Carversion -2-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Two

Scott, inside the very sexy form of Jennifer watched the expressions flitting across her friend's faces, surprise, shock, and lust and embarrassment, given what they had been discussing.

"Hi, we are friends of Scott. My name is Kevin, and this is William and Daniel," Kevin opened with. He stood and walked over to her, offering his hand

"I'm Jennifer Adams, I meet Scott a few days ago took him to bed with me, he's a real stud, when he gets going." Scott was nearly busting a gut inside Jennifer's calm sexy exterior, as the expressions on the faces of his friends, showed surprise, admiration, envy, and jealousy. She allowed Kevin to take her hand, and felt a shiver of excitement go though her body at the contact.

"Our Scott?" William asked incredulously.

"Yes, Scott with the little scar on his butt," she replied. Giving them verification of her intimacy with Scott, as she mentioned the mark Scott had got several years earlier from an accident on a barbed wire fence. Scott had been fleeing from a orange gathering raid into a neighbours place with the others, and caught himself on the fence as they scrambled over in there haste to avoid being caught red handed.

"Do you like my body?" she asked coquettishly, batting her eyelashes at the guys, as she looked up at them though her bangs with a slightly angled head.

"Oh yes, it's superb," echoed a chorus of agreement.

"I bet you would like my body?" Jennifer spurred them on. Seeing them nod frantically, she continued. "Want to know what to do to get a body like mine?" she asked, licking her lips suggestively.

"Yes!" chorused the guys simultaneously.

"Then, just do what Scott tells you, okay?" Jennifer said, as she walked amongst the guys, touching them with a trailing arm as she ran her hand over their chests as she passed by. Jennifer didn't need to look to know that the guy's pants were straining under renewed tension. She walked away, back to the door she had entered from, giving them a wink and a little wave.

Jennifer had to almost force herself to walk away. This body of hers was so turned on, it took all the will she could summon not to give those randy boys something to remember. She quickly reverted to Scott, before she lost control, realising that the Jennifer form must have a raised libido level. It was fun being Jennifer. Scott hoped the guys might find it so, as well. Making preparations for what he had in mind, with the use of an old broomstick, he went back in to see the boys.

Scott strolled in to see the boys talking avidly amongst themselves. They had a million questions for Scott when they saw him re-enter the room. Beginning with asking where he and Jennifer had met and how she was in bed. Scott laughed and said they could find out soon enough, if they followed his explicit instructions.

Getting everyone's promise, Scott led them one at a time to the garage. Kevin went first. Kevin submitted to being gagged with some duct tape and having his hands taped together, after being told Jennifer needed to feel in control. Scott covered Kevin's face with a blindfold so he could led him unsuspecting, into the drivers side of the truck. There, he reached in through the opened window and started the motor. Scott then took the broom shaft and used the end to flick the knob to the VW setting. Removing the handle, Scott watched Kevin's body alter and flow into Jennifer's. It was odd watching it from without, seeing Kevin shrink and his clothes change. Working quickly, before Kevin realised what had happened, Scott hustled the now smaller woman into the back of the normal Volvo in the garage. There, he taped her ankles together so she had to remain lying down on the seat out of sight.

Scott next took William and did the same, saying Kevin was resting after getting into Jennifer's panties, (well, it was the truth-sorta.) Scott hid the latest version of Jennifer out of sight behind the Volvo, before going back for Daniel. As soon as Daniel became the spitting image of Jennifer, Scott helped her out of the car and using the broom handle again changed the VW back into the truck. Switching it off, he didn't notice the small red light by the fuel gauge glowing.

Scott left the Jennifer/Daniel standing while he released the tape on the legs and wrists of the other two. He helped them stand as they removed their own blindfold and gag. Scott looked at the three Jennifer's, although identical, they all had variations in their clothing, courtesy of the technology of the aliens. Daniel was wearing a smart air hostess uniform, complete with her name badge. William was wearing a light summery frock and white open toed sandals with a 2-inch heel. Kevin looked like she was ready for a nightclub. Her tight LBD clung to all the right places and with her hair up in a French twist and standing in her 4-inch heels, she made Scott salivate. Her makeup was dramatic and complimented by the dangling earrings and necklace.

Each of the guys- Girls? Were now standing in shock, looking at each other and at themselves in shocked silence, as they tried to come to terms with their extraordinary transformation into Jennifer.

"What happened? How can I be Jennifer? Why is there two more of her? Scott! You did this somehow. Turn me back now!" Kevin screeched, in her new voice.

Scott walked back into the house, letting the others follow behind, in confusion, as they babbled out their true identities to each other. He went for his drink, ignoring the pleas from the others for a moment, as he took in the sight of three luscious ladies crowding round him.

"I seem to recall you each saying that you wanted her body and were in a hurry to get into her panties," Scott reminded them. "As you can see, you got your wish."

"Damn it, you know that's not what we meant," whined William. He looked down at his protruding breasts with a look of awe.

"Please reverse it," pleaded Kevin, feeling decidedly strange with the unaccustomed sensations coming from this body.

"Yeah, I can't be no chick, I want my dick back," threatened Daniel, as he tried to intimidate Scott by getting in his face. Unfortunately being now smaller than Scott, he couldn't pull it off, plus getting that close made his new breasts compress against Scott's chest.

Scott grinned, and on an impulse, grasped Daniel in his arms and kissed him flush on the lips. Whether it was surprise, or something else, Daniel didn't pull away immediately. Scott managed to get his tongue into Daniel's mouth, tasting the subtle hint of lipstick before Daniel pulled away.

"What's the matter with you? Are you a homo?" she yelped. She wriggled in his grasp, before getting free and attempted to hit Scott.

"Me a homo? I kissed a girl, not a boy," Scott answered, catching Daniel's fist with ease.

Daniel gave up, seeing he/she was no match for Scott in this body. She slumped down on the couch, still looking defiantly at Scott. Scott noticed she sat down very femininely, sweeping her skirt before sitting, something that registered with Daniel only after a few seconds.

"What's happening to me? This is really weird." She muttered.

Scott noticed that despite them all wearing female clothes and high heels, none of the three had tried to remove them or kick off the shoes in disgust. The programming that was built into the forms was making them feel comfortable in their bodies, something Scott had already experienced. He wondered if it was addictive, as he sort of missed wearing Jennifer's body already. He assumed it was the hormones and her libido that had made Jennifer such a joy to wear. He sat on the couch next to Daniel and took her hand, saying he would explain every thing. The others sat too, William opting to sit on the other side of him while Kevin sat across on the other seat. Daniel didn't pull away from Scott's touch, but continued to complain about his situation.

"You don't know how this feels, I'm sort of horny, and that is doing something weird to my head."

"I know exactly how you feel, woof woof." Replied Scott, winking at Daniel, while squeezing her hand gently.

"Huh?" Daniel questioned, still not realising that the first Jennifer had been Scott.

"You were THE Jennifer? OH BOY! I feel so stupid," Kevin said, feeling embarrassed, as he finally twigged.

"Yes I was, now please listen and I'll tell you the whole story." Scott confirmed. He got up and made them all drinks, handing them all a strong cocktail. He didn't take one for himself, as he needed a clear head to tell them his story.

The next hour was taken up with explaining the discovery of the truck and its abilities. The girl's loosened up as he plied them with drinks, becoming more relaxed and receptive. Scott ended up with his arms around the two on the couch as they leaned against him. He finished his tale and waited for their reaction.

"Wow! That's like so totally awesome, I can't wait to try that," slurred Daniel in a totally excellent valley girl voice. The others giggled, seemingly in agreement. Scott realised that the others had over estimated their new drinking abilities, and all were pretty much drunk as skunks. He suggested that they sleep it off overnight and experiment further in the morning. Surprisingly, they all agreed, and with a little help from Scott, they tottered off to the main bedroom.

There, Scott helped them undress as they fumbled drunkenly with their clothes. Scott was wary of pushing them into a situation that they might object to, but they seemed comfortable with him seeing them undress and accepted the nighties he found in Margaret's drawers. He started to leave the room, as the girl's all piled together in the king-size bed.

"I'm still horny," moaned Daniel as he fingered her new sex.

"Me too," chorused the others, looking at Scott.

"You want me to stay?" queried Scott, holding his breath.

The three Jennifer’s looked at each other and then down at their bodies, before nodding.

"Will you respect me in the morning?" Scott asked as his pants tightened uncomfortably.

"Only if you perform well," smiled Kevin, as she made room in the bed.

Needless to say, Scott performed very well that night. He knew that they might still be angry with him in the morning, having taken advantage of the girl's alcohol lowered inhibitions, and the horny factor of those luscious bodies, but if they killed him, it was worth it.

Morning dawned, without bloodshed, as the three women got up and left the exhausted Scott asleep in the bed. They decided to have a shower together, before going and changing themselves back. They discussed their feelings from the night before, as they soaped each other up. As Jennifer/Kevin mentioned, it was a unique opportunity to experience something new, even if they were tricked into it in the first place. It didn't seem odd to have had sex as a woman with a man. They decided it was the programming that made them feel so comfortable with it and not because they were closet gays. Even Daniel, who had protested the most in the beginning, seemed accepting of her change. She admitted with a giggle, that Scott had certainly scratched the itch she'd had, to which the others agreed, but made a pact not to mention it to Scott.

"We don't want to give him ideas, I think it's our turn next," Jennifer/William smirked.

"Yeah we don't want him to get a swelled head-just a swelled-coc..."

"Shsssssssh! You're making me wet again, thinking about it," Jennifer/Kevin said, interrupting Daniel's musing.

Dried, apart from their hair that they had wrapped with towels turban style, they went out to the garage in their filmy nightwear.

Scott was in heaven, his dreams filled with ardent nubile women demanding to make love to him. In his dream, he was trying to recover from all the sex, as he cried "no, wait a while-no-no-NO!" He woke still protesting, as the girl's shook him out of his dream.

"Ah! Sheesh," he mumbled, trying futilely to recapture the dream fragments. "What's up?" He asked as the insistent women continued shaking him and calling for him to wake up.

"The car won't work, we are stuck like this you idiot," one of the girls informed him.

That dashed the sleepiness from his brain, as the implications struck him immediately. He lunged out of bed, still naked, and rushed to the garage. Even though they could be stuck as females, due to Scott, the seriousness of the situation didn't stop the girls from ogling Scott's naked butt as he raced before them.

Scott got into the VW and started the engine. It turned over sluggishly before rumbling to life. He noticed the red light immediately and saw that the so-called fuel gauge was on "E." Worried now, he got one of the Jennifer's to sit in the car while he got out and watched from the outside. Turning the knob as instructed, Scott saw the light stop flashing and stayed on continuously, while a warning buzzer sounded. Nothing else happened, no reversion back to the truck. Puzzled, Scott had Jennifer, back the car out of the garage, into the morning sunlight. Hopefully, there they could check the engine for some loose connection or faulty battery.

Once the car was fully clear of the shadowy garage, they could hear a quiet whine coming from the roof of the car. Scott watched as a circular section irised open, revealing a dark section, laced with intricate gold threads. It took a few seconds before the significance of the patterns hit him. Looking back inside the car, he confirmed that the red light had turned amber and was slowly blinking.

"It needs sunlight to recharge," he informed the others. "All that use in the garage must have drained its energy. Now we need to wait till it's charged," Scott finished.

"So we are stuck like this for a while?" asked one of the Jennifer's.

"Um, yes," said Scott disconcertedly. He realised that without the original clothes that each had worn as they transformed, he had no idea who was who anymore. One of the Jennifer’s noticed, and smiled to herself, despite being unable to change back to her original body. 'We can have some fun with this, while we wait,' she thought. Shooing Scott out of the bedroom with his clothes, the girls put their heads together, before getting dressed.

Scott started getting breakfast, wondering how long he could avoid showing his inability in naming his friends in their identical bodies. He hoped that he could pick them out by the way they talked and what they talked about. When the girls first came out wearing the clothes that the car had generated for them, he drew a breath of relief, thinking that they had decided to wear the same clothes as yesterday, but then, some instinct told him to be wary.

"Hi, eggs and hash browns okay for breakfast?" Asked Scott, as Jennifer in a stewardess's uniform entered the kitchen.

"Yes, but don't make it too greasy, I have to watch my figure, you know," she answered running her hands down her body in emphasis, in an all too feminine gesture.

"Me too," Scott muttered sotto voice, while eyeing her figure with interest. Whoever was animating that body, was making full use of the programming. Scott would never have thought that one of his friends could be so convincingly female in just under a day.

"What did you say?" Prodded Jennifer, as she raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh, just that you have a body worth watching," Scott answered truthfully. He turned back to the stove to check the food and didn't see the wink the first Jennifer gave the others as they joined her. Scott turned to see three Jennifer’s in the room, all dressed in the clothes from yesterday. The Jennifer in the LBD had recreated the same look with the makeup and hair in the French twist. They all giggled as they watched his surprised face.

"Wow! You all look beautiful, are we all going out somewhere? Or is this all for me?" he winked suggestively.

"You wish," came a unanimous reply, accompanied with a few girlish giggles as they teased Scott with some suggestive poses.

"Is it hot in here?" asked Scott, as he pulled at the neck of his tee, "or have I got a fever?"

"No, but I think you got the hots for us," the LBD clad Jennifer said with a smirk.

"Hey! Stop that," came a weak protest, as the three Jennifer’s crowded round Scott touching his body in a way guaranteed to leave him aroused, but frustrated.

The Jennifer trio laughed and flounced out of the kitchen, giving him a backward glance and a finger wave, before seating themselves expectantly at the dinning table. Scott heard some giggling going on and marvelled again at the thoroughness of the built in programming. Having experienced the Jennifer form, he knew the power of that programming. That body was built for sex, and had urges that were almost impossible to resist. He recalled feeling those same urges when he first showed Jennifer to his friends. It was so easy to fall into line with the urges, even after being male just a few minutes before. He suspected that remaining longer in that form had contributed to the way his formally macho friends had seemingly surrendered to the overwhelming femininity of that form.

Scott served breakfast to the girls. Having nibbled while cooking, he hadn't set a plate for himself, so he just sat and watched the girls finish eating.

"What do you think we should do with the car?" asked Scott, as the girl's finished breakfast.

"Before or after we get our revenge?" quipped one of the Jennifer’s.

"Gulp!" Scott looked worriedly at the trio of grinning faces, trying to see if they were being serious or not. "Sorry guys, I didn't mean for you to get stuck like that, even if only temporarily. I just thought it would be fun; after all, you have played some good jokes on me in the past. I hadn't planned on what happened last night," he tried to explain.

"Guys? I don't see no guys- only you, and that may not be for long," one of the Jennifer’s spoke, eyeing first their own forms, then glancing at Scott's with a calculating look, as if already imagining him in a dress.

Scott blushed, but soldiered on. "We could make a lot of money out of this. I mean this house alone would fetch over a mil. Not to mention the condo that one of the other options owns."

"You want us to become the Ellery family, while we put the property on the market? Who gets to become the wife and daughter, huh?"

"Well, we could draw straws," offered Scott, trying to placate the girls.

"I guess we don't all have to become the family. One of us could try Jennifers job, maybe she has a rich boyfriend." The air hostess dressed Jennifer suggested, preening herself, as if seriously considering it.

"Did you check out her airline handbag? Maybe we could take turns at being her," another Jennifer said excitedly.

"Hey you gu...girls are seriously weirding me out, remember who you really are," complained Scott, feeling that things were getting out of hand.

"Oh? And who is that exactly?" the third Jennifer asked, winking at the others.

"Kevin, Daniel and William, of course," Scott started, sweating bullets in case they asked the next question.

"You can tell us apart?" they chorused together, waiting for his response.

Scott pondered, knowing they were going to ask him that, so he came up with the only choice he could make.

"Well- I figure that you aren't wearing the same clothes that you had at the beginning. So that means you aren't Daniel, Scott pointed to the air hostess dressed Jennifer. That means you are either Kevin or William, the same goes for the others. I'm guessing you are Kevin, as you seem a little more aggressive than William would be. That would make you, Daniel," Scott said, looking at the Jennifer attired in the summer frock. "That leaves you as William," Scott postulated, looking at the Jennifer in the LBD. "So how'd I do? Am I right, or way out in left field?" Scott asked, feeling under pressure.

"Good try, except, I was deliberately mimicking Kevin's more aggressive nature," smiled William, feeling good at fooling Scott.

"William?" was Scott's one word question.

"That used to be me," confirmed the grinning Jennifer.

"I knew we should have done this naked," Kevin laughed. "He'd not have a clue then."

"True, but we didn't want him drool into our breakfast he cooked," Daniel winked.

Repeating his earlier question about what they should do with the car, Scott hoped to distract the girl's from thoughts of revenge. He wasn't particularly against becoming Jennifer or any female for that manner, it was the thought of having sex with his friends once they returned to being guys again. Being sober and male at the present moment, that thought didn't appeal at all. With the others being girl's at the time, he hoped that any decision in regard to some of them remaining female as part of the Ellery family, might not seem as repugnant if they were in their own bodies. There were still the possibilities of further experiments with the car. For instance, what would happen if the four were in the car when the Trans Am option was selected? Would they all become Sara? Or maybe two couples? Or even Sara with three other girls her age? Scott wondered what the limits were. Surely, every different form that the car generated didn't have a home and job.

Scott was brought out of his introspection by the sudden cessation of conversation from the girl's. He saw they were all looking expectantly at him. Scott looked blankly back; trying to recall what had been said. As the seconds ticked by with no reply, as Scott desperately tried cover his inattention, the girls looked at each other and snorted.

"Typical guy, never listens to what women say," one of them said with a wink. Then as that statement sunk in to the former males brains, they started laughing at the realisation that they also had been guilty of the same thing when in the same situation.

"Sorry all, I was miles away?" apologized Scott. "I was thinking of doing further testing with the car with all of us in it. What did you decide?"

"Well comfortable as these bodies are, it’s hard to stop thinking of jumping your bones. Jennifer's libido is rather notched up. How about us becoming the Ellery family for now, while we come up with a plan, we don't want a nosey neighbour or a casual visitor coming over and seeing strange people using their house. We don't know who could visit, perhaps looking for why the Ellery's aren't at work or school etc."

"Are we drawing straws?' Scott asked, nodding his head in agreement to the suggestion.

"How about flip a coin or pick a card?" Kevin suggested.

Hours later, Scott in the form of Margaret looked at 'her' husband/Kevin and her two children and smiled, she was happy to be female again, just for the novelty aspect of being a woman. Julie/William was 18 years old and very attractive in her miniskirt and halter-top. Daniel was now male and younger than Julie/William.

"I don't want to be Terrence, it's boring to be male and 15 again," Daniel complained vehemently, after the initial change.

"Um okay, let’s see what else we can come up with,' Scott said, understanding Daniel's reasons.

Scott as Margaret sat in the driver's seat and Daniel as Terrence sat in the front passenger seat, while Julie/William sat in the same place as he had been sitting before. This time instead of going back to the truck setting, Scott turned it to one of the other settings, before bring it back to the Volvo settings. Julie and Margaret came back unchanged, but Terrence had now been changed into Janet Rockwell, an 18 year old girlfriend of Julie's. There were photos of the two of them together in Janet's handbag, showing the two blonde haired beauty's eating ice cream together at a fair.

"Now this is more like it," responded a happy ex Daniel. "I can learn loads being a girl," she added, seeing the looks she was getting. Scott/Margaret could see that Kevin was getting an envious look on his face, as both Janet and Julie snuggled together, feeling each other's bodies. The Margaret personality that was currently influencing Scott's brain had him/her feeling attracted to 'her' husband. Margaret whispered in 'Steven's' ear. The look that crossed his face had obviously driven any thoughts of envy of the others. He took Margaret's hand and led her to the bedroom. Margaret felt both a sense of excitement and a little fear. To find out what sex is like as a female is one thing, but to find out by doing it with a man is another. Fortunately, Steven/Kevin sensed the conflict in 'his wife' and took up a bottle of whiskey to help loosen her from any doubts.

Knowing from the previous night, exactly what feels good for a woman, Kevin in his mature Steven body, took Margaret to heights of passion, she had never experienced before. Her squeals and moans as she climaxed over and over drove her lover over the edge, and they collapsed in a tangle of arms and legs as their passions ebbed.

Julie and Janet weren't oblivious to what was going on in the bedroom. The noise Margaret made was clearly heard throughout the house. They tip toed to the main bedroom where they watched the two lovers through the slightly opened bedroom door. Janet poked Julie, and jerked her head towards the bedroom that she knew belonged to Julie, winking as she did so. Soon they were making noises of their own, as they got naked and started to 69 each other, using their tongues to good effect. Their inexperience in lesbian techniques was soon remedied, as each copied the other once they found the most sensitive spot.

Scott/Margaret lay in the bed, thinking about what had just happened. For a guy with hardly and sexual expertise, except for a quick blow job from the school slut behind the bike shed, this was the most mind blowing experience in his lifetime. How odd was it, that his first real orgasm was felt doing it with a man, with himself as a female no less. Mind-boggling. She, for that's what this body was telling her in so many little ways, felt relaxed, and not a bit regretful. This was one experience she was willing to try again. A sudden thought sent a weird, half excited, half scared chill though her, as she felt Steven's residue seep from between her legs. What if she got pregnant? Would she be stuck as a female for the gestation period? For a guy that was horny for women, the thought didn't bring the instant terror expected. Scott assumed that the programming in the body had a great deal to do with that.

As Margaret showered and found a new way to play with the detachable shower head, she wondered if whether the aliens had any children while on earth, and if so, were they fully human. Maybe they had left them behind on earth while they themselves left to do whatever it is, aliens do.

Later, after finishing up in the bathroom and having selected something slinky to wear out of Margaret's wardrobe, she prodded Steven's still drowsy body.

"Hey wake up and get a shower, we are going out," Margaret insisted.

"Hmmm, you look good enough to eat. How about we go another round?"

"You did that already, maybe later I'll let you have another meal." Margaret grinned, pulling on Steven's leg.

Steven moved then, trying to grab his erstwhile wife, but she was too quick for him. He resigned himself to taking a cold shower, rinsing the excesses from his athletic body.

Margaret heard some moans coming from Julie's bedroom, so she quietly looked inside, just cracking the door open. Janet and Julie were still in a tangle of arms and legs, as they worked on each other, oblivious to anything else. Margaret, playing up the mom role, walked in and started picking up the discarded clothes the girl's had strewn around with their hasty disrobing. Margaret starting folding the clothes without speaking, but kept an eye on the activities on the bed. She started getting aroused again as she watched what would have been a Scott fantasy.

"You should really keep your room tidy," she admonished the girls in a calm tone, interrupting them just after the moans went quiet. "You never know who will walk in," she finished, grinning at the guilty expressions on their busted faces.

"We -- we heard you and ahhh....sort of...ah...gulp," the two girls tried to explain.

"Hey! I'm not your mother, or am I?" laughed Margaret, thinking about it. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I might try some girl on girl action myself. I wonder if I can get someone to be Jennifer for me, maybe we could all be Jennifer and try something interesting," she mused.

"Count us in," the two girls chorused, grinning at each other.

"Well then, I suggest you grab a shower, before I jump in that bed with you two. We need to get going." Replied Margaret, as she eyed the pair.

She watched amusingly, as the girls rushed to the bathroom, stark naked, seemingly oblivious of the feminine way they moved. Margaret went to the car and waited, thinking about how all their lives had taken a right angle turn. So much had happened so quickly, it hadn't really sunk in how their lives had been irrevocably changed by all this. To be able to become a completely different person of either sex was mind-boggling. Margaret wondered idly if they would survive this experience, or get subsumed in some alternative identity for life. She couldn't get over how comfortable and natural she felt in this body, even though if she had to pick, Sara or Jennifer would probably be her favoured choice. Thoughts of how it would feel to be pregnant, to give birth, lingered in her mind. The absence of horror of that occurring from a "Scott" point of view, showed how the in built programming had managed to alter her way of thinking.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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