Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."
Chapter Fifty
"So do you think the bid will be accepted?" Sara asked, as she watched Maggie in the surf.
"Pretty sure," grinned Kim, knowingly.
"Ah, silly question," laughed Sara, forgetting for a moment the resources that Kim had at her beck and call. "I keep forgetting that you're not just one of us mere mortals," Sara grinned.
"I'll take that as a compliment and you are anything but just a mere mortal remember," Kim pointed out.
"I guess you're right. Race you to the water," Sara changed the subject, taking off at a run.
Unfortunately there were no judges to determine who won, not that it mattered to the racers, who were laughing too hard to worry about it. It seemed like minutes, but was really half an hour later when they were joined by the parents. The husbands were still female, although they had been told how to change back. Peter even sported a bikini like Sue was wearing, possible to remain as similar in appearance as possible. The others had opted for one piece's, which wasn't surprising, seeing their wives were also wearing them.
They swam and played till the sun was edging the horizon and people began to get hungry. Help was plentiful to finish the salads as the 'men,' looked after the meat on the barbeque.
Anita came and whispered to Sara, who slapped herself on the face in disgust at forgetting the idea that Anita had reminded her about.
Sara asked the parents for their Krin, and opened up the laptop. Putting the Krin in the program slots that came with the laptop, she gave then the modification that Anita had used when she had proposed to Sara.
Giving the modified Krin back to the parent's, she explained that it was now capable of making either partner into a shemale, but had tied the option to affect the opposite partner so that they would be fully female.
This would mean if one was a shemale and the other a female and they decided to swap roles, with the female changing to shemale, the shemale would change to female, to be receptive to the other sexually. This news brought grins all round, and flimsy excuses of tiredness, soon had the parent's upstairs, where sleeping was the last thing on their minds.
The following morning, Kevin, and William's dad were back in their original male bodies, but to Sara's surprise, Peter was still Petra, having decided to remain female as a sign of solidarity with her new daughter's decision to become a bride. Sue was happy to see the bonding going on, although she hoped her husband wasn't getting addicted to being dickless. The punny thought made her grin, as Petra certainly wasn't like that, last night. She was still feeling a little tender from the night's activities, as Petra had been hard to stop…very hard.
Sue noticed, that although the other two husbands had relinquished the tricked up form of their wives, June and Amanda had kept, as Sue herself had, the souped up version of themselves that their husbands had altered. Even though Sue knew this was not her original body, but a Shelke look alike, it felt normal- well not normal, as of a few days ago, but like she had been in her youth.
This body had no aches or pains, and she found her energy levels were much higher, as if she was just twenty years old again. Just as well, seeing the amount of sex she had just had in the last two days. Obviously June and Amanda were of the same opinion, seeing they had retained the Shelke form of their bodies.
Breakfast was a free for all, as everyone got what they wanted themselves. Sara had the coffee machine going constantly, as nearly everyone bar Maggie came for more cups of brew. Maggie didn't seem to know who to run too first, as she snatched bits and pieces from everyone's plates. A piece of fruit here, a piece of toast there, obviously, Maggie was thinking of the washers up, deciding she didn't need to dirty any plates, when there was plenty of food on the others she could filch.
Seeing this was the last day, before the parents had to go back home, Sara told them they could use either the RV to go into the city, or take two cars, after changing the RV back into the Volvo.
The decision was to take two cars, leaving the rest at home. Sara wanted to look at the neighbour's house that they had an offer on and Julie and Maggie said they would join her. Leanne would drive Kim to the airport, seeing as she was needed elsewhere. The car that Kim had arrived in was now Leanne's, seeing her old one was now deceased. Leanne was pleased to accept the Pontiac look alike, knowing that the mundane look about it was deceiving.
Kim handed Sara the paperwork, concerning the buying of the house next door. Sara gasped at the amount that had been offered for it, not realising the worth that even the condo would fetch on the current market.
Kevin and William had some plans to do something for Maggie, and were content to potter around in the garage till the girls got back, from next door.
Amelia decided to go with the other parents, into Frisco, and soon the place seemed deserted as they left to go sightseeing.
Sara thanked Kim again, knowing that she owed her an overwhelming debt. Kim shrugged off her thanks, saying that Sara and the others needn't worry, and that if they won against the Nemesis, then it would all have been worth it. At least Kim accepted the hugs Sara gave her, returning them just as ardently.
Sara and Julie went and changed before going next door. Casual tees and shorts, and no makeup, didn't seem appropriate for buying a house, especially where a lot of money was involved. Half an hour later Sara emerged in a tailored suit with a nice blouse that had a bow at the neckline. Dark hose complimented the skirt, and she happily opted for medium height heels. Impeccable makeup, accentuated her natural beauty and just a hint of perfume lingered around her presence.
Julie was dressed more casually, as she was the obligatory friend and not the potential buyer. Her summer dress was light and feminine and her makeup subtle. Maggie was happy in her usual flouncy dress, with a big bow at the back. Sara cautioned her to be on her best behaviour, to which Maggie promised she would.
The three walked out the front door and went down the road to enter the property by the main entrance. A man greeted them at the door, after they had pressed the doorbell. He ushered them in, saying he was the realtor that was selling the house on behalf of the owner.
He deferred to Sara, as he showed them around, sensing that she was the one interested in buying the place. Sara said nothing, when he mentioned that an offer was already being considered. Both Sara and Julie liked the place, with its many bedrooms and bathrooms. There was even a large spa pool set out on the deck that looked out over the ocean. A huge barbeque that could cook a small animal with ease was also an attractive option. The property, like their own, had a large back yard that ran down towards the beach with a gate in the fence that granted access to the beach.
Sara said, that she wanted to buy it, there and then, leaving the man sputtering in her wake.
"Here is my offer," Sara said haughtily, showing the man her bank check. "As you can see, it's well over the market value, which I'm prepared to pay to make it my adjoining property."
The man goggled at the generous amount offered. He knew the property wasn't worth what was being offered, and he knew that the woman selling needed the money quickly. He could also understand someone willing to pay more to gain an adjoining property.
He decided to accept the bid on behalf of his client, knowing that a long projected sales campaign would not only be less profitable, but it was unlikely that the bid would be topped, plus the client had specified a fast sale.
"Done and done madam, let's sort out the paperwork now, and you can take the title in 30 days.
"Thirty days! Sheesh I was hoping I could get the keys earlier than that," grumbled Sara, despondently.
"Well if we work out a lease agreement, you can take possession immediately," offered the agent.
"Okay, let's do that," agreed Sara impatiently, wanting the deal to be finalised as soon as it could.
"Seeing that you're offering so much for the property, we can give you the lease for no additional charge," the agent added in a conciliatory manner.
"Works for me," said a happier Sara.
While Sara signed the paperwork, that allowed her to get the keys, Julie took Maggie out to the swing set in the backyard to pass the time. Sara finally said goodbye to the agent, after being handed the keys to the house. Sara then skipped out to give Julie the good news, feeling on top of the world.
"It's ours, it's ours," she screamed, catching the others by surprise.
"You sound like you've won the lottery," laughed Julie, giving Sara a hug.
"Mommy- can I- play on- the swings- alla time?" A rosy-cheeked Maggie gasped out, as she passed Sara on each downswing.
"Yes, once we get a gate installed and there's someone to watch you," Sara promised. "You might find you have to share that swing if things work out."
"With who mommy? Are you getting me a friend to play with? Maggie asked, having jumped off the slowing swing and running to Sara, with childlike exuberance.
"Her name is Cathleen, and she is like you, except she has a three year old body."
"Me's can look after her," Maggie promised solemnly.
"I know you will tiger," grinned Sara, lifting Maggie into her arms. "Hows about we go have lunch and see what the boys have been up to?"
"Sketti?" Maggie asked hopefully.
"You and sketti," sighed Sara, thinking of something more nutritious. Sara hugged Maggie, thinking back to when she first met her. The adult Maggie must have lived mostly on spaghetti, because it was cheap to buy and took no skill to cook. Sara vowed to spoil Maggie rotten with wholesome food, home prepared. She knew of Maggie's abhorrence of Brussel sprouts, but there were ways of getting her to eat vegetables if they looked the right colour, like butter beans. Then there were soups, where all sorts of vegetables could be pureed, and disguised.
"Sara look at this," Julie called, having wandered down the backyard, after being freed from swing duty.
Sara, still holding Maggie, walked past the fruit trees that were still bearing some plums. She picked a couple, giving one to Maggie, as she followed Julie's voice. Unseen from the house, behind some trelliswork, was a small garden. There were tomato plants with ripe fruit on them ready to pick, as well as some corn. The corn, according to the brown tassels was ready to pick, and Sara knew what was on the lunch menu.
Julie had a handful of ripe tomatoes, and started picking some corn, as Sara arrived.
"Lunch?" Julie asked, holding up an ear of corn.
"You betcha," drooled Sara, as she put Maggie down and started helping Julie pick the ripe corn.
Watching Maggie chomping on the freshly cooked corn, covered with butter, made the others smile, as her face collected bits of corn, which somehow missed her mouth. Maggie was oblivious of the looks she was getting, being concerned with eating the best tasting corn, she could ever remember.
Kevin and William were happy that the property next doors was theirs now, but when asked what they had been up to, they said it was a secret that would be ready after lunch.
It turned out, that they had been altering a couple of car inner tubes that they had found in the garage. They had made a flotation ring for Maggie to sit in. They had taken the inflation stem from the inside of the tube, and glued it on the outer edge, patching where it had been originally. This left the inside smooth without any sharp bits. From the second tube, they had cut a strip of rubber that went across the first, making a sort of thin seat that went between the legs and would prevent Maggie slipping right though the centre of the tire.
Of course Maggie wanted to try it right away, but was told to have a nap after lunch to let her food go down. After many catnaps, where she'd wake and look at her stomach, asking Sara, "is it there yet?"
Finally, Maggie got the answer she was seeking, and raced off to get her bathing suit on. Sara followed, knowing she'd get no peace till Maggie was in the water. After getting some sun tan lotion on, Maggie was off into the water, dagging her new play toy behind her.
The guys watched with interest as Maggie tested it out thoroughly. They went back up to start their next job of building a gate between the properties. Sara swam with Maggie, until she was sure that she could handle it, before going back to sunbath on the beach. Julie, who had already been sunbathing, went into the sea to look after Maggie.
The parent's came back around 3pm, but stayed in the condo while the women sorted out a surprise dinner for their sons and daughters. Once they were done, they trickled down the beach to swim or sunbathe, as if they had just arrived.
After recounting their day's activities, the parent's relaxed to enjoy what was left of the day on the beach. Around 5pm, Sara started to get up, saying she was going to make some dinner. Sue persuaded her to stay, saying they could order take out. Kevin and William, who knew what was going on, had been keeping an eye on dinner, as they worked on the gate.
When eventually they all started feeling hungry, they got up to head back. Sara smelt the aroma even before they got inside, recognising it as one of her mom's best recipes.
"Take out huh?" she accused her mom, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
Sue laughed.
"I thought we could do something nice for you for once," she grinned.
"Okay, I'll forgive you this time, as long as you give me the recipe," Sara replied, licking her lips.
"Done, I suppose you'll want the rest of my recipes, seeing you're going to be a mom?" Sue asked her.
"Yes," was Sara's affirmative reply.
The meal, for all its simplicity, was delicious, and although some might scoff and say it was just a stew with dumplings, the combination of vegetables and meat, made it stand out among its peers. Proof of its perfection was shown by the empty plates at the end of the meal. Even Maggie, had eaten every delicious morsel, apart from the inevitable stains around her mouth.
That evening, William presented Peter and Sue with one of the spare laptops, as they were the most computer literate of the parent's.
"This is so you can talk to us anytime you want," William explained, showing them how it worked. "If my parents or Kevin's parents want to use it, they are living near enough to drop over to your place to contact either Kevin or myself," William informed Sara's parents.
That night, the parents decided to get to bed earlier, as their coach trip home left early the next morning. They said, not to worry about driving them to the departure point, as they'd call a couple of cabs instead.
Sara was heading to bed herself, when her cell phone rang. It was Kim; apparently, she had urgent news from Bob Arnold. Sara listened with growing fear starting to clutch at her stomach. Kevin noticed her ashen expression as he passed her, heading for the bathroom. He stopped, and waited till the call ended, before asking her what was up. Sara shook her head, trying not to vomit from the fear that was clenching her insides in a knot.
Kevin grew worried, sensing her palpable fear, as she struggled to centre herself enough to speak.
"That was Kim- apparently Bob Arnold rigged up a device that can move a nexus into space to an incredible distance."
"Wow! That's impressive, so what's got you all worked up?" Kevin asked.
"He thinks, he's found the Nemesis, or rather they found him. They are headed this way."
To be continued.
© 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.
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