Carversion -37-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Thirty-Seven

"Plan B? What was plan A?" Whispered Carolyn, having heard Tyrissa's muttered words.

"Oh that was the one where we waltz in here and walk out with Cathy without anyone noticing," Tyrissa whispered back.

Ah...that plan," Carolyn grimaced, trying to look busy by one of the patients.

Tyrissa had been busy scanning the room for Cathy, luckily catching sight of her, when a doctor had drawn back the curtains surrounding her, as he left the area to go to another.

Tyrissa led off, walking briskly to the bed that Cathy lay on. There was an intravenous drip in one arm and Cathy looked drawn, which contrasted sharply against the remnants of the makeup that still showed on her face. She was only semi conscious and was mumbling incoherently, something about her cat.

Tyrissa looked anxious, trying to come up with a plan, she saw that the bed was just a gurney and the drip was attached to the frame and not a separate stand. Getting a glimmer of an idea, she quickly outlined it to Carolyn before picking up the chart attached to the end of the bed.

Tyrissa drew back the curtain as Carolyn pushed the gurney containing Cathy, out into view. She headed towards the doors that they had entered from, determined not to be stopped.

"Hold it, where are you taking that patient?" asked the young doctor that had just recently been checking on Cathy.

"X-ray," answered Tyrissa, running interference, while Carolyn continued to move towards the exit.

"Why wasn't I informed, demanded the tired and testy doctor, as he moved to intercept his fast disappearing patient.

Tyrissa, still with the paperwork in her hands, glanced at it as if reading something. She managed to reach the doctor and grasped his arm before he got to Carolyn.

"The police just sent in a report that the patient may have sustained a fall, so they want to check the patient for fractures." Tyrissa explained, shrugging her shoulders in response.

"This is highly irregular, nurse chandler," he replied, looking at her name badge.

"Well you know what this hospital is like, run by bureaucrats, watching out for their own heads in case someone sues," Tyrissa ad-libbed, hoping it was true.

She smiled winsomely at the doctor, hoping to charm him with her borrowed ample bosom. Apparently, the doctor wasn't immune to her charms, and put his hand over hers, where she was still holding his arm.

"Want to meet me at the cafeteria later, on our break?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure, see you then," Tyrissa replied, giving him a wink. She hoped the real nurse chandler didn't get into any trouble, as she walked out after the fast disappearing Cathy.

Catching up with them, Tyrissa pointed to a linen supply room.

"In here, just like in all the movies," she giggled, feeling herself relax after the excitement in the ICU.

They had to disconnect the IV and manhandle Cathy into the room, as unlike in the movies, there wasn't room for the gurney. While Tyrissa wrestled with the semi conscious Cathy, Carolyn pushed the gurney further down the corridor and left it outside a ward. She then scurried back to Tyrissa to give her a hand with Cathy.

Tyrissa had given up any attempt to explain what was about to happen, as she held Cathy awkwardly while trying to activate the Krin. Luckily, Carolyn came back in time to help, as Tyrissa operated her change back from the nurse's borrowed form. Being in contact with Cathy, they both took on Tyrissa's fully female form. Cathy jerked upwards as she regained the strength of her new legs. That wasn't the only thing she regained, as she became fully conscious.

"What the f...?" She burst out with, seeing herself in a strange room with two strange women.

"Shuush, we are here to help you. Do you remember anything of the last hour or so?" Tyrissa calmly reassured the panicked Cathy. Cathy immediately realised things about her were suddenly very different, as she looked down at herself.

"Sheesh! Either I've died and gone to heaven, or I'm having the dream of a lifetime," she muttered, feeling her new body with her dainty hands, seemingly ignoring the presence of the others.

"You're not dead, although it was a close call, and you're not dreaming. I'm also too solid to be a figment of your imagination," offered Tyrissa, giving the new Cathy's body a hug.

"Can we leave all the chatter till later, after we get out of here," prompted Carolyn, who in the meantime had reverted, unnoticed, to her own form.

"Cathy, we are in a hospital, where they took you, after you became unconscious. We came to get you out, hence the disguise," Tyrissa hurriedly explained, before moving towards the door.

"Ah that explains it," Cathy laughed, content to allow the others to urge her along. " I'm delirious and this is what not eating right has led me too. Prue always pooh poohed my idea that you could survive on the four basic food groups. Looks like she was right." She sighed, as the three of them made their way towards the main entrance.

"Four basic food groups?" asked Carolyn, who despite the current situation, was mildly interested.

"Salt, sugar, caffeine and grease," supplied the bemused Cathy, as she marvelled at the intensity of her current delusion.

Both the others laughed at Cathy's warped sense of humour. An announcement over the hospital intercom system to be on the lookout for a missing patient, soon wiped the smiles of their faces. The empty gurney had been discovered, and things could get sticky if Cathy blurted out the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Seeing a more diligent looking member of the hospital staff scanning everyone leaving the main doors, Tyrissa decided a change in plans. Looking like twins was bad enough to elicit some notice, but being dressed identically, would bring too much attention to Cathy and Tyrissa. Holding the others from advancing, Tyrissa snagged an unoccupied wheelchair from down the corridor. Using the Krin, she returned to nurse Chandlers form, rolling the wheelchair along to the others.

With Cathy firmly ensconced in the wheelchair, holding hands with Carolyn, Tyrissa pushed the wheelchair dutifully towards the exit. Cathy, still unsure if this was still some wild delusion born of her fertile imagination, allowed them to push her to the RV. There, she was bundled into the back with Carolyn, while Tyrissa made a fast exit from the car park.

Once clear from possible pursuit, Tyrissa pulled over near a park, overlooking the lake.

"I'm not dreaming this, am I?" was Cathy's first words, once they had stepped out of the RV.

"No, this is not a dream, but it could be a dream come true," replied Tyrissa.

I'm fully female, and yet I know that's impossible," muttered Cathy, trying to come to terms with her abrupt feminisation.

Carolyn, ever the practical one, handed Cathy her open compact. Cathy took it and looked at her face in the mirror.

"Oh boy! We aint in Kansas anymore," she gasped, realising that she wore a strangers face. This is just like one of those stories on Fiction mania, or Storysite, except this seems to be real," stated Cathy, as she angled the mirror to catch all her appearance.

"It's not a body suit like in one of those excellent stories you write," commented Tyrissa, having admired Cathy's stories she'd written.

"You've read my stuff?" asked Cathy, her eyes opening wide, realising that she still didn't know who these two strangers were.

"Oh yes, I'm a fan. We have met in the chat room before. My name is Tyrone, although at the moment I'm going by Tyrissa."

"How did you find me?" she asked, then... "You're Tyrone!" she exclaimed belatedly, as Tyrissa words, finally sank in. She looked Tyrissa over closely, seeing that she too, was all woman. "You're not what I'd expected," she added with a wry grin.

"Well, this is the improved model. It comes with all the knobs," laughed Tyrissa, smoothing the material around her breasts so her nipples stood out.

"I can see that," agreed Cathy, making turning motions with her fingers at chest height.

"Tyrissa, don't be such a show off!" admonished Carolyn, shaking her head at her lovers immodest display. "Those knobs are for me only," she added, with a grin, taking the sting out of her earlier words.

Cathy and Tyrissa chuckled.

"We found you thanks to Prue. She gave us your real name after some persuasion, and the Shelke found out your address for us." Tyrissa explained, answering Cathy's earlier question.

"I'll have to talk to that girl," Cathy said, shaking her head.

"Wait, before you go off at her, she more than likely saved your life... again," remonstrated Tyrissa, quickly coming to the defence of her informer. "Plus, we come bearing gifts you have only dreamed of," added Tyrissa, indicating the current form that Cathy was in possession of.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at her, just she can't keep adding to the debt I already owe her, not that she would accept any payment I could offer her," sighed Cathy. So just how is it, that I'm now female all of a sudden?"

"Let me explain," Tyrissa said in answer.

The next hour was spent getting Cathy up to speed on everything. However much Cathy would liked to believe this was just another great TG fiction story, the fact that she was in a woman's body and able to confirm it was real with just a touch, was proof enough that Tyrissa was telling the truth.

"So I get to have one of these Krin and be able to switch from male to female?" she asked, excitedly.

"Yes, you can choose, have you something in mind?" Carolyn asked, getting curious.

"Oh I'd like to look like Loni Anderson. Five six, 38c, 25, 36 and blonde," Cathy confirmed, having envisioned herself in that body from when she first discovered the difference between girl's and boy's.

"Well, I think there might be a problem looking exactly like a famous star, but how about a close approximation? We could make you taller, say, 5' 9." That would show your legs off better, plus we could make you about 22 years old," offered Tyrissa, crossing off possible problems with being recognised.

"I guess after all this time wishing, I should just be grateful for being female. Having any choice of appearance is just icing on the cake," Cathy agreed.

"Let's get started," Tyrissa suggested, offering a hand to Cathy.

Down south, Kim had supplied Erin with their own version of the RV. It was fitted with all the extras that Shelke technology could fit into the smaller van. With it, Erin could monitor her site, anywhere they happened to be. The Toyota Hiace van had room for one double fold away bed and a limited cooking area. The roof was adorned with communication equipment and computer monitors that could be used while lying on the bed if necessary. Keyboards on swing arms allowed one to type either sitting or lying down as well. Special lockers that used the no space worm hole effect, held both Krin and any personal effects that they may need, like clothing or supplies.

Erin and Joanne were soon on their way, heading towards Crystals hometown to join forces with the other major contributor of TG material. Cindy was supplied with a more normal looking car, as she didn't intend sleeping in it. On the outside, it looked like any normal German built GT Golf, but it was built to the same Shelke standards of invulnerability and safety. Like the Toyota van, it didn't come with the ability to morph, but the power plant under the hood ensured that it did have the legs on most cars. The golf also had a no space access, set into the glove box, which with just a call to Kim, could be loaded with Krin or other urgently required items. The no space access, in both vehicles, were protected so that if it was opened by someone not wearing a Krin, the space looked like a normal glove box or cupboard.

Cindy had decided to head to Bob's declining Kim's suggestion, that Tyrissa stop by first. Impatient to go, she was off before the others had even got organised.

"She seems intent on getting to Bob's quickly, I hope she isn't sensing a problem, with her new abilities," Kim sighed, looking after the fast disappearing car.

"You think she could be psychic?" asked Erin worriedly.

"Well, she did seem rather subdued this morning, but I thought it was just nerves," Joanne put in.

Cindy was glad to be on her way, something was niggling at her thoughts. It was nothing she could put into words, so she hadn't said anything to the others. Now that she was heading East so that she could eventually turn north, towards Syracuse the feeling seemed to have eased, as if it (whatever it was) knew she was coming. Normally a careful driver, staying within the speed limits, with the hidden power of the Shelke engine, and the nonchalant way the car handled at speed, she was soon tramping along at nearly twice the speed limit.

With the car loaded with snack bars and cool drinks, she sped along, stopping only for comfort breaks. She only slowed twice on the highway, other than when going through the towns. Fitted with the anti radar devices, she avoided being caught by the two speed traps, she encountered. After two hard days of driving from dawn to dusk, fatigue was starting to set in. When fatigue finally told her body to stop, she slept in her seat in a lay-by off the road, something she hadn't planned to do. The urge to continue had to be fought off, knowing that to continue would have her fall asleep at the wheel.

Being used to the feelings of fatigue and accepting that rest was usually the only cure, she settled down for the night, knowing that whatever was driving her onwards, would have be content with the delay.

Having only had the Krin for a short while, she never realised the hidden potential in being able to swap bodies at the touch of a finger. If she had, what followed the next day might not have happened. She could have changed into a fatigue free body and continued on during the night. During the night, her sleep was interrupted with dreams of formless terror that swirled with shadows and cries of anguish. She felt herself running to some a scene of horror that despite all her efforts, she couldn't seem to reach. All she knew in the dreams unfocused clarity was that she alone was needed to prevent a terrible tragedy.

Cindy woke suddenly in the dawns chill light. The fading remnants of the dream slipping elusively away. She groaned as she tried to move, as her stiffened body, protested its uncomfortable resting position. Moving slowly, to allow time for her muscles to work out the kinks, she got out of the car and straightened up. Easing herself into a few gentle stretching exercises, she took in her surroundings. Luckily, the lay-by had a toilet for the passing motorists, which she spotted, as she felt the call of nature made its presence known. That wasn't the only thing calling her, as she made her comfort stop.

Whatever it was that was urging her on, was definitely stronger, with a more urgent tone. Within minutes, she was again speeding her way unerringly in the direction of Bob's hometown. So focused was she, on her task, she never thought to phone the others. She drove through the gathering clouds as she neared her destination, the ominous blue look to them, mirroring her own mood.

Bob was a keen amateur weatherman, and often gave out reports on the net. He used a special program that monitored storm activity and cloud density. Having a server that hosted many varied sites for the Transgendered, he liked to give warnings of any possible outages due to storm activity. Today was looking like generation another local storm surrounding Syracuse. He checked his wind speed monitor, which sat up on one of his high radio masts.

"Damn, its on the fritz again," he muttered to himself, as the gauge didn't show a reading.

Going outside, he peered up at the 60-foot mast that he used for his amateur radio. He checked the weather station with its anemometer, only to see the vanes stationary, despite the moderate breeze.

He knew what the problem was. He'd been meaning to change the top bearing in it for ages, but had kept putting it off. Now the three windless days prior had allowed the bearing to seize, as the vane had been stationary. Bob checked the clouds that he knew were headed this way. Although blue, they were some distance yet and no thunder was evident. Deciding he had time to fix the vane, he went inside for the small pocket sized can of WD40 and a screwdriver.

He started to climb up the triangular shaped mast, using the angle bracing as convenient steps. He had a strong belt that had a strap he used to fasten himself securely to the mast whenever he did any work on it. However, ascending or descending was made with out it, unless he wanted a rest half way up. It took 8 minutes to climb to the top, slightly less to climb down.

He reached the top and fastened himself to the tower, the wind making it sway beneath him. He unscrewed the vane from the shaft and lifted it clear of the shaft. The skirt of the vane covered the bearing and provided a weather seal for it, but after time, wind driven water would get in and slowly eat away at it. Bob sprayed the oil over the rusty bearing and started turning the shaft by hand to allow the oil to work its way in. Once free, he gave it another burst of oil and returned the vane to the shaft. A sudden shift in the mast, nearly made him drop the screwdriver, as a sudden squall of wind gusted by. Bob looked up at the horizon to check the weather, and blanched as the gathering clouds loomed near. Quickly fastening the vane, he started to climb down, as the first prickle of static build-up made his hair stand up.

"Get down, get down now," his mind screamed to him as the first splatter of rain wet his shirt. A flash and then an almost instant crack of thunder sounded, telling him that the lightning was very close. He unfastened his safety line and started downward. He'd descended ten feet before he heard the crackle of electricity and saw the metalwork in front of his develop Saint Elmo's fire as a blue corona enveloped him. He heard/felt a flash/bang as the lightening bolt struck the mast and boiled down its length to the ground.

Bob's last thought, as everything went black and he felt himself being blasted away from the mast in a tumble, was,' Who was that calling him?'

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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