Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."
Chapter Forty-Nine
"Hey, watch it with those pins," grumbled Peter, as he squirmed in his gown.
"If you didn't squirm like that, you wouldn't get stuck," admonished Sue, from her position next to him. "Look at me, do you see me complaining," Sue added, as her gown was adjusted to fit as well.
"I wish I hadn't volunteered for this after all," Sue's twin replied, trying to stay still.
Sue looked over at her husband, and tried not to laugh. He looked adorable as her twin, and while she was forced to remain posed for the fitting, she thought back to yesterday.
When the men were told about Sara's plan, there was rather little dissent about having to stay female. They could see the reasoning behind it, given that it seemed inevitable, that the all female wedding was going ahead. The next big hurdle was what form they were going to choose.
Just then Kevin came out as Anita and stood beside Sara. Explanations were then in order, as Anita told the other husbands that this was Kevin's preferred female form. The three husbands went into a huddle and talked quietly together. They seemed to make a decision, and came toward Sara and Anita.
"Can we become twins of our wives?" they asked, while looking over to they wives to see the reaction of their choice.
"Of course, no problem at all," smiled Sara, seeing a potential problem disappear, that of jealousy.
"With minor changes of course," the three men followed up with.
"Sure- said Sara warily, wondering what the husbands had in mind.
She got out the laptop and set it up. As all the women had been though the Shelke process, their forms were already in the database. Starting with her mother's naked form, Peter started suggesting the changes, while the other men politely left them to it. Sue came over and watched what her husband was doing, but said nothing. Peter had some good suggestions, he had Sara, idealise Sue's form, removing the small imperfections and adding muscle tone. Peter wanted the breasts firmer and more like they were when Sue was younger. Lines were removed and the inevitable sags and bags that accumulate with time.
Finally it was done, and saved and Sue spoke up.
"Don't you like me as I am," she sniffed, knowing the image was something from her past and long gone.
Peter knew he could be in trouble, but he avoided it like a pro. Sara gave him full marks for thinking on his feet.
"Of course honey, that image is exactly how I see you all the time. It's perfect, as are you, but I haven't the skills to look like that if I had your original body, I needed it to look perfect without me doing anything."
It was the perfect answer, and Sue was going to accept it, even if she knew it wasn't totally the truth. Just to be sure, she had a request of her own.
"I'll have what she's having," Sue said straight-faced, looking at her femmed husband.
The line from the movie sat in silence for a second, as it sunk in. Laughter suddenly filled the room, as nearly everyone joined in. Sara giggled, knowing the crisis was over, and called Ben over for his turn.
This time June helped with the suggestions, knowing just what her worst features were. Tom and Amanda did the same, getting an idealised form for them both. Once all was done, she took the Krin they were wearing, and reprogrammed them with their new forms.
Not long after that, Peter, Ben, and Tom were looking like their wives, in vamped up versions of the original model. Sue smiled when she remembered Peter's words once he'd changed.
"I know you wanted me to know what you went through to get gusified up, but isn't this taking it to the extreme?" He'd said, looking at himself in awe. Sue and the other wives had enjoyed dressing up their husbands and adding makeup to their walking talking, three dimensional reflections.
"These heels are killing me," moaned Peter, as the dressmaker tugged at the hem, bringing Sue back from her recollections.
Sue was wearing the same height heels, and although used to them, knew standing on one spot in them was rather tiring.
"Be thankful you're not the bride, honey. Her gown weighs four times the weight of that piece of confection you have on."
Peter tried to be cheerful for his wife's sake, one thing for sure, he'd never complain again about anything Sue did while shopping for clothes. It was a real eye opener, especially the underwear that Sue had bought for him yesterday. He had drooled when she modelled the corselet first, so sexy that he would have jumped her bones, had he a bone of his own at the time. He wasn't so happy to be squeezed into a similar outfit with all its laces tied up, but today he was glad of its support.
Sara and Kevin giggled quietly together, watching the couples get fitted for dresses. It had been a real challenge for the husbands to act like their twin. Unlike the Jennifer body, with its built in programming, the copies of their wives didn't have that luxury. They were forced to act like their wives, from memory, and a lot of coaching. The gowns that first came with the bodies were long, slinky, and tight and designed so that every movement in them would remind the husbands that they were women.
The gowns made large masculine strides impossible, as they enclosed the legs with little room to spare. To prevent too many complaints, (although some were inevitable,) the wives were gowned in identical style dresses, apart from small changes like colour and material.
The ex men learned how to walk, and sit and generally move around with a feminine look, with a lot of help from their patient, but persistent wives. The late afternoon foray into a lingerie shop, the day before, was interesting to say the least. Eleven women, (Leanne and Kim stayed behind with Maggie,) descending in a group, help disguise a few awkward moments from the three new women. Having 4 pairs of twins also confused the staff, which helped keep them too off balance to notice that some of the women were a little ungainly at times.
Today, the men were a lot more at home in their borrowed bodies, even the complaints were fewer, as they coped with changes in clothes and lingerie. The staff at the bridal shop soon got over their surprise at seeing so many pairs of twins. Their compliments to the twins being fitted soon had an unexpected effect on the disguised men. They started to preen. Sara noticed it first, and then the wives, as the men soaked up how beautiful their looked comments from the girls in the shop. It also made the men relax and take their temporary role as women more seriously as time went on.
As gowns were selected or rejected, then fitted properly, the complaints stopped, and by the time it was all done, the men seemed to be, if not totally into it, at least acting as if they were.
The wives were impressed and said so, suggesting that they eat out for lunch somewhere fancy. They all changed into the more casual clothes that they worn that morning, and left to go to a nearby restaurant that was within walking distance.
The bridal shop said the alterations would be ready to pickup around 3 PM. Sara rang Leanne to let her know that they were eating out, and for them to get their own lunch. She also filled Leanne in on how things went at the shop.
It seemed that everywhere they went; the sight of four sets of twins drew attention, not all of it being appreciated, at least from the former husbands. The restaurant was no different, although the staff was more polite about it. The group had to split up to fit the available tables; this meant that some of them had spare seats at their table. Sara, Kevin and her parents, were one of those with a spare seat, and Sara had to resort to dirty tricks to get one slightly inebriated customer coming over and attempting to hit on her mother and father.
Luckily their table was in the corner and she was able to get away with it without being seen by the rest of the patrons there. Sara grasped the man's hand, after repeated attempts to tell him to leave failed to soak in. Checking that she was unseen, she used the Krin to change into Maggie's child form. This caused the man to do the same, becoming Maggie in an instant. Letting go the girl's hand, Sara reverted back instantly to her adult form, leaving the man stuck as a little girl.
The whole process took less than three seconds and nobody was the wiser. Of course her parents saw and were amazed at the speed of it. The man realised something was wrong immediately, as well, but Sara stood up and took the child in tow and left for the ladies restroom, giving her barely a chance to protest. Once there, she sat the child in a cubicle and then reversed the changes. She left the man there telling him not to move and then hurried back to the table, leaving a very confused man in the ladies. A squeal, about 5 minutes later, coming from the ladies, told of the man's discovery in there and heralded the sudden exit of the man from the restaurant by the manager.
"You didn't leave him in there… oh my," Sue giggled, as she got a mental picture of the man's plight. "Wait a minute," she spluttered, as another thought struck her. "You said there had to be 24 hours between any cha… ah!" Sue winked at Sara, realising they'd been told a lie about the need for a delay between changes in form. The wink acknowledged the fact that she'd figured out the necessity for the deception.
Peter spoke up, showing that there was nothing wrong with his hearing or deductive reasoning either.
"You mean we didn't have to wait till the next day?" he asked, mouth agape.
"Close your mouth dear, it's unladylike," countered Sue, as she reminded Peter not to make a scene.
"No Patricia, but think of the experiences you would have missed, if you'd become boring Peter again so soon, Sara replied, using the fem name they'd come up with for the bridal shop people.
Peter/Patricia had no answer for that, as it was true that he'd enjoyed the experience to a degree. In fact, he'd enjoyed it more than he had expected he would, but thought it was his duty as a man, to bemoan his current status, lest the women think that he thought that they had the best deal. He realised in that moment, what his son had been through and why he'd chosen to hop over the fence. It made him feel that bit closer to his new daughter, and proud that Scott had turned out so well as Sara.
Peter moved his seat so that he could give Sara a hug. He whispered in her ear, "I love you, my daughter." When they pulled apart, four sets of eyes were glistening with moisture, as Sue and Anita had both heard the words Sara had wanted to hear from her dad. Sara knew then that her dad had truly accepted her and was happy for her.
"Do you want to drive the RV back home?" Sara asked her dad. "I'll take Julie and William with us in the other car, while you finish up at the bridal shop. We have some shopping of our own to do," Sara explained.
Her dad's pretty eyes gleamed brighter, as she thought of getting behind the wheel of the tricked out RV.
"Is grass green?" was the instant answer.
"Not always, especially here in the summer," sniggered Sara unhelpfully.
"Grrrr- there's nothing worse than an uppidy daughter," growled her dad with no venom in his/her words.
Sara laughed, bringing a grin to her femmed out dad's face, before he poked his tongue out in response.
"Now children, behave," Sue interjected with a giggle, swatting at her twins arm.
"Hey she started-" Patricia began, before realising the inanity of it all.
Sara tossed her dad the keys and stood up. She went over to pay the bill, while the others readied themselves to leave. After thanking Sara for lunch, the others walked back to the shop, leaving the four young ladies to plan their next move.
"That went well," offered Julie, as they moved to get into the other car.
"Yeah, I thought dad would freak, when he saw me as Mi Ling," William agreed.
"So what are we doing now? Asked Anita, looking at Sara.
"Well, we have some food shopping to take care of," Sara answered, as she drove to the nearest food mall. "There's a jeweller just down the street, you might want to look in there," Sara added with a not so subtle hint.
"Oh goody, I need some new earrings," Anita cooed, deliberately ignoring the hint.
"Oh god, I've created a monster," sighed Sara, to which she just got a giggling response.
Anita and Mi Ling did buy some earrings, but didn't hint if they'd bought anything else in there, as they rejoined the others in the mall. Julie and Sara, sagely refrained from asking, knowing that their men wanted to pretend that they hadn't looked at or bought wedding rings.
Back at the condo, and having unloaded the groceries and the extra meat required for the extra guests, everyone decided to go for a swim, including Maggie, Leanne and Kim. Sara left out the meat for the planned barbeque, knowing that the salads could be prepared once the others returned from the bridal shop. She left a note on the front door, saying where they were, and inviting the parents to join them, before getting into her swimsuit and following the others to the beach.
Kim pulled Sara aside, before she entered the water.
"I found out that your next door neighbour had a stroke a few days ago," Kim said, having to talk louder to be heard over the crashing surf.
"Oh no, how is she?" asked Sara, not really knowing what else to say. The neighbour in question lived in a lovely big condo as well, but there hadn't been any social interaction between them, so she knew little about the woman, apart from the fact that she lived alone in the huge place.
"Not good, it seems she will have to sell the condo and go live in a nursing home," Kim replied. "The thing is we have put in a bid to buy it. We think it will come in handy for later."
"Later?" questioned Sara, feeling that there was more to this offer than Kim was telling.
"There's a family that could do with your help. The mother and daughter were originally adult males, while the father was rescued from a cancer ward in Canada. What you plan for Maggie can be used for the child, as she is currently 3 years old, but still has her adult memories."
"What's the name of the family?" Sara asked, her heart going out to the un-named family.
"They have taken the new mother's surname. The father is called Rich, and the mother is Jenna Hitch and Cathleen Hitch is the daughter's name," Kim answered.
To be continued
© 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.
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