The Greener Mile - Part 1

The Greener Mile
By Goldie Hunter

Please note: This story is very loosely based on the movie the Green Mile. It uses suppositions that somewhat requires the suspension of belief in that the things used here just might work with the right sort of influence: Supernatural or mutation. As such, Steven King is the original author of The Green Mile in print form and I am not writing this with his permission. All characters depicted here are in no means representative of any person living or dead. Any resemblance is purely coincidental. All rights are reserved to the current author.

Chapter 1

I met the young black man on the street, well, met really wasn’t the word for what I did. I actually ran into him, literally. I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going but then again, no one actually pays attention to around a building corner that you are going to turn, unless you are rounding said corner.

Needless to say, I was knocked on my backside without any foreknowledge that I had run into a brick wall. Dazed, I looked up to see what I had hit. And up. And up. And up. I looked upwards into the face of a young black man around 25 years of age. He seemed to be beside himself that he had knocked someone down.

“Ah’m so sorreh ma’am. Ah jus din’t see you there. Let meh hep ya up.” He spoke with a very deep bass voice but yet he seemed to have the demeanor of a saint. A huge hand reached down from the heavens and gently took hold of my not-so-small hand.

The aforementioned hand was one of my greatest shames. It was so reminiscent of my father’s, God rest his weary soul. You see, I had been born a man and had had sex reassignment surgery many years ago but long after I had passed my youth. I was now nearly 50 years old and I hated how I looked after all these years. Hair going grey, skin starting to sag heavily. Regardless of how big I felt my hands were, they were the most petite, feminine things in the comparison to this massive man’s hands.

As he took hold of my hand and started to bring me back up to my feet, he gave a slight twitch that seemed to nearly be a well controlled spasm. An onslaught of twitches coursed through his body as he stood above me. He finally got me to my feet and gently let go. I was 6’ tall but this man towered over me by nearly two feet. I had never seen a human being so big before and I was daunted by his size.

I could tell there was some sort of war going on in his head about something because his eyes had a far-away look to them. I quickly thanked him for his efforts and left him standing there, not saying a word.

I gave the matter little thought over the course of the next several hours. He had knocked me down or rather I had bounced off of him. I could live with either version of it, but I felt it was my own fault since I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Besides, I had too much going on in my head that prevented me from thinking any further about it.

You see, I was seriously contemplating suicide at that time. I was trying to figure out how to kill myself without it hurting me too much. The reason I was thinking about killing myself was that I had just got done with an appointment with my doctor. I had just received the news that I had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. They said they could operate on me but that would mean that I would lose one of the two breasts that I had worked so hard to grow years ago. I may even lose both if the cancer has spread to the other one.

If I let it go, I would die within 6 months. It showed signs of spreading to the lymph nodes under my arms and surgery could more than likely destroy the muscles under my arm. I had a lot of thinking to do and I really didn’t want to think about it. My father had died of colon cancer twelve years ago so I had always feared that I would go his route to death. I wasn’t ready to die, I had only been a woman for fourteen years and I couldn’t resign myself to dying right then.

But then again, I couldn’t see myself living with a severely scarred body like I could possibly have soon if I had the surgery that could rid me of the cancer. I had little time to think about anything else. I had to make a decision in the next twenty-four hours or it might be too late. As it was, I would be looking forward to months of chemo-therapy and radiation treatments to try to kill the cancer growing in my body.

I got home after a long bus ride. Normally, I would drive myself but I felt that I needed a break from driving, not to mention that the price of gasoline was outrageous these days, going for $5.50 a gallon. I was still young enough that I had to work but getting old enough that I had problems getting around like I used to.

Once I entered my house, I locked the door behind me and went and sat down in my favorite chair. It was at this point that I lost the iron clad control I had on my emotions. I broke down and cried for the possibility of a lost life or a scarred life. I didn’t know what to do. Both my parents were gone and my siblings were spread across the country. I had no close friends that I could call and talk to. I was all alone in the world. No one had time for an aging transsexual, not that they would really care anyway. Like most of my friends who had had surgery, I had lost the support of my family and had been disowned for being a freak. I still loved my family but it was still hard not being able to have someone to talk to.

I decided I wasn’t hungry and went to bed early. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Chapter 2

Since it was a Saturday, I didn’t have to get up and go to work. I still woke up early but I stayed in bed vegging out. I finally got up out of bed when my stomach wouldn’t quit growling at me. It was highly displeased with me since I skipped my evening meal. I picked at a breakfast that I couldn’t really taste, not that I wanted to. I seemed to have lost the feeling of importance of food. I ate mechanically and ignored anything else I was feeling. I still had to call my doctor by 1:00 and let her know what my decision was on getting surgery or not.

As I was putting the remains of my morning repast away, a loud banging sounded on the front door. It started me resoundingly since it rattled the house. It almost sounded as if someone was using a wrecking ball to knock on the door. I went to open it and find out who was pounding on my house.

Before I opened the door, I peeked to see who was there. Lo and behold, it was the young man from prior day. I opened the door for him.

“Yes, what can I do for you, young man?” I asked him.

“Please, ma’am, Ah has ta talk to ya. Ah ca’t let ya hurt yasef.” He said to me.

Startled that he would have any idea about my plans, I could only stand there with a shocked look on my face. I couldn’t believe what he had just said. How in the world did he know I was contemplating doing something to myself, let alone how in the world he found me!

“Please ma’am, can Ah come in? Ah promises ya that Ah’s not here ta harm ya. Ah wants ta hep ya. Lawd knows, ya really needs it.” The dark giant rumbled in his deep voice.

I quickly backed away from the door with a brief signal to him to enter. I did keep my distance from him, since I really was leery of him. I know, the first thing that a person shouldn’t do in an instance like this is shut the door quickly and keep the person out, but I have to admit, he had me slightly curious about what he was meaning about ‘heping’ me.

I really should have had my head examined for letting him into the house, I could have been raped, killed, assaulted or any number of things. But somehow, I don’t know why, but I felt a gentleness in him that spoke up and overrode my caution. I went and sat in a single seat chair and gestured to him to take a seat someplace.

He glided over to the sofa and lightly sat down. He acted if he was afraid the sofa would collapse under his weight. I was halfway afraid of the same thing. This man must have weighed in at 350-400 pounds and none of it was fat. I could see the muscles rippling under his clothes as he moved. He moved with the grace of a male lion walking across the African savannah. As I mentioned, he glided easily across the floor. I would have figured a man of that size would be a lumbering behemoth that hadn’t a graceful bone in his body, but I was proven wrong with his ease of movement.

Once he was seated, I waited for a moment before I said anything, mostly to collect my distracted thoughts back together.

I cleared my throat in preparation to speak.

“Since I have no idea as to who you are and why you felt you needed to barge into my life, why don’t you introduce yourself to me.” I asked of him.

“Yes’m. Ya see, mah name is John Coffee. That’s like the drink, as my pappy useta say. And Ah’s sorry Ah had ta do dis to you lahk dis but afta yestadey, Ah had ta. Ma’am, Ah sawed yer heart and yer mind when Ah held yer hand. Yewere very sad ten when Ah’s was holdin’ yer hand. De pain in yer heart was mighty big. But ya were plannin’ on killin’ yersef dat catched me ‘tension. Ah cain’t letcha do dat.” Was his bass reply.

“Now how in the world would you even know that I was planning on killing myself. That is, if I was planning such a heinous thing. I don’t believe in suicide, nor do I condone it.” I told him.

“Mebbe not ma’am, but ya tinkin’ awful haad abouts it. Yas fambly don’t cares about ya none as ya were tinkin’ awsa. But Ah can hep ya. Tat cansa ya has will kill ya buts Ah’s got tahm to stops it. Ah don’ts lahk using mah great granpappy’s gift but ya’re a good parson, Ah can sees it in ya heart. Ah tinks ah ken hep ya utter problem too.” He rumbled his reply to me.

One thing I had to admit was the man was kind of hard to understand when he was talking. He had a nearly uneducated deep southern drawl that seemed to be real bastardized English. But from the gist of what he said, he could some how cure me of my cancer. I didn’t believe him when he said he could cure me.

“Now, let me get this straight. You say you can cure my cancer? And that it is a gift from your great grand-father? Now how can that be?” I demanded of him.

He looked down at his feet for a moment before answering me.

“Mah great granpappy was excuted in da ‘lectric chair in Loushiana back in nahnteen turdy fife but fer a murdah he din’t do. Dey fownd out latah dat it twas somewan ess. But befowah he dahed he shayed his gift wit his gahds. He hepped wan who hayd a bahd prabem peeyen. Den he hepped a lahdy who hayd a tumah in ha heyad. But befowah he was arrestad he met mah great gran mammy and she showd hem mowah love den anneh parson befowah dat pint. He nevah knew dat she hayd a baby whahle he was inta prison. He nevah knew his sahn. But he passt his gift on to his sahn. Who laytah passt it ta his sahn who den passt it ta me. Ah hast hepped a few people but Ah’s afrayd ta uses it unlays ah has ta or da parson desarvs it. Ya desarvs it. Ah wants ta hep ya, if’n ya’ll’ll let meh.” He said at length to me.

I had to think about things for a minute. Heaven forbid, I wasn’t ready to die by any means as yet. I still had a lot I would like to do with my life but I really didn’t have the time to be particular about how I received my treatment for the cancer. If this young man wanted to try to ‘hep’ me, as he called it, I wouldn’t lose anything by letting him try. Besides, the whole thing was rather scary in how he laid things out in exacting detail. I decided that I would let him try.

“OK, Mr. Coffee (I just realized what I had said, oh my GOD, what a name!), I don’t have anything to lose. I still don’t believe that you can cure me but I can’t get any worse than I am at the moment. Do your magic or whatever it is you do.” I told him.

“Awright ma’am. Ah’ll hep ya. But please, don’cha worry, Ah’ll have ta toucha in some private places but it’s ta hep only.” He said.

He stood up from where he was sitting and lightly walked towards me. I couldn’t help but feel overly intimidated by the sheer size of the man. I couldn’t help but sink further into the couch I was sitting on, in an effort to shy away from him.

“Please ma’am, coods ya lay down on da couch? It would be betta for ya and meh if’n ya was layin’ down.”

Still not sure about all this, but sort of curious as to what he was going to do, I did as he bid me to do. Once I was lying down, he knelt beside the couch and slowly reached out his hands towards me. One hand moved quickly to my crotch while the other went to my left breast. Pressure from his hands warmed my skin quickly. He bent over my head and moved his mouth over mine and then made contact with my lips.

I was suddenly filled with pure hell as well as pure heaven as the sensations quickly climbed into unbearable agony and pleasure. I saw through my closed eyelids a bright light emanating from somewhere in the room. Separate but dimmer lights flared briefly and then blinked out with a popping sound. The sensations quickly overpowered my senses and then all sensations fled my conscious thoughts as I blacked out.

Chapter 3

I’m not sure how long I was passed out but as I came to, I could hear a weird sound coming from across the room where the stranger had been sitting a bit ago. As I opened my eyes and sought out the sound, I came to the sight of the young man sitting back on the chair again. He was acting like he was choking on something. I quickly rose to my feet to see if there was something I could do for him. I didn’t really pay any attention to myself at that time, I was focusing mainly on the plight of the young man.

As I touched his arm to get his attention, he paused briefly in his coughing to say, “Ah’s ok. Just hasta gives it a sec ta seddle.”

He continued to cough for another moment. Just when things quieted down a bit, he tipped his head back and opened his mouth. I thought he was going to scream out in some sort of agony but instead, out of his mouth came a huge hoard of black spots. There had to have been thousands of them. The stream continued for several moments before abating. I was so startled that I fell onto my bottom and stared up at the black spots as each and every one of them rose towards the ceiling and then as if they were fireworks, there was a brief spark and puff of smoke that signified the end of the show. I feared the smoke was going to permeate the room and linger for days until I could get the house aired out but there was no smell or anything to them.

In awe of the moment, I could only stare at the wonder I had beheld. I looked back down at Mr. Coffee’s face. His choking had subsided and he had a look of exhaustion on his face.

“Ah allas hates dat part,” he said. “It barns so, insida meh.”

“What was that, that came out of your mouth? It was really frightening” I asked him.

“Tat was yer sickness. Ah hepped ya ta live by takin’ it out of ya. But Ah awsa gived ya a gift dat Ah hopes ya likes. Ah t’inks ya needs mebbeh go ta lay down. Ya’re gonna feel awfa tarred whiles yer body f’ishes de werk. But now Ah’s hasta sleep mahseff.”

To prove what he said was true, he got out of the chair he was sitting in and lay on the floor and was immediately asleep. Feeling horribly exhausted myself, I went to the hall closet where I kept the extra blankets, linen and pillows and grabbed a pillow and a blanket and brought it out and covered him with it. I may have been exhausted, but I was also strangely invigorated. Not really wanting to take a chance on hurting myself, I decided to take his advice. I secured the house again and went to my room. I no sooner got into my bed and I was out like a light.


I’m not really sure how long I slept but when I awoke, I was nearly instantly awake. Normally, waking was a long drawn out affair that took nearly two hours to come from a deep sleep to a point I might be able to stumble out of bed and do my morning ritual.

I felt as if I was bursting with energy and my body was buzzing with it. I sat up and swung my feet off the side of the bed and stood up to go to the bathroom. Instead of my feet immediately touching the floor, it took a split second longer to get my feet to touch than it normally did.

As I stood, I noticed things were off kilter dramatically. My center of balance had shifted lower and I felt as if my body was lighter. My joints, for some reason, felt looser and they no longer ached with the middle aged arthritis that I had been dealing with for a few years. My hands no longer hurt with the fire. I brought both hands up and clenched my fists in awe of not having pain in them.

To my utmost shock, neither hand was like I remembered them. These hands were small, and very dainty looking hands. My fingers were slim and seemed longer than they had before. The nails were delicate in size and extended off the tips of my fingers about an eighth of an inch. That part was elating to me since I had never been able to grow a nail more than a tiny distance from the pink part of the nail because they were paper thin and broke too easily. Now, though, the nails had a look of hardness to them that gave it a stoutness that I had never had before.

I turned the hands over several times and looked at them closely. My hands had been loosing tone and the skin had been getting very wrinkled from the loss of flesh under the skin but now, they were the picture of health. The skin was elastic and well fleshed out but yet not overly so. They were perfect for a woman’s hands.


It dawned on me at that time what John had meant when he said he had given me a gift that he thought I would like. I stripped off my semi-ill-fitting clothes and proceeded to look at my body. I went to the mirror on the door to my closet and studied myself.

The first thing I noticed was the picture of feminine perfection that reflected back at me. She was tall but not overly so. I had been 6’ tall but this woman was about 5’10”. Her body was slender for her size but yet, oh-so-female. Looking closely at her face, I could still see traces of myself in the reflection but it was a face that screamed out ‘I AM WOMAN!’ The prominent ridge above my eyes was gone and in its place was pleasingly smooth forehead. Riding across the forehead was a pair of slender eyebrows that were perfectly arched and thin without being too thin.

My eyes were a strange brown color though. I had always had blues eyes or at least grey eyes as I grew older. The nose was smaller than it had been in my life. High cheekbones were prominent below the eyes and guided the line of sight to the corners of a mouth surrounded but large puffy lips. A delicate chin with a tiny little dimple at the point was below the mouth. My eyes were drawn upwards at that point to the hair on the top of my head. For some reason, it looked fuller than it had ever been in my life. The grey in my hair was no longer visible and it was all an even colored dark brunette. My hair had always been a mousey brown color and it was immensely darker than it had ever been before nor as silky feeling as it was now.

I looked hard at the fine details of my face and realized that I had no aging signs at all. My face had the look of an eighteen year old. I looked like I had just barely got out of High School. That excited me, a lot.

Other things were starting to come into focus more for me. I noticed my shoulders were not even as wide as my hips were and my ribcage was narrower than before. I was nearly barrel-chested before. I was starting to have flashes of before and after running though my head. The comparisons were flying so fast that I was starting to get dizzy from it.

My waist was so thin that I was having a hard time trying to figure out how the upper part of my body stayed attached to the bottom part where it joined together the two halves. Below the waist, my hips were the widest thing on my body. I never really had hips before since they were fairly shapeless male hips. The butt that trailed the hips was impressive, to say the least. Where it looked like my waist was around 24” or so, my hips looked to 38”. My butt cheeks could only be described as perfect bubbles. They were very well rounded and expansive.

I looked back up my body into the breast area. I had been purposely focusing away from them even though they were standing out proudly a large distance from the ribs. Bringing my hands up to them, I lifted them and ran my fingers over the puffy nipples. Before, instead of standing out from the breast flesh, the nipples had sort of contracted. Now, though, standing out from the breast was just the beginning of what they did. The sensations I got from them nearly brought me to my knees. I realized that the breast implants I had gotten in my old life had completely ruined the feelings I received prior. I was suddenly curious. Did I still have the implants in my chest?

I knew where the implants were supposed to be located and I felt for them. After several minutes of poking and prodding my chest, I realized that the implants were still there. They were probably what was giving me the DD chest I had now. Oh well, I would live with it, especially if they felt like they did.

I continued my touchy-feelie way down the rest of my body. My legs were long and smooth. Not an ounce of cellulite at all in them. Again, prior to this, they were bumpy and course due to my advancing age. These legs were very well turned and were probably the most awesome legs I had ever seen.

I noticed that my humongous, size 12 man’s feet had become a small, dainty version of what I had prior. They looked to be about a size 8 women’s. I knew I was going to have to do some shopping for the correct clothes and shoes now.

I noticed also that my skin tone had changed from the ghastly white of skin that didn’t see daylight to an even darkness that was almost like I had been tanning all my life. I guess I wouldn’t have to lay out in the sun to get the well cooked version of such actions.

My attention turned back upwards to my crotch. I spread my legs a little bit to see my nether region. I had always hated how the area looked after the surgery. It was mostly bone dry in my vagina and I always had to lubricate with KY jelly to keep it open and prevent it from sealing itself closed. Now, the labia were glistening with the obvious signs of female arousal. As my fingers explored the area, I couldn’t help but become more aroused. I brushed the edge of my clitoris and swooned. That was a very highly sensitive area now. I took a deep breath and sent a lightly touching finger into the vagina. I feared that anything heavier would send me through the roof. I was wrong! The light touch was what sent me through the roof. I couldn’t help myself, it felt so good that I kept stroking myself.

After several moments, I felt skyrockets exploding in my mind. Somehow, I had achieved an orgasm, at least that’s what I thought happened. The more I thought about it later, after I recovered, I realized that I indeed did have an orgasm. But it was like nothing I had ever felt in my prior existence. It was an explosion of epic proportions and somewhere deep inside my mind, a slut was born. I had to get more of that feeling and I knew how to get more.

Chapter 4

I finally came clear in my mind and I shook my head to clear away the last remnants of my orgasm. I realized that I was lying on the floor from when my legs collapsed on me. That could have been part of the skyrockets I felt; the back of my head hurt a bit, almost as if I hit it when my legs gave out underneath me. I resolved to stay on the bed when I explored myself in the future.

I slowly got up to my feet again and decided that it was time to get dressed. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of panties. Not really thinking, I started to pull them up my legs. When they finally settled on my hips, I realized that the fat woman’s panties really didn’t look all that good on me now. They hung loosely everywhere and just didn’t do my beautiful hips any justice. I was going to have to go do some shopping later to get some clothes that would fit me better.

I was excited to be able to get something that would fit me like a glove. I knew I was going to have to thank Mr. Coffee for giving me back my youth again. I grabbed my bathrobe and put it around me. Again, I resolved to find one that was a bit sexier than this one was.

I went to find my benefactor.

When I arrived into the living room, there was no person present anywhere. I went around the house looking for him. I couldn’t find him anywhere. He had left without me knowing it. I had no idea where to find him since he didn’t leave a note or anything to let me know where I might be able to find him.

I went out onto the porch of my house and looked up and down the street to see if he was walking close by. I didn’t see anyone around except for a few neighbors working in their yards. I went towards one woman I knew well to ask her if she had seen John walking anywhere.

“Hi Lacy, how are you doing?” I asked her. Before I realized what I was doing, my hand immediately jumped up to cover my mouth. In the time I had been awake, I hadn’t said a word. My voice had changed and was now a lovely soprano tone. I had assumed that the damages done years ago by a careless doctor who took too much of the adams apple cartilage away.

My neighbor looked at me quizzically. “I’m sorry, do I know you? You look familiar but I can’t remember actually meeting you before.”

“I’m Michelle Parsons from next door. I’ve been having some work done to help my self esteem.” I told here, lying to cover exactly what actually happened.

“I don’t think so young lady. There is no way that any doctor could give Michelle the looks you have and change the body shape she had. No man regardless of what he had done could look so naturally female as you do. Nope, I don’t think I believe you. Care to try again?” She responded.

“I’m sorry, I meant to say I’m Michelle Parson from next door’s niece. My aunt is away for a while on a trip and she asked me to watch her house while she was away.” I was secretly elated about her comment about body shape and naturally female.

“OK, I can see the family resemblance in your face. Why would you try to fool me into believing you were your aunt? Oh, never mind. I can see you have something else on your mind. What’s up?”

I had to see if she had seen John at any time before I came out of the house. “I had a friend over a while ago, but we fell asleep watching a movie and I didn’t get a chance to tell him something important before he left because I was still asleep when he left. I have no idea when he left and was wondering if you seen him leave the house.”

“Hmm, are you talking about that absolutely huge black man I seen come from the area of the house?” was the response.

“Oh yes, that’s him. He’s a big teddy bear and wouldn’t harm a fly, but a lot of people are afraid of him because of his size. He really is a sweet man but his size intimidates a lot of people.”

“I hate to tell you this honey, but he was picked up by the police that was cruising the neighborhood on patrol. I heard them say something about vagrancy and possible breaking and entering charges for some place that was burglarized during the night.” She told me.

Oh no! I had to get dressed and get to the police station quickly and get him out. I had the feeling he wouldn’t last in jail very long. He seemed like an overly sensitive fellow and with his gift he could have some serious problems. I thanked the neighbor and rushed back to the house.

I looked for any clothes that I could find that would come close to fitting me. I discovered a pair of jeans in the back of the closet that I hadn’t worn in years because they didn’t fit me anymore and put them on. I found a top that was a bit larger than my now slender frame was and put it on. I knew better than to try to put a bra on that would not fit me without causing me some major pain in my breasts. I knew no pair of shoes in the closet would fit me so I just grabbed a pair of flip-flops and slid my feet into them.

A quick brush of my hair and I was on my way out of the house. I grabbed my purse and keys to the vehicle on the way out and locked the house behind me.

Knowing that I didn’t match the picture on my driver’s license, I took things very carefully to the police station. I was very nervous because of the fact that he could be in big trouble. The area of the city I live in really didn’t tolerate strangers very well and a gigantic black man would have raised a lot of flags if he was walking around my neighborhood alone.

I pulled into the parking lot of the police station and went to the police’s office. As I approached the counter, the middle aged man behind the desk gave me the creeps with his leering stares and my chest. He didn’t say anything to me for several moments before I started getting upset with him.

“Hey, creep! I didn’t come in here to have you stare at me. I have a friend in trouble here and I need to get him out.” I yelled at him.

His face went bright red and he finally looked me in the eyes. I could tell he was reluctant to stop looking at my breasts. I knew it had been a bad thing to be without a bra but I hadn’t really had any problems before this point but that is a different story that I won’t go into now. My outburst brought the attention of what was obviously his supervisor, who came out of his office to see what was going on.

“Sergeant Tanner, you’re excused from the desk. Go compose yourself.” The man said, guiding the wayward sergeant away from the post he had manned so rudely. “I’m sorry ma’am, what can I do for you?”

“A friend of mine was picked up in my neighborhood a bit ago for vagrancy and I assumed he was brought in here and booked. I came in to pick him up since he was vagrant, he was visiting me,” I said.

“Hmm, ok. Who was this person?” He asked.

“His name is John Coffee. His is a very large black man, probably about 7’8” or so, probably around 350 pounds, maybe a bit more than that. He’s is a quiet man even though he talks with a soft but very deep voice. He didn’t deserve to be hassled like that when he was running an errand for me.” Ok, so I stretched the truth a bit.

“Alright, we did pick someone up that matches that description but we weren’t able to get any decent information from him as to why he was in the neighborhood. Someone had reported seeing him yesterday in the area but had lost track of him until he was spotted this morning. Do you have any ID to verify yourself? If it turns out that we wrongly arrested him, we will gladly release him.”

I knew this part had been coming up. I was a bit nervous about showing any identification, since it wouldn’t be as I now was but how I had been before. ‘Oh well,’ I thought. I pulled out my driver’s license and slowly handed it to him. “Before you look at this, I have to tell you that my picture doesn’t match how I look right now. I have had some very extensive work done on my face and I am only now getting completely healed up. I haven’t had a chance to go get my license updated, so it is not going to look very good.”

“That’s ok. I just need to verify your identity and address as being in the area where we picked him up.” He replied.

I handed the license over to him. He looked at it, looked up at me and back and forth several times before he said anything.

“I see what you mean about not looking the same. Whoever worked on you did a fantastic job. It must have cost you a bundle to have the work done. I can see the faint resemblance to the picture to you, so I have to assume this is you and you’re not pulling a scam. Just a second while I pull up something on the computer.”

He turned towards the desk computer and typed away for a moment. He seemed to be reading something that was interesting. I could only imagine what was in the computers about me. He was distracted for several moments.

When he finally turned his attention back to me, he said, “Ok, just a few simple questions I need to ask to verify your identity.” He proceeded to ask me a string of questions that were sort of stupid but I could see the reasoning behind them. They were the sort of questions I would ask if I was trying to make sure I was talking to the actual person they were concerned with. I must have answered them correctly because I could see him visible relax.

“You really need to get into the Department of Motor Vehicles to get your license updated. This picture doesn’t do you any justice at all. Ok, let’s see here. What is the name of your friend again?” He asked me.

“His name is John Coffee, sir.” I told him.

“Ok, that checks out. He was booked into the jail under vagrancy charges as well as a possible burglary that occurred last night a couple of blocks from where you live.” I was told.

“I will vouch for him on the burglary charges. He was with me all last night and had stepped out this morning to run to the store for me. When he didn’t return, I got worried. When I went outside to see if I could find him, my neighbor told me that he had been picked up by the police, hence I came here. He didn’t steal anything from me, nor would he from anyone else. He is a good man, one that could easily be run rough shod over.”

“If you’ll vouch for him on his whereabouts last night at around midnight, then we won’t press the burglary charges. Since he was at your place, the vagrancy charge will be dropped. I’ll get him through central processing and have him out to you as quickly as I can. Would you like to wait in my office while I have him brought out? It would save you from the problems like you had with my sergeant.”

“Certainly, if it’s not a problem with you. I was in such a hurry, I didn’t even have a chance to dress decently this morning. I’m really embarrassed about all this, but I was really concerned about John. I hope you understand.”

“Yes, ma’am. I completely understand. Most women are like that, thinking with their emotions and hearts instead of the brains. Have a seat and I’ll be back out with him shortly.” He said and walked away to a different area of the station.

I think I waited for nearly an hour before they brought a humble giant out to a point where I could see him from the office I sat in. I stood up and walked towards him. I could see his eyes light up when he spotted me. A slight grin tilted his lips at the corner but it was quickly wiped from his face.

The Lieutenant approached me as soon as John was in the room. “Ma’am, I need to speak with you for a moment. Please come with me into my office again.”

I followed him back into the office I had sat for quite some time.

“I need to pass along some information that might be enough to save your life. If I were you, I would try to stay away from this man or get away from him as quickly as possible. He has a family history of murderers and it could very easily run to him if you aren’t careful. I don’t want to see you hurt. Please take my advice and keep away from him.” He said to me.

I knew better than that as to what John was capable of. “I’m sorry you think that low of him, Lieutenant. He really is a good man and if there was any way that I could prove it to you, you probably would still not believe it. I hear what you say but I know his family history and I will keep my opinion to myself, seeing as to how you would think I have been brainwashed by him. So, for now, I will just say thank you for your help. If I have any problems, I’m sure you’ll be the first to say ‘I told you so’. But I know there won’t be any problems.” I told him with finality.

I left the office and went up to John. He was just standing there looking forlorn.

“Come on, John. Let’s go home. I owe you a great home cooked meal.” I told him, before taking his hand and guiding him out of the police station.

Before I got to the door, I heard the Lieutenant’s voice holler out, “Remember what I told you, Michelle. Remember what I told you.” After that, all I heard was the door closing behind me. I didn’t look back at him.

I guided John to my car and unlocked the doors and motioned for him to get in. He seemed to be very hesitant to do so for some reason. I looked up at him and asked, “What’s the matter John?”

“Ah’s sorry ma’am, but yoah cah taint big ‘nuff fer meh to get in. Ah’d break it lahk Ah did ta da cawp’s cah. Dey was rally mad dat Ah did dat. Even dow Ah tole dem dat t’wood break.”

“Well, would you be willing to trust me? I know for a fact that the police are cheap on the repairs of their vehicles and they probably scrimped on the support system in the car. Mine isn’t as bad as theirs are. I’ve had bigger things in it that you are. I’ve even put five people in it that weigh more than what I think you do. You may have to lay over on your side in the back seat in order to fit but it won’t be a very long ride home.”

I suited my words to actions and opened the back door for him. As he sat in the car, I noticed that the tires seemed to grow thinner and the carriage sit a bit closer to the ground. I could hear the springs groan pretty loudly from the abuse they were taking but everything held up and he was soon completely in the car. I shut the door, went around to the driver side and got in.

As I drove home, I noticed that the car was acting more sluggish than it has ever done in the past but I knew that it was because of the big man in the back seat. I had to be careful as I drove into the driveway of my house. The front end scrapped the bottom wind screen on the front of the vehicle. Unfortunately, when I got the back end to the drain pan on the side of the street, I grounded out and couldn’t go any further.

John reached over to the door, opened it and got out. The car rose enough to let me get into the garage. John casually walked into the garage after I was in.

I didn’t really say anything more about the bottoming out of the car but he had a sheepish look on his face about it. I just shrugged my shoulders and opened the door into the house while hitting the button to lower the garage door.

“John, if you need to use the bathroom or anything, please feel free. I’m going to start fixing dinner. Is there anything that you would like to eat? Heaven knows, I owe you a lot for what you’ve done for me.”

He just nodded his head and left the kitchen and me so that I could fix a meal. He never said if there was anything that he wanted to eat. So I just started fixing whatever I happened to find. I knew that a man that big would have an appetite that would be quite large, so I prepared myself to make a meal large enough to satisfy ten people. Even if it would take every bit of food I had in my cupboards to do it.

Chapter 5

Later in the evening, John was sitting on my couch with a contented look on his face. “Ma’am, dat was de best meal Ah’ve had in a lawng tahm. Ah tank ya fer it.”

“You’re very welcome, kind sir. It was most definitely my pleasure to do so for you. John, please don’t think unkindly of me but I have some questions to ask and I really need some straight answers about it. I’m not trying to seem ungrateful for the wonderful gift you gave me but I need to find out what it is that you did to me.”

Over the next few hours, I questioned him about how he does it, what it is and where it came from. I asked him about the extent of my changes and what I would be able to do now.

He told me all about what happened to his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, how they came to be accused of crimes that inevitably caused them all to be executed for murders that they didn’t really commit. All they were trying to do was heal the injuries that caused the deaths of the people they were accused of killing. Somehow, I knew that he was telling the truth about that.

When he told me about the changes he caused in me, he assured me that I was 100% female and any genetics test would see that. He said he was able to repair all the damages in my body caused by the surgeries I had had in the past and he took away the part of my ‘body code thing’ as he called it, and fixed it so that it would be female. He said that he was able to somehow see the aging poisons that were accumulating in my body and was able to get all of them out and make me younger again. He said that he was able to strengthen my system up so that I would be able to live longer but he couldn’t say for sure how long I would live. It was up to my body to make the decision for itself.

He then told me something that I was a bit surprised about and he was really embarrassed about. He said he accidentally changed my skin color to be a black person’s and that it would quickly darken to nearly his coloration. When he told me that, I had to look at my hands and remember my earlier thoughts about my skin looking like it had a permanent tan on it. I accepted it with grace. So I would be an African-American, big deal. I have lived with greater problems before and this would me nothing in comparison. So I would have to learn to live with racial discrimination. Again, it was nothing to worry that much about.

While I spent all the time talking to him, I had been doing some thinking about myself and my future. I also thought a lot about John. He was a lonely man. He had been doing a lot of wandering around the country by himself. His mother died when he was ten and he had been passed around to various foster homes until he became too big and ate too much for them to be able to support him. He had been kicked out of his last home when he was 16 and he hasn’t had a steady place to live since then.

I offered him a place to stay for as long as he wanted to stay there. I wasn’t concerned about his abilities and his chances of getting a job to help support the place. With his size and strength, he could easily find work that made the best of his abilities.

When it was getting late, I started getting restless and made up my mind that I would offer my body to him. It was sort of a gift return. I took his hand and lead him into the bedroom where I proceeded to undress in front of him. Once I was nearly done, I started to undress him. I had problems reaching high enough to unbutton the top of his shirt.

When I finally had his pants off, I noticed that the old adage was true: If a man had big feet and big hands, he would also have a big dick. At first glance, I was afraid of allowing that monster to enter my body.

When it finally came down to it, I hadn’t anything to fear about it killing me. My body accepted his very large size with ease. It was almost as if I was made for him specifically. I went to sleep that night with a very big smile on my face and I made sure that he had one too. As much as the bed groaned and creaked when he moved, it held up to his weight without any major problem. I fell asleep in his warm, strong arms and felt secure for the very first time in my life.


When morning finally arrived, I awoke to a feeling of being slightly off-balance. My body had a tendency to lean towards my left and I wasn’t really sure why. When I looked to my left, I got a huge shock seeing a huge black man sleeping there. Then my brain did its morning reboot and I finally woke up to the memory of the previous day and night. The thought of the previous night brought a smile to my face in remembrance. My nipples tingled and my crotch gave a pulse. They definitely had liked what had happened to them.

My bladder was feeling some pressure and I tried to wiggle out of the bed trying not to wake John up. He was certainly a quiet sleeper. Most men I had had an opportunity to sleep with had been very noisy sleepers and practically drove me away from their beds. I hadn’t heard a sound out of him all night long.

I was able to squeeze my way out from under his arm and made my way to the bathroom. When I sat down, I noticed that the coloration of my skin had changed to a slightly darker tone. Not quite as dark as John but it certainly wasn’t the light color of the previous day.

My morning relief break over with, I cleaned myself off and washed my hands. I studied the beautiful face that reflected back at me from the mirror. I was still amazed that this woman was actually me. The seeming youth of the face belied the agedness of the eyes. She may have looked years older than her eighteen years by looking in the eyes but there was a twinkle there that showed a contentedness in her life. I was happy for the first time in years.

I made my way back to where John was lying. I eased back into the bed and skootched my way back into his arms. As I was doing so, he woke up. I took advantage of it and gave him a warm kiss. He returned it just as warmly.

“Good morning, lover.” I told him sincerely. “How are you today?”

He got a tilted grin on his face. “Ah don’ think Ah’ve been anneh betta den Ah am now. T’ank ya fo’ sharin’ yaseff lahk ya did. Ya din’t haff ta, ya know.”

“Honey, I have to ask you. How much darker will my skin get?” I asked him.

“Ah’m not shoer but Ah t’ink itta be a bit mowah. Ah see tat its dawka den it was yestadey. Ah’ve navah done dis befowah to a parson an’ Ah’m not shoer how much itta goin’ ta go.” He told me.

“I’m not complaining, honey. It certainly can’t be any worse than I had before. My biggest problem is that I’m not going to be recognized by anyone I know and I may have to disappear or something.” All at once, I realized what I was saying. I may to have to make it look like I was dead and leave the area I had called home for a long time. I was saddened by the prospect. So much so that I couldn’t control what I was feeling. I started crying.

John wrapped his huge, warm arms around me and made quiet shushing noises to me. I cried until I was used up. I felt better afterwards but I knew that I still had to uproot my life.

Since it was Monday, I couldn’t see going to work since they wouldn’t know me from Adam if I was to actually go. I finally got up out of bed. I had wanted to have another sex session with John but I knew I was going to have some serious problems shortly if I didn’t do something about my now-former life.

“John, I have to close out this chapter of my life. I can no longer stay here because I am no longer who I was. You can’t stay here for the same reasons. I think that for the better, I will be going with you where ever you go. I owe you my life, since you did save it. I haven’t felt better in a long time. It was only because I had been feeling so poorly that I even went to a doctor. If you will let me, I would like to be your woman. Or wife, if you wish it.” I told him with a finality I felt all the way to my heart. I could see the kind, considerate man he was inside.

People could only see the fierce looking giant and could only be afraid of him.

“Ya don’ hafta do dat. Ah wood ratta goes it alone. If’n Ah do goes ennehwhare.” He told me in return.

“John, I really like you a lot. You are a kind and gentle soul. You are the kind of person I would like to get to know better and to do that I would like to be with you. I can feel something inside that is more than likely a growing love for you. I know it will grow deeper if you are willing to let it. Please say you’ll let me come with you. Please?” I pleaded with him.

I could see the emotions warring within his mind, reflected on his face. He was a man without guile and I could also see that he might have been hurt by someone previously. He was silent for several minutes before his face relaxed.

“If’n ya wants ta come, ya cayen. Ah can’ts stops ya from doin’ whatcha wants ta do. Ya’re free ta lives as ya wants ta.” He said.

“Thank you, John. You don’t know how much this means to me. I have some affairs I need to get straightened out before we can leave. But we have to be gone tomorrow.”


I immediately got up and put on some clothes. Before I left the room, I went over to where John was still laying and gave him a big kiss. Just the touch of his lips to mine gave my body a wonderful tingle and my crotch again gave a pulse that said it was ready for some more action. I had to ignore it as much as I could, even if I didn’t want to.

I spent the rest of the day working with a real estate agent on the sale of my house. Since I had been in it for fifteen years and had never refinanced it, I had a tidy chunk of equity built up in it. Since I told them I was moving away, I wouldn’t be able to sign any closing documents unless they had something that I could sign then to give them authorization to sell it for me.

The agent made the arrangements for her company to buy the house and sell it themselves. I did lose a small part of the equity but I was able to walk away from the house without losing too much money. They would sell all the possessions I had that I was leaving there and forward the money into the account I set up for that purpose. After it was all said and done with, I had made $50,000 on the sale of my house and furnishings.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to go anyplace without problems while carrying John in my little vehicle. We went and made arrangements for the purchase of a motor home that had a suspension system that was enough to handle John’s weight. It took up half of my house sales profit but I felt that things would be ok in the future. I got a tow bar for my little car so that we could pull it around and be able to use it if it was needed.

Once everything was done and settled, I started packing the things that I wanted to take with me. My absolute rock bottom necessities were packed into the car and the motor home. John, of course, had nothing to his name. He had been wandering around the country for so many years that he only got what was needed when he needed it. He had never had a steady job and never hung around very long in any one place. I had some things that I needed to talk to him about that would hopefully give him some peace with his gift and his life.

Chapter 6

That night after dinner, I went over to where John sat reading a book. I had to smile at the sight. Here sat this huge man with this little paperback book in one hand that made it look even smaller than it was. John surprised me when we were going through my possessions and I was thinking of throwing all my books away, with the exception of a few that were my favorites. He went through all the books and told me that he wanted to keep them. He said that he hadn’t been able to read a book in a long time and he really liked what I had on my shelves. He was so engrossed in the one he was reading that he didn’t hear me approach. He jumped as I sat down beside him.

“I’m sorry hon, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I told him.

“Dat’s awright ma’am. Ah’s so capshud by de book dat Ah din’t sees ya.” He said rather sheepishly.

“ Ma’am, that makes me feel so old John. Please, call me Michelle or even Shelly it you prefer. But please, don’t call me ma’am again?”

“Yes’m..., Ah mean M’Shell.” He at least tried, I couldn’t fault him for that.

“Good enough. John, I really needed to talk to you about something. I hope you don’t mind but I really feel it could benefit you in the future. It will also give people less to fear about you.”

“Awright, whatcha need ta tawk abou’?” He asked.

“John, you have a gift that could benefit humanity and you shouldn’t be afraid to use it. Why is it that you don’t like using it?” I asked.

“’Cause it hurts meh insahds when Ah do uses it. It barns badly and Ah’m weak and tarred aftawads. Ah cain’t use it offen or Ah cain’t move aroun’ annehmowah.” He told me.

I asked a lot of questions of him concerning his gift. He really didn’t know how it or why. He told me that if he was relaxed enough or unprepared, he could see into a person’s mind, such as happened with me, and could tell if they were a good person or not. I finally had enough information to ask him what I needed to.

“John, if there was anyone you could share your gift with, without any thought of doing it or not, who would it be?”

“De oneh peepo Ah woulds hep wit’ou’ tinkin’ ‘bout it woulds be a chahl. De sick uns aw de ones Ah woulds hep mowah den annehting. Ah fees sarrah fowah dem sins dey cain’t hep what’s wrong wit ‘em.” Was his reply.

I had sort of figured that much. Children were the world’s futures and so many of them were dying young because of the poor genetics of the parents. They were being handed down diseases that they couldn’t handle and it was killing them. The statistics of child mortality was increasing every year it was getting to be millions of children every year were dying younger and younger.

“John, if you could help out with the healing of children and make some money doing so by using your gift, would you?” I asked him.

“If’n ya means ta take ‘vantage of de p’rents b’cause dere chillen are sick, no Ah wooden do dat.” He responded quickly.

“Ok, what do you want out of life?” I had to ask him.

“Ah wants ta has a fambly, frens, a home of mah own an’ not has ta worreh dat Ah has dis gift Ah has. Ah don’ lahk hassin’ it. It has been a curse ta meh buts Ah has ta live wit’ it.”

“John, honey, what you describe is what every person wants in life. Each and every one of us has had to live with a curse. Mine was what I called my birth defect, which you cured so wonderfully. But the biggest thing about what we all want in our lives has its costs. A person can’t live without money. The thing about charging people for using your gift is that you are providing a service to the child as well as allowing the parent to have their child for much longer than they would have and at a cheaper price than the parent would have had to begin with. All the hospitalizations the child would have in the future would be taken away but a token fee from the parent for a service rendered is something that you should think about. I think its something that you should think about. Better yet, think of it as a potential job. A service for a paycheck.”

I could see that that sort of idea hadn’t occurred to him. His face took on the look of concentration again. I knew he was at war with himself and his ethics and also his way of life. But I knew this was going to be good for him and for some very sick children if he would agree to it.

The whole thought process must have been exhausting for him, for when his face finally relaxed, I saw a peace spread out from his eyes.

“De way ya puts it, Ah tink Ah ken do it dat way. Buts Ah raquars dat if’n de p’rents cain’t pay, dey don’ has ta. Is dat awrights wit’ ya?”

“John, I can guarantee you that each and every parent that has their child cured of whatever is making them sick, they would pay everything that they could in gratitude. But I think you’re right about the conditions. I’ll make an additional requirement too. We will deal only with the parents and the child. If they don’t want the service, then we won’t force it on them. But it may take a bit of time before people will accept that the children are cured. We also need to make sure that no one tries to take this away from you.” I thought for a moment more. “There will be some rather unscrupulous people who may try to prevent you from helping these children and they may make it very rough on you. I will do what I can to limit the problems but it may be rough at times.”

I thought for another moment. “John, would you marry me?” I asked in the spur of the moment. “I know that it should be you asking but I think that it would benefit both of us in the long run. Besides, I really think I love you. I have only known you a couple of days but yet I see how gentle you are as well as how caring you are. I had thought that I might love you before but I really know it now. When we leave tomorrow, lets go get married. Alright?”

A look of surprise struck his face. He didn’t know what to say. He remained silent but numbly nodded his head yes. Elated, I wrapped my arms around his neck and proceeded to give him a warm, all-encompassing kiss. The rest of the night was spent making passionate love. I was now an engaged woman and would be wed on the morrow. I let loose my inhibitions and treated the man as if I were a wanton whore. I loved every minute of it.

End Part 1

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