Carversion -25-


Scott was on his way west to meet up with his friends to start a new life in L A. What he came across in the desert after his car broke down would change him forever. He wondered if his friends would recognise him once they finally met again. He didn’t think this was what his friend’s intended when they said, "start a new life."

Chapter Twenty-Five

"Uncle-aunt-sister-whatever," William called out, laughing, as he threw his hands up in defeat.

Julie went to the bedroom to change, while William used the bracelet to become Huang again. When Mi Ling did emerge from the bedroom, Huang was surprised that she had decided not to wear the outfit she... no, they had shopped for, instead opting for the outfit, he had worn for Julie's rescue.

"I thought..."

"That I'd wear the kimono and those Geta sandal's." She finished off, shooting him a warning look. "This is California and that kimono would be too much in this heat. And those Geta sandals might look cute with those toed Tabi socks, but they aren't meant to be worn all day." The Geta sandals were basically small skateboards with a velvet thong to hold them on, but instead of wheels, there were two wooden slats running across the sole of the shoe. They made a cute clacking sound, but would be murder after several hours on them. "I can play geisha girl for you later, in the privacy of our home," she offered, grinning as she saw his face light up at the thought.

"Are you loaded?" he asked curiously, as his eyes tried to see past the satin of her top.

For an answer, Mi Ling flicked out her fans as if from nowhere, and struck a defensive pose.

"Try not to use those, we don't want to offand anyone," Huang joked, deliberately mispronouncing offend, then watching amazed, as the fans were hidden with an equally quick gesture.

Huang's car was acknowledged with a wave, as Huang drove past the guard at the entrance to the studios. Parking, they got out, and decided wander around. Although William had never been here, the built in memory of Huang, surfaced enough to help him recognise where he was. Spotting a cafeteria, where some of the stars and many of the extras spent time between takes; Huang guided Mi Ling to a table, in the hopes that they might see somebody famous. There was a selection of people in costume, for the current productions. Some bizarre, with lots of painstakingly applied prosthetic rubber covering not only their faces, but their bodies too. Ordering a coffee, they sat and watched the crowd as they came and left.

"Hey Hu!" came a call, interrupting their stargazing.

Huang turned around, and looked up, as a hand clamped on his shoulder. A memory, courtesy of the Shelke that formerly wore this body, supplied a name to the face looming over him.

"Hi Donald," Huang replied, wondering if he was busted.

"Mind if I sit? I wouldn't want to interrupt anything between you and this gorgeous creature," Donald asked, looking appreciatively at Mi Ling.

Seeing the look of interest, Huang introduced them. "Donald Haskin, meet my wife, Mi Ling."

"Entirely my pleasure, I assure you," Donald greeted her, kissing her proffered hand.

Mi Ling blushed, and nodded, not saying anything. Donald sat, and asked if Huang had come back to work again. Huang said no, and that he was just showing Mi Ling around, seeing she had only just arrived here. Once the pleasantries were out of the way, Donald's face took on a troubled look.

"Why so down?" Huang asked, seeing Donald had something bothering him.

"I'm having a party in two days, and my main entertainment just cancelled due to ill health. I need someone to replace them. I was gong to pay eight grand for the magic act. I wonder if you know of anyone available to replace them. I'll pay you two grand as a finder's fee, but they have to be good and they had to me some sort of magic act, as I've already promised the guests that. Can you help?"

Huang looked at Mi Ling, thinking back to a suggestion to go into business as a magic act, with the help of the bracelets. After going into a brief mental communication with Mi Ling, Huang looked at Donald and said.

"Pay us the ten grand and we'll be your act."

Donald looked doubtfully at them. " I need something spectacular, not just a parlour trick," he demanded. "I don't think you have what I need, no offence."

"None taken, but let us demonstrate right here, without any preparation." Suggested Huang, challengingly.

"What, where?" Donald spluttered, wondering what they had in mind.

"See those toilets over there? I want you to go into the men's and check for any other exits, then come back here." Huang suggested, with a smile.

Donald did as he was asked, and was soon back at the table. Huang who had explained the plan to Mi Ling in the meantime, stood up and walked to the men's toilet, leaving Mi Ling to walk to the female toilet. Donald, who had been warned not to take his eyes off the two doors that were six feet apart, watched as the pair entered their respective toilets and closed the door behind them. No sooner had the doors closed they began to open again. Donald gasped as Mi Ling walked seductively out of the male toilet, while Huang scurried quickly out of the female toilet. They walked directly to the table and looked at him with Cheshire cat sized grins.

"Well?" William asked, in Mi Ling's sexy form.

"That's impossible, there's no way you could pull that off," growled Donald, suspecting a trick.

"Then you're suggesting I'm really Huang," William batted her eyelashes, as she leaned closer and gave Donald a kiss.

"I,I,I, iyeeee..." Donald stuttered, trying unsuccessfully to come up with anything intelligible. There was no doubting his senses, even if his brain seemed to be telling him he'd just seen the impossible.

"You're hired," he finally managed, as the memory of Mi Ling's kiss was stored away.

"Wait, we will need some props," as both Mi Ling and Huang discussed what they needed.

"Okay I can get those, plus the magicians equipment is still stored at my place, if there's anything of it you can use," Donald agreed.

Plans where made to meet at Donald's the next day to see the props, and work out a routine before the party the following day. Donald then took Mi Ling and Huang on a quick tour of the studios. At the first opportunity and out of Donald's view, they changed back to themselves. They also captured images of a few of the characters they saw with the bracelets, to possibly use in the magic act.

They spent the rest of the day there, enjoying themselves while keeping out of the way of scene shooting. Huang seemed welcome everywhere, and he had to make constant introductions to Mi Ling. That night, after having eaten out for dinner, they went over some basic routines for their magic début.

Sara took it easy on the road, once they cleared the outskirts of the city. Having the time to relax and enjoy the trip, they stopped often; allowing an inexperienced traveller like Maggie, time to broaden her knowledge. Anita was retired for the moment with Kevin taking her place. Maggie was again in the shape that the others had created for her after the accident. Kevin and Sara looked on and grinned, as the child in Maggie felt free to bounce around in the back as she spotted some new surprise along the way. Although Maggie was every bit an adult as the others, she was content to be led around and accepted whatever food was placed before her.

Sara tried to make rest breaks in the open country, rather than in the towns along the way. They would stop and use the toilets if needed, then go and buy something to eat later. They'd find a nice river with a lay-by where they could stop and eat there food and drink, taking time for Maggie to dabble her toes in the water or run around in the fields, or trees, depending where they had stopped. They began to feel like a family, bonding in a way that few get to enjoy. Maggie blossomed in the love that she felt surrounding her. Slowly, the child within peeked out more and more as Sara and Kevin accepted her without question.

"Mommy, look at this pretty flower I picked for you," Maggie said, showing Sara a small pink bud of a wild bush rose. "I didn't even get prickled," she added proudly.

Sara's heart melted at Maggie's term of endearment. Trying not to cry, she hugged Maggie, thanking her with an emotion choked voice. She desperately hoped Kim could help her to make Maggie's dreams come true, without losing that part of her adult personality. Sara and Kevin could see Maggie changing back and forth more often, becoming the child whenever she could. The adult part of Maggie was only ever visible when they interacted with the rest of the world.

Maggie would sleep with them at night, as she needed the constant reassurance that this was not a figment of a fevered dream. This meant Kevin, had to take his opportunities where he could, mostly in the shower. To save water was their excuse to Maggie, who giggled knowing that the noises emanating from the bathroom had little to do with saving water. Maggie made certain she used it first, after finding that the save water campaign usually meant not hot water afterwards.

The sacrifices Kevin and Sara made to ensure Maggie had no nightmares, wasn't lost on Maggie. She felt a little guilty, but after one incident, where Maggie had tried sleeping separately. Sara insisted that she sleep with them. Maggie had woken in the night, feeling scared in the unfamiliar room. She had screamed, before grabbing all her stuffies and bolting for Sara and Kevin's bedroom. Sara had then to calm her down from her imaginary fears, and found out that she had a nice singing voice, as she sung a lullaby to Maggie that she remembered from Scott's childhood. From that moment on, Maggie wheedled a song from Sara each night, as she settled down to sleep.

William and Julie in their alternative forms of Huang and Mi Ling set out Donald's place the next morning. Donald was there, and showed them the gear left by the other magicians act. He left them then, to supervise the other catering arrangements, saying just to holler if they needed anything.

William and Julie found that the magician's clothes and his assistants had been left there as well. Luckily, both sets of clothing fit, so they put them aside to check out the rest of the equipment. They found the pyrotechnics that went with several of the acts, giving William a brilliant idea for the opening act. The instructions were simple as the devices once primed were set off by a radio signal. Most of the stuff was discarded, s they didn't have the expertise to use it. They set up the ground were the first act would begin, and told Donald what to do to assist.

The party was in full swing with lots of the rich and famous gathered around the pool area, when there was an altercation at the gate. A man dressed in 'scruff,' rode his battered motorbike through the guests to a spot near the pool. He had snatched a glass of wine as he passed a waiter carrying drinks, and had stopped to take a sip. The security guards hired by Donald moved the curious crowd back, leaving a half circle backing on to the side of the pool.

People gathered close to see what was going to happen to the obvious interloper. He couldn't get away as he was completely surrounded. Several guards picked up a large black silk backdrop that had been hanging nearby. They threw it over the man and his bike, completely obscuring it from view. There was a loud bang, as flash powder canisters buried in the grass surrounding the man and bike went off. Everyone jumped and flinched backwards, and when they looked again, the scene had changed. A guard had dragged the cloth away to reveal a Lamborghini, from which Huang and Mi Ling stepped, resplendent in their borrowed costumes. After the initial shock, everyone cheered and clapped, although some needed to sit after seeing the unexpected. The pair bowed, pleased that the act had gone as plan.

William and Julie had dressed into their costume, after becoming Huang and Mi Ling. Then getting into the Lamborghini, Huang had switched back to the motorbike mode, sending Julie into limbo, while Huang adopted a scruff identity. He had then driven to Donald's to create the illusion of gatecrasher. The guards had then followed their instructions to the letter, throwing the cover over him to hide the changeover.

Huang bowed to the awed audience, as the guest argued about how it was done. He then explained that he was substituting for the original magician, who, being I'll, couldn't attend. Huang then said that they were unfamiliar with the props the other had left and mentioned that he hoped there would be no accidents due to his unfamiliarity with them. Huang then introduced Mi Ling as his assistant; again mentioning it was her first time as one. Although there were some doubters, seeing the calibre of their opening act, they got a very voluble round of applause.

Huang had a 6-foot long wooden box brought out. It was only barely as wide as Mi Ling and just a foot deep. It was closed off at one end and mi ling stood still with her arms above her head as the men who had brought it out gradually lowered it over her there was a bit of a struggle to get it to fit as there was hardly enough room for her to fit in it. Finally, the box was squeezed right down to the concrete floor, trapping Mi Ling in its tight embrace. Huang asked the two men to stay and hold the top of the box steady, as Huang brought out a chain saw.

"As you could see, the box is tight about her, not even allowing her to bend her knees. So there's no way she can duck down as I cut the box in half with this saw."

The audience gasped, crowding round in a tight circle. Huang started the saw, placed the blade halfway down the box, and began to cut into it moving the blade across. After an inch or so, there was a scream from within the box, as the blade caught on some material, dragging it outside the slot cut by the whirring teeth. Some of the material looked stained with red, but Huang didn't stop till he'd cut completely through. The top half wobbled, threatening to fall off, as Huang pulled the bloodstained blade free. Only the grip of the two men stopped it from falling. Huang looked at the blade covered in red and shrugged.

"She needed to lose weight anyway," he clearly said, drawing only a few nervous laughs. "How are you in there?" he asked, speaking close to the box. After several seconds where everyone held their breaths, Mi Ling's muffled voice replied.

"I'll get you back about that cutting remark about me being fat," she laughed, as the top half of the box wobbled with her laughter. Huang signalled the two men to lift the top away from Mi Ling. Huang heard the collective gasp of the guests, as Mi Ling was revealed not only unharmed, but also facing in the opposite direction from when she started.

The two men lifted her out of the remains of the box, setting her down unharmed so she could bow to the audience, how erupted into cheers and clapping.

"Why did you scream? Huang asked, raising an eyebrow at Mi Ling.

"I thought I broke a nail," Mi Ling said with a straight face, which made the audience laugh again.

Huang rolled his eyes theatrically, shaking his head, as if saying, "women," this got more laughter.

Mi Ling had used an image of a young 6 year old girl, captured by the bracelet to change into, the moment the box was placed over her, this gave her room to duck below the painted half way line marked inside, to indicate where the saw would enter. The top had sufficient gaps to see it clearly, and when the saw blade started entering above her head, she prayed it with some red dye and thrown a piece of cloth that matched her outfit, all of which they had prepared prior to the act, onto the blade. They had found that holding things like the cloth and the spray container with the dye could be stored with the body of the girl, as long as she was holding them before changing back into Mi lings form. Once the blade had been removed, it was easy to spin around and face the other way, before returning to the adult form of Mi Ling.

The next act was equally well recieved, judging by the applause. Mi Ling stepped into a large black silk bag, which had the opening fastened to a golden metal loop. Guests were volunteered to participate, and three gentlemen came up to surround the much smaller Mi Ling standing on the bag where it lay on the ground at her feet. Huang had the men take hold of the ring and lift it to waist height, which left the upper half of Mi Ling in plain view. Huang then asked if the location was all right or did they want to pick a place for the illusion to take place. His manner plainly told them he didn't want to move, so of course everyone suspected a hidden trapdoor in the lawn, notwithstanding the fact that they had all been walking on that very spot. Mi Ling had to shuffle along as she and the men holding the bag where told to move to another place acceptable to the audience, while huang showed signs of nervousness and worry at the new destination.

Finally, when everyone was sure there was no trapdoor under the spot where Mi Ling, and that they were sure huang's attempt would fail, they stopped. Huang's expression of worry vanished, as he had the three men lift the ring as high as it would go, about eight feet above the ground, completely swallowing Mi Ling from sight. Huang muttered something under his breath and waved a wand theatrically, before letting the men lower the ring. The men and the guests both gasped. Expecting Huang's assistant to still be there, they were shocked to see a towering Wookie in her place. The men nearly wet themselves as the hairy Wookie growled baring very real looking teeth. They stood their ground purely because they knew it was somehow a magic trick and that to run away would show themselves up before their dates or wives.

"Throw the ring up and let it go," huang suggested, grinning at the ashen faces of the three men.

They complied all too willingly; glad to move back as they released the ring. The ring flew up, taking with it, the bag. As it reached the apex of its flight and covered the Wookie, it began to fall. As it passed the place that should have exposed the Wookie, it only showed nothing it fell... and fell... to reveal at last, a cute 6 year old girl, in a party dress. Huang went over and presented her with a lollypop, before lifting the ring one handed to about chest height before lowering it almost immediately to reveal a crouching Mi Ling.

While everyone was reeling from that display, huang had two large sealable plastic drums rolled out and set by the side of the pool. He then bade Mi Ling to doff her costume, leaving her showing her obvious charms in a gold lame bikini. He then had her climb into the drum. The top, which had been painted with pink paint, was then fastened down, sealing her inside. A rope was tied to the top and the barrel with its cargo was pushed into the pool, where it bobbed, and wobbled as it was towed to one end of the pool. Huang shrugged out of his costume as well, leaving him in a silver lame bikini bottom that left no doubt that he was all man. He then climbed into the remaining drum, which had a blue lid that was then fastened down.

This drum was towed to the other end of the pool, nearly twenty feet away from the other. The guests were allowed to line the pool, wondering what was going to happen, that could top the last act. The barrels rocked as they heard a subdued knocking on the inside. Anyone observant might have noticed the change in the depth that each barrel floated, as the two inside changed into each other, correspondingly affecting the level the drums floated as the weight changed. The wobbling that the two deliberately caused, helped disguise that fact.

Donald had the two drums lifted out of the water, leaving them at each end of the pool. As the tops where unfastened, the heads and bodies of huang and Mi Ling popped out of the others drum. Again, there was no doubt as to who was who in their skimpy costumes. Everyone was amazed, the hubbub as people argued about how it was achieved, enabled the pair to clothe themselves again.

The final act was similar to their first one. They climbed back into the Lamborghini and had a cloth draped over the top of the car. Ladies volunteered to hold the cloth level with the roof height, and the remaining guests were to stand in a circle beside the women, till a cordon of humanity hemmed the hidden car in. Suddenly the centre of the cloth rose as a draped figure showed. Whipping away the cloth, revealed a sexy blonde on the original tatty motorbike. She smiled at the parting crowd as she gunned the bike out onto the street and roared away.

Huang and Mi Ling returned in the Lamborghini five minutes later, wearing normal clothes, well normal for a party anyway. Donald couldn't stop going on about how incredible they were and led them around the guests like a trophy, introducing themselves. Offers came thick and fast, to perform for other gigs as the rich and famous vied for their magic act to impress others that hadn't seen it. Huang politely declined, saying this was just a "one off," as a favour to Donald. Hearing this, Donald dragged them away to a slightly quieter corner and got out his checkbook. He wrote for a moment, then handed them a check. Mi Ling goggled at the amount, twenty grand.

"Sorry, but I meant it when I said this was the one and only time," Huang insisted, handing the check back.

"No you don't understand, this is payment for today, I'm going to be famous forever with those people, especially if its never going to be repeated. I've had so many propositions handed my way, that this is my thanks for a job well done," Donald explained, pressing the check back into Huang's hand.

Huang thanked Donald, taking the check. They only stayed for a short while longer, as the guests questions about their act, began to wear thin, and their "eastern mystical traditions," only satisfied some of the guests. They drove home, glad to have tried something like that, but knew in the long run, that they couldn't sustain that and not become the target of debunkers, which might just expose them to others that might want to exploit their abilities. They settled down to a nice home cooked meal, before Julie went to get changed she gave William a lame excuse for not doing the geisha thing with the kimono instead she paraded around in the bedroom, in a certain gold lame bikini. This certainly made things appear without the aid of magic. The next act had things, or a thing appearing and disappearing and appearing in rapid succession, accompanied with the appropriate approval voice by an audience of two.

To be continued.


 © 2005 by Prudence Walker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.

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