Carversion -4-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Four

Leanne couldn't believe it. Surely, this couldn't be Scott. This was the genuine article, not some fake with artificial boobs and makeup.

"Okay great joke, now where is the real Scott?" Leanne pouted, feeling annoyed at being the butt of their joke.

"It's no joke cuz, this used to be Scott less than 24 hours ago. Scott had an encounter of the third kind you might say." Kevin explained, trying to soothe his cousin's ruffled feathers.

Leanne, I am Scott inside, even if the outside is packaged slightly differently," Sara interrupted, trying to help.

"You call that slightly?" Leanne scoffed, taking in Sara's impressive shape.

"Well," blushed Sara, as he looked down at her cleavage revealed by the skimpy top she was almost wearing. "There are more endowed forms I could have chosen."

"I must be going crazy, or you're all on drugs. There's no way a man can look like that, talk like that, even move as you are doing," she muttered, still trying to take it in.

Sara started to explain from the beginning, her seductive sexy voice drawing her in, along with the others, holding them spellbound, as she retold her story. Slowly, Leanne started leaning forward, getting enthralled as Sara/Scott unfolded her tale. Finally finished, she sat back thinking about what she had heard, moreover, what they had planned.

"Can I see the car? As much as I want to believe you, I need to see it in action before I can make a decision," Leanne asked.

"Sure, can we change you into a guy?" Daniel asked facetiously.

"Eeewh, no way. Get your jollies somewhere else, pervert," Leanne shuddered at the thought.

"Come on just for a few minutes, think of it as a rite of passage. We tried being girls." William added, agreeing with Daniel.

"No, just because you are weird, doesn't mean I am. I'm quite happy being me."

"Cuz, we need you to become another person for our plan to work. We need you to trust us as we will be trusting you." Kevin put in his two cents worth.

"Leanne, look at me," Sara spoke up. "I'm a female right now, do I look uncomfortable being in this body, given, that as Scott, I am a normal heterosexual guy. Being a guy for 5 minutes won't kill you and it might just settle any questions you might have about what it's like."

Leanne looked trapped, admittedly she had once wondered what made guys tick, before giving up trying to second-guess them. She shrugged, before nodding reluctantly.

"Okay, but I get my own body back- right?"

Leanne followed the others, listening to them discuss the best way for her to become a him. She didn't feel very happy. Obviously they weren't experts with this alien transformer vehicle, putting her body at risk seemed foolish, despite their continued reassurances that it would be okay.

Sara opened the door of the Trans Am and motioned to Leanne to sit in the drivers seat. Sara intended for Leanne to go to back to the truck mode to see if it was true that the guys base settings were now recorded and would allow another to take on those forms.

The first test went well, after having shown Leanne what to do. The truck appeared with Leanne now in the form of Scott. The choice of body, seemingly due because Scott had been in the drivers seat the most. Leanne, now Scott, got out of the truck in order to make it easier to examine his new body.

"Wow! This is different." He exclaimed, checking out his muscles. "You're right about it being comfortable. I'm so much taller and um-" he fell quiet as his questing hand did a dive into the pants he found himself wearing.

"Do you want to look at those in the bathroom?" Sniggered Kevin, after seeing the look of surprise on the new Scott's face.

"Well, I do need to use the toilet, I guess I can handle it," Scott/Leanne said, triggering a gale of laughter from the others at the unintended pun.

Sara waited while the new Scott took time to relieve both his body and his curiosity. It was strange feeling seeing the body that she had grown up in, being animated by another. 'Do I really look like that?' she thought to herself. Stranger than that, was the realisation that she felt a sense of attraction to her original body. She figured it was just another tribute to the thoroughness of the aliens in their body programming.

It seemed longer than the ten minutes that Leanne took to satisfy 'herself' in Scott's body. Strutting outside, Scott/Leanne grinned to the others.

"It's been christened," he laughed. "Seems kind of handy to pee standing up, but I miss my breasts. These things have hardly any feeling at all," he complained, touching his male nipples through the tee shirt. "I want to return to my body now," she added, moving to the truck.

Sara showed her the position of the knob to return to the Trans Am and stepped back as Scott started the truck. Once the Trans Am reappeared she realised things hadn't gone as planned. Instead of seeing Leanne, there appeared another Sara. A yell from the new Sara alerted the others to the problem.

Sara/Scott grew worried, just where was Leanne's body? She fully expected it to reappear, seeing it started off in the Trans Am. Obviously, the pre-programmed setting overrode the original body, exchanging it for the Sara default. Leanne, in Sara form, flung herself out of the car, slamming the door in her anger, making everyone wince. She strode up to her double with a wrathful look. Sara/Scott held up her hand, halting her twin before she could say a word.

"Look this is unexpected, but I'm sure we can get you back in your body. Getting angry isn't going to cut it. Remember, this is new to us too, we just need to figure it out first."

"Do it quickly," Sara/Leanne bit off, struggling to keep from doing somebody an injury.

Sara/Scott took her twins hand and pulled her into the house, away from the argument that was going on with the others.

"We can get your proper body back, I'm sure of that, we just need to sit down and calmly figure it out," Sara/Scott again reassured her twin. "You should have seen the others when they thought they were all stuck as Jennifer," She smiled, remembering the shock when the car ran low on fuel. At Sara/Leanne's look, Sara/Scott explained about the trick s/he had played on the others. Sensing that there was more to this than was being said, and wanting more details, Sara/Leanne finally dragged the whole story out of Sara/Scott.

Laughing at the thought of the three guys stuck as busty triplets, Sara/Leanne felt better, and began to relax. Her initial anger, thinking she had been tricked, had dissipated.

"Why are you so sure I'll get my body back?" she asked her double, sitting across from her.

"Call it intuition. Somehow, I don't see the aliens as a threat. In the time spent here, they must have interacted with humans, I mean there are so many stories floating around, it can't all be coincidence. I think it’s unlikely that they haven't had a similar situation come up with a special few they may have revealed themselves to."

"Female intuition?" asked a smiling Sara/Leanne, as her eyebrows rose.

"Come on, let's see what the brilliant minds have come up with," Sara/Scott grinned, referring to the boys in a slightly condescending way.

Sara/Leanne followed her twin back to the others, sensing that Sara/Scott was acting more female than ever. She wondered how it was that the former Scott seemed to distancing herself from the male camp.

The guys still hadn't come up with a solution. They wanted to try it with two people in the car in the hopes that one would change into Leanne. Sara/Scott sighed, resigned to working it out herself.

"That won't work, remember when we first came here and I changed the car from the Volvo to the Trans Am?" She reminded them.

"Yeah, things went to the dogs," laughed Kevin, making Sara/Leanne look at him in askance. "I'll tell you later," ginned Kevin, seeing the embarrassed looks coming from Daniel and William.

"No I meant when I became Sara. You were in the front passenger seat."

"Ah! I see, I became Ken Roland, your boyfriend. So it could happen again." Kevin answered himself.

Sara/Scott thought about it, trying to come up with a solution. Suddenly, it gelled. "Leanne, get into the car and go back to the truck mode," Sara/Scott said confidently.


"Trust me please,"

"Okay," Sara/Leanne resigned herself to going back to being a male again.

Once she had gone back to being Scott in the truck, Sara/Scott told her to get into the passenger side of the truck and reverse the process. The cheers from the guys and the glad cry from Leanne on her successful return to her body, made Sara smile as she pumped her fist in victory.

"Good guess," Daniel opined, as Leanne got out of the Trans Am.

Sara snorted, and muttered under her breath, "guess nothing? That was pure deductive logic."

Leanne came over to Sara and hugged her in thanks, asking her how she had known what to do.

"Well, sitting in the drivers seat was clearly not going to work. We proved that. Adding another person wouldn't work any better, all that would do is put you into her boyfriend's body. Putting you into the passengers side, gave the car other options. It could select her boyfriend or another of Sara's friends, but that wasn't a given. Seeing Leanne was the most recent user of Sara's car made you the logical choice. Had it not worked the first time, repeating the sequence over again would have eventually worked."

"Well I'm not doing that again- ever." Leanne promised.

"Don't worry, next time we will start you from the truck mode. That should eliminate any problems." Kevin spoke up, having listened in on Sara's explanation.

"NO! Didn't you hear me?" Leanne's exasperated tone was clearly evident.

Sara took Leanne aside before things got heated. She explained about the idea of her taking on Jennifers form so that they could liquefy any assets she might have in Australia. Sara explained about her worry of possible lasting effects on any of the guys if one became Jennifer for the expected length of time needed to accomplish the job.

"I don't want one of us getting totally lost in the role, so we don't forget what and who we really are. Being female is so different; it's like a drug, giving you an experience and a rush that could become addictive." Sara elaborated, blushing slightly.

"You're feeling that now, aren't you?" Leanne asked, looked intently at Sara's face, watching her expression give the answer.

Sara's blush deepened, and she looked away for a moment as she gathered her thoughts.

"Yeah, it's weird. I was always a guy kind of guy if you know what I mean. Being a female with all the attendant sensations and emotional reactions is kind of freeing. I don't need to hide my feelings; I can wear them on my face and not thought to be a weak sissy. There is also the element of hiding behind a mask, one that nobody can see past to discover the real you. It gives you a sense of power that you can fool people and allows you to act in a way that you wouldn't normally do," Sara admitted. She wandered over to the low wall bordering the driveway and sat down looking out at the ocean. Leanne followed, sitting down beside her.

"Okay, so why won't I end up the same way, maybe wanting to stay Jennifer forever, if it's so addictive as you say?" Leanne asked, trying to get the answers she needed.

Sara was silent, for a moment, as she went over her thoughts on the subject.

"One, you are a woman, so the novelty factor will have less effect. You'll be bigger in the chest, and have different hair; a different look, but essentially, you'll still be a woman. Changing back to yourself won't be the same as having to change sex, and having to get used to being a man again."

"And two?" Leanne's eyebrows rose questioningly.

"Two," Sara paused, before continuing her argument. "You already know how to handle being a woman, and dealing with the emotional feelings and the way female hormones affect your thinking patterns."

Sara looked at the guys for inspiration, watching them fiddling with the car. "A male would have to rely on the in built programming to function normally, which could lead to a dependency that might be hard to break. You will only need the informational side of the programming, where she lives, how to do her job, how to recognise her friends."

"Sounds simple, so what do I get out of this?" Leanne's question indicating to Sara, a tacit agreement that she was considering doing the task.

"Whatever profits we make, will be split evenly between us." Sara smiled, hoping Leanne was starting to come around.

"Okay, but what will you be doing while I'm in Australia. I don't want to be the only one doing all the work, while you lot laze around on the beach."

"Well we will be selling the Ellery's place and also investigating the other options to see if there's any more properties belonging to the car generated people." Sara answered, giving Leanne their plans for the future.

Leanne then asked to see what Jennifer looked like, before she gave her final answer. Returning the Trans Am back to the truck mode, Leanne then got in and turned the setting to the V.W. mode, which would produce Jennifer.

The former Leanne got out and immediately hefted her new bosoms.

"Wow! These are monster, I hope I don't get back ache lugging these around," she joked.

Jennifer was once again attired in her airhostess uniform, which showed off her more than ample assets.

"I think the body is built for those breasts, at least I never had a sore back during the time that I wore that body," Sara answered, seeking confirmation from the guys, who had worn it for a longer length of time.

Before Leanne could ask about anything more, a toot from an approaching car disturbed further conversation. Everyone turned to see a blue Ford rumble up the driveway and stop in front of them.

The guys had moved protectively closer to Sara and Leanne, unsure of just who this intruder might be. When the person got out of the car, there was a collective intake of breath from both the guys and Sara.

"Ken," Sara called out in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Ken Roland, the boyfriend that the alien Sara had acquired, looked around at the strange men, wondering what was going on.

"I left a message on your phone, after you failed to meet me the other day. When I didn't hear from you, I thought you might be ill or something, so as soon as I cleared my workload, I came right over."

"Sorry sweet, I had an emergency with a friend. I've only just got back not long ago." Sara answered, sensing that the endearment that flowed so easily from her lips was the correct one.

"Who are these guys?" asked Ken in a wary manner, looking askance at Sara. "Are we still on for tonight? I have the tickets."

"This is Jennifer, a friend of mine and these are her friends. My car's battery died when I visited her on the way home, so she brought me home after I had the car towed to a garage." Sara replied, hurriedly making up a story to satisfy Ken.

"You didn't answer about tonight. I thought you wanted to go to the cabaret, to see Shania Twain." He said peevishly, looking to blame the guys for hanging with his girl.

"Sure, tonight's still on," Sara said desperately, trying to distract Ken from digging too deep into the situation with the guys. "Let me say goodbye first, then I'll go get ready. Go inside and make yourself a drink and I'll be right in."

"Don't be long," Ken said, as he walked past Leanne's car on the way inside. "This your car?" He asked Kevin, who happened to be closest to him.

"Yeah, what's it to you pal?" Kevin replied snidely, taking an instant dislike to Ken.

"Nice handbag," Ken snorted, before going inside.

"Ouch!" Kevin spoke, as he spotted Leanne's handbag on the front seat of the Chevy Nova.

"Look you guys head back to the Ellery's with Leanne's car. Jennifer drives there too and waits till I call you okay?" Sara hissed quickly. "Remember, Ken is in the CIA, and we don't want to get him suspicious. I'll call you later." She urged, as she turned to go inside. She heard the cars departing as she headed straight for the shower. She was just rinsing her hair, when a hand brushed the curtain aside. Ken was standing there, holding a drink in his hand. He offered it to her, after pulling her head close for a kiss.

Sara knew she only had the inner promptings to rely on, in dealing with Ken. To act differently than expected at this point, could lead to exposure as an impostor. She allowed herself to be kissed by Ken, before tossing back the cocktail in one gulp.

"I love the way you do that," Ken laughed, patting her wet naked ass.

"If you want to stay dry, you'd better let me finish. We don't want to waste those tickets." Sara threatened, with a laugh.

"Okay, but next time, we shower together," Ken said, moving out of reach. "By the way, you look different, younger even, did you do something to your face?" he asked, looking at her face intently.

"Yeah, I'm using a new moisturiser. It's guaranteed to take years off your looks," Sara dissembled, hoping he would buy the impromptu explanation.

"Okay, its suits you, maybe I should try it," he laughed, before turning to leave.

Sara sighed in relief, as he bought her excuse for looking younger. She heard him moving back to the kitchen. She wasn't worried about the prospects of having sex with the guy. Being a woman meant that she would enjoy that. No, it was trying to keep up the pretense of being 'his Sara,' that made her nervous. This was something that had to be hidden from Ken, lest he think she had something to hide.

After getting ready, Sara went into the lounge, where Ken was idly flicking through the TV channels. She waited for him to say something, as she posed in the doorway. She was wearing a slinky sheath gown that hugged her impressive figure. Her simple silver jewelry set off the iridescence of the material of her dress. Sara was thankful that the in built programming had made putting on makeup relatively easy. She had put her hair up in an elegant style, which left her neck exposed. It felt strange to feel the coolness of the air flowing past, after having the feel of long hair brushing there. Sara realised that as Scott he would never have given that a second thought. Scott always wore his hair short and having a cool neck was just not noticeable. It just was. Sara on the other hand, had become so comfortable with having long hair sweeping around her neck, that the absence was more than noticeable.

"Great you're ready," was Ken's only comment, as he switched off the TV and stood up.

Sara felt slightly miffed, having gone to all the trouble to look nice, all Ken was interested in, was that she was ready.

Sara shrugged, and turned, placing the keys to the condo in her small handbag, checking that her cell phone was included and turned on. Ken moved closer and nuzzled her neck, before leading her outside with a possessive arm around her waist. Sara locked the front door, and then followed Ken to his car. She waited for him to open her door, before sliding in with elegant grace.

Ken spun the tires, sending a shower of stones flying, as he negotiated back down the once neat pebble drive. Sara scowled, but made no comment. Obviously, Ken was still harbouring some resentment towards her visitors. She kept her mouth shut in case she exacerbated the situation.

Ken started talking about the guys, and Sara felt a shiver of fear run down her back despite the warmth of the late afternoon sun, as he wondered why they had really been there. His training in the CIA told him that there was something screwy going on. Sara tried desperately to pooh pooh his suspicions, saying that Jennifer had a lot of casual friends due to her job at Quantas. She thought Ken was just jealous, and told him so to his face, saying, if he was going to be like this with everyone who just happened to visit her, maybe he should move on.

Ken looked at her to see if she was serious, before turning his attention back to the road. Sara was half hoping for a blow up, so that she would have an excuse to dump Ken. Having a relationship with someone in the CIA might have been advantageous for the alien Sara, but not anymore. Now Ken was more of a liability than an asset in her eyes, especially trying to step into an ongoing romance.

Ken was silent for the rest of the journey, only commenting on trivial stuff, like the traffic, for which Sara was grateful. She made an effort to lighten the mood, because despite the situation, she wanted to enjoy the evening.

The show was great. There was a meal served before the show, and Sara relaxed, enjoying the pampering that befitted being a beautiful woman. Having chairs pulled and doors opened for her was a new experience; one, she felt she could get used to. Being asked what, 'madam' wanted by the doting waiters was also pleasant. She realised what power being an attractive women had over the men, and she reveled in it. She could see how it annoyed Ken, to have fawning waiters wait on her hand and foot, and she grinned inside as she took every advantage of it. Even knowing that the men were mostly admiring her cleavage, using the pretense of the noise in the background to bend lower to her while speaking, just to get a better eyeful, didn't detract from the vicarious thrill. It was hard to remember that she was really Scott, a young man with little or no romantic prospects.

She enjoyed listening to Shania Twain, and thought one of her songs was particularly apt. "I feel like a woman." Sara felt the urge to jump up and emulate Shania's moves, as she danced through her act. Sara was totally wired by evenings close, feeling she needed to release the tension inside. She half hoped Ken would take her dancing, even though it meant being with the guy for longer. She was about to suggest it in the car as they got back to the car to drive home, but a tune from a mobile phone interrupted her. It wasn't hers.

"Hello," Ken answered, after keying a small phone.

Sara waited, while Ken listened to the person on the other end. She could tell by his darkening expression that the news wasn't good. A halfhearted protest from Ken about being off duty was cut short by an increase in the volume coming from the phone. Although Sara couldn't make out the conversation, she could tell that it was work related. This was confirmed by Ken's next words as he put the phone away.

"I have to report in right now. I can't even drive you home, as it's urgent. I'll call a cab for you okay?"

Sara agreed, saying she would wait back in the club. Ken kissed her, apologising for the way the evening turned out. He waited till she re-entered the club, before moving off, smoking the tires. Sara wasn't about to wait for a cab. She had other ideas. Twenty minutes went by before a familiar car cruised past the club entrance and pulled over. Sara ran to the Volvo, jumping into the double parked car, before it caused a backup on the still busy road.

"Hello Margaret, nice to see you again," grinned Sara, wondering which of her friends it really was.

"What happened with Ken?" Margaret asked curiously, as she made her way through the traffic.

Sara gave a brief account of her evening, leaving out her worry about Ken maybe investigating further.

"So why are you Margaret? You could have come as yourself." Sara asked, trying in an oblique way to find out who Margaret really was without actually asking.

"We thought if Ken was maybe still in the area, it wouldn't look good for any of the guys to turn up, given that we were suppose to be strangers. We drew straws and I lost or maybe I won." She grinned, while grabbing at one of her breasts and rubbing it.

"You'll get arrested for that," quipped Sara. She was about to ask who Margaret was, seeing she still didn't know, but Margaret interrupted.

"Sheesh! I nearly forgot. We found something under the front seat of the truck. It's a silver box about 3 inches deep and a foot square. When Leanne changed back from Jennifer, she dropped an earring. While looking for it, we spotted this box tucked tightly under the seat."

"Oh? So what was in it?" asked Sara curiously, her interest piqued.

"That's just it, we don't know. It won't open. Nothing we tried works."

Sara's interest grew. What could be inside that box? She couldn't wait to look at it. Would it hold the key to something earth shaking?

She sat thinking about it, her thoughts distracted.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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