Carversion -24-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Twenty-Four

"Well?" Maggie asked, still waiting for her reply.

Both Anita and Sara pointed at the other. Maggie giggled, at the looks on the faces of the twins as they both poked their tongues out at each other, before shrugging and looking apologetic towards Maggie, at their unresolved decision.

"Great, two brides. This I got to see," Maggie laughed, having seemingly decided for the pair of them.

Anita didn't immediately object, as the idea of two brides was tempting; after all, being in a tux wasn't something new to Kevin. The attraction of being able to feel what her bride felt would make the ceremony all the more special, as long as she was man enough for the wedding night, that was all that mattered. She did wonder how they could pull it off, without having anyone object. The only downside she could see was the parent thing. Kevin's parents would be expecting their son to be the groom not another bride. The way she looked, she couldn't even pretend she was Kevin just dressed up in a wedding gown. She sighed, thinking it was probably just impossible to achieve.

Sara didn't need any mind reading powers to realise the significance of that sigh. Who wouldn't want to wear a delicious creation in silk and satin, with all the pomp and ceremony that goes with being a bride? She wasn't in the least worried about Kevin wanting to change sides permanently unless Sara decided to return to the testosterone side of the fence, something she knew wasn't going to happen, except for certain emergencies. She remembered Kevin stating some time ago that he'd been tempted and that only the fact that she was going to remain female had prevented that possibility. Now with the bracelets making it easy to swap around, Sara was going to make sure that Kevin had ample opportunities to sample the feminine gender. She had a few ideas on the two bride ceremony, even with the parents being involved. She just had to check with Kim to see if she would to agree to lend a bit of help.

Changing the subject, Sara said she was going into the huge roman style bath, before going to bed.

"Great idea, up for a bit of company?" asked Anita, her question clearly indicating that it included Maggie as well.

"Sure, the more the merrier," laughed Sara, as she stood up and went to start the bath filling. They all needed a little help with the dresses, to get them off. Soon, three very naked nubile bodies scrambled into a hot, scent-laden bath.

The three washed each other fastidiously taking extra care to prolong any contact with breasts or groin, until it wasn't just the water that was feeling hot. Some kissing was lamely passed off as special longtonguetudinal washing, which everyone joined in. Longitudinal or not, it certainly went across with flying colours.

Anita said she had something that hadn't been cleaned yet as she touched her bracelet. Like a periscope rising from stormy seas, her penis rose above the soapy bubbles, signalling its readiness for action. Maggie squealed and threw a sponge at the sea serpent, before dissolving into laughter, when Anita said, "blowing ballast tanks." It was Sara, who tamed the intruder, by sitting on it, so its length was swallowed by her eager beaver.

Maggie felt awkward, seeing that these two, who would eventually be her parents, were engaging in sex while she was in close vicinity. Sara, with her more developed sensitivity, realised Maggie, while adult, felt uncomfortable, with the current situation. Sitting stationary on Anita's prong, with it buried out of sight inside Sara, gave the impression of normalcy, well, as normal as triplets in a bath together, can look. To an outsider it would have looked like three girls playing in the bath, as no signs of Anita's organ could be seen.

Sara reached out to hug Maggie, as did Anita, a second later.

"There is nothing shameful in sharing our love Maggie. We will not be hiding anything behind closed doors, like our parents did. We are going to try and be as open about everything as we can, and not worry about nudity taboos or expressing our love in front of members of this family to be. We aren't asking you to join in, unless you feel comfortable. We aren't related, so there's no worry about it being incest, if we kiss you on the lips, same with sex, if you don't want to be a part of it, then it's fine. It's your choice. But we do love you as a friend and will love you as our child when that time comes."

Maggie hugged them back, wondering how come she was so lucky to find herself loved by these two wonderful people. She kissed them, saying she loved them both.

"I will let you have more room to play, while I find something to wear," Maggie said, getting out of the bath and grabbing a towel.

"Look in the case for some nighties for us all," Sara suggested, before starting to move slowly on her impalement.

Maggie was gowned and happily watching TV, when the others finished they bath, and went to put something on. They wandered back to where Maggie was sitting; having donned nighties and looking relaxed. Sara picked up the phone and ordered some ice cream to be brought up to their room. Maggie's eyes glowed, with anticipation at the mention of the treat.

When the ice cream was duly delivered, the young man left without asking for a tip as his mind was trying to burn in the sight of three lovely triplets in a near state of undress. Maggie giggled; setting the others off, as they recalled the young mans glazed eyes.

"It's a bit like that TV program, 'The Charmed Ones,' with the power of three," giggled Maggie, before she turned her attention to her bowl of double chocolate ice cream.

While they relaxed, Sara brought up a point that had just occurred to her.

"Maggie, I don't understand why you had no money. I thought we'd left you enough, to tide you over.

Maggie looked embarrassed, and a little guilty. She started to explain, but broke down before making much sense.

"Maggie it's okay, we aren't worried if you spent it all, we were just surprised that you had nothing left when we came back," reassured Sara, hugging the tearful Maggie."

"After you left, I went to the library to say goodbye to my friends in a chat room I visit. It's a place where other people like me visit and chat. Anyway, while I was there, I got talking to HER."

"Her?" Queried Anita. "Who is she?"

"No, H.E.R. She changes her name to suit the initials each time she comes on. I think her real name is Helen Elaine Reynolds," explained Maggie. "She was in a bit of strife at the time, she needed money to pay her landlord, or she was going to be thrown out on the street."

"Ah so you sent her the money," Sara asked, seeing where this was leading.

"Yes, I thought I would have enough from my last pay check to cover the time till you came back, so I sent her a money order that day."

"But your boss withheld your pay? Asked Anita, getting angry.

"When I told him about quitting, he asked for the Palm Pilot and printer I use for the meter maid job, to be returned, along with the cell phone they supply. That's when I realised I didn't have the cell phone and the Palm Pilot was broken in the collision. I must have lost the phone then as well. They are worth over 500 dollars, more than my paycheck would cover. So I didn't go back to work, knowing I owed more than I would get back."

"Well, never mind, I don't mind that you gave the money to a worthy cause. It just shows us that even though you don't have much, you were willing to share to help your friends. I'd like to talk to you about these friends of yours, but first I think its time for bed." Sara finished, pulling Maggie into her arms for a hug.

"I think Maggie can sleep with us," Anita winked, taking Maggie's other arm.

Maggie grinned as she was led unresisting to the king-sized bed and told to take the middle of the bed.

"We can't have our future little girl falling out of bed now, can we?" Sara laughed, slipping in beside Maggie, while Anita climbed in the other side. After kissing everyone goodnight, the three clung together till slumber took them into dreamland.

The next morning was filled with the sight of three nubile bodies dashing for the bathroom. The scuffle as each vied to be first to the toilet, resulted in an impromptu tickle fest, which soon had them all giggling and jiggling the tinkle two-step. The next decision to make was what to wear. Having booked in as triplets, Kevin wouldn't be making an appearance, so it was Anita filling in again, especially in her bra. Maggie was wanting the "I'm a clone effect," with them wearing matching clothes, but Sara said that the gowns they wore last night were not appropriate, plus the fashion guru's would scream if they saw them wearing the same outfit twice.

Without the car to duplicate the look, and not having anything they had bought the same, Sara told Maggie that they'd have to wear different clothes. Anita then remembered another of the bracelets powers, one they had found in bed when Sara changed to Jennifer, while Kevin was making love to her. It had made Kevin a duplicate of Sara/Jennifer.

Sara grinned at the memory, especially when they'd shown the others by linking hands and suddenly making quadruplets. Sara found a smart, but casual dress to wear, got her makeup on, and accessorised herself. She had the others strip off their nighties as she didn't want them consigned to limbo after having just brought them. Holding hands with the others, she touched the Sara setting on the bracelet, seeing she was already Sara as were the others, only the clothing and the make up and hair were duplicated, as were the accessories

"Oh oh, I hope the FBI don't catch us duplicating your identity," laughed Anita, showing Sara a duplicate set of identification and drivers licence from her new handbag.

"Lucky, we look alike then, think of the problems they would have trying to prove we were different people. I bet even our DNA and fingerprints would prove we are the same person," grinned Sara.

Maggie was hardly paying attention, she was twirling, and half dancing to make the new dress she was wearing swirl around her legs.

"This is so neat, I got from naked to dressed and made up in seconds and I didn't have to do a thing, " Maggie sighed wistfully.

"Shall we eat in our room or eat downstairs?" asked Sara, looking expectantly at the others.

"Here/downstairs," came two voices simultaneously. Anita sighed, seeing the eager look in Maggie's eyes. "Okay downstairs," amended Anita, grinning at the look that shone on Maggie's face.

The three held everyone's attention as they made their way to a table in the hotels dinning room. Even Anita, who had been the most reluctant, had to admit the funny side of it, as some of the men stopped and gawked, their spoons or forks frozen in mid air as the three breezed past them.

Maggie was in a dither, seeing the selection on the menu. The others waited for her to make up her mind, before giving up and ordering the lot. As the plates arrived, they each shared a portion of food, grinning at the way Maggie's eyes darted from one item to the next. While they were eating, several children sort out autographs, figuring in their own simplistic way that they must be movie stars. It was kind of embarrassing, but cute too. Sara signed the napkins offered, "The Vostock Sisters," which sounded sort of exotic.

The only problem that arose was when they checked out a bit later. As they walked towards the LTD, which had been loaded with their luggage, a smarmy looking man came up to them and told them that they were just what he needed for his movie. He even addressed them as the Vostock Sisters, so he must have talked to the young autograph hunters.

"Not interested," was Sara's terse reply.

"But you'll make millions," insisted the man not giving up. "You'll be famous," he went on, expounding the benefits.

"What part of no, do you not understand?" Anita countered in the same tone as Sara.

"Take my card, in case you change your mind," the man said, making a last ditch effort as he handed Maggie a card from his pocket.

Maggie stopped, she looked at the card, then while the hotels patrons attention was glued to this scene, she slowly and deliberately tore the card into small pieces and stuffed the bits into the surprised mans gaping mouth.

The hotel lobby erupted into laughter and cheers, as the man spluttered, spitting bits of card from his mouth. Without another look, Maggie took her twins hands and ushered them out the door, before they spoiled the effect by collapsing into laughter themselves.

Once in the car and having driven a few blocks down the street, Sara stopped the car. There was silence for a moment, and Maggie was all set to apologise, thinking she'd done something wrong, when Sara started laughing. Anita started too, until tears were running down their cheeks.

"That was brilliant, Maggie, utterly priceless," Sara gasped as she finally found breath to speak.

"I'll remember that look for the rest of my life," Anita added, as she wiped her eyes.

Maggie grinned and relaxed as they started on their way again. She couldn't wait to see what new adventure lay around the corner. Even though they hard barely started, the child inside was already bouncing with impatience. She had to resist the urge to say, "are we there yet?" As they travelled further from her old home.

William and Julie were having a much more restful time, knowing that the others wouldn't be back for some days. There was nothing to do, regarding the house, seeing they had decided not to sell it. Knowing it truly belonged to the Shelke, made them slightly uncomfortable in taking over such a beautiful home without paying a cent. Even though they knew it had been gifted to them, they felt guilty at their presumption of just claiming it for themselves.

They had been practising their nexus techniques, trying to see what they could do with it, while their bodies lay entwined in bed. They had visited the others, and seen some of the highlights of their travels. Like Sara and Kevin- or Anita as he was temporarily, they liked Maggie immediately and knew she'd be a welcome edition to their group. Luckily, they had been eavesdropping when the triplets had exited the hotel, and had seen the altercation and its results. The nexus broke, as they too, had trouble containing the laughter that had forced their minds to separate, while their bodies shook as laughter burst forth.

"She's a keeper, that Maggie," William grinned as he turned to Julie.

"One things for sure, she'll keep them on their toes, adult or child," offered Julie, as she dried her eyes.

"Oh boy! And us," William exclaimed, having had a sudden thought.

"Huh?" Julie questioned, not seeing the problem.

"Who do you think will get the babysitting job," chortled William, grinning as he saw the sudden realisation cross Julie's face.

"I don't know how Sara has that worked out." Julie said, not really seeing a problem. "I mean how she will do Maggie's regression. I hope its not like Robert's was, it would seem like a shame to have the adult just wiped away, leaving the child."

"I'm sure that's not Sara's plan, she's too humane to just kill off the adult personality. We will have to see what she has planned when she gets back," William reassured her. With that, he kissed her deeply, making her squirm closer into his embrace.

"What about we go visit the holly wood studio's today," William suggested at breakfast a little while later.

"Do you think they will let us in?" asked Julie, as she nibbled her toast.

"Well, I do have the security passes from when Huang was a body guard. I don't see why not,"

"What about me, I don't have a pass," Julie brought up.

"Ah but as Mi Ling you could go as my wife." Grinned William, relishing the whole idea of having a wife.

"You just want to see me in that outfit we bought yesterday," pouted Julie, pretending to be put out.

"Or out of it," William blurted out, before he could stop himself, having dreamily visualised Julie in Mi Lings gloriously naked body.

"Owwwh ouch!" complained William, laying it on, as Julie poked him in mock outrage.

"I think I'll go as Huang, and you can go as Mi Ling, just like yesterday," Julie threatened.

William's mind flashed beck to yesterdays shopping trip as a twin of Mi Ling. Julie had copied Sara's example with Kevin and had cajoled William into being her twin, while she shopped as Mi Ling. William needed cajoling, not because he didn't want to be a female, but because of the reverse.

When he'd experiences being Mi Ling and wearing the sexy clothes she had while rescuing Julie, he'd had to constantly block out how delicious those clothes had felt on Mi Lings sensitive body. He was supposed to be a man, not a seductive female, knowing Kevin had plunged across the gender divide with little reluctance, made William feel a little better. With Julie seeming not to care whether he made love as a man or a woman, only made the decision harder to resist. He'd given in and enjoyed him/herself, modelling clothes with Mi Ling beside her. He had tried to force the fact of his being way to comfortable as a woman, deep in his mind, so that while joined in a nexus with Julie, she wouldn’t guess his darkest secret.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to lie and say I don't like you as Mi Ling, I do, but without you driving the controls, she has no interest for me. I guess it's the exotic look of her coupled by the fact you are inside that body," William answered honestly.

"She is kinda nice to drive, isn't she?" winked Julie, pleased with his honest answer.

She knew he liked being her. In the nexus, nothing much could be kept hidden from the other, but she didn't let him know she knew. There must be some quirk in these Shelke made bodies that allowed a greater insight from the female POV. Sara had mentioned this before, and although the Shelke were hermaphroditic in nature, the predominance of the female form seemed to have given them extra abilities. William, as the yang in the nexus was an open book, to her ying, but the reverse couldn't be said.

Having a unique outlook on the gender differences, Julie couldn't refuse William the pleasure of delving into the same experience. As long as both of them loved each other and received mutual satisfaction in their sex life, did it matter who was ying or yang. Being fully committed to remain in the feminine camp, there was little likelihood of them having male-to-male sex. The negative social connotations aside, there was that overshadowing threat of aides that seemed to be ever on the increase, even in the heterosexual group.

William laughed, jolting Julie away from her thoughts.

"What?" She asked, recalling her last words.

"I wonder if next years model has bigger headlights," chortled William, trying to think of Mi Ling as something you could trade in.

"Men!" Julie snorted, saying it all. "If you want bigger air bags, you could try becoming Jennifer."

To be continued.

 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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