Kelly goes to College

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Kelly Goes to College

As hard as it is to believe now, I was a pretty average guy in high school.

I wasnt a jock, or a nerd, or anything special. I just ... was.

Until my college application got screwed up, and changed my life.

See, even though we call this a college town, there have been actually two colleges as long as anyone can remember.

Col Mathews’ school started off as a military college, and then expanded to cover any subject that might make boys into men, but Miss Andrews’ College for girls remained pretty traditional, at least in most respects.

And if the two schools hadn’t been side-by-side, the mess-up wouldnt have happened.

I didnt know about the mix-up until I got a letter from Andrews saying that “Miss Kelly Connor’s application has been accepted and she is invited to the college to speak with Dean.”

I did a double take, and realized that my name being gender neutral meant they had accepted me without checking to see if I was really a girl, and it also meant I didnt have a spot at Mathews for the fall, unless I could fix the problem, and fast.

So I went to the college, and got in to see the Dean. She was... is ... beautiful. I found myself mesmerized, hardly able to speak until she gave me permission.

By the time I left the office, it seemed perfectly reasonable for me to keep going to the school.

I went home and told my folks, and they were upset, especially my dad, but a visit from the Dean convinced him to be okay with it.

So I got a list of stuff I needed for school, and it included coming in for a fitting for a school uniform. I stressed a bit about going out in public in the skirt and blouse, but another meeting with the Dean relaxed me enough that I realized I didnt want to stand out from the other students, so I should look as much like them as I could.

The Dean had promised me the girls wouldnt be mean or make fun of me, and I knew she would be good as her word, which removed any stress I might have had.

So September came, and just like the Dean had promised, the girls were awesome toward me, and very quickly I forgot what I was wearing and just started enjoying the college experience.

By the time the school term ended, I knew I wouldnt be transferring to the boys college.

I was an Andrews girl, and proud of it.

And soon after I began a transition, and here I am, a girl all the way through, and I couldnt be happier.

And its all thanks to the Dean, who showed me my true self.

So thanks, Dean.

I wouldnt be standing here without you.

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good story hope you add more to it

we'll have to see, digger

nothing more planned, but with my muse, you never know.


Thank you Dorothy,

You are a busy girl,but but that was short,sweet and to the point.
We will expect more,you know.


thanks, Alison

More? we'll have to see.


An Andrews Grad Doesn't sound half bad

I give kudos in the thought and hope the story does not end here.

What is it about Andrews College that has people easily agreeing to stay the course?

Hugs, JessieC

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

what does the college have ?

A persuasive Dean, apparently.

Thanks for the comment.


Did I miss something?

This looks a bit rushed to me. Where is the dialogue between Kelly and the Dean? How did the Dean show Kelly her true self? Even though the girls welcomed Kelly, what actually happened? All this and more needs to be answered. But, it is a nice outline, Dorothy, don't get me wrong.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."

nice outline?

well, thanks for that Barbra. Sorry you found it rushed.


I don't think Dorothy means

I don't think Dorothy means to turn this into a longer story, sometimes it's fun to read something short and simple. Not everything has to be completely worked out. :--)

It does make you wonder how the Dean managed to persuade Kelly and 'her' father.

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx