Carversion -35-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Thirty-Five

Carolyn screamed, seeing her husband being brutally kicked by the angry police officer. She struggled up the bank and tried to cover Tyrone's cross-dressed body to prevent any more injuries. She caught a few blows meant for Tyrone, until the officer dragged her off and told her to stay out of it.

The second officer had had enough. He grabbed his partner and dragged him away from Tyrone.

"You'll kill him man, let's get out of here," he urged. Pulling people up on false charges of unsafe vehicles was one thing, but this attack on the tranny went beyond the pale. He wasn't an innocent party himself, having contributed to the fracas by rudely shoving the woman aside thereby causing her to fall, but he was no murderer and wasn't to be a party to whatever plans his partner had hatched up.

"Get off me, you're in this, whether you like it or not," retorted the first officer, shaking free of his soon to be ex partner.

Looking sadly at Carolyn, trying not to envision her fate at the hands of his out of control partner, he backed away and got into the cruiser. While the officer was distracted, having gone back to Tyrone, the second officer started the cruiser and pealed back on to the highway where he soon became a speck on the deserted road.

The first officer cursed, kicking Tyrone once more as he vented his frustration at the cowardice of his partner. He rolled Tyrone over, handcuffing him, before dragging him back to the RV, where he slung the unconscious body in the rear. Then he grabbed Carolyn, who had followed him uncertain of what to do, but unwilling to leave Tyrone's side. Being in a desolate part of the country, she knew it was useless trying to run away, besides the rouge cop could just shoot her before she'd get anywhere.

The officer tied Carolyn up with a cord from a hair dryer, as the RV was still in Salon mode. He climbed in the front, intending to drive somewhere off the beaten track to dump the two passengers. He was duly impressed with all the gismo's and knobs as he drove along. He thought he could get a good bit of cash for it, from one of the dodgy chop shops he knew of. That would be better than dumping it near town as he first planned. He drove off onto one of the many seldom used tracks into the desert, travelling over fifty miles in a convoluted route that would baffle anyone to follow.

Finally, he found an abandoned rusting hulk of a truck that had seen it's last days years ago. He pulled Carolyn out and handcuffed her to the truck, while he went back to get Tyrone, who was stirring. He planned to handcuff the pair together and leave them there to die.

He pulled Tyrone over to Carolyn and was snapping the handcuffs on Tyrone, when he woke. Tyrone found himself with one hand handcuffed to Carolyn with their linked hands going around the chassis member and unable to escape. Seeing the officer about to leave, Tyrone grabbed him with his free hand, holding on for dear life.

"Don't leave us here to die. What did we do to you?" begged Tyrone.

"You disgust me, you don't deserve to live." Replied the officer, trying to get his hand free, from Tyrone's desperate grip.

Remembering something, Sara had mentioned discovering when first experimenting with the Krin, Tyrone tried to plead again, hoping his idea would work if Carolyn picked up on his words.

"But to kill me, just for setting there with my Krin, trying to change my life around," stated Tyrone, trying to maintain his grip on the officer.

"Let go of me you pervert," demanded the officer, using his other hand to pry Tyrone's fingers away.

Carolyn heard Tyrone mention the Krin and the word setting instead of sitting and knew what to do. Using her free hand, she touched Tyrone's bracelet and changed the setting. Instantly, everything changed. Tyrone morphed into Tyrissa, her now more slender wrists, and smaller hand sliding easily through the handcuff. She gasped, seeing the hand of the officer, slim as well. Where once stood a 6-foot male officer, now stood a twin of Tyrissa.

"What the fu.k!" exclaimed the changed officer, as s/he looked down at her new acquisitions. Hearing herself speak, and seeing the dress s/he was weaning being filled with twin globes of her breasts, proved too much of a strain on the officers brain. She collapsed into the sand in a faint. Tyrissa was quick to capitalise on the situation and managed to tie the unconscious woman with the same hair dryer cord that had been used on Carolyn.

Carolyn couldn't get out of the cuff on her hand and the key was elsewhere now, along with the officer's former body. Tyrissa changed back into Tyrone so he could use his superior strength to get the former officer into the back of the RV. Meanwhile, Carolyn had grabbed the cell phone and had called Sara.

Sara answered the phones insistent call, seeing from the ID function, that the call was from Tyrone, she went back into the rear of the RV, where she could listen without distraction. Hearing Carolyn's distraught voice, on the other end, made Sara's heart miss a beat. As Carolyn gasped out the situation, Sara called Kim to the phone. Kim took the phone, seeing Sara's worried expression.

Kim and Carolyn talked, with Sara hovering near as she listened to Kim's side of the conversation. Kim then gave the phone back, as she went to the laptop and started typing furiously.

"How is Tyrone?" asked Sara, once she had the phone in her hand.

"He's ok now, once he swapped back to himself after being Tyrissa, his body was free of injuries, but I'm concerned over what he wants to do to his attacker. I think he wants to do something drastic for the treatment I got, more than for the beating he received." Carolyn answered.

"Don't worry, Tyrone might be angry, but he's not a killer, he won't stoop to that officers level, just calm him down, and try and think of a suitable punishment for that guy." Sara reassured her.

"Look I'll get back to you, Kim's loading some stuff for Tyrone on our laptop. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, keep in touch, I want to know everything," Sara said, as she said goodbye to Carolyn.

The handcuff on Carolyn’s wrist was removed by ingeniously changing Carolyn’s form, using the Krin, and then returning her back to her new default body form. Carolyn then went to change out of the outfit that came with the fresh body, donning a more comfortable set of clothes, before returning to see what Tyrone was doing.

Tyrone was at the computer, reprogramming his Krin for advanced options. Once it had finished, he went over to the officer, who had regained consciousness. Tyrone stood over the now changed man, as he struggled to understand how he'd become female. Tyrone clenched his fists, thinking of the callous disregard for life, the man had shown them. Carolyn came up behind him and put her arms around Tyrone, hugging him gently.

Tyrone relaxed, trying to put the anger aside, as he looked at his wife. Ignoring the man's calls for an explanation, he turned and led his wife outside.

"What are you going to do honey?" asked Carolyn, as they got outside.

"Well against my first instinct, I'm not going to dispose of that piece of trash. I think I'll let his own hatred of crossdressers, be his own punishment." He answered with a faint grin.

"Are you going to leave him as a female?" Asked Carolyn, curiously.

"No, that would be too good for him," replied Tyrone. "He's going to experience life as his worst dream."

Tyrone then left Carolyn outside while he worked the idea he had on the officer.

Driving back on the road, Carolyn, talking to Sara on the phone, filled her in on the situation, as they resumed their journey.

"He what!" exclaimed Sara in amazement, grinning at the thought of the man's punishment.

"Yes, I thought it was a great idea too," laughed Carolyn, as she recalled the sight of the officer in his final form.

Somewhere behind them, a lone figure struggled to walk in the heels, provided by Tyrone. The officer, looking nothing like his former self struggled to walk, cursing his tight red dress as he trudged along the road. He dare not take the shoes off, as they were the only protection against the gravel and the heat radiating up off the road. Same for the dress, it was some protection against the sun and concealed the male remnant between his legs just as it revealed the ample cleavage of his new breasts. He had to hope he could pull off the act of looking like a woman, well enough so that he could get a lift back to the city.

Now that he had time to think about things, he realised he was lucky. Abandoning people to die, that had the power to do what they had done, changing him first into a female and then into a shemale, was the stupidest thing he'd ever done. He wondered why they hadn't just used his weapon and killed him outright. A tiny voice in his head, called out. "Because they aren't murderers, you idiot." Thinking about it as he slowly got the hang of taking shorter steps, he went over the guys warning, again, feeling any hope of returning to a male sink away.

Tyrone had told him, that his new breasts were all his, no implants. No surgery would be effective, as his form was fixed for 5 years and even if he had the money to have the breasts removed, they would grow back in a week. The long blonde tresses he felt swishing around his neck, would grow back overnight, should he shave it off, as an added incentive to leave the hair alone, it would grow longer each time till it reached his waist, if he messed with it. Tyrone had also said, that someone would be in contact with him after the 5 years were up, to help him decide his future.

Checking his new ID that had been supplied with his new handbag, he winced and cursed softly in his new alto voice, as he read his new name. Candy Cumming walked into her new future as a stripper, finally managing to thumb a lift from of all people, his ex partner, returning home off duty.

Sara was worried about the former officer informing the authorities of his change in status, but Carolyn assured her that Tyrone's warnings against doing just that would ensure his silence.

"Tyrone had Kim make sure the new body would perform as promised, and have a tracking device embedded in the brain, plus a trigger to prevent him mentioning his old name." Carolyn explained in detail. "Instead of his name, he can only say the word "horny."

"Oh boy, I'd love to be there if he did that," laughed Sara, picturing a feminine clad shemale, telling the world that she wasn't Candy, she was horny.

"Me too," agreed Carolyn.

After hanging up the phone, Carolyn, went and gave Tyrone a hug from behind, as he drove further east on their mission, one which had taken on more urgency. According to the buzz in the chat room that Tyrone frequented, Cathy was no longer online due to her losing her job and the inability to pay the phone Bill. All her meagre reserves of cash where directed in providing food. Tyrone was going to email her to set up a meeting. Luckily, a young woman who wrote TG fiction stories, and was a regular visitor to the chat room, had saved Cathy's life from literally half a world away in New Zealand. She had met Cathy online, on a night that Cathy had decided to end it all. Only the fact that she had come online to take one last look, before taking the pills lined up in front of her, saved her life. She met Prue, who with the help of another in the chat room changed her mind. The emotional bond made that day, led to the friendship that followed. After a few rocky setbacks, Cathy turned to writing and this gave her a reason to live. Prue had been entrusted with Cathy's real name and once Tyrone had pleaded for assistance in locating Cathy and the reason, she agreed to reveal it to Tyrone.

Kim found Cathy's current address using the information, and Tyrone headed for Cathy's home at a high rate of knots.

Sara and Kevin had dropped off Kim at the next town as promised, and were enjoying a quiet moment alone where they'd stopped for a break. Maggie was asleep, having run herself ragged, chasing seagulls along the near deserted beach that they had found.

Sitting on a blanket on the grass near the parked RV, they kissed and cuddled, trying to recapture the mood that had been disrupted with everything that had being thrust upon them.

"What were you talking to Kim about?" asked Kevin, as he trailed a straw he'd found, down over Sara's exposed stomach.

"Oh this and that," she replied dismissively, as she wriggled, trying to avoid the tickling straw.

"Sounds serious," opined Kevin, knowing she was being evasive.

"It was just about the wedding," she capitulated, giggling as the straw found another ticklish spot.

"Ah!" replied Kevin, wondering what was planned and whether he even wanted to know.

"It's our parent's, I want them there at the wedding, but mine need to know who I am now. Your parent's are fine. Their son will be marrying Sara Conner, not his best bud... Scott Evan's. Either I have my parents and yours brainwashed, so that they accept me as having always been a girl, even though the last names are different, or change them physically into Mr and Mrs Conner." She explained.

"There might be another option," grinned Kevin, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh?" asked Sara curiously.

"Well you were considering having two brides at this wedding, are you still up for that?"

"Sure, I feel being a bride is so much more of an experience than being a groom. After all a tux is a tux is a tux. You get dressed and that's basically it, but being a bride, there's the whole thing of finding just the right dress and the fitting, then there's the whole pampering bit, getting your hair done, and makeup to make you feel a million bucks. And the gown... all that gorgeous sensuous material floating round you..."

"Okay, okay, I get the picture," laughed Kevin, seeing the far away look in Sara's eye as she imagined herself in her gown.

"How about just telling your parents about who you are now, unless you never want to see them again, you will have to tell them eventually." Kevin suggested, putting forward, a good point.

"True, I can't just turn up and ask them to baby-sit my baby," she grinned.

"I'll do it if you do, after all, telling my dad, I want to be a bride at my wedding to my wife will be just as bad as you telling your parents of your sex change, at least, given your new sex, being a bride would seem normal."

Sara laughed "Maybe we could make a ladies only wedding. And have our fathers try the other side as well."

"True, then they can't complain about us both wearing dresses while wearing one themselves," chuckled Kevin, thinking of their father's reactions.

"At least, William won't be involving his father, seeing he as much as said good riddance, and Julie only has her mother to worry about, seeing she lost her dad last year." Sara sighed. "I suspected that Julies mom will handle it better than ours. I think Julie was dressing up before she became a girl," Sara added.

"More of your feminine intuition?" Kevin asked. "You think her mom knows...about Julie? Questioned Kevin.

"Well, not about Julie, but maybe that her son had a feminine side. At least William won't have to deal with that drunkard of a father. I'm sure some of those accidents he had were caused by his father's rages."

"You think we should invite Julie's mom to the wedding?" Kevin proposed, hoping this would be a good idea.

"Sure, that's an excellent idea, but we keep it a surprise, oh, and don't mention we suspect about Julie's secret okay? We don't want to embarrass her more than we have to," Sara finished.

"You got it," Kevin affirmed, hugging Sara tight.

They made a move to leave, feeling sad that they'd be home tomorrow and the excitement of their travels would be over for now.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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