Carversion -29-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Don't think of it as sharing clothes," giggled Tyrissa, in response. "Think of, no more stretched clothes, instead. Plus we'll save money, only buying one size," she added, hugging Carolyn.

"Okay, now that we have sorted your base model, what about your second one. I have talked to Kim about an added wrinkle you might like," Sara continued.

"I prefer wrinkle free, if you don't mind," quipped Tyrissa, interrupting, Sara and making everyone grin.

Sara let Tyrissa take over as she brought up a menu showing thumbnails of a selection of the female forms available. Whether it was because of the body she was currently wearing, or because her first female orgasm had been as Margaret, she clicked on Margaret's thumbnail. She played with the image, making it subtly different from the original, changing the hair colour and a few other things. Carolyn made several suggestions, which Tyrissa implemented. Once they were both satisfied, Sara dropped her bombshell.

Sara took over the mouse and brought up something that Kim had sent only an hour ago. A small picture of what looked like a female groin came up. Sara dragged it with the mouse, placing it over the one on the altered Margaret image. Everyone, including Anita looked puzzled, as there seemed to be no difference.

"Watch," was all Sara said, grinning widely as she right clicked on the transplanted groin.

The others watched in amazement as the perfectly normal female groin, started changing. It started morphing into a male groin, producing a nice sized cock and its twin accessories.

"Oh wow!" chorused the others.

The morphing groin was on a continuous loop and cycled back to a female groin again, repeating the sequence, as both Carolyn and Tyrissa watched fascinated.

"With this form, you can go and do anything a woman can, like trying on clothes, without the fear of discovery and still get excited as a man if you wish to. Plus it has a definite advantage in the bedroom, if you know what I mean." Sara giggled and looked at Anita with a gleam in her eyes.

"Kim said it can be triggered on or off by either of your bracelets, so Carolyn could make you pop out any time she wanted," explained Sara. The look that crossed Carolyn's face at that moment, told Sara, that Tyrissa was in for some interesting times.

Anita looked interested as well, and Sara whispered into her ear, that it was already programmed into her Krin. Sara demonstrated by activating the change, on her own Krin. Anita's gasp as she felt a sudden tightness in her panties as a certain something started growing, made the others look at her. They looked down as something distinctly masculine marred Anita's ladylike silhouette.

"Going camping?" Asked Tyrissa with a knowing smile, as Anita's skirt, tented up.

"Nice pole she's carrying, all she needs now, is some guy ropes," Carolyn added.

"I think she's happy to do it without ropes, judging by the size of that," Sara joined in, with a grin.

Anita didn't respond to the gentle ribbing, she was lost in a wave of sensations, that almost felt like an orgasm itself as the change continued to completion.

"Wow! That is..." was all she could say.

"I'll have what she's having," Tyrissa said, quoting an old movie line, as she looked enviously at the expression on Anita's face.

"I think I'll take those steak knives too," agreed Carolyn, finding herself getting hot and bothered.

Maggie wandered in and seeing Sara was busy on the computer, turned to Anita instead.

"I need to go potty, can you untie my bow?" she asked plaintively as she reached up to grasp Anita's skirt. Maggie's tiny hand grabbed a convenient handle and tugged to get her attention.

Everyone collapsed, laughing uncontrollably as Anita plucked up Maggie from the floor and swept out, trying to muster as much dignity as she could, that a beetroot red face would allow, as she took a giggling Maggie to the toilet.

"The little minx, I bet she did that on purpose," sighed Sara, after recovering somewhat.

"Well, that's one way of getting attention," spluttered Tyrissa, her double meaning not being lost on Sara.

"That's one toy that's all mine to play with," grinned Sara at the thought.

"Well don't leave your toys out, where she can find them, next time, put it back in your box," hooted Tyrissa, as she cracked up.

Carolyn looked at Sara apologetically. "I just washed her and can't do a thing with her."

"Must be comedy central," Sara pouted, before giving in to the laugh that wanted out.

"I envy you your time with Maggie, she's such a sweetheart and I love her already," Carolyn sighed.

"Well you can come and visit any time," suggested Sara. "We have a huge place, you can stay for free."

"We might just do that, if I can get ‘her’ out of the bedroom," laughed Carolyn, looking at Tyrissa.

"Hey!" Tyrissa half protested, pouting at the accusation. "Who was holding me down and." she blushed, not decided not to complete that sentence with company around.

"Okay, we will then," Carolyn capitulated, emending her previous comment.

Sounds of flushing and taps running heralded the return of the others. Maggie skipped in first, trailing a decamped Anita, showing no sign of her former embarrassment. No one said a thing, but Anita could see what was on their minds as she sat down and smoothed her skirt.

"I thought I'd wrap it up and put my present back in the box for now," Anita informed them.

Everyone burst out laughing, considering what had been said just a few minutes earlier. Sara used her mind link to let Anita in on the joke, and Anita chuckled along with them.

"Shall I put on a movie for Maggie?" asked Carolyn, thinking of keeping her occupied while they sorted things out. "We have Free Willy." Carolyn froze, thinking how her innocent words would be taken in light of the recent topic of conversation. She needn't have worried as Anita howled in laughter sending the others into fits as well. She sat and let her own laugh join the others.

Tyrissa was in tears, not only from the humour, but from watching Carolyn laugh as well. It had been so long since they had anything to laugh about. This day marked several miracles, but none as important as seeing the happiness of Carolyn bloom once more.

"I don't suppose you have Jack in Jill, do you?" Anita asked, keeping the hilarity going,

"No, but I think we might have a jack in the box nearby," Sara returned, looking pointedly at the skirt of Anita.

It took a few minutes to get composed, as even just a look at Anita would set them off again. Tyrissa got up and gave both Sara and Anita a kiss and a hug, thanking them for everything. Maggie came in, complaining of being, tired (in her words) seepy. Anita lifted her up into her arms and cradled her there while Sara informed Tyrissa, that her base model should be ready. She slid the bracelet on her wrist, and touched the spot Sara had pointed out.

As the change hit, her face changed slightly, taking on more of Tyrone's original features the hair remained the same colour and length and looked perfectly normal for a woman. Tyrone's cloths changed to a full-length gown that emphasised her womanly curves. Tyrone's makeup was flawless and there was even a nice handbag supplied.

"What happened? I thought I was returning to a guy," Tyrone's voice cracked, going from a soft contralto to his own masculine tones and back.

"You are a man, check downstairs," Sara grinned. I had the Shelke dress you enfemme. This is what you can look like, while still fully a guy." Tyrone rushed to the bathroom to check his appearance and something else more important. He came back in tears, sniffling as he hugged Sara again. He took off the wig, revealing his normal hair underneath. Carolyn was amazed at what the corset was able to achieve. Tyrone had very normal looking breasts showing at the cleavage of his gown, proof that what had been promised had been delivered.

"Go change while we put Maggie down for a nap," Sara suggested, taking a sleepy Maggie from Anita and moving to the front door.

When Sara returned, Tyrone was back in male mode, only the nail polish on his fingers, remained in evidence. His longish hair was brushed back and secured by a scrunchie, supplied by Carolyn.

"My hair is much longer now, and seems fuller," stated Tyrone, as he flicked his head sideways making the ponytail flick about.

"Yes, I thought if it's longer, you have more choice of styles, it's actually a feminine head of hair that won't recede as you age," Sara explained. "Carolyn, now it's your turn to trade in Margaret's body for your own improved version," Sara told her.

Carolyn looked at Tyrone, taking a deep breath, as she touched the bracelet, which Sara had given her. She changed, becoming her former self, but not quite. Where her hair had been barely visible before, having only started growing out after the chemotherapy treatment, it was now long and luxuriant. She looked younger, but not too young. Most of the lines in her face were gone, and her body looked fit and healthy. She didn't need a mirror to see herself; just looking into Tyrone's eyes was enough to tell her that he found her beautiful.

"Honey, you are " Tyrone's voice broke in emotion, again moving into a feminine register as he tried to express his love to Carolyn. "What's up with my voice, it's cracking like I was going through puberty again," he complained, trying to clear his voice.

"Oh that's something I thought might help you while enfemme," admitted Sara. "With a little practice, you can switch from the masculine to the feminine and talk in a contralto that will be indistinguishable from a real woman's voice."

"You mean like this?" Tyrone asked in a very sexy contralto.


"Well why didn't you say so, honey. I can just see the reaction when I talk like this to the guys," Tyrone vamped, batting his eyes at the others.

Carolyn poked him in the shoulder at his antics, which made him drop the voice and complain in his own voice. "Oh the pain, the pain."

Tyrone found with a little effort, that he could switch from either voice at will. He was having fun with it, using the fem voice while being in male mode, until Carolyn scolded him gently, saying, go change if you want to.

Sara explained that in the handbag that the Shelke had supplied with Tyrissa's new body, had new documentation, with ID's showing the improved Tyrone's face and that of Tyrissa's. Tyrissa now had a legal identity, which would stand up under any scrutiny. Sara offered the same deal to Carolyn in terms of her other body, but that she didn't need to choose at that moment. Tyrone had the program and knew what to do. Even though Carolyn was happy with her body, she could see the advantage in having a spare. Maybe she could have the second one be a twin, but dressed to the nines, and then instead of having to spend time getting ready to go out, she could go from grub to glamour in seconds.

"That thing with the changing groin, is it possible to have it in this body as well?" she asked Sara quietly, while Tyrone had gone to get the handbag.

Sara blushed, and whispered that she had already taken care of that. Sara also added that Tyrone in his male body also had that option, but it was only going to be controlled by Carolyn's bracelet, unlike the Tyrissa body which both controlled. She added that Tyrone didn't know about this at all.

Carolyn's face lit up as she grinned mischievously, at the fun she could have, if Tyrone ogled at another woman. She'd seen him getting hard at the sight of a well-dressed female, but knew it wasn't the woman he was after, but the clothes. He'd be imagining himself wearing her clothes, which got him as hard as a rock. Carolyn giggled, imagining the scene. Tyrone would see a nicely dressed female and when he got hard, she would activate the bracelet, making him wet instead. She vowed to carry a camera to catch that moment of surprise on his face when that happened. Oh yes, this was going to be loads of fun.

Tyrone came back bringing his handbag, and showed the ID cards to Carolyn, proudly.

"Carolyn? I hope you don't mind, but I had the Shelke add a memory program for you. I want you to look at Tyrone's hair and tell me what you think should be done with it," Sara asked, hoping she hadn't overstepped the bounds, by adding something unasked.

Carolyn looked at Sara with a puzzled look, but did as requested and studied Tyrone's hair for a minute. She walked up to an equally puzzled Tyrone, as he wondered if there was something wrong with it.

She walked around Tyrone, studying it from all sides and ran her hands through it releasing the scrunchie. Tyrone stood still, letting his wife play with his hair as she lifted it and moved it around, before speaking.

"I could do a lot with it, even style it so the wig needn't be used. I could cut it in a pixie cut that would look great, yet would still allow him to brush it back into a man's style." Carolyn's eyes widened, as she realised what she had just said. "I know exactly what to do with his hair, yet I never cut hair in my life, and my knowledge of styling has been limited to just basics for myself. I used to go to the salon for anything special, when I had hair, that is."

"Tyrone, I want you to look at Carolyn's hair. You also have that hairdressing program added." Sara smiled. I figured you can do each others hair now, and it will give you a hand when you do go out enfemme."

"What about make up? And will Tyrissa have this program?" he asked as he got excited.

"Tyrissa will come with everything to help you look female, it will be as if you learnt everything, any other natural born women would know. Tyrone's body has the hair and the voice and gestures added, but not the makeup. We didn't want to take all the fun out of it. If you spend time as Tyrissa, you'll soon learn, by observing your own actions. Besides, Carolyn is now a qualified beauty consultant, come hairdresser. She can help you in the meantime.

"Wow! This is too much, like a dream."

"No not really, you will be travelling all over the country to help your sisters achieve the same results. The Shelke can set you up as a mobile fashion salon that will be a business and an extension of the Shelke self-preservation program. We will be helping as well, but we can't be everywhere." Sara explained.

Carolyn and Tyrone hugged each other, partly to confirm it wasn't a dream, and partly because now, they could travel the country giving others the same kind of joy they were themselves, experiencing.

The two engulfed Sara and Anita, as more hugs were shared. Tears flowed, as they blubbered incoherent thank yous. Sounds of stomachs rumbling broke them apart with giggles, as the growing appetising smell of something cooking, alerted Anita's ever vigilant tummy monster.

"Well I'm hungry, and something smells great," Anita said, unrepentantly.

Tyrone dashed into thee kitchen to check the roast, he'd had set to cook in the oven for dinner.

"You will be staying I hope. I put in a large roast this morning, knowing you were coming." Begged Tyrone, looking hopefully at Sara and Anita.

"I guess there's no rush to get back, Julie and William have to see a few people in Hollywood, so I don't expect them back for a while," Sara answered, accepting the offer.

Anita checked on Maggie while the others went into the kitchen to help organise the rest of dinner.

"She's sleeping like a baby," Anita reported with a smile, when she returned.

"When you have worn the bracelets for a while, you'll find that your thoughts will start meshing," Sara mentioned as she peeled some carrots. "We found that having sex made our bond so tight, that our thoughts joined as our bodies did. It's what's called as a nexus, and it will allow you share fully everything of the other. It also allows you to travel astrally. It took us a few months for this to happen, but as you already have a close bond with each other, it could happen any time. We just don't know, even the Shelke were surprised at the ease we achieved it."

"We can't wait," came in unison.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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