Carversion -34-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Thirty-Four

Authors note: When I started this chapter Erin’s SO was still with us, although ill, unfortunately she passed away and is now at peace, sort of like the character in the story ended up in no pain. I hope Erin won’t be upset upon reading this, as she did give me the okay when I started, and being reminded of her grief is the last thing I want to happen.

Finding Erin Halfelvin, as the rest of the TG community knew her, proved easier than they had thought. The laptop had her address already located; obviously having used some advanced tracking software of the Shelke.

When they drove up, Cindy went to the door first, knowing Erin had seen her 'pic,' on numerous occasions. William and Julie. Stood behind her, content to let Cindy make the introductions.

When the door opened, 'Erin' was looking slightly worn and weary, her long greying chestnut hair looking in need of a Tyrone special. She stood barely 5'7" and looked nicely rounded, with an ample chest. Her ruddy complexion spoke of a mixed ancestry. Cindy had filled the others in on Erin's problems with a sick spouse and money problems, not to mention the long hours trying to keep her website updated and having to fend off attacks by hackers.

"Hi Erin, I'm Cindy Winters, and these are two people you must get to know," offered Cindy, as she went to hug Erin.

Erin looked at the others in puzzlement, from over the shoulder of Cindy, as she returned the hug.

"What a surprise, I wasn't expecting to see you in real life, and more than a bit alarmed at how you found me here." She said, warily in a voice hinting of her Irish origins, before pulling back and looking at Cindy's face.

"Erin, meet William and Julie, they are going to change your life around forever, if you let us in and explain," Cindy replied, doing the introductions.

"Come in, come in," repeated Erin, finding her manners. "I go by the name of Joy Melton in the real world," she explained. "My other half is sleeping at the moment, so please talk softly," she added, showing them into a slightly scrumpled lounge. The others looked around, seeing a computer in a corner with a sever network in a rack, with a froth of cables snaking all around the area.

Both William and Julie were surprised at seeing that Erin was a woman. From what Tyrone had told them, Erin's other half was female, so they'd mistakenly assumed Erin was a guy. They looked at each other, knowing that this was going to be a little different and would need a more delicate handling.

"Take a seat," offered Erin, as she slid the tech magazines on the various chairs off onto an already piled up table nearby. "Sorry for the mess, it's the maid’s day off," she said wryly, pointing to herself as to the identity of said maid.

"Are you the people that Tyrone has been raving about?" asked Erin, surprising the others for a moment. "Because if you are, I need your help."

"What do you need?" asked Julie, seeing the look of desperation in Erin's eyes.

"I heard that you can pull off genetic sex changes, if so, I need you to change my lover into a man," she blurted out, blushing from embarrassment.

"Yes we can do that," offered Julie slowly, sensing that there was more to it than that.

"I know you have questions," Erin continued, seeing their faces. "Joanne has a disease that only women can contract, as much as I love her and would hate her to have to become a man, I don't see I have a choice." She offered by way of explanation.

"Erin, there maybe another choice," Julie smiled as she saw Erin's look. "Just what do you know about us from what Tyrone told you?" asked Julie, trying to decide how to tell Erin about the Shelke and their technology.

"Not a lot," replied Erin. "Just that you have a way of giving anyone a genetic sex change that's the real deal. I didn't know what to think about it, when Tyrone first told me, it seemed too far fetched, but I trust Tyrone, so I tried to keep an open mind about it," admitted Erin.

"It's real, but there's more to it than that." Julie started. She looked at William for support, but he nodded that she should continue and she heard his thought that it would probably be better being a woman-to-woman conversation. Julie sent the thought back that he could easily join in if he wanted to jump the gender fence again. His rolling eyes gave her his answer to that thought and it made her grin as she turned back, to concentrate on Erin.

William saw the gleam in Julie eyes and knew he wasn't about to get out of it that easily. He waited, while Julie started the story of the Shelke, and their part in it. He watched Erin's eyes widen at the thought that aliens were among us. His mind wandered, replaying their adventures, and marvelling at how calmly he had taken his own side trips into femininity. He jerked alert when Julie calmly volunteered his services to demonstrate the proof of the story. 'Oh boy, here we go again,' he thought, as Julie's words penetrated into his consciousness.

"You want me to what?" He asked, knowing full well what Julie wanted, but trying to delay the inevitable anyway.

"I want Mi Ling here," Julie repeated, giving him the look.

William sighed, knowing he couldn't resist the look. He used the Krin to transform once more into the diminutive form of Mi Ling. Erin's eyes bugged out on stalks and she gasped at the sight of a six-foot plus guy becoming the delicate flower of oriental femininity that was Mi Ling.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming what I just saw," muttered Erin, shaking her head.

"But there's more," offered the transformed William, as Mi Ling gestured to her side, as if indicating a display of steak knives. Mi Ling fingered her bracelet again, while a rapt Erin kept running her gaze over Williams's sexy new body. Erin waited but didn't see anything different, just the woman rubbing her legs together beneath the kimono. It wasn't until Mi Lings 'more,' was almost fully erect, that Erin spotted the tented kimono at Mi Ling's groin.

Erin stood and walked over to Mi Ling, her gaze riveted to the erection that William using the sensual fabrics clothing Mi Ling, had managed to stimulate. She looked at Julie and then at Mi Ling for permission, before reaching down and coping an exploratory feel.

Realising it was the real thing, having felt it twitch at her touch, Erin blushed and released it after an infinitesimal squeeze of thanks. She returned to her seat, not seeing the grin Mi Ling gave Julie.

"We will cure Joanne and give you a Krin each, to select two forms for yourselves," explained Julie, seeing Mi Ling had turned back into William. "We also want you to seek out those that you think will benefit from this and help spread this world wide. The Shelke will be in contact with more Krin and whatever you need, including transportation."

I'd do anything, if it meant Joanne were healed again, even without the obvious benefits that those bracelets have to offer, but I do think this is a slow way of doing it. I'm sure there must be a better way," Erin suggested.

"This is why we will leave it to you," Julie grinned. "We will sort you and Joanne out and return home. This is more your field of expertise than ours. I'd still like to see you and Cindy working together on this."

"When can we cure Joanne?" asked Erin, thinking of her love.

"No time like the present," offered Julie, eager to get things underway.

Joanne's cure went smoothly, once she was brought up to speed by Erin's rushed explanation. Joanne, a very pale 5'11" woman of Lithuanian-Irish descent had short gray hair with Baltic blue eyes, held Erin's hand possessively as she listened to the story. Joanne, once she had accepted the proof, (again supplied by William,) had then taken on Jennifer’s form, while her own was being reworked. Erin had made sure Jennifer came with the additional extra that Mi Ling had demonstrated. The look on Joanne's face when she realised she had a shemales body, made those gathered around giggle. Having a body that was healthy and full of energy along with a semi tumescent appendage, soon made Joanne excuse her and Erin for a short time, while they celebrated this welcome change.

"If you're going back I think I'd like to separate from Erin and head north-east to see Bob Arnold," Cindy requested, looking at Julie and William for any objection.

"This Bob, is he anyone special?" winked Julie, hoping for a positive answer.

"Well, he's a writer and has several web sites and has helped many people online with little reward. I know he had to quit work due to ill health, so I'd like to give a little help back and see what develops." Cindy blushed as she finished, thinking Bob would be a good catch in a younger healthier body. Even the thought that Bob might want to delve into the feminine didn't deter her from thinking about making a play for his attentions. She knew from chatting with him online, that he was a very nice person and his deeds in providing access for the transgendered and others through his chat rooms, spoke of his character, better than words.

"You do what you gotta do," Julie spoke, interrupting Cindy's reverie. "I'm sure that Kim will get you sorted with a vehicle to go touring in," she added, giving Cindy a hug.

"Great, I'd love to meet this Kim, you're told me about," Cindy responded, giving Julie a hug back.

"Kim can be here tomorrow," William interrupted, having just finished a call to Kim on his cell phone. "She wants to hear this idea of Erin's and see how quickly they can get it implemented."

Not knowing how long Erin and Joanne were going to be in the bedroom, William suggested ordering in some pizza, seeing it was nearing feeding time. They decided to wait out in the RV, and give the celebrating pair a bit more privacy as the noise level from the bedroom increased. William gave Cindy a copy of the software needed to program the Krin that he gave her. He watched as she used the laptop to program her own Krin with the forms she desired.

Meanwhile further north, while Tyrone and Carolyn were heading east to meet up with Cathy, Sara and Kevin were driving down the west coast towards home. Kim, who had just got a call from William, asked to be dropped off at the next town, so she could arrange for more transportation for Erin and Cindy. When Kevin, who was driving, started to speed up, Kim told him to relax as she wasn't due there till tomorrow.

"Take your time and enjoy the trip," Kim admonished, having seen the speed he'd reached. "I could be there in a few hours if need be, remember you have a child to entertain," she grinned looking at Maggie glued to the window looking out at the passing countryside.

"Yes mother," Kevin quipped, acting like a chastened child, being reprimanded.

Kim smirked, and cuffed him gently about the head, loving the way she'd been accepted into the family group. She hoped this race would survive the threat that loomed in the future. A race that could produce people like these shouldn't ever be lost to some predatory race bent on universal genocide.

Maggie, sensing that Kim was leaving soon, went over to Kim and lifted her hands. Kim, knowing from previous experience that this was Maggie's way of asking for a hug, bent and scooped the hug monster into her arms. No words were needed and Kim made sure Maggie didn't see the tear that formed in her eyes at the thought of the child's innocence being destroyed if they ran out of time.

Sara came in from the back where she'd been cooking another plate of pikelets and transferred Maggie to her own arms, before taking her to help butter the soon to be eaten treats.

"I'll have to call you Miss Scoffalot," chided Sara gently, as Maggie devoured another one she'd snuck off the plate. "At this rate, they'll be none left for the others," Sara said, waggling her finger at a temporarily chastened Maggie.

Maggie promptly got off the seat, took a buttered and jammed pikelet in each hand, and trotted to the front to hand one each to Kevin and Kim. Sara smiled, enjoying playing mother, even though she had missed the pregnancy part of it. If her children turned out like Maggie, she would truly be blessed.

Tyrone was in 'his?' element. Driving the RV, dressed as Tyrissa, made him want to sing. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he/she felt like this was the start of a great new adventure. Carolyn was taking an interest in everything around her, glad not to be restricted to either staying at home in her bed or spending time at the hospital. Knowing that all that was now part of the past was the greatest gift, she could think of. She looked at Tyrissa all dressed up in her beautician uniform and smiled. Tyrone had given up so much during her illness and deserved a little happiness no, a lot of happiness. With a synchronicity that only comes when two people were as close as they were, they both started to sing, "on the road again."

The strident wail of a siren broke up their singing as they saw the flashing lights of a police cruiser on their tailgate. Confident that he'd done nothing wrong and that might just be a random check on license or such, Tyrone pulled over. Even though Sara had regaled them on their own brushes with the law, Tyrone was too mature to emulate Sara and Williams's example. Sooner or later, you'd get caught, with the penalties being more severe. Tyrone watched one officer exit the car and walk towards the driver's side of the RV. Too late... Tyrone realised, as the officer addressed him as ma-am. Tyrone was in his male form and dressed as a female; so comfortable had he grown to wearing dresses, he'd forgotten to switch to Tyrissa's fully female form, before the officer had got a good look at him.

"Ma-am, you have a busted tail light, I'm going to have to write you up," the officer gloated, seeing what appeared to be two women that would easily be intimidated by the officer.

Tyrone knew something was up, as the Shelke built RV was hardly going to have a faulty taillight. As he struggled in his nervousness to find his female voice, he saw the other officer walk up to the rear of the RV.

"I think you're wrong about the tail light," Tyrone refuted, just before hearing a thump from the rear.

The officer grinned; knowing his partner had just smashed said tail light with his boot. He looked sternly at Tyrone at her denial of his claims. Something in the tone of the drivers voice triggered a memory and he scrutinised her more closely.

"It's busted now," he snarled, as if daring her to object. He looked at his partner as another louder thump issued forth. His partners shaken head, worried him, as he looked for confirmation of his false claim. Carolyn decided to look, climbing down and walking to the rear of the RV. She was just in time to witness the second officer hitting the taillight with his Billy club. He cursed as the light refused to shatter, and then looked up guiltily, as Carolyn coldly asked him what he was doing. He pushed past her, making her stumble on the uneven roadside. She fell heavily on to her back and rolled down the slight gravel embankment, making her cry out in pain.

Carolyn's cry galvanised Tyrone, sending adrenalin surging throughout his body. He slammed open the door and knocked the officer aside, as he rushed to Carolyn's aid, cursing volubly in his normal voice. The first officer knew what it was about the driver that had sent warning bells to him. The driver was a guy dressed as a female. His anger of being fooled again, drove all thought of reason out of his mind. Revenge for the prank his fellow officers had set up, when they had arranged a blind date with a transsexual, had fuelled his anger. He'd not realised till after things had got amorous, that his date was a guy. His fellow officers never let him forget it, having snapped a photo of the pair lip locked.

He followed Tyrone to where Carolyn was trying to get up from the ground. He spun Tyrone around and punched the ersatz women in the face. Tyrone slumped, barely conscious, as the officer kicked him repeatedly. The last thing Tyrone heard from the first officer, as things turned black, was,

"Help me get rid of these two."

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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