How we met

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How We Met

When I heard my favorite magazine was having a contest which involved writing an essay on how you met the love of your life, I couldn’t resist it, if only because we arent a typical couple.

My submission went like this:

The first time I saw the love of my life was at the YMCA. She was just relaxing in the water, sometimes moving but mostly taking it very easy.

Then came the moment that made me want to get to know this lady better. A kid came by, and accidentally splashed her in the face, and she laughed.

And it was the most amazing laugh I’ve ever heard, and I tried to figure out a way to introduce myself.

So when the aquacise class I was in was over, I made my way over to where she was floating.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hello. Good class?”

“Lots of fun. You should join us one time.”

“They wouldnt mind?”

“No. Its pretty informal. You come when you can.”

“I’ll think about that.”

I thought she was giving me the brush-off, but to my surprize she showed up the next class, and she dived right in with the rest of us.

When the class was over, I went over to her and said, “So did you like it?”

“I did. Thank you for the suggestion.”

“Well, you could pay me back with lunch.”

She smiled at my brazen attempt at pickup, but agreed.

Soon, it was a regular thing for us to have lunch, and I started telling her a bit about myself, and learning a thing or two about her in the process.

Eventually, I got brave enough to ask her out on an actual date, and to my surprise, she said, “Yes.”

After a couple of dates, I was ready to go to the next level, but I knew I had to let her know the big secret I’d been holding back since we met.

I sat her down, and said, “I’d really falling for you, but there’s something you need to know. I... I’m transgendered. I .... I was born a girl.”

She broke out laughing.

“What the heck is so funny?”

“I guess we have more in common than I thought. I was born a boy.”

And years later, even after we got married, we still laugh about it.

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Extravagance's picture

Cute. Were they pre or post op? If the former, they could have had children together if they were willing to take on the opposite roles. = )

Catfolk Pride.PNG

You have done it again, Dorothy.

This was very sweet and heartwarming. Thank you for making me smile, today.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

How we met

Love the punchline to this great story. Makes it a story well worth the read.

May Your Light Forever Shine