College / Twenties

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 127


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Life gets more fraught for our heroine.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad & Lance Groinstrain.
part 127.

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This story is 19 words long.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 37: The Trouble with Men

        Christina Chase went up and down the row of fresh produce, spritzing the vegetables with fresh water from a bottle. Though she'd only been working in the grocery a few days, she had already fallen into a comfortable routine. Every morning, she woke up early to help Misha with breakfast. Afterwards, she sat with her aunt and uncle enjoyed the meal long before Nina woke up.

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This story is 66 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 126


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Character Age: 


Cathy plays a googley and promises to love, honour and bake on.

Easy As Falling Down A Hole.
by Sir Isaac Newton & Bonzi.

I was getting myself packed to pop in and hopefully kiss and make up with Simon and then dash up to Bristol. The throb down below had practically eased off but I wondered if I needed to find something more comfortable.

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This story is 68 words long.

The Threat Chapter 2

The Threat
By christine
Chapter 2

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This story is 5 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 125


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Other Keywords: 


Stella makes Cathy a tempting offer....

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi & Tiddles
part: half way to two hundred and fifty, or an eighth of a thousand! (that is frightening!!!)

I eventually calmed down through exhaustion as much as anything else and got off the toilet, my bum stuck to the seat and when I detached myself, had a nice ring around my bum and my foot had gone to sleep.

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This story is 74 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 124


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Easy Peasy Ha - you try writing them!
by Arrrrrrrrrrrgharad
part is anybody still counting? Okay, I only asked.
one hundred plus two dozen.

When I saw Simon limp out of the toilet, I flew to him and my hug nearly knocked him over. There were tears rolling down my cheeks and I felt so emotional, I just couldn't help myself.

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This story is 61 words long.

Healing Cousin George - Part 14 The Plan


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I dropped what I was doing and went over to him. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him with a content smile on my face. “Thanks George. You’re a star!” George slightly struggled to get out of my grip, a bit embarrassed by the situation. I kissed his cheek gently and let him go. A mix of confusion ran through his eyes as I just stood back and smiled at him.

Healing Cousin George

Part 14 - The Plan

by Karin Roberts

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This story is 85 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 123


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Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


Cathy has to work for a living and gets a shock!

Easy As Falling Out Of Bed.
by Bonzi's Mum,
part 1234567890.

I opened my eyes and Mary Miller was stood in front of me, wafting a folder to cause a draught on my face. "How do you feel now?"

"Dreadful, I'm still alive."

"Why wouldn't you want to be?"

"I had a feeling it would be quieter when I'm dead."

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This story is 70 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 122


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Cathy learns a bit about the professor.... read on and see exactly what?

Easy As Falling Asleep.
by wossername with the bad back,
part fiction part rubbish.

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This story is 27 words long.

The Threat

The threat
By Christine

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This story is 4 words long.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 36: Small Town Girl

Christina whispered, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I thought I was kissing you," Richard joked. He leaned in and said, "Let me try again, and you tell me if I've got it wrong."

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 36 - Small Town Girl

by Admiral Krunch

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This story is 45 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 121


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Character Age: 


Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
By Angharad Sore-Back,
part ten dozen and one.

I drove like a demon back to my room, rushed up the stairs grabbed the other letters and dashed back to the car, then off to the cop shop. They were polite but how helpful I wouldn't like to say.

"So why do you think they are sending you these letters?"

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This story is 65 words long.

Alternate Reality: The Bear Market

Alternate Reality:
The Bear Market
Valentina Michelle Smith

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This story is 9 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 120


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Character Age: 


Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi & Tiddles.
part 120.

It took me some time to get to sleep, Stella had really annoyed me with her silly mind games. I know we all play them to some extent, but she was a veteran gamer. I suppose as well, I was naive and very trusting. If she told me black was white, I would probably believe her.

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This story is 67 words long.

Ms Frankenstein

This is the first story I ever published on line. I first put it in storysite in 2001. I was still mucking around with a name then and sometimes used Credence Browne. I think I will keep her alive as a character.

I can't read this story myself with out reliving the feelings of terror and lostness that I felt at that time. This was an extremely bleak time in my life; forcing myself to live the life that others wanted me to but knowing full well that it was not me.

I want to warn some of you that this may be triggering. I know it is for me. It is also from the depths of my heart in a time when I was not medicated into stupor. Now I am coming off all my meds and feeling really vulnerable and frightened. I will adapt and learn to be a happy person again.

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This story is 153 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 119


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Character Age: 


Games and yet more games!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi & Tiddles.
part 119 (Unlike the psalm of the same number it won't be the longest episode).

For the best part of the hour remaining Simon and I talked and talked, with occasional kisses in between when we thought no one was watching.

"When I get out of here, you are coming to live with Stella and me."

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This story is 70 words long.

Runway | Chapter 23: Web Premier

Chapter 23: Web Premier -

by Arecee

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This story is 7 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 118


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi's Mum,
part 118?

Monica was smiling at me and I tried to avoid eye contact, perhaps not the best thing to do.

"Yes, very pretty," she repeated and I could almost sense her licking her lips.

"I'm feeling a bit cold, I think I'd like to go back in now." I said but she stood in the way.

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This story is 65 words long.

Healing Cousin George - Part 13 Debbie's Plan


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Character Age: 


"I forgot next weekend’s my dads birthday. I’m supposed to be there as Alex… the real Alex."
I picked up my cigarettes and pulled one from the pack and lit it.
"But your hair, nails, and all that… you would need to get them cut!"
"Yeah I know."


Healing Cousin George

Part 13 - Debbie's Plan

by Karin Roberts

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This story is 60 words long.



by shalimar


An Assistant District Attorney gives the final summation to the jury against the accused murderers of Susan Milano, a transsexual. Based on a true story.

WARNING: Rape is mentioned.


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This story is 32 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 117


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Cathy gets to know the family!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
By Bonzi with sex scenes by Tiddles the porno kitten.
part 117.

"You mean he owns this place?!" I gasped.

"Not quite, the bank does, he's just the majority shareholder of the bank."

"So he owns it?" I repeated.

"About half of it, come on or we'll miss the peasants touching their forelocks."


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This story is 65 words long.

Special Delivery -1- Downpour


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


It made Luke uncomfortable to think that Dennis had a crush on him but that's what it looked like. It would bother him less if the boy weren't so girlishly pretty.

Special Delivery

-1- Downpour

by Erin Halfelven

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This story is 39 words long.

Charmed Kitten

Charmed Kitten
By Maggie O'Malley

Note: This is "Charmed" Fan Fiction with only a HINT of TG element. Also the powers of the sisters, their physical discriptions and a bit of the stoyline have been altered slightly by the muse.

Paige Matthews wrapped both hands round a steaming mug of herbal tea and eased into the comfy loveseat. Yes, it was California, but it was also San Francisco in October and the winds off the bay had nearly chilled the young beauty to the bone.

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This story is 85 words long.

The Inheritor ( A Hugglebugs story )


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Character Age: 


“Dying, he found salvation from a can of mysteriously-mutated Hugglebugs spray, and sanctuary in the form of a dead girl.”

The Inheritor

A Hugglebugs story

by Prudence Walker ©

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This story is 28 words long.

Clothes Horse The Sequel - A Hugglebugs story

Hugglebug transformations can be fun, but watch out if there's no adults around.


The Sequel

A Hugglebugs story

by Prudence Walker ©

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This story is 23 words long.

That's Enough

A Holiday Story
What is enough? Enough what?

That's Enough
by Jan S

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This story is 11 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 115


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Character Age: 


Cathy has an encounter on the stairs and a poor night's sleep.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 115 (that's 12 x 9.58333' for other dozen fetishists).

As I walked up the stairs to my room, rapid footsteps were coming down, they belonged to the two hooligans with whom I shared the building. "Well look who has deigned to come back," said BigMac.

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This story is 64 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 114


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Character Age: 


Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part lost count.

"I thought you'd gone." I stated feeling very surprised, Stella seemed to out manoeuvre me at every turn.

"Who me, nah, are you making any more tea?"

"So who shut the front door then?"

"I did, I was going to leave but changed my mind."


"Because I wanted to apologise and talk to you."

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This story is 66 words long.

Clothes Horse A Hugglebugs story (Re edited)

Bill’s wife has had enough of him bugging her to wear sexy clothes, so using Hugglebugs technology, she gives him a chance to see how it feels to dress that way. In the the process, they gain a deeper understanding of each other.


A Hugglebugs story

by Prudence Walker ©

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This story is 52 words long.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 35: Quality Time

"So, you do like this man?"

"He's a nice guy, Uncle Alek, but he wants me to be his girlfriend, and it's just never gonna happen."

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 35 - Quality Time

by Admiral Krunch

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This story is 36 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 113


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Character Age: 


Life doesn't seem to come easy to Cathy, and when it does she doesn't believe it.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad & Bonzi Cat.
part one hundred and unlucky for some, thirteen.

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This story is 35 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 112


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part one hundred and a dozen.

I seemed to be spending more time in hospitals than Stella, who was paid for the privilege. Whilst the time spent with my father was a drag, no pun intended, staying with Simon was nearly over before it began.

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This story is 53 words long.

Runway | Chapter 22: Tiff's Kiss

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Brenda asked with concern in her voice.

Chapter 22: Tiff's Kiss -

by Arecee

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This story is 18 words long.

Band of Sisters by Julie O

Peter volunteered to become Petra in his step-sister's band, not knowing how drastically this would change his life.

Band of Sisters
By Julie O

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This story is 24 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 111


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


However a nurse came in and coughed politely, "Sorry to interrupt, but no sex until after I've done your blood pressure."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 111.

Stella and I had nodded off to sleep when the nurse came in to tell us that Simon was out of theatre. I jumped out of the chair, for a moment not aware of where I was. Stella lazily opened her eyes and yawned.

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This story is 74 words long.

Crossing the Bar


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Character Age: 


Crossing the Bar

Copyright 2001 by Ravenheart

This story takes place roughly half a year before Ikarus. It's about inadvertendly stumbling across a line you never thought you'd cross, even though you were steaming towards it all the time at full speed.
Comments are more than welcome.

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This story is 46 words long.

Runway | Chapter 21: The Plot Thickens

Yes dear, fifty thousand dollars, and there is more to come

Chapter 21: The Plot Thickens

by Arecee

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This story is 18 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 110


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Enter the cavalry!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 110.

I switched on the torch and shone it on Simon's groaning body. I saw the blood and I screamed and screamed. Then as if someone had slapped me, I came to my senses. Now was not the time for these hysterics, I could do that once he was in hospital.

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This story is 62 words long.

Runway | Chapter 20: We're onto Something

“I do other things beside sell cosmetics, but I don’t want to get into that right now, let’s just enjoy our meal.”

Chapter 20: We're onto Something -

by Arecee

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This story is 32 words long.

Healing Cousin George - Part 12 Confessions


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Character Age: 


“So what about Gavin watching us?”

“Every guy’s fantasy is watching two women having sex together - the way they touch each other, the sensuousness, the kissing....”

Healing Cousin George

Part 12 - Confessions

by Karin Roberts

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This story is 37 words long.

A Murder Misstery


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Character Age: 


A Murder Misstery

by Nom de Plume

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This story is 7 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 109


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If you go down to the woods tonight, you're in for a big surprise....!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by wassername,
part lost count.

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This story is 25 words long.

Lucky Shot

Lucky Shot

by shalimar

copyright 1968, 1990, 2001, 2007

A soldier lost less and more than he expected.

Suddenly shots came from every direction as the troop was on patrol in the jungle. Everyone in the troop took cover and returned fire.

"Medic! I've been hit!" shouted one of the soldiers.

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This story is 47 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 108


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 108. (That's like 9 dozen!)

I awoke with in a sweat, it was about two in the morning. Dashing downstairs, I caught my toe on a door frame and hobbled about, eyes watering and my mouth cussing the stupid frame for being there - if it wasn't the door would fall off, but that's not relevant to your entertainment.

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This story is 66 words long.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 34: Worthless

Alek stood up and pointed around the room, "Tina, you will pack up all of these things right now, and you WILL come home, and that is FINAL."

Christina screamed, "No way! This is MY life, and I say I'm staying RIGHT THE FUCK HERE!"

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 34 - Worthless

by Admiral Krunch

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This story is 54 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 107


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The return of the bike, will she fall off again?

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 107.

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This story is 19 words long.

Green Sun -13- Four-Fifths of Forever, Three Times

"Does your mother know you left the house wearing that skirt?" she asked Davy.


Green Sun
Chapter 13
Four-Fifths of Forever, Three Times

by Donna Lamb


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This story is 25 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 106


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 106.

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This story is 9 words long.

A Tragic Beginning

Young Josh went away to college with no friends, plans or dreams for his life. It all comes together for him as Jill but not until a terrible tragedy changes his life.

A Tragic Beginning
by: Teresa Ann Wood

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This story is 39 words long.

Green Sun -12- Sapphire Eyes, Ruby Lips


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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


hobiecart.gif "Reality just is, it can't be tested or proven. You either believe in it or you don't. If you don't, people call you crazy."


Green Sun
Chapter 12
Sapphire Eyes, Ruby Lips

by Donna Lamb

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This story is 34 words long.


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