False Positive
“Aaron McMaster, come to the principal’s office.”
The whole class went “ohh, you’re in trouble ...”
If you wanted to describe Aaron in one word, that word would be “typical”.
He was around average height, around average weight, he was neither super popular nor an outcast, neither a brain nor a jock - he was one the the kids who live in the middle and for the most part remain invisible and unknown.
But that was about to change .....
Walking into the principal’s office, he found not only the principal herself, but the school’s councillor, and both women had worried looks on their faces as he came in.
“What’s going on?”
“Aaron, .... please sit down.” The principal said.
“What did I do?”
“You’re not in trouble its just ... Maybe our school counselor Mrs. Carter can explain.”
Mrs Carter cleared her throat, and said, “Aaron, do you remember taking a gender test in the psychology part of your social studies class?”
“Sure. I remember joking what would happen if you flunked it. Wait a minute ... I couldn’t actually flunk that kind of test, could I ?”
“There was no pass or fail, Aaron. But your results were ..... unusual. According to the test, your thinking is much more feminine than masculine.”
Aaron looked at her in shock. “You’re saying I think like a girl? That’s not possible.”
“That does seem to be the result, yes. The test is very clear. Now we have to decide what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you see, thanks to the policies protecting students who are transgender, its our duty to ... encourage your transition to female.”
“You mean, be a girl? I dont want to be a girl!”
“I understand its scary. But we’ll protect you from any problems from the students, and we’ll get your family on board too.”
“You’re ... gonna tell my mom? Oh geeze ...”
‘I’m sorry, we have no choice in that. “ the principal said.
“Dont worry. Its gonna be okay.” Mrs Carter said, and gave the child a hug.
Aaron’s mother was called, and soon he was being taken home, and by this point he was crying openly. He felt like things were acting like a rollercoaster, and there was no way for him to get off. The principal had even made an announcement about trans students and the penalties for discrimination, which led to the story of his results being spread across the school, making his humiliation complete.
Once home, he tried to talk sense into his mother.
“Mom, I am not a girl. I’d know, wouldn’t I?”
“Well, to be honest, Aaron, you were .... not very butch, as a little kid. You even wore my make up and heels when you were small, and when I caught you, you just said you wanted to be as pretty as me. “
“I did? I dont remember that at all!”
“But it did happen, Aaron. Now, we got this test result, and well, the school is going to help you, and so will I.”
“Help me do what?”
“Be a girl, of course.”
“But, I dont want to be a girl. I wont be a girl!”
“You’re going to have no choice, I’m sorry.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“The school is obligated to follow the results of the test. From this point on, they will treat you as a girl.”
“But the test is wrong! Cant we fix this? I cant be a girl!”
“You’re going to have to be.”
“Doesnt what I want enter into this?”
His mother sighed, and said, “It should, but they will argue that its just shame and fear that’s holding you back. That what you need is a good nudge, and then you’ll be happy as a girl.”
“What am I gonna do, mom? Cant I take the test again, show it was a mistake?”
“Not till next year, that’s the rules, I’m afraid.”
“A year. I gotta be a girl for a year?”
“It looks that way. But look at it this way. Let’s suppose that the test is wrong, somehow, and you really aren’t a girl. You are stuck being treated as one at school for the next year, no matter what, so your attitude is going to be very important. You can make yourself miserable, and make everyone around you miserable, but they probably wont change their minds until you get a new test result. Or you can view the next year as an adventure, a chance to learn some things about girls that most guys may never know. So, the question is, which is it going to be?”
So the next day, Aaron went to school in a girl’s top and pants.
The reaction of his classmates was mixed, with some being okay with it, others not as much, but thanks to the policies the principal had put out, for the most part, Aaron was left alone. Some of his old friends left, but he gained some new ones, so overall he was about as popular as he had ever been, and he hoped that the worst was behind him.
Unfortunately, the school counselor had other ideas.
Mrs. Carter tried to get him to dress more girly, but he flatly refused, saying he was dressed exactly like most of the other girls in the school, and coming to school in heels and skirts would only increase the negative attention he received.
But one thing Mrs. Carter insisted on was that he pick a female name to be known as, and after talking with his mother, decided this wasn’t a hill he would die on, and so reluctantly agreed to be called Miriam during school hours.
As the year went on, it was clear that Mrs. Carter had definite ideas as to how a trans girl should behave, and Aaron refused to fit into the mold. Besides attempts to fem his wardrobe, the counselor tried to get him interested in Home Economics, but Aaron said Shop was just as good for a girl as a guy. She also tried to get him to wear makeup, but beyond lip balm that almost looked like gloss, he remained makeup-free.
So time wore on, and Aaron’s transition became “old news”, and he more or less went back to being nearly invisible.
Even the issue of bathrooms got settled fairly quickly, as the girl’s washrooms had stalls, he could go in, do what he needed to , and get out quickly. Fortunately, he didnt have to worry about Gym this year, as they decided to give him a study period to avoid any problems with changing in the girl’s locker room.
He even got a small group of girls who would come to him for advice on boys, as they figured that his time as one might give insights they could use.
Boys were a different story, and despite Mrs. Carter trying to get him to think of boys as dating prospects, Aaron firmly held to the concept that he would not be the first lesbian in history, and therefore he felt no obligation to date boys just to meet some hetrosexual standard of behavior.
He was unintentionally assisted in this by the boys themselves, who mostly gave him a wide berth, making sure that even if he had any interest in dating, his prospects will virtually nil.
Finally, a year had past, and he was allowed to sit down and take the gender test again.
As he sat there waiting for the test, he considered his year as a girl, and overall, it had been much less horrible than he had feared.
But he would be happy to go back to being a boy, assuming he managed to get the right result this time ....
Aaron would never know that his first test result had been because another boy had switched tests with him, being afraid of having his feminine nature being found out., and that watching Aaron naviage an unwanted change of gender with grace would give that boy the courage to take the test again, and let his inner girl shine through.
But even not knowing that he had acted as an inspiration in this way, he gained not only a deeper insight into girls, but a great compassion for the truly transgendered, so when there was another cross-gender student the following year he made sure to be as much of a help as he could be, and after he graduated he decided to go into psychology so he could one day help those who suffered with such conditions.
And as he would often remind his patients, it all started with having the right attitude ....
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nice so
How did Miriam do in collage?
I'm sure AARON did fine
since HE is a boy, and that's HIS name ....
Miriam went to prom in a dress and then college? Was she on hormones?
Sorry I just need some information.
no dress, no hormones, no Miram
He is a boy!
Stop pulling Dorothy's skirt!
tels, are you trying to be difficult? :>
Pulling Dot's Skirt...
siblings like to tease each other. :)
Serious Comments?
I have trouble figuring out whether this tels person is joking or being serious. The problem is that I've encountered all too many persons who simply can't read straight. The story was unambiguous that Aaron ended as a boy, yet despite being corrected, tels persists in assuming (or pretending to assume) that Aaron finished as a girl.
-- Daphne Xu
Tels is joking, Daphne
she likes to tease me (anybody who has witnessed our banter in the BC chat room can tell you this)
Okay, thanks. (It's a relief
Okay, thanks. (It's a relief.)
-- Daphne Xu
The truly frightening thing
The truly frightening thing is, I can see certain elements of the population trying to force this sort of thing through.
it would help the truly transgender
but a false positive would be hell ...
A little more...
This felt far too close to reality for comfort. I kept waiting for it to drift a little further into satire, but not doing that kept this story good. The amount of coercion applied to Aaron was astonishing, and painful. The ending was painful to some extent, Aaron's acceptance and the good outcome of what really was tyranny is something that can happen, even if we don't like the means. Hard to deal with, but a good story.
I enjoyed this, in case that's not clear. I wouldn't be questioning the philosophies otherwise...
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
I'm glad you liked it, Titania
I wanted to give the impression that they had such blind faith in the tests they couldnt even conceive of a problem, and that therefore his reluctance could only be lack of confidence or fear. There was no "bad guy" in the sense that no one wanted to hurt him, in fact they were convinced they were helping him.
So if you think about it, things could have been a lot worse for him - what if they refused to let him take the test again, or put him on testosterone blockers or even estrogen? The mind boggles.....
Thanks for commenting.
Well ,a darn good one there Dorothy,I was surprised by the thought that a school could do that ,but was pleased with the outcome in all.... That being said, Jaci ,Stop yanking on her tail.... Do I have to ground you two again? I will if so
thanks, Papa
I'm a good girl, promise. ....
“Doesn't what I want enter into this?â€
Not when you live in a dictatorship.
We have no trouble understanding this when the Bad Guys force the Good Guys to do things they don't want to do. (This is obviously wrong.)
However, when the Good Guys use force on the Bad Guys, all of a sudden we can't see straight. It really is the same thing, but we don't recognize it.
Using force on others is a Bad Thing. There are exceptions, but the list is VERY SHORT. You can memorize it, and it almost never changes.
PS - great story. I'm looking forward to more if you are so inclined.
using force can go wrong, even when its the good guys
I think the story works well with the staff having no malevolent motives, you can see how trying to use force can go sideways ....
Thanks for commenting Tarzana
watching you. Seemed to be channeling George Orwell. Scary, yet good to see he was able to to avoid the wishes of the counselor.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
he played it smart
by using the other girls as his example, he kept the conversation on her level. If he had simply tried to insist he was a boy, they might have taken more extreme measures ...
Thanks for commenting Desiree.
The downside of tolerance....
Interesting idea, this "not-too-distant-future" scenario of yours. I never thought about it, but school policies could indeed go from tolerance of transgender behavior to the dogmatic attitude portrayed in this story. Especially here in the U.S., with our school system's blind faith in test results.
You know, this made me think of one of my college classes. We were discussing how men and women thought and interacted (it was a communications course) and my professor administered a test to determine whether each student thought like a man or like a woman. (Very similar to the COGIATI, come to think of it). As I recall, my results were just barely on the feminine side, almost dead center. If my university had the same policy as Aaron's school, how would they handle those who straddled the line between genders?
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

On odd days you are a girl,
On odd days you are a girl, on even days you are a boy.
that could be fun
if you could keep from going crazy from switching back and forth ...
Thanks, Valentine.
being dead center
if they wanted, they could use Jaci's "100% Mirly mirl" t-shirt for those folks ...
Hugs, and thanks, Rachel.
A bit scary in it's way. There is fine line in politically correct I hope we don't cross. I don't think it is likely but I could see it as possible. Glad Aaron could get back on his own track. Rules rules too many rules and not enough sense. Dam, Next thing you know they will be outlawing coffee! :p I just finished re-watching "Demoltionman" on cable.
Gee, I wonder, "What would they do with some test high in both male and female traits?", which seems to be the results I get from such tests.
Good Story, Though I was a bit worried by the possible outcome at first.
it could have gone worse, yes
you can easily imagine the nightmare scenario, cant you?
Thanks for commenting, Hypatia
In the middle? High on both ends?
There is no need to be limited by the bipolar concept of gender. Transition to hermaphrodite!
just more proof
To let kids find out if they are truly transgendered/transsexual on their own. They don't need someone else telling them or pushing them along mew.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
"But we're only trying to help"
"And with our automated transition program, nothing can go wrong... go wrong ... go wrong ... "
Yeah, I think I'd rather the kids figure it out on their own.
thats a differant kind of twist
great story with an odd twist at the end. I do wish my school had that policy as I've tested female minded many times.
I am always amazed at the power of words when they come flowing out of the heart; even in small numbers.
I've tested female too
But if I had been pushed into a transition before I was ready, it might not have gone well ....
Thanks for commenting Jenny
Bureaucray like that makes me want to impale people, or should I say impale mindless zombies... Good ending, but yet another case of the end not justifying the means. I'm just glad that he was able to at least partly resist what they were doing to him.
Impaling zombies is fun!
but not as much fun as being impaled by a big, strapping ...
Hugs, Extravagance.
You mean
being impaled by a big strap-on, driven by a well muscled amazon? = )
I wouldn't call that "fun", that is pure heaven. ^_^ Or Valhalla in my case.
What a nice story...
That is a nice story.... 5 stars out of 5...
TGSine --958
wow, thanks!
high praise indeed!
Interesting story, I don't
Interesting story, I don't think that I would like to live in that world. Seems to me to be too gender rigid.
Kind of reminds me of an old story I read years ago on Transformation Story Archive, called Career Day.
That story was kind of Twilight Zone to me, yours is much gentler.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading it, Dorothy. Thanks for a good story.
that story was harsher than mine, yes
I am kinda growing beyond "forced fem" except to get the idea how horrible it is across....
Thanks for commenting, Kristy.
"Career Day"
When a blog mentioned this story ("False Positive"), I wondered if it was the story I read long ago of the boy who got forcibly TGed based on a psychological or career assessment. The one thing I remembered at the end was a programmer speculating about an integer variable, and deciding to change it to a long integer just to be on the safe side. No, it turns out that it wasn't. "Career Day" was that story.
Thanks for leading me to it. The ending sentence was, "But he changed the variable to a long integer, just in case." The implication was that John in the story was a victim of a program bug. It seems to me that the claimed hundreds of thousands of children used to test the Test would have smoked out the bug if the integer really did wrap around to a negative value. But also, that story was infested with medical malpractice and outright fraud. (Something that should be prosecuted as aggravated assault and conspiracy to commit aggravated assault in addition to any other crimes. There was also conspiracy to commit murder.)
"False Positive", as the commenter said, was considerably more gentle.
-- Daphne Xu
Sorry for the double Post - Please Delete-
Double Post - Please Delete
Is It That Simple?
You can make yourself and everyone miserable, "Or you can view the next year as an adventure, a chance to learn some things about girls that most guys may never know." Is it really that simple? If someone is being tormented, one can simply turn off the torment, and go along with the tormenters? If someone radically changes your life, just view it as an adventure and make the best of it?
Okay, someone who is sufficiently adult, sufficiently mature, and sufficiently creative, may be able to do that. The ideal thing, I think, would be to somehow go along with it but find some way to either embarrass or hurt the tormenter. Or at least turn the tables on the tormenter. At least in this case, Aaron would be able to offer minor resistance to Mrs. Carter, usually when she demanded that "Miriam" as a trans-girl go well beyond what ordinary girls did.
I suspect that the story could have been written with Mrs. Carter playing dumb about his objections, pretending not to comprehend. So "Miriam" would be required to wear a dress all the time, even when ordinary girls didn't -- perhaps even a minidress, even a dress-code violation. (I'm reminded of a particular commenter to this story.)
I might mention that one of the more humiliating things for a young boy is for a parent to learn that he's being treated like a girl, or is going to be a girl, or that he thinks and acts like a girl.
I think that some encounters should have been shown rather than described, and other encounters introduced into the story, if no other reason than to give a sense of how long a year is and what he goes through in the process. (Admittedly, take it too much and the story gets bloated. Speaking from my own writing experience.)
-- Daphne Xu
torment? humiliating?
I guess it would be if you were insecure about your masculinity in the first place, it might be. Or if you viewed being a girl is being a step down from being a boy, a demotion, if you will, I guess you would regard it that way.
Yet I don't think that's a universal view. There have been a number of movies where a male pretends to be a woman for a period, and on returning to his male state, he is a better man for the experience. "Tootsie" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" are two examples I thought of right away.
So I don't think it's unreasonable for Aaron to think "I'll take this as an adventure, and learn all I can from it." And he isnt stuck permanently, which would make a serious difference in his attitude, to say the least.
But thanks for the thoughtful comment, and huggles!
The Maturity of the Boy
I tried to convey my sense of things for a boy being called a girl, in "John's Living Nightmare". But he was in fourth grade at the time. Starting out realistic, with a bully tormenting him and other kids joining in the fun -- to the point where some other kids actually believe John is the girl Alice. Of course, the story being TG, I decided to go Twilight-Zoney and have his teacher and his parents join in. And then the Psychiatrist...
Perhaps it became everyone's mission in life to drive John crazy.
-- Daphne Xu
Secure in his masculinity?
Ok... I have a problem with this comment.
"There have been a number of movies where a male pretends to be a woman for a period, and on returning to his male state, he is a better man for the experience. "
In both examples the man in question does it of their own free will, thus the examples are a fallacy. I also have issues with the idea that a man can somehow be improved by being forced to essentially become TG... that the act of having to pretend to be a gender you aren't is somehow character building. Why not just tell that to every TG out in the world?
"So Susan, you think you're actually a boy? Well, you can just live like a girl for the next year! It'll make a better man of you if we let you do that next year... maybe. You'll better appreciate women's problems!"
See what I mean? The entire idea that men can somehow be made to be "better men" by being forced to live as girls for any length of time is the same sort of BS that has ever been used to excuse forcing TGs to live as their incorrect gender. Women are no more inherently better than MEN than men are inherently better than women... but your statement would seem to imply that a man would be made to be better by being forced to be a girl... which implies there's something wrong with just being themselves. Just what is a man supposed to learn by being forced to live as a girl for a year other than people thinking that being a man is somehow lesser than being a woman... and that just being yourself is never good enough?
Switch it around. Let's say that Miriam, a normal girl, is forced to live as a boy for a year for the same reasons. Is it just as "good for her" to be made to adopt men's habits, modes of dress, etc.? Should she be forced to wear a tux to Prom, just so she sees how guys have to live? Now let's make Miriam a Trans-boy... and she is forced to live as a girl for a year. Is it in any way better for him for that year to be forced to live as a girl?
Nothing good ever comes from forcing anyone to do anything against their nature. It's no "adventure" to be forced to become TG, which is essentially what Aaron was forced to do by both his parents and school in this story. Trying to say that it made him a better person for it is no different than those who would tell you or I that we would be better if we just looked at living as men as an adventure... an opportunity to learn and that maybe we might learn to like it. Why is it that we can say that a man is only secure in their masculinity if they're willing to act femininely, but a woman doesn't have to do anything to prove herself feminine, even if she refuses to ever wear a skirt?
It also doesn't matter that it eventually ended and Aaron was allowed to go back to being a boy. Abuse ends after you arrest the abusing parents, but that doesn't make the time their child was abused any less painful. That time is forever stolen from them. Nothing anyone does will ever give it back. What opportunities did Aaron miss out on in that year that he'll never get another chance at? Was this his Junior year? Did he have to forego going to his Junior Prom unless he went in a formal gown? Is the school going to somehow give that experience back to him? See what I mean?
Your story was great at demonstrating the danger of Forced Fem situations, but then you tried to justify it as worthwhile in the end. Sorry, but nope. It's still bad... it's always destructive... and nothing good ever comes of anyone being forced to live anyway other than as true to themselves. PERIOD.
I understand what you're saying
but what makes this situation slightly different is that it is temporary. I really didn't want to write a story where he was utterly broken and ruined by the experience, as I've done that in other stories, so I needed him to handle it. and maybe he had a feminine side and that helped?
I addressed that aspect
It wouldn't matter if it was only a month. A parent only beating their child once is still bad, even though it's only temporary.
What I find more disturbing is the idea that one of us can look at his situation and find anything worthwhile in it. Should I have just looked at having to pretend to be a boy growing up as an adventure? I mean, it eventually ended... in my mid 30s. Does that make it any less painful a thing to have had to endure?
It also doesn't matter that he might have had a "feminine side". He didn't or else the message of the story is that forcing people to pretend to be someone they aren't is somehow acceptable because maybe it's for their own good. Again, it doesn't matter how temporary that is. Doing it at all is bad... just the same as making a M2F TG live as a boy for a year would be equally bad. There's no upside to it.
Now, it's your story. You can tell us as readers that Aaron was actually slightly TG and found the experience to be enjoyable, but then one has to wonder what the point of the story was. That this sort of fascist reaction is not only acceptable but helpful and positive? That maybe we should make all boys have to endure that sort of thing... for their own good, of course... because it'll make better men out of them, right? Because maybe they might enjoy it?
I have two boys. I permitted both of them to freely explore any feminine feelings they might have, but both grew up into wonderful young men. The idea that they might somehow have been improved by being forced to live as girls for a year sickens me... as it should any one of us that was forced to do the same thing... forced to live as boys when we are in fact girls. I just don't see the difference.
Perhaps if Aaron had endured it until it was over, then sued to have his school shut down for forced feminization and had his mother arrested for abuse... but trying to paint a happy rainbow on any sort of FF story like this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Sorry.
Terrifyingly true
Made me shiver. I'm sure that commies like that bitch - or her male equivalent - would be forcing children to "transition" regardless of what the kids think. In RL I'd expect the mother to put up a fight but nevermind, the idea behind the story is what matters.
And IMO you described a rather mild case - such a "mistake" ending with a suicide is just as probable.
a mild case, all right
it could have been darker, but I wanted it to show some hope
Thanks for commenting.