Carversion -33-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Thirty-Three

William and Julie were happy for the others, as they made their own preparations to travel. They hoped for a similar experience, when they met their first client. They were having just as much fun in their new RV as the others were, trying out all the fun stuff. First off, was picking up Cindy from where she worked at Hollywood. Cindy had agreed to be their liaison; between them and the others, they would meet, seeing she was well respected and known throughout the TG community that met online. Cindy had told them that she didn't have any holidays left to go gallivanting around the countryside, but William said they would solve that problem.

A little persuasion with the glasses they now both wore, soon had Cindy's bosses insisting that Cindy take as much time as she needed on full pay for her new trip. Cindy was amazed and a little suspicious with the way her bosses fawned over the three of them, as they made their way out to the RV.

Julie whispered in her ear that they used hypnosis, on them and that everything would be fine. Cindy grinned, as she saw the logo emblazoned on the side of the RV.

"Kind of says it all," she commented, looking at 'TG Enterprises' in big letters with 'we can change your life around,' in smaller letters underneath.

"What did Tyrone tell you about us?" asked William, as he studied the athletic looking blonde haired woman.

"Only that a couple called William and Julie wanted me to join them on a mission of mercy," Cindy answered, cautiously.

"Well come sit in the RV out of this sun. We have a tale to tell you," Julie offered, taking Cindy's hand.

Cindy seemed reluctant, about entering a strange vehicle with people, she didn't know, but the smiling face of Julie, showed no sign of being part of any sinister plot to kidnap her. A new female voice from behind her had her spin in surprise.

"Maybe she will be more comfortable talking with women, than having a strange man with her," Mi Ling said, having just been William.

Cindy looked around for the guy that had just been standing where there now appeared to be a smaller oriental woman in a fancy kimono.

"What! Where did... you haven't hypnotised me..." she stuttered, trying to complete the different threads of thought, that flashed through her mind.

"No, not this time," Mi Ling, laughed, her musical voice filled with humour. "Come, we will explain inside," Mi Ling finished, shooing Cindy inside, as she picked up the hem of her kimono as she prepared to climb the steps of the RV.

Cindy sat, watching the two women with an intent look as they found seats. Julie got out some cans of diet coke and offered them around. Cindy noted that Mi Ling looked at the can in sufferance, before opening it. Cindy could see undercurrents flowing between the two women, but couldn't guess as to the significance of the looks that passed between the two dissimilar women. They began to speak in turn, one starting from where the other left off as they took drinks from their cans. The story they related was as good as the scripts she'd seen in her work. As the story took on (to her) soap opera proportions, she called a halt.

"I need some proof of what your saying, or I'm leaving right now," she demanded, thinking, 'what a load of hokey.'

Mi Ling looked at Julie, with a grin, and made pay up motions by rubbing her thumb against her first and second fingers.

"Told you she would need convincing, before we finished." She chortled. "Pay up."

"Right now, like that?" Julie asked, nodding her head towards Cindy. "What about later tonight," she added, not thinking of the impression she was giving Cindy.

"Now," Mi Ling demanded, with a gleam in her eye.

Julie sighed, before she leant nearer and gave Mi Ling a long tonsil searching kiss. Cindy watched, turning a nice tone of pink as she blushed. There was something very erotic in the kiss that had her breathing deeply in response. She wanted to turn away, but something kept her eyes watching, as the two slowly parted with a secret smile on their faces.

"William bet me that we'd need to prove that what we are telling is true before you let us finish. I'm just paying him off," Julie stated, grinning at the red faced Cindy.

"But...erk!" exclaimed Cindy, as she was about to ask why kissing Mi Ling would pay off Williams bet, when Mi Ling's body shimmered into that of William.

Cindy fainted.

Cindy struggled to consciousness, wondering why she had fainted, when it all came back to her. The two strange people that believed that aliens, that could look like anyone, were on the earth trying to save mankind. Cindy's mind flashed forward, recalling the moment before she fainted. She tried to raise her head from the bed that she'd been obviously placed on. She opened her eyes to see the two people, now a man, and a woman, sitting watching her with looks of concern.

"You okay now, sorry for the shock, sometimes William doesn't think," Julie explained.

"I'm fine I think, except for the odd hallucination," Cindy quipped, wryly, knowing in her heart that what she saw was anything but. Suddenly she gasped and her eyes opened wide, as everything fell into place.

"You're that magic act that everyone's raving about. I thought Mi Ling's name sounded familiar. You had the best transformation act ever, according to the buzz going around. Donald Haskin, made some very important friends with that party."

"That was us, but it wasn't magic or illusion, it was for real," confirmed Julie, looking Cindy in the eye.

"But," Cindy started, remembering how some of the acts had been described.

"Yes all done by these," Julie finished for her, as she held up her wrist and pointed to the bracelet on her wrist. "We actually became each other, that's how we pulled off the swaps."

Cindy reached out to touch the Krin, as Julie brought her hand within reach.

"Wow! That's incredible, what else can it do?" Cindy asked, fingering it carefully.

"I think a demonstration would answer your question," replied William, getting another Krin from a drawer. He then opened a laptop and began busily typing, as Cindy slipped on the fine bracelet. Turning the screen towards Cindy, she saw a selection of thumbnail pictures of people young and old, male and female.

"I suggest you pick one that's radically different from your current body, so you'll know it's not a hypnotic trick," William finished

"I can become any of these and still return to my own body afterwards?" Cindy asked wonderingly.

"Yes, I suggest trying a male form just to see how it feels," Julie proposed. "It will be all the more convincing if you take on a male form while we finish telling you the rest of it."

Cindy shrugged, and then pointed to a picture on the screen. If she was going crazy, then she might as well get her money's worth.

"That guy, the one that looks like a fitness instructor," she agreed. Although happy being female, she saw the logical in the choice. If they could do it, then have a body of the opposite sex would be a convincing argument that the rest of this fantastic was also true.

William attacked the laptop again and then pressed enter. He sat back with a smile and showed her what part of the bracelet to press. Cindy took a breath, not knowing what to expect as she pressed the spot indicated. The feeling of change swept over her, almost too quick to take in. The most prominent feeling was the sense of growth all over her body. She didn't feel the expected shrinking feeling as her breasts dwindled away. It was most a swelling of the rest of her chest as her breasts were engulfed by the mass of muscle that made her breasts look like well-defined pecs. She felt strong as her arms and legs swelled with muscle. She felt herself being stretched, as she grew taller, but suddenly other things took precedence, as her clitoris seemed to grow; things grew tight in her panties, before her clothes changed to a more masculine style, shown in the picture. She felt two soft pops, as her very own testicles emerged from within her changing body. All this took barely a second and she had to take a minute to let all the sensations catch up as she categorised each feeling as best she could.

Julie pointed out a mirror to Cindy, as the changes finished. Cindy caught the admiring glance Julie gave her new body as she stood to go look at herself? Cindy realised with a shock, which Julie looked very attractive, and a twitch in her pants agreed with that assessment. Cindy blushed, realising where her/his thoughts were going. She was glad that Julie could only see her/his back, as Cindy stood in front of the mirror. Not being a lesbian in any form, this gave her/him a moments worry, until realising that it must be the testosterone in her/his body coupled with the programming that came as a built in package, that the pair had mentioned, which was causing these most un-Cindy-like thoughts.

"Well? What do you think?" William asked, seeing Cindy examining her new form with interest.

"It feels weird, parts of me seem to be on automatic pilot, how do you control this thing?" Cindy asked, trying to adjust the crotch of her/his pants.

"Sorry, I never did get an instruction manual with mine, it's been a learn by experiment," William laughed.

"I think this ones faulty," complained Cindy, as she/he struggled to get it in a more comfortable position. "It's all swollen up by itself," Cindy added, turning around to make her point.

"Try thinking about naked men," William sniggered, knowing exactly what had triggered it off.

"Whaat? Oh... um." Cindy blushed. She tried to visualise being with a hunky guy in bed, and found that to her surprise that it did work. This was so confusing

"That body you're wearing is heterosexual, so thinking of men in a sexual way, will turn off the erector set," explained Julie, seeing the confusion of having her appetites reversed, written plainly on Cindy's face.

"I think I'd better change back now," Cindy pleaded, "this doesn't feel right to me."

"Fine Cindy," Julie said as she stood and reached across to grasp Cindy's wrist with the Krin on. Cindy felt Julies breast contact her/his chest, and the sensation brought out just how different men's bodies react to that sort of stimuli, as her newly acquired penis jerked, sending an electric shock though her/his body.

Cindy nearly moaned out loud as the reversal to her body, felt orgasmic in nature, as her outy turned innie. Happy to be herself again, she returned to her seat to await the rest of the story to be unfolded. No longer doubting, she listened avidly, as the two told of the Shelke and the possible threat to mankind.

"You want me to go to every transgendered person I know in the chat rooms, and help them become whole?" Cindy asked in surprise.

"That and more, I'm afraid," was her answer.


"We need you to become a match maker as well," offered Julie, taking Cindy's hand. "We need couples, for everyone, whether it be between two transformed 'men,' or two transformed 'women.' Once they bond, they can form a nexus, their individual sex isn't a barrier to love. We hope on this journey that you will find someone as well, so you can join in with us."

Cindy went silent then, as she pondered her decision. Being the person she was, she knew what the answer would be. Many questions still bubbled in her mind, but they could be addressed later. Knowing Tyrone was on a similar mission to hers, made the task seem a little less arduous. She wondered who else would be recruited into a similar role; perhaps she could make some suggestions, based on her knowledge of the chat room regulars. She looked at the waiting couple and nodded, seeing their smiles, as she accepted the responsibility of her difficult task.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's get going?" she asked, grinning as her question caught the others by surprise.

Julie went to the drivers seat and started moving the RV out onto the road with surprising ease.

William handed out a new bracelet and explained its functions. Cindy decided the keep her original body, but regress it in age 10 years. Asked what form she'd like while her body was the 'shop,' as it were, Cindy asked if she could try the Mi Ling one.

William smiled, and took her hand with his Krin adorned one, then touched the setting with his other hand. Instantly, there were two Mi Ling's in place of William and Cindy.

"Wow! What a rush, gushed the altered Cindy, as she took in her appearance. William switched back to himself, leaving Cindy as Mi Ling.

"Be careful, you're probably armed," he said, eyeing her kimono clad body. William explained Mi Ling's abilities and choice of weapons, to Cindy's delight. Cindy snapped out fans and did several flicks that cracked the air like a whip snapping. Grinning, she holstered her fans to Williams's relief, as he mentioned her hair sticks in the topknot of her hair.

"I'd love this to be my other choice, then I'd never have to worry about walking out at night ever again." She enthused. "I love this kimono," she added smiling as she plucked at the material. "So who is our first lucky customer," she asked, settling down in the cushions of the bench seat.

"Erin is first, I believe she has a great deal to do with the TG community," William replied, consulting his laptop.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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