Carversion -23-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Twenty-Three

Sara opened the box to reveal a gorgeous solitaire diamond ring. She gazed at it, turning it so the sun glinted through the facets. Her mind was awash in emotions, as her soul mate asked to marry her. She could feel the depth of the love being offered with the mental link they shared, as well as by the words spoken by her lover.

Her mind was struck by strangeness of being offered a ring, instead of it being the other way around. Who would have thought that in just a few short months, she went from Scott, a potential groom, to Sara soon to be a bride. She paused, searching in her psyche for a hint of a protesting voice from Scott's former life at being a bride. There was none, although she still remembered being Scott and had all his experiences, Sara was now who she felt she was.

She realised suddenly, that her twin was anxiously waiting for her answer.

"Yes, I'll marry you," she answered, smiling as she saw the look of joy in Anita's expressive eyes. "Um, who's going to wear the gown?" she quipped, looking at Anita suggestively.

"Who cares," Anita said flippantly, only concerned with her positive answer.

"Maybe we should have two brides," giggled Sara, pinching Anita in fun.

"Whatever you want," agreed Anita, happily oblivious to the suggestion. Something had come up and was feeling slightly uncomfortable, so Anita fingered her bracelet and sighed in relief.

"What are you doing now? Asked Sara, seeing the movement.

"Oh just a little surprise, I had planned." Anita blushed.

"Show me," demanded Sara.

"Press here then," Anita said, showing her the bracelet.

Hmmmm, you have been busy," Sara replied, as she felt someting shift in Anita's groin where her twin had placed her hand. "The thing with the laptop?" Sara asked, getting an affirmative nod.

"Let's test it out in celebration, of our proposal," suggested Sara.

"Here?" Asked Anita, looking around the immediate vicinity.

"Sure, we both have full skirts. You lay down on your back and I'll sit on top. With your skirt pulled up and mine covering it with mine, nobody will be the wiser." instructed Sara.

Anita sighed, resigned to being on the bottom, but as Sara arranged her skirts to cover the lower half of her body, the naughty side of it, started her grinning. The most anyone could see, was two girls having a bit of a lesbian romp, not that there were many people around. The few canoeists on the lake, were probably more concerned about their own world.

Having shucked their panties in the first moments, Sara eased Anita's rampant addition into her. She sat there and wiggled making Anita pant as the friction made her swell. Sara leaned forward, kissing Anita hard on the mouth. Using small lifting motions with her hips, Sara stated to build her own excitement. Anita managed to thrust upwards to help met Sara's downward motions.

Being exposed to the public view, added extra excitement and danger of being caught, to their lovemaking. This had the effect of bringing them to a mutual orgasm, so much quicker. As they collapsed together, smothering each other with kisses, they heard a vehicle stop nearby. Anita quickly used her bracelet to return to being all female, while Sara rolled off laughing her head off.

Anita straightened her dress and stood up, glancing towards where the car had pulled up. She stepped out of her panties that had tangled around her ankles, seeing another pair belonging to Sara lying in the grass there as well. The park ranger had stepped out of his vehicle, as Sara came and tagged Anita and then ran off giggling. Anita took the hint and chased after Sara, yelling to her that she would get her for that. The pair ran around, seemingly enjoying themselves in innocent play. As the ranger walked towards where they had been sitting, the girls circled around so that they could reach the car and get in. The last sight of the ranger, as they drove off, was him reaching down to pick up their abandoned panties. Needless to say, the hysterics in the car, made for very erratic driving for the next several miles.

Calming down slightly, except for a few giggles that kept bursting out, as they pictured the ranger holding their underwear, and wondering what to do with them, they continued driving through Cumberland, heading for Pittsburgh. Sara kept looking at the ring, and thinking back to the moment when Anita proposed. 'Maybe the wedding might be a little different to what Kevin might envisage,' she thought.

Sara was thinking about her parents missing out on her wedding and it made her feel somewhat sad. As a bride, she could do with her mothers support with the arrangements and her dad could give her away in the traditional wedding ceremony. It seemed unfair that they should miss out, just because Scott had become a Miss.

Her sombre mood alerted Anita, who sensed Sara's unhappiness.

"Why the long face?" she asked.

"It's about my parents," Sara replied, explaining about them having to miss out.

"Maybe Kim could help," suggested Anita, giving it some thought as well. "I'd like my parents to attend as well, but I can't say I'm marrying my best friend Scott, who's now a woman."

'You might have to explain more than that, if I have my way,' thought Sara, keeping those particular thoughts well concealed.

Can you ring Julie and William to tell them the good news, they should be finished breakfast by now," Sara asked, passing the phone to Anita.

"Coverage is a little patchy here," Anita mentioned after turning the phone on and checking the signal. Anita punched in the number and waited for it to connect.

"Hi Julie, it's An... Um, Kevin here." Anita said, as Julie's voice came on.

"Long story, I'll tell you later," Sara heard some faint laughter coming from the phone.

"We are getting married... yes I proposed to her just a short time ago... yes like this." Sara heard Anita explain.

"That's what Sara asked," Anita sighed, leaving Sara in no doubt what Julie had asked.

Anita spoke for a while, filling in Julie with their current news and whereabouts. She left out the part about the shopping spree, and the romp in the park, knowing Sara would tell her that herself. Anita hung up after this, returning the phone to Sara's purse. She passed on the others congratulations and comments about why had it taken so long.

Sara pressed on, trying to make up for the time spent in the park. She broke the speed rules frequently, when it was safe to do so. They passed through Pittsburgh in the early afternoon, opting to bypass the city so they could reach Indianapolis that day. They only had two skirmishes with the highway patrol. One had a hand held speed gun, which was only turned on at the last minute, giving them no time to detect it. The car was sitting behind a billboard, and by the time it pulled out onto the road behind them, they had long gone. At the speed they were travelling, they had put several bends between each other. By that time, the car that the patrol officer radioed in about, no longer existed, as Sara switched to the Trans Am, and was going at the legal limit, when the officer sped past them. Later on, an unmarked patrol car had turned its siren on, as it pulled along side them. The officer looked at them and waved for them to pull over. Deciding to do so, as the traffic was getting too heavy for a safe getaway, the girls decided on another strategy as the patrol car pulled up behind them. Ducking down out of sight for a moment, the girls used their bracelets to become Scott and Kevin, before straightening up, as the officer started to approach them. Imagine the surprise he got as he bent down to the open drivers window, to se two young men instead of the two women he knew he'd clearly seen. His eyes widened and his words, "do you know that you were speeding Miss," was choked off. He looked frantically into the back seat hoping to see the missing women. Finding it empty, he stood looking out over to the other side of the car to see where they had escaped to, as they had obviously slipped out while he had bent down to run off. Sweat beaded his face as the side of the road showed no signs of the girls nor was there anyplace for them to hide.

The officer felt confused as he bent down to ask the driver where the girls had disappeared to, but stumbled back shaking his head as the driver now appeared to be a well endowed air hostess with her unbuttoned uniform exposing her generous cleavage. The passenger was now clearly oriental in her colourful satin kimono. The officer walked back in a daze, rubbing his eyes as he wondered what drugs had been slipped in his last coffee.

Sara drove off, leaving the stunned officer sitting in his car. Kevin, having changed from Mi Ling back to Sara's twin, Anita, was having hysterics.

"Did you see his face?" She gasped after a few minutes. "I thought he'd wet himself," she giggled, trying to get herself under control.

"Just as well, Kim loaded Mi Lings form on our bracelets," grinned Sara-"It was certainly a far different image from seeing Kevin." She added.

"By the way, I noticed you flaunting yourself at him, with your buttons undone," chided Anita, waving her finger at Sara.

"I needed the shock value those puppies have on men," giggled an unrepentant Sara.

"Sure, that's your excuse," grinned Anita, light heartedly baiting Sara a bit more.

It was getting around 5 pm, by the time they reached Indianapolis. They decided to pick up Maggie first, before finding a hotel to stay for the night. They hoped she would be at home, as Maggie didn't have a cell phone, and they had been getting a busy signal on the landline. The house was dark when they arrived, not a good sign. They got out of the car and knocked on the door with no response. The door was unlocked, which worried the girl's as they opened it cautiously and entered quietly. Moving quickly, their search yielded a huddled lump in the bedroom.

"Maggie?" enquired Sara, her voice full of concern. "Maggie it's us, we have come to take you home with us."

"Is that really you, I thought I was dreaming, I can see two of you," came a weak voice.

"What happened, why is there no power?" asked Anita, futilely trying to turn the light on.

"I hadn't paid the utilities, and wasn't going to after you said I'd be going with you. They cut off the power the next day, so I haven't had power or phone on. I couldn't get my pay, as my boss refused, seeing I hadn't given him any notice of my quitting the job. I don't have any savings only the few dollars I had in my purse. So I've been living on crackers and water and snuggling with my stuffies." Maggie explained tiredly.

"Omygod!" exclaimed Sara, stricken with remorse. She uncovered Maggie, and saw she looked awfully weak and haggard. "This is Kevin, he's being punished, sort of." Sara grinned as she explained, pulling Anita closer.

"Punished? Or rewarded?" Maggie offered, smiling weakly.

"I'm learning how to cope with heels for more than 5 minutes, so I can keep up with her on her shopping trips," winked Anita.

Anita took off her bracelet, and offered it to Maggie without a moments hesitation. She knew Maggie's Shelke generated body was tougher than a normal human, but even so, it still needed food.

After Maggie slipped the bracelet on Sara touched a setting, smiling, as Maggie became another twin to her. Instantly, the ordeal of no proper food was gone, as Maggie had the exact same body as the others.

"We're triplets," laughed Maggie, feeling immediately better. "This could be fun," she added, preventing Sara from resetting the bracelet to Maggie again. "Can I be you for a while longer?" she implored, looking up at Sara with guileless eyes.

Anita laughed, and hugged Maggie, which made Sara's mouth quirk in amusement, at the thought of the attention that identical triplets booking in at a hotel for the night, would bring.

"Okay, but first we need to get you dressed," Sara agreed.

They decided "in for a penny, in for a pound." If they going to make an impact, they may as well make a big one, so using the car to produce three identical outfits, the triplets were now impossible to tell apart. Maggie collected her small bag of personal items and the others brought out her collection of stuffed animals, which were placed in the trunk.

Anita rang the hotel that they had stayed in last time, but they were booked solid, at their recommendation, they rang another hotel nearer the city centre that showed it had rooms available on its online booking system. As a treat, Anita accessed the panel that Kim had revealed to them when she made the car into a Rolls Royce. Selecting a white Ford LTD, they drove off to the Hotel Royale. To say Maggie was excited was an understatement. She was bouncing around in the back, like a little girl, hampered only by the shimmering emerald green gown that clung tightly to her new curves.

As the limo swept sedately into the entranceway of the hotel, guests that were either leaving or entering stopped to see who was arriving. Hotel staff scurried to the doors to assist the occupants of this unexpected arrival. The doors were opened and three identical hands went out for someone to assist them out. Once everyone realised that the three were identical in everyway, they became the centre of attention. The staff fawned on them, instinctively knowing that these were not just ordinary people. Guests gasped, and the stunned men were hard put as to which one to look at first.

The three waited together, while three white cases were unloaded from the limo and taken inside. One of the staff drove the limo to the underground car park below the hotel, as the women moved inside. They started to attract a group of patrons that seemed to have developed a sudden interest in the immediate area surrounding the check in desk, pulling them away from what they were doing, before the girls arrived.

All the attention was making the girls feel like celebrities, as they were offered a premium appointed room. Accepting graciously, the three were shown the room and their luggage brought up. After asking for dinner to be sent up to their room, the three collapsed on the huge king sized bed in a fit of giggles.

"This is fun," Maggie said, once she finally calmed down.

"Hey what about me, I'm supposed to be Kevin," Sara lied, trying to get the others confused.

"Huh? I thought I was Kevin," said Kevin/Anita, checking out his/her body, as if confused. He/she knew what Sara was trying to do, so he/she played along. "Maybe I'm Maggie, I'm so confused," he/she lamented, while holding his/her hands to his/her face to cover a grin.

"Then I must be Sara," Maggie grinned, quickly catching on to the game, with a smirk. "I think you are Maggie and you are Anita." She continued, pointing first at Kevin/Anita, then towards Sara.

The timely arrival of dinner, stopped the silly game they were playing, and they sat down to a sumptuous meal with all the trimmings. Maggie marvelled at the amount of food there was, she was drooling as saw the slices of roast turkey on her plate with roast potatoes and assorted vegetables. The others grinned at each other, seeing the delight that Maggie was showing as she nearly inhaled the food in her haste.

"Leave room for desert, honey," Sara told her, barely halfway through her own meal.

The bottle of complimentary champagne that had been supplied, was followed by a second, as Maggie drunk it as though it was lemonade. Being in these bodies, meant that the alcohol had a much lesser effect that to a normal person, but it did mellow out the triplets, as they finally finished their meal.

They had talked about the Shelke to Maggie, explaining everything to her. The subject of Maggie's dream to become a child was put aside for the moment, as Sara told Maggie that she wanted to talk with Kim first. Sara offered Maggie the chance to be a bridesmaid, after telling her that, Anita had proposed to her. This was said with tongue in cheek, as Anita blushed. Maggie hugged both of them, accepting with a squeal of delight. Maggie looked at the both of them, and voiced the same question that Julie had asked earlier.

"Who is going to be the bride?" she asked, looking at the twins in turn.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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