Carversion -43-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Forty-Three

On hearing that Sara's aura was changing, Kevin felt a sudden chill. 'Was she okay? Had she been hurt?' These thoughts rushed through his mind like quicksilver.

"I'm nearly there," he let Maggie know, having turned up the dirt road to the lookout.

"Hurry," was Maggie's reply.

As Kevin approached the top where the map on the computer showed a dead end, he slowed. A car, similar to the one he'd tried following earlier, was stopped on the side of the road near the top. Kevin spotted two men, scrambling for cover, as he passed it. He was sure they were armed. Driving out onto the small car parking area, he saw a sight that amazed and scared him.

Sara was standing holding her hands outstretched in front of her. Two men were shooting at her with guns. What Sara was doing, nearly made Kevin hit the gunman's car, as his eyes caught sight of the nimbus surrounding her body. He swerved aiming for the gunman, not caring if they got in the way. They heard him and scattered, trying to shoot at him, as he passed. Kevin drifted the car sideways towards Sara, coming to a stop in front of her.

"Get in!" He cried, as he managed to get the rear door open. He could hear bullets spanging off the car, and knew the gunmen would soon move around the shield he'd used the car for. Sara stumbled inside, seemingly dazed at her survival, while Kevin planted his boot, causing the half open passenger door to snap closed. As he accelerated away, he heard bullets ricocheting off the cars invulnerable skin. Kevin spun the car around and headed for the exit, seeing the first set of men he’d seen, talking into a radio of some sort.

Sara felt an up welling of power flood her body, as she saw the men aim at her, as she cried out NOOO! She felt some energy fill her hands. In some instinctive move, she pushed at the gunman with this energy, hoping that whatever it was, it would protect her. To her eyes, it seemed that a violet nimbus shield, pushed out in front of her. It also seemed to be covering her arms, staying about an inch away from her actual skin. A quick glance down confirmed that her whole body was encased in this glow.

She saw the bullets fired at her, splash against the shield she held in front of her. Somehow, she could feel the bullets tugging at the shield, as their energy dissipated. Just then, she heard another car, and saw Kevin careen into the car park. He scattered the gunmen, who flung themselves aside, ending up on the ground. She was pulled out of her daze, by his shout to get in the car. She jumped in, leaving the door ajar, as Kevin floored the accelerator

Kevin was worried that the men with the radios were bringing backup, as he rocketed back down the road at break neck speed. He didn't want to meet another car coming the opposite way at this speed. He slowed, remembering that this was a public road and anybody might be coming along. Just as he thought he was clear, ahead, he saw another car turn off the main route and head towards them. Kevin realised it was the car he'd tried tailing, so obviously the men with the radio were with the people in the oncoming car. As the two cars neared each other, the approaching car turned sideways, skidding to a halt across the narrow road. Kevin didn't slow, aiming for a narrow gap between the ditch and the right front quarter panel of the car. The impact, as they struck the other car, was remarkably mild, as the inbuilt stabilisers kept the car in line. For the other car, it was somewhat different. The car jolted backwards with the impact with two tons of Shelke technology. The whole right wing and part of the suspension was torn away with a loud bang, imparting a spin that had it facing the other way.

"Yeah, go baby, go baby!" Cheered Leanne, as they passed the roadblock without a scratch.

"Looks like I owe you a car," Sara said, coming out of her daze.

"I want this one," laughed Leanne, half seriously, as she turned to look at Sara.

"Um, well we'll see," responded Sara, hoping she was joking.

"Just kidding, with all the knobs and gizmos, I'd spend more time playing with them than paying attention to the road. I'd be a worst driver than I am already," giggled Leanne, releasing the built up anxiety.

"How did you do that thing, back there?" Kevin asked Sara, now they were back on the road again.

"The bullet proof aura thing?"


"I have no idea," lamented Sara.

"It reminded me of that movie Matrix, with that Reeves guy, where he stopped all the bullets.

The two men working for the senator hearing the shots and Kevin's mad dash for freedom, advanced into the parking area in time to see the mobsters run for their own car. Guns were drawn as they spotted each other with the mobsters ending up dead. The men hadn't been given specific orders to shoot the woman, just to get the package back, but killing the mobsters was another thing. Not having seen the woman in the car that had left, Sara having been crouched down in the back, they searched around for the woman's car.

Finding no sign of her body in the wreck, or in the surrounding area, they concluded that she must have been in the car that had come and gone. Their calls to the backup team went unanswered, as they made their way back to roadblock they had asked for. The reason for the no reply became clear, as they found the wrecked car. The driver and passenger were still unconscious from the vicious impact. The deflated airbags the only reason they were still alive. A radio call for a helo was sent, along with a fresh description of the car.

Julie woke to the sound of her mom rattling around in the kitchen. She plucked at the strange nightgown she was wearing, as the memory of the previous night filtered through her momentary confusion. She rose, and sat on the edge of the bed, letting her brain recall what had happened. She spotted the robe her mom had left her, the night before, although technically it had been early morning when they'd got to bed.

She slipped the robe on and went to the bathroom, where, after doing the necessary, she washed her face to fully wake up. Making her way into the kitchen, she kissed her mom on the cheek, as she was busy cooking eggs.

"Hi mom," Julie greeted her startled mother.

"Ah! Don't do that, I nearly jumped out of my panties," chided her mom with pained expression.

"You must have, I don't see you wearing any," laughed Julie, looking at her mom's body, that was showing through her diaphanous nightgown.

Her mom blushed, as she realised that nothing much was really being hidden from view.

"I've been on my own for so long, that this is the way I usually look in the mornings. I'll go get dressed," her mom explained, making a move to leave.

"Hey! Don't change on my account," Julie countered. "I got one just like it," with that, Julie lifted her hem to show herself in all her glory.

"You may be a girl, but you need lessons in acting like a lady," opinioned Amelia, snatching a glance at her daughter's raunchy display.

"That's your job," grinned Julie, baiting the hook. "You didn't teach me much on being a lady when I was Daniel, so I figure you can do a better job this time."

"Oh honey, I feel awful," Amelia cried, hugging her daughter. "I knew you were dressing up, but I was scared to say anything. Part of me wanted to help and part wanted it to go away. I thought if I came right out and said something, I'd hear the news that you were gay or something. By not saying anything I'd hoped it was a passing phase that would go away with time. I agonised for years over whether I should have helped you with it. I loved you as a son, but somehow I wished you'd be my daughter too..."

Amelia sobbed, holding onto Julie with a death grip.

"Mom, its okay, son or daughter, I love you and always will," Julie cried, joining in on the shedding of tears.

Julie felt heartened at her mother's response; to be accepted and loved was all she had ever wanted, time now to make up for lost time. The smell of eggs cooking, prompted her to release her mom and take over the job of breakfast. Over the next few hours, Julie filled Amelia in on the details of her change and all the little bits; she had glossed over, the night before.

Amelia in turn, questioned Julie on just about everything she could think of. She was especially interested in knowing about her relationship with William.

"So he's the one that makes you melt inside?"

"Yes Mother," Julie emphasised, letting her mom know, she didn't want an in depth analysis of William's shortcomings.

"I never thought Scott would choose to be female, as I never saw any signs of it in the way he acted," Amelia said, tactfully changing the subject.

"I think it surprised her as well, but I'm glad she made her decision, or I might not have had the courage to declare my own true nature."

"Oh! So I have her to blame for the loss of my son," declared Amelia, feigning outrage at the information.

"NO! Mom, don't you go assigning blame on Sara, she is my friend, she made her own decision..." defended Julie, before seeing the grin on her mothers face. "Oh you really got me started that time," she grumbled, pouting a little.

Amelia laughed.

"Son or daughter, I'm glad you stick up for your friends. Maybe I should thank her for giving me a daughter I can pass my knowledge onto. I don't feel so useless now that I have a new purpose in life... to teach my daughter, all that I learned growing up. I hope you'll let me be part of your life now."

"Mom, of course I will, in fact, why don't you move west with us, there's nothing left for you here, and I'm sure I'll be needing your advice soon enough." Suggested Julie, giving her mom a pleading look.

"You're not pregnant are you?" asked Amelia, immediately jumping to the wrong conclusions.

"Do you want me to be?" answered Julie with another question, while grinning at the look on her mom's face.

"Only after a discrete interval after he walks you down that aisle, preferably 9 months," her mom answered, the implication coming across loud and clear.

"MOM, I'm not a virgin, but don't worry. I can't get pregnant accidentally, at least in this body," she explained, seeing her mothers, 'I've heard that before,' look.

"Where could I live, if I decided to move?" Amelia asked, changing subjects.

Julie didn't answer, her thoughts already turned to figuring out, which of the three spare bedrooms in the condo would suit her mom.

Bob came out with only a towel around his waist, after his shower. He'd been completely bemused by his visitor and forgotten to take a fresh set of clothes in with him. He saw Cindy turn and watch him, as he went into his bedroom.

He shucked the towel, as he reached the drawers containing fresh underwear. He had just retrieved a pair of briefs, when a cough behind him made Bob turn around. Cindy stood in the doorway, holding a cup of something hot, judging by the way it steamed. Belatedly Bob realised he'd given her the full Monty, and his embarrassed blush reached places, not usually seen by others.

"I made a hot chocolate for you," stammered Cindy, who was also flushed. She licked her lips, and brought her breathing back to normal, as Bob shimmied into his briefs and then grabbed some shorts to put on.

Bob hoped he hadn't offended his saviour, as he was normally very casual about appearing nude in his home.

"Sorry about that, I didn't realise..." He started, as he turned around again. Cindy planted a kiss on Bob's lips, cutting off the rest of the apology, having walked up behind Bob as he put on his shorts.

"You have nothing to apologise for; after all, this is your house. Besides I enjoyed the view," she added boldly, looking him in the eye.

"Glad to be of service Miss...?" Bob returned, wondering if she would volunteer her name.

Bob took the cup, and drank several swallows of the steaming liquid. He watched her over the rim of the cup, seeing a mischievous light flicker in those deep limpid pools.

"Cindy... Cindy Winters," she offered, holding both arms open for a hug.

"Not Cindy from the chat room?" asked Bob curiously.

"That's me," supplied Cindy, smiling wider.

Bob put down the cup, and enveloped Cindy in a hug, keeping his hands respectively on her back.

"What brings you up to my neck of the woods, not that I'm complaining, mind."

"You," giggled Cindy, while wondering why she was acting this way. Something about this man, made her want to tear off those shorts and hop into bed with him. It wasn't just because of Bob's endowment; it went far deeper than that. It was as if he completed her, despite the difference in ages. He made her feel like a teenage girl again. Some impulse made her loosen her towel above her breasts, so that when she pulled away, her towel dropped away.

Bob gasped and clutched his heart, seeing Cindy's soft perfectly shaped globes, made his heart flutter like a caged bird. Being the man he was, he refused to lower his gaze to seek out lost civilisations and boldly go... he slapped himself mentally from becoming captain jerk.

Cindy worried for a second, thinking she’d gone to a galaxy far far… (Sorry, couldn’t resist,) gone too far. She didn't want to give Bob a heart attack. She saw with relief that Bob was okay, although he still had a somewhat glazed expression on his face. Cindy noted that his eyes didn't wander from her face except for a brief flicker to her chest. To her, that meant a lot, and proved her initial judgement of his character was correct.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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