Zombie-killer Girlfriend

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Zombie-Killer Girlfriend

“Nice kill, Leon!”

“Thanks. Look out, Lilly!”

“Got ‘em!”

“Yah! High five!”

“Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat.” I said, as I came into the living room.

My son Leon looked up at me, and said, “Give us a couple of minutes, mom.”

“Yah, Mrs. Jay, we’re about to hit the boss zombie.” His girlfriend Lilly added.

“Fine.” I said. I became silent, and watched them play. I smiled, remembering how it had been for me. How a friend and playmate had evolved into much more, happening so slowly we had been “dating” for months before we even realized it ourselves.

Finally, the pretend gunfire stopped and the two of them shouted and cheered for themselves, and I asked, “The good guys and gals won, I take it?”

Leon turned around and said, “Of course. With such an awesome partner, I had to win.”

Lilly just smiled at him, and took his hand to lead him to the food.

Once they had finished, Leon said to Lilly, “Time for another chapter in our Zombie War game?”

“Love to, Leon, but I promised my mom I’d come home early tonight. Busy day tomorrow.”

“Oh, yeh, the doctor thing” Leon said.

“I’m confident things will be okay, Lilly” I said

“Thanks.” Lilly said.

Lilly gave me a hug, and then gave one to Leon as well. When they broke apart, my son was blushing a bit, and I could guess why.

We walked Lilly to the door, and said our goodbyes, and then she was gone. After I closed the door, I turned to my son, and asked, “Things are getting serious, aren’t they?”

He turned red, and said, “Is it that obvious?”

“Only to anybody with eyes, hon. But I’m happy for you both.”

“Thanks. I’m pretty lucky I still have her around.”

“We all are.”


The next night, Leon and I took Lilly and her father out to celebrate her good news. As the party wore down, I heard Leon ask her, “does this mean you won’t be able to help me finish beating the game?”

“Not on your life! We are so going to kick zombie butt!”

“That’s great news!” he said.

Later, Lilly and I went to the ladies room, and I said, “I’m a little surprised you like playing that kind of game, dear.”

Lilly smiled at me, and said, “Just because I’m transitioning, doesn’t mean I have to be a girly girl, at least not all the time.”

“But you will let me help your dad find you a Prom dress, right?”

“Of course. Dad’s been great, but I don’t think he knows beans about girl’s fashions, So ‘m counting on your help.”

“You got it. Lilly.” I said, and gave her a hug. “Now we better get back.”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Jay.’

And out we went.

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Zombie-killer Girlfriend

A very sweet story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Short but sweet

Sometimes they don't have to be epics.

thank you, Will

My goal was to get it under 500 words, and I squeaked under. Glad you liked it.



Wasn't sure

If it was a zombie killing girlfriend, or a girlfriend that was a killer zombie.

Enjoyable little tale.

thanks Valentine

was originally going to just call it Zombie Girlfriend, giggle. I thought it might scare a few people off.....



Great story

I loved it. I also loved how the TG was snuck in at the end.

thank you, Lesley

Glad you liked that touch.





Really, I've got only my emotions to share. ;P

Excellent story.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

thank you, Faraway

glad you liked it.



Short and Sweet

...and perfect, Thanks for making me smile inside!

thank you, Christine

I'm really glad you enjoyed it.



thank you

Shattering the stereotype was the goal. I'm glad you think I succeeded.



The best acceptance of all

Just a nice quiet, calm let it be. Besides plenty of girls likes video games too! :)


thanks, Grover

Glad you liked it.



Cute and sweet

You did really great with this Dorothy, I enjoyed it a lot.

Bailey Summers

thanks, Bailey

Glad you liked it




I'm always amazed when I see an author create an entire world with only a few well chosen words.





thank you, Kimby

thank you so much.



thank you, Cliff

glad you liked it



Nice Story

From the title, I was not sure what to expect. Reading the story, I was impressed with the true sentiment involved. Thank you. I enjoyed that story.

thank you Tammi

glad you got past the title and enjoyed the story.



Isn't that the case for a lot of us?

Andrea Lena's picture

...dating for weeks before they realized they were dating; friends who care develop into much more no matter where they start out. Excellent story, dear one! Thank you!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

thank you, 'Drea

I'm glad that moment worked for you. And thank you so much for all the support.




Extravagance's picture

Look what came up in random solos! ^_^

I often find myself quoting this one, or at least it's title. = )
Thanks again for bringing us badass chicks! <3 *HuggleSnuggleNuzzleyourcheekPurrsoftlyintoyourear*

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