Carversion -48-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Forty-Eight

Sue looked astonished at the question, mainly because she wasn't exactly the image of a mother, let alone a grandmother. Her heart melted, as she saw the longing in the child's eyes. Sue reached out and took Maggie from Sara's arms and whispered the one word the child needed, into Maggie's ear.


Maggie's response was instant; she flung her arms around Sue's neck and hugged her almost to the point of strangulation. A tear glistened in the corners of her eyes, as she thought, 'what a strange, wonderful way to get a grand child.' Immediately followed by, 'my daughter has definitely got to be married soon.'

"Honey, how did you know I was your grand mommy, and not your granddaddy?" Sue asked, wiping some sand off Maggie's cheek.

"Cos you gots mostly mommy's colours, Rose, but wid with yellow streaks. Granddaddy has lots of crimson with green streaks. Mommy's is mainly Rose with crimson streaks, Maggie answered proudly.

"Maggie can see auras, it's her gift," Sara explained.

"I'm intrigued by the colour variations, but how can it be? We are all in three unrelated bodies, that aren't even our own," stated a puzzled Sue.

"I don't think its body related, but something in our minds that gives off the aura effect," offered Sara.

"It sounds from what Maggie described, that you have a predominance of you mother's aura, with a trace of mine," Peter interjected. "Maybe, that's why you decided to remain female, because your personality is more female than male."

"Possibly dad, but it came as a surprise to me, let me tell you," Sara responded, before turning to get the rest of lunch organised.

Maggie was passed around to the other parents like a novelty toy, where they clucked over her cuteness, even the femininely clad fathers, who seemed to find some maternal instinct welling up from their borrowed forms.

Of course, Maggie was in heaven with all this attention and played it for all she could. Leanne and the others filed into the house, hoping not to see any blood stains on the floor. They had waited, giving Sara's parents time to bond with their new granddaughter, before coming inside.

Lunch was a grab and snatch, then find somewhere to sit. Kevin had brought in the patio table and its chairs to boost the seating at the dinning table. Maggie wandered from one lap to the next, snatching a hot bun here and some chicken from somewhere else. She wasn't interested in the various salads dotted around the table,

Sue caught Sara watching the tyke's antics as she sucked up to anyone that would pay attention to her.

Sue leaned over to make her words heard in Sara's ear over the general hubbub of conversation.

"You love her, don't you?" nodding over to where Maggie was sitting. "I can see it in your eyes, Kevin's too."

"Of course, there's no question of that," replied Sara, turning to look at her mother.

Sue smiled and patted Sara's wrist. "Don't worry, you'll make a fine mom," Sue re-assured her, before passing some dressing down the table, to Leanne.

"Well, I will have you to teach me to do the right things," agreed Sara, as she checked on Maggie once more.

Lunch went smoothly and talk soon turned to the physic powers each had inherited from wearing the Krin. Demonstrations were in order, and the parent's were duly amazed at what their children could do.

It was time to broach the ideas that they had for their wedding plans, and the reasons for the all female attendance. At first, the fathers were reluctant to go that far, but their wives thought the idea was appropriate considering the whole bizarre situation.

Lunch cleared away, Sara had many willing hands to sort out the dinner preparations, so that the afternoon was free of such tasks. Once the large roast of beef was bagged for the oven, with a plentiful amount of onion added, and the potatoes and other vegetables prepared, everyone gravitated to the lawn outside, where they could relax, and watch the ocean.

Maggie had found a shady spot under a tree and had dragged a cushion from inside. She was currently asleep curled up on the oversized cushion. The visitors did a slow tour of the property, trying not to exert themselves in the sun. Sara noted with a smile that the tree Maggie was beneath came under intense scrutiny as the visitors walked past it many times.

In the heat of the afternoon, the natives got restless. Sara suggested that everyone go for a swim. At first, the new Jennifer's were a bit hesitant at showing off their bodies, once they saw how skimpy the swimsuits were. Sara pointed out that the beach was practically empty, it being a week day, and told them it was a great way of experiencing what women went though.

Urged by their wives, a crowd of bikinied buxom babes, congregated on the beach. Sara stayed behind till Maggie woke up, before they too, joined the fun. A ball introduced into the group, soon had everyone jumping in the slight surf, and generally having fun.

William was having fun with his new abilities, he'd freeze some seawater and then use his invisibility to sneak up on various Jennifer's and drop said ice down their cleavages. The resulting squeals, and hurried excavations, sounded just the same as from any normal girl experiencing that trick. The wives were in hysterics at their husband's antics, nearly collapsing in the surf from watching their men deal with something they'd never expected to experience.

Kevin also used one of his powers. He levitated himself, so that he could virtually sit on the surface of the ocean. It looked like he had an invisible inflatable seat that he was bobbing along on. Maggie promptly used Kevin's lap as a convenient launching platform, from where she pounce on anyone within reach.

Later that day, when everyone had left the beach, Sue collared Sara in the kitchen.

"You mentioned having an all female attendance at this wedding, so I assume both Kevin and William will be dressed as brides as well?"

"Yes and the guests. We wanted it to be a wedding to remember," replied Sara, as she moved aside for Julie, who was helping.

"We will have a lot to organise; I take it that our husbands will have different bodies than they do now?" Asked Sue.

"Oh that can be sorted out later, but yes they will have bodies that the two of you select together as being appropriate. We have a professional sorting out the hairstyling, but we need to go shopping for gowns for the four brides and the bridesmaids. Maggie will be the flower girl and probably be the easiest to please."

"How many bridesmaids are you having?"

"Well, there's Cindy, and Leanne and William and Julie." Sara counted them off.

"But William and Julie will be brides," countered Sue, looking puzzled.

"Well I said this wedding will be different," winked Sara. "We are doubling as bridesmaids for each other. We will get married first with them as bridesmaids, then a quick change with the Krin, and we are both bridesmaid for them." Grinned Sara, pleased with her ingenious plan to experience the most at this wedding.

"Oh my gosh, that is complicated," Sue gasped.

We get to experience getting dressed as a bride with all the usual pomp, and then store it in the Krin. The same goes for the bridesmaids, all we need, is a touch on the Krin and we switch across," explained Sara.

"What about our dress fittings, I know we have a week here, but that's not a lot of time, to sort things out." Sue pointed out.

"Okay, tomorrow, we were hoping that the husbands and the wives get together with Kim and sort out some female bodies that they would be happy with. Then, we can bundle them off to Marcie's bridal shop. She has everything we need from brides and bridesmaids wear to normal gowns for any female members involved in wedding occasions. I'm sure we can get things sorted before you leave to go home," Sara explained.

"Sounds fine, I just hope the guys don't get upset at staying female longer than expected," Sue retorted with a grin.

"Um dad seemed to be coping fine earlier today, before lunch," winked Sara.

Sue blushed, admitting that it had been interesting.

Nothing about the extended time as females was mentioned that evening. Sara had hoped the night might bring about a change in the way the husbands felt about remaining female, for most of the rest of the week. Sara knew first hand, how the body grew to feel normal, the longer one stayed in it.

After dinner, Sara pulled her mom aside once more. Sara was nervous about what she was about to reveal to her mom. Her pacing, as she wondered how to broach the subject of Maggie and her true age, finally got to Sue.

"Spit it out girl, I'm sure whatever you have to say, can't be more strange than what I've already heard," Sue burst out.

"Mom, I didn't tell you exactly how we found Maggie, just that we picked her up on the way, started Sara, as she glanced at her mom to gauge her reaction.

"I did feel that there was more to that, than you mentioned. I didn't want to say anything at the time, but I had hoped you'd tell me sometime," Sue interrupted, taking Sara's hand and pulling her down to sit next to her.

"Maggie was a Transsexual-she was an adult mom," here Sara paused, watching her mom's face intensely. Seeing her mom nod, she continued hurriedly to get it all out, before her courage failed her.

She told her mom everything, from the time they bumped into Maggie on her bike. Sara was in tears, as she told Sue how they had found her in the cold and dark, when they returned to pick Maggie up. Sara explained how Maggie the child had been buried inside the adult Maggie's body, never growing up, because she was being denied her existence as a child. How could Maggie be herself, when all she had was a tall adult body to show to the world. So Maggie never grew up and had been slowly stifled by the worlds view on how she should behave.

"She was dying mom," cried Sara, her tears falling unhindered, as she poured out Maggie's plight.

"You did good. I'm very proud of you," Sue softly hugged her daughter, her own emotions in turmoil.

"You are going to make her 3 years old, then?" Sue asked, struggling to keep back her own tears.

"Yes, we thought 6 years old was better for travelling, but I have a plan to allow Maggie her dream without losing her adult persona, but it has to wait till after the wedding," Sara answered, having recovered somewhat.

"I love her just as she and will at any age," her mom added. "I can see the child and I can see she is truly happy. She also loves her mom," Sue grinned.

"Oh mom," Sara relaxed, happy now, that the secret was out.

The two wandered back into the lounge in time to see a very tired Maggie off to bed.

Sara was glad the condo had excellent soundproofing in its walls that night, although with her own moans, she probably wouldn't have heard a herd of elephants in the house, as Kevin took her to the stars.

To be continued


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