Carversion -53-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Fifty-Three

The next few days flew past, as Bob showed everyone how the system for launching the nexus into space worked. He and Cindy were heading back to Syracuse to sell off his property, before going to live with Cindy in her home in Los Angeles.

Kim suggested that Bob spent more time in girl mode, to see if he or rather she would manifest a power that might help in the future. Both Bob and Cindy protested at first, not wanting to change the way their relationship was working.

Kim explained that once Bob achieved a power of his own, he didn't need to remain female to use it. Eventually they conceded the point, and Bob took on a form that both he and Cindy approved of.

They had used the computer to come up with a leggy blonde with modest endowments, that wouldn't hinder Bob when he worked on his assorted electrical projects. Bob just added an extra b and an i to his name, to simplify things. Bobbi and Cindy took off, three days after arriving, saying that they would let them know where they would be, come the wedding.

Things had been happening next door as well. Kim had organised extra furnishings to be added for Cathleen's bedroom, adding an extra wide bed in case Maggie decided to sleep over.

Fresh food was bought and the pantry stocked up with everything imaginable the day before Jenna's arrival. Kim disappeared the morning of Jenna's arrival, saying she needed to get the new family a welcome gift.

Midmorning, an old station wagon chugged into the condos driveway. Inside were three tired people, having been travelling since before dawn that day.

Sara took an instant liking to Jenna, who although tired, seemed cheerful and outgoing. Richard her husband, went and lifted a sleepy Cathleen out of her child's seat and carried the three year old in his arms, as he approached Sara and the rest of the welcoming committee. Sara hugged Jenna and Richard, introducing herself and the others, as the group moved indoors.

Amelia had refreshments ready, for when the new arrivals sat down gratefully on the couch.

Small talk about the journey and the weather filled the time, while the visitors quenched their thirst and started to unwind.

Guessing that Kim hadn't told their visitors much about their own changes and the involvement with the Shelke, Sara started giving the Hitch family a brief rundown on the current situation.

Jenna seemed to relax even more, as she learned that she wasn't the only male to female transformee. As if the floodgates had been opened, she began to tell of her own change and that of Cathleen. Richard, Jenna and Cathleen had all met in a chat room and somehow through some inexplicable magic, managed to form a family group. Jenna was in the throes of her transition to becoming female through conventional means, using hormones. Having to appear male to hold her job had hampered her wish to dress as a female full time, so when Richard had been rescued from the cancer ward, his news seemed like the answer to her prayers. Cathleen not only wanted to be female, but also wanted to be a young 3 year old girl. In the chat room, he/she could indulge in this role and it showed in her messages to the others.

Cathleen became, to all intents and purposes, Jenna's daughter, just as Jenna became Richard's virtual wife and partner. Richard had embarked on his own having been cured using the Krin. He took with him two extra bracelets for Jenna and Cathleen. Tracking them down was just a matter of time, and a lot of driving. Like Maggie, Cathleen had her near adult mind encased in a much younger body and pretty much acted the way she looked.

"Kim told us that if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here like this," Jenna told Sara. "We have a lot to thank you for," she added with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, I just blundered into something, and pretty much took things as it came," replied Sara modestly, blushing at the thanks coming from all three of her visitors.

"You might think that your part was nothing, but if you hadn't passed the test that the Shelke given you, I might not be alive today." Richard insisted. "Being mature and sensible to use the Krin, without using it for power or greed, allowed us to become a real family, something we can't ever thank you enough for," Richard added seriously.

"I hear you have found a small place for us to live together," Jenna asked, having no idea what was in store. All they had been told was to come to this address and meet their benefactors.

"Yes we have," Sara agreed, a small smile gracing her face, as she realised Kim hadn't told them any details.

"We'd like to see it and get settled in," Jenna smiled in anticipation. "Is it far from here? I hope we aren't too far away, as I'd love to be near the ocean," she added wistfully.

"Come with me," Sara replied, taking Jenna's hand in hers.

Jenna followed Sara outside to the back of the house overlooking the ocean. Richard and Cathleen followed, with Maggie tagging close to Cathleen's heels. The rest followed, not wanting to miss seeing the family's reaction.

Sara walked to the gate in the fence line joining the two properties. She handed Jenna a key, then pushed open the gate and led her through to next door.

"Here is your new home, I hope you'll be very happy here," she said with a grin.

Jenna gasped as she beheld her new home. Richard just managed to catch his swooning wife, feeling his own knees nearly buckling in surprise as well.

"Oh wow!" Richard got out, as he struggled to hold his wife up. Luckily, Jenna's fainting spell only lasted for a minute, before she stirred again.

"Tell me I'm dreaming," she finally managed to say, as Richard held her close in case she still needed his support.

"This is all yours," Sara said proudly. "Welcome neighbour," she added, giving Jenna a hug.

Jenna stood in shock, taking in the details of their new property. She looked at the key, still clenched tightly in her hand, and then looked at Richard, who was already looking at her face, watching the tears of joy forming in her eyes.

"Let's go inside," she said, handing the keys to her husband.

They walked to the door hand in hand, while the others followed respectfully, allowing them their space for this special moment. Richard opened the door, and then stood back. As Jenna moved forward, he bent a little as he scooped her up into his arms. Jenna squealed a little in surprise, as Richard carried his wife over the threshold of their first home. Jenna kissed him, tears leaking from her eyes at this very emotional moment. Cathleen stole the show by tugging on her daddy's leg.

"Can I go explore?" she managed excitedly.

"Yes honey, you can explore to your heart's content," Jenna told Cathleen.

Maggie came up to Cathleen, and took her hand, saying.

"I'm Maggie, I can shows yous eberyfing. I knows all bouts dis place, when my mommy byed it." She said proudly, dragging Cathleen further inside.

With the children occupied with their own explorations, Richard and Jenna slowly walked around the house. The others joined them, as the couple showed their joy at all that had been given them. Both Jenna and Richard were overwhelmed with their new home. They hugged and thanked Sara and the rest, who had taken them into their hearts and given them the ultimate dream home.

Investigating the garden outside, Jenna and Richard saw the two girls playing on the swing. Cathleen was sitting in it, while Maggie being larger, was pushing her back and forth gently. Jenna nudged Richard, drawing his attention from the garden to the sight of the two girl's playing. They both smiled, glad that Cathleen had found a playmate.

Once Cathleen spotted Jenna, she called out to her. As soon as Jenna came close, Cathleen whispered in her ear, making Jenna's eye widen as she took another look at Maggie.

"Richard, come here quick, Maggie here is our Maggie the kitten from the chat room," she called.

"I'm sorry Maggie, I should have realised who you were," Jenna apologised, taking Maggie into her arms.

Richard gave Maggie a hug too, glad that Maggie had at last realised her dream as well.

"It's otay awnty Jenna, eben cafleen didn't knowed till I tolds her," grinned the mischievous imp.

Just then a faint howl sounded faintly from behind the condo.

"Oh shoot! We forgot Bailey," Jenna exclaimed, rushing back to Sara's home.

"Who is Bailey?" Asked Sara curiously, seeing Jenna rush off.

"Bailey is our beagle, she was asleep in the back of the car when we arrived," Richard explained, feeling foolish about leaving the family pet alone in the car.

A faint cry from Jenna had Richard running to see what was up. The others followed him quickly, thinking something must be wrong. They arrived to see Jenna holding a wriggling dog, which was trying to give her a thorough tongue wash. Kim was standing there, next to a brand spanking new metallic blue Daihatsu Hi Jet minibus that would seat six people. Of their old car, there was no sign. Jenna was crying tears as Kim was explaining something to her.

"What's up m'luv?" asked Richard, as he reached her. "Where's the car?" he asked, looking around for the absent vehicle they had arrived in.

The others gathered behind them, guessing what Kim had meant when she had said she had a surprise.

"These are the keys to our car," Jenna managed to get out; handing Richard keys clearly belonging to the Daihatsu.

"Huh?" Richard queried, still a bit puzzled.

"Kim says that this is our new vehicle," Jenna answered, pointing to the minivan. "She took our old car away, when we were having refreshments, she didn't realise Bailey was inside, till she started to unload our gear into the new van. Bailey's already had a test drive in it," Jenna giggled somewhat hysterically as she tried to overcome her shock.

Bailey made her escape, after seeing her playmate Cathleen was nearby. Jenna laughed as the two met together in boundless joy, with Cathleen now the recipient of a multitude of puppy kisses.

Maggie eyed the two getting reacquainted with a longing expression, despite having a penchant for the feline species. This was something tangible that could be petted and played with, not just a promise of what might eventuate, coming from her mom.

Bailey broke off the play with Cathleen, to sniff out the rest of the group's ankles. She bounded hither and yon, running madly to check everybody out. Maggie seemed bemused when Bailey came sniffing and wagging her tail. Bailey seemed take Maggie's stature as a cue to adopt her, as she bounded up to lick Maggie's face.

Sara was the only one who didn't join in the laughter at the sight. She bit her lip, hoping that the surprise she had asked Kim to get would get along with this new four legged neighbour. Sara caught Kim's eye, with a questioning look, wondering if she had brought what she's asked for.

Kim nodded, tilting her head towards the rear of the minibus.

"Maggie? I have a surprise for you," Sara called, as she opened the rear door of the Daihatsu.

Maggie trotted around with Cathleen and Bailey trailing behind. Maggie looked to where Sara was pointing, and squealed in delight. There in a small cage, was a calico kitten, its huge green eyes fixed on the jubilant child.

"I's gotted a kitten, I's gotted a kitten," Maggie sang, reaching in to release the cages door. "Oh mommy it's just what I wanted," she added, as she pulled the small bundle of fur into her arms.

Bailey pushed her nose into Maggie's arms, seeking out the newcomer that she'd smelt in the van before. Before anyone could move to separate the two in case there was a fight, Bailey licked the cat, seeming to accept it without reservations.

This time Sara did laugh, as her worries evaporated. The two children scampered off to play with their pets, laughing madly as they chased Bailey into the house.

Kim continued to explain to Richard and Jenna about the van, seeing the distractions had vanished indoors.

"This is using the very latest technology we have," she waved them all forward to look inside. "It looks like it will seat six at first glance, but if you all climb aboard, you'll get a better understanding," she added, directing them to climb aboard.

Richard and Jenna sat at the front, while William and Julie opened the side door and sat in the rear seats. Sara and Kevin then took the last seats in the middle. Kim urged Amelia and Leanne to climb aboard, with Kim coming in last. As the extra people clambered aboard, expecting to try and have to squeeze in, the interior suddenly expanded, seemingly growing two extra rows of seats, to the surprise of everyone bar Kim, who has a grin on her face.

Richard saw something odd from his view in the rear vision mirror inside, not matching up from his view of the van outside in the wing mirrors. He climbed out of the driver's seat and looked at the van from outside.

"Hey! The van still looks the same length outside, as before, and I can only see four people in the back, instead of seven," he exclaimed excitedly. "Inside it looks much longer."

"One of our engineers, got the idea to adapt the pocket universe theory to allow for extra internal volume than the container would normally possess, after watching a Dr Who show on TV. Remember the Tardus? A telephone box on the outside and a huge time machine on the inside."

"He didn't invent time travel, while he was at it?" quipped William.

Kim laughed. "No, but what you have here will expand to bus like capacity, ideal for moving several families and their pets, plus the parents," winked Kim. "In fact, it will morph into a bus form to take advantage of using the bus lanes, when traffic is congested. Oh, and it will look as if there are passengers even when it's empty," Kim added, pre-empting several questions on that matter.

"Can you make my luggage space on my VW Golf like that? Then I'd have plenty of room for shopping," asked Leanne, half seriously.

"I intend to have this tech, retrofitted to all vehicles." Kim replied to a few whoops from the back of the van.

"I wanna handbag with the same options," laughed Julie, nudging Sara with her elbow.

"Oh no!" cried Kevin. "We're doomed, women already carry the bathroom sink in there already," he laughed.

"Well you should talk, I've seen inside your handbag, remember?" giggled Sara, turning the tables neatly on Kevin, who had the grace to blush.

"If you could fit a bed in it, you could sleep in your handbag." William added, jokingly, before getting a poke in the ribs from Julie.

Kim asked Richard to operate the switch that would change the van into a bus.

"Will you be all okay back there when I do it?" Richard checked cautiously, not having used anything like this before.

"Harm to us, there will be not." Replied Kim, opting for a Yoda like voice. The others laughed, with catcalls of, "the force is strong in this one," and "feel the force Luke," which had everyone in stitches.

Richard operated the switch, suddenly seeing those in the back disappear, replaced with what looked and sounded like a bus load of passengers, all of whom were strangers. Not knowing what to expect, Richard panicked, thinking he'd done something wrong. He never even noticed his changed appearance.

"Kim," he yelled out, "where are you?"

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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