist twisted into a lock that was most excruciating. He tried to use his own training to break the hold, but found it countered easily and the pain went up a notch as Kevin's hold threatened to break the joint in his elbow. The other agents tried to intervene to their cost. In movements that defied the eyes, Kevin flew into a complicated moment of aerial ballet, which had the two agents lying groaning beside Ken. Kevin stood back, after quickly divesting the three men of their weapons. Sara took out her phone and called the police, while Kevin used the agent's own cuffs to hold them.

They sat and waited while the agents cursed, not seeing the tape recorder that Julie had started when the agents had first burst in. Sara winked at her, glad that at least one aspect of her plan had been carried out. Once the police came, three very red faced agents were released, as they identified themselves. The police then turned to the others asking for their side of things. Luckily, there was no love lost between the police department and the CIA, and Sara was allowed to explain, despite calls for the lot of them to be arrested by Ken.

The officer in charge wasn't afraid of the bullying tactics and threats of the powers that be, crashing down on their heads. He'd been witness to several over enthusiastic operations by the CIA, where innocent lives had been endangered, and wasn't about to let them worm their way out of this one.

Once Julie had handed him the tape, and all statements had been given, he told Ken to get lost, before he hauled him in. Before Ken left, Sara told him not to darken her door again and that their relationship was over for good.

Ken left then, but a look on his face told her that this wasn't over. He'd been made to look a fool; three men overpowered by one slim oriental, and disabled by their own cuffs. Sara said to the officer that she thought Ken would come back, and that she would take extra precautions. He said that he couldn't spare anyone to watch the place, but he gave her a number to call the rapid response unit should she need them.

Sara made sure that the place was secure, locking windows and dead bolting the doors. Together with the others, she set up the equipment they had purchased that morning. The small video camera that was promised to work in near dark with the aid of an infrared source of light was installed to view the lounge. It was the most vulnerable part of the house with the large glass French sliders facing the veranda. A video feed was monitored in the main bedroom, where all were planned to sleep that night. A passive infrared detector was also hidden, the telltale indicator light being disabled so it wouldn't alert intruders. The detector was wired to sound a buzzer in the bedroom, which was just loud enough to alert those that would be awake on their shift. No one knew when Ken would be back, but Sara was betting that night while they were all still there, plus, he had to regain the respect of his agents before they talked to others.

Kevin had the difficult job of staying hidden near the lounge inside the emptied broom closet. He was going to use the martial arts to obtain a level of meditation that would allow him to remain silent for long hours, yet be ready to act when alerted by the phone in his pocket. The one on watch would text his phone, which was set to vibrate, alerting him, but no one else. He was dressed in black and hoped to disable Ken and the others, before they did anything serious. Sara was praying that weapons wouldn't be a factor, as Ken knew she didn't carry one in the house.

The officer called out to the Balboa address at Half Moon Bay surveyed the footage shown on the video that was captured by the hastily installed security camera. He and two others were trying to untangle what had happened here. A frantic call for help had them on the scene in 8 minutes, to find the place in a shambles. Three men had sexually assaulted several women, beaten them and had tied up several young men in the process. They had broken down the door in the midst of the assault and had arrested the three men who proclaimed to be the CIA's finest. 'Sure, like I believe that.' He thought disgustedly, as he viewed the tape.

"Hey sarge, what do I do with these guys?" A junior officer asked, indicating the three men dressed in black.

"Haul them away and bury them, for all I care," he answered. "Book em for rape and B and E, and don't let them go, I might have more charges yet," he added, as the men were led away.

Starting the tape at the beginning, he could see them setting up the angles to get the best coverage. He knew from the earlier report that the owner had mentioned taking extra security measures. He wished more people had the same sense, as this provided excellent evidence that made his job so much easier. The footage showed the lounge to be undisturbed as the hours passed. He fast-forwarded the tape set on long play, until a flicker showed some activity. He rewound it a way then set it on normal play.

The video showed the oriental guy walking into the kitchen, with an empty glass. Then while he was still there, presumably getting a drink, the scene changed. What the camera, showed, was the three agents coming through the French sliders. Using two suction devices used to hold glass sheets, they applied it to the outside of one of the doors. They then lifted the door out of the running track at the bottom and angled it inside the house. One of the agents slipped though the narrow gap and released the catch. They stood the door up again, setting it into the groove and slid the door open.

The leader, who the officer now knew was called Ken, made a quick circular motion with his hand. The two other agents started a quick reconnoitre on the ground level. They didn't use torches, just trusting to the faint moonlight that entered the half closed shades. One of the agents must have heard the guy in the kitchen make a noise, as he flattened himself by the doorway and took out a baton. As Kevin came out with a glass of juice, the agent swung the baton against his head, dropping him like a wet sack, as Kevin fell to the floor, the officer winced as a boot from the agent cruelly struck Kevin between the legs.

Then the footage showed them coming closer to the camera as they climbed the stairs to the bedrooms. They passed out of view for a moment, before returning dragging the half asleep women back down stairs. The other young man must have been subdued then, as they had found him bound in one of the bedrooms. The officer watched as the women were thrown around roughly. He cursed that there was no audio, although the body language was loud and clear.

Ken was questioning Sara the owner, often slapping her when her replies failed to satisfy him. The other two women were stripped naked and thrown to the ground. Unfortunately, they were both out of sight of the camera as the large couch was in the way. The officer watched, intently as the two subordinate agents unbuckled their pants and freed their cocks from their underwear. They dropped partially out of sight as they impaled themselves on the women. The thrusting movements of the men where clearly seen above the couch and a pair of feminine legs that were visible past the end of the couch of was seen jerking in sync, with one mans movements.

Next, the footage showed the officer and his men coming into the room and promptly taking action at the scene before them. The tight-lipped officer stopped the tape and ejected the video, before placing into an evidence bag. He stood up, and walked out of the closet where the tape machine had been running.

He came down stairs to see two of the raped women hugging each other, while an older woman was comforting them. The Asian lad was holding a cold compress to his head, as the officer walked up.

"I took the liberty of taking several vaginal swaps for evidence," the older woman explained, handing him two zip lock bags with a cotton swab in each and the names of the two girls marked outside.

"I'm Margaret, I phoned you after seeing these men acting suspiciously.

"Where's the other woman...Sara, I wanted to talk to her?" the officer asked, looking around.

"Bill, Julie's boyfriend took her to her doctor, seeing he was the only one unhurt. Once the girl's have calmed down, I'm going to take them there as well."

"You sure? I should have them taken to the hospital and get them checked over." The officer sounded rather doubtful.

"Look officer I'm their friend and they are traumatised enough without having strangers prodding and poking." Insisted Margaret, looking sternly at the officer.

"Okay, okay," the officer held his hands up in mock surrender to the forcefulness of the lady, who seemed to know what was what.

"Just have them send a statement when they are able, and I'll see them in court."

I don't think they will agree to that, do they really have to appear. Won't that tape in your hand be enough to lay charges?"

"Sure, but being CIA, they might not get jail time, without their presence." The officer sighed.

"Will they get suspended?"

"Most likely, busted down to records is my guess. It depends on their past record."

The officer left then, leaving Margaret to her charges. Once the cars had left, and silence reined again, the two stricken girl's burst out laughing.

"Oh boy, that was just too much," giggled Julie.

"Great acting guys," Margaret said, as she morphed back into Sara.

"What about me?" complained Kevin, as he reappeared from the broom closet in his own body. "Did you see my boneless slump to the floor, now that took skill."

"It's a pity they couldn't see the first tape we made," smiled Leanne, as she went to get cleaned up. "Yuck, I need to get cleaned up. I hate having sperm drying on my body."

"I'll join you, having a strange guy cum over you to simulate being raped, isn't my idea of fun," complained Julie, following Leanne to the shower.

"I'll get you some clean nighties," Sara offered, heading to the bedroom. She spotted a marble near the stairs and stooped to pick it up, thinking back to a few hours earlier.

The real video taken of the break in showed an entirely different scene, once the three had entered via the French doors. Sara was glad she had watched all of the "Home Alone" films. Having the forth step from the top of the stairs covered with marbles was a great idea, along with oiling the banister of the stairs at that point. When the three men entered and quickly confirmed that the lower rooms were empty, they started up the stairs. Kevin had been alerted and eased open the broom closet door, ready to leap into action.

William moved silently into position behind the corner at the top of the stairs where they joined the landing at right angles. Ken led the way first, knowing the exact layout of the house while the other two followed several steps further back. Sara waited, hardly breathing as Ken placed his foot on the marble strewn stair. She couldn't' help smile as Ken did his best impression of her favourite cartoon character Wiley Coyote (the scene where he steps off the cliff, then realises where he is and windmills his feet trying to step back). Marbles flew everywhere as his dancing feet kicked them towards the others following behind.

Ken tried to grasp the rail, to maintain his balance, as he started to fall, but slick with furniture oil, it offered little or no purchase. The clincher came when William, hearing the noise and soft curses, stepped out from behind the corner, and tossed his final weapon at Ken. Having a tied up plastic garbage bag filled with wet towels and several wet blankets totalling around 60 kilos tossed at you, was the last thing Ken saw before it hit him squarely in the chest. He went crashing down, knocking both men behind him from their feet. As they unceremoniously ended in a tangled heap at the bottom of the stairs, the boys both leapt into action.

William took the speedy way down the stairs, not risking a twisted ankle; he held onto the banister rail and slid down with his feet on the bottom rail. His practiced slide, took him rapidly down to the tangle of bodies, only releasing his grip, as he got closer so he could dog pile on top of Ken and the others. Kevin was close behind, reaching the agents and administering the correct hold to disable the men until the cuffs supplied by the agents were again put into use.

Sara remembered the way the glasses she used on the agents put them all into a hypnotic trance. Setting up the scene for the police was child's play after that. The agents never realised that their blows were not doing any damage, as Sara had programmed them to pull their blows at the last second, robbing them of any real impact. The rape scene was carefully prepared and having the men orgasm on command dripping their juices on the top women, added the evidence they needed, without any penetration.

Sara suffered the most, having her in full view while Ken slapped her around. Ken did pull his blows, but not being a practiced stuntman who does that for a living, he couldn't help making mistakes. Several of the blows made her nose bleed, and one gave her a bruise under the eye. She didn't mind too much, because later, the police office took several pictures as evidence.

The agents never knew that the second scene wasn't real, to them; they thought that it had gone down exactly as the video in the police showed. Sara grinned, thinking of the last commands she had given the agents. Once the hearing started, they would find themselves confessing, making up their own reasons for the attack. Of course, having William in Margaret's form calling the police was a tricky piece of timing, luckily coming off during the rape scene and not later when Sara was going to have the agents do other nasty looking things to the girl's while waiting for the police to eventually arrive.

Sara took the nighties into the steamy bathroom, where the two giggling girl's were washing each other. She checked herself in the mirror, wincing a little as she touched the bruise under her eye. The blood from her nose was washed clean and she then poked her head behind the shower curtain.

"Hey, leave me some hot water, I want a shower too, you know," she complained, jerking her head back laughing, as a gob of foam was flung at her face. "You missed," she cackled, dancing out of range.

The next second, Sara regretted her words, as two naked foamy bodies steamed out of the shower and grabbed her, dragging her into the shower still clothed in her nightie.

Sara's first yelp of surprise, coupled with the shock of the hot water, soon turned to laughter, as a soapy tickle fest ensued. A knock on the door and a call from the boys asking if everything was okay was greeted with laughter.

"Come in, if you're a girl," the girl's yelled happily, their invitation plainly obvious.

"Damn, I might take them up on that," Kevin said, looking at William standing next to him, as another squeal of laughter emanated from the bathroom.

"I'm in if you are," William agreed, already touching his bracelet. What followed is best left to the imagination, as five women attempted to determine whether the fun would outlast the hot water. Sadly the hot water lost, as five bodies tried to exit the now cramped shower all at once.'

"Remind me to get a better hot water system installed," laughed Sara, looking for a dry towel.

"And a bigger shower," offered Jennifer/Kevin.

"Nah, it is the right size," countered Jennifer-2/William.

"Ah, but you weren't the one getting your eyes poked out," Julie pointed out, looking accusingly at two sets of magnificent cleavage.

"Well if you got it, you may as well flaunt it," teased a Jennifer, with the other nodding in agreement.

"Oh grow up, you lot," Leanne said, not choosing her words carefully.

There was a second's silence, before everyone dissolved into laughter. Sara fell to the floor helplessly laughing, unable to stand. She sat and tried to control herself. She knew this was the best thing to happen to overcome the night's stress of the CIA situation. She gathered herself to stand, but needn't have bothered, as Julie held up the now empty shampoo bottle.

"Next time, we'd better get the economy size."

Sara collapsed again, managing to cling on to one of the Jennifer’s as her mirth threatened to leave her a giggling puddle on the floor.

Finally the laughter subsided, into giggles as the lack of dry towels sent most hunting for something to wear. The Jennifer that was still supporting Sara somewhat cupped her face and gave her a kiss.

"Kevin? Is that you in there?" she asked, feeling overwhelmed.

"Yup, Kevin in the flesh," h/she grinned. "You know, messing around like this certain has its good points," s/he added.

"Yeah, your points are very good," laughed Sara, teasing Kevin's prominent nipples with her fingers. "Let's go to bed."

"Now that's an order, I'll gladly obey," offered Jennifer/Kevin, winking at her.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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