CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Freya's Gift Chapter 15 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 15: First Dates part 1

Thursday Afternoon

Freya's Gift Chapter 14 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 14: Lauren

Tuesday Afternoon


I leave Cappie to continue my patrol. He promises not to tell anyone about my unique talents. It's almost mid shift and I need to take my lunch break. I head for Mom's when my phone rings. "Hi Freya, how's your day going?" Lauren says.

Freya's Gift Chapter 13 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 13: Katies First Challenge

While I was dealing with Cappie and the kamaras. Katie is at her first season practice on the far side of town.

Freya's Gift Chapter 12 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 12: How Small the World Is

FREYA speaks, "There is much for you to know, all is not as you believe it to be." Katie and I look at one another then back to FREYA, the look of bewilderment evident on our faces. She continues, "Your world, your universe is but a single dimension of parallel planes of existence of which there are many. In Asgardian lore there are the nine realms."

Freya's Gift Chapter 11 by Mopar

Freya's Gift

Chapter 11: Patrol Duty

I grab my wallet and keys on the way to the garage. Sitting in the patrol car, the seats are very form fitting, like a race car seat shape only for me. Another sign that FREYA has change reality to put me in this life. It's still early and I take time to get familiar with the car's layout.

Freya's Gift Chapter 10 by Mopar

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 10: Thoughts and Feelings

Freya's Gift Chapter 8 by Mopar

Freaya's Gift

Chapter 8: Gaining Knowlege


"Well I need to clean up before we go into town again, so unless you're joining me in the tub.... you should go get ready." I smiled cheekily at Katie.

She says, "That would be a little weird don't you think?"

Freya's Gift Chapter 7

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 7: Putting the Pieces Together


I woke up feeling refreshed and invigorated. The sun is just peaking over the trees on the far side of the lake casting long shadows into the bedroom. I look at Katie and get the sense of some difference, but can't place it. I pass it off as a trick of the sunlight striking her face, looking like an angel.

Freya's Gift Chapter 6

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 6: Connecting to the Past Part 2

Katie and I made our way to the food court and got Panda Express chinese food. We always got chinese food when we were together, it was something the family did together since she and her twin Michael were 3 months old. We made our selections and found a quiet spot to sit so we could talk.

Freya's Gift Chapter 5

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 5: Connecting to the Past Pt 1

from Freya's point of view:

Freya's Gift Chapter 4

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 4: Where to Start?

I awoke to a glorious sunrise on the lake. I stretched my arms out revelling in the feeling of have no morning pains. Pain was something I had grown used to as an ever constant companion, one I would gladly have buried in a hidden grave, if only.

Freya's Gift Chapter 3

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 3: A New Start

As I came to my senses I knew there was something different. The more clear headed I became, I realized what an understatement that really was.

Freya's Gift Chapter 1

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter One: In the Beginning

When you think you know everything there is, life always has a way to prove you wrong!

Nikki, part 19

“Three cheers for the college girls!” Charlotte announces. “Hip hip-“

“Hooray!” The modest number of partygoers cheer.

“Hip hip-“ Charlotte repeats.

“Hooray!” The partygoers again reply.

“Hip hip-“ Charlotte yells at the top of her voice.

“Hooray!” The party goers again cheer as Sarah, Katie and Lauren stand at the front of the room, their cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The Vicar of Diddley

The Vicar of Diddley
by Lin Dale

It's not every day that a woman tells a guy she has totally fallen for him and wants to have his babies, especially when she's a wife, a mother and a vicar! Problem is, she believes a male chastity belt is the best way of maintaining her virtue.


Audience Rating: 



TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes: A TG Mixed Tape


A TG Mixed Tape

(Curated by PersnicketyBitch)

A young woman is singled out of superherodom, but is having none of it. A group of teenagers disturb a malicious spirit. A radical plan to improve the American political process. Hit play on the last TG Mixed Tape for 2015 for all these stories and more, featuring contributions from Efindumb, Ellie Dauber, Desert Willow, Misaania, Jenny North, Callie Messenger, Person42, Hikaro, Shauna, Trismegistus Shandy, kandijayne, Desert Willow and Anon Allsop

Secondhand Life - Part 35

Mikey was quiet and somewhat sullen as we walked outside to wait for our limo. I squeezed him into a close hug.

“I know you think this is the end. It's just the end of your coming out. Your introduction. You made impressions in there. So when you come back in act two, the players will recognize you as one of their own.”

Mikey looked up at me. “Do you really believe that?”

I nodded to him and turned to Dennis, who also nodded.

“I'm family, so I'm biased. ...AND... I'm here only because you let me be your plus one on your contest prize.”

For Master Chapter 8

Two things, first this is fanfiction and has nothing to do with canon Whateley.
Second, the happy gas used by Glitch, is a drug that works extremely fast, and when something similar to it was put into rats and they could give themselves a dose of it by pressing a button, they pressed it as often as they would forget to eat and sleep. Everything that occurs due to an addiction from it is real.
So yeah, don't modify your body to put out an aerosol spray of the stuff.

Mississauga, Canada
August 10th, 2007

Charlotte, part 17

“Remember when these lessons used to be just for the two of us?” I ask Charlotte as we tie our shiny satin pointe shoes to our feet.

“Barely,” My BFF giggles. “Then again, who is it who’s always saying ‘you can never have too many friends’?”

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 8

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she peeled her clingy blue skirt from her glistering, nylon-covered legs and carefully placed it in the locker to be washed ahead of the following day’s flight. After stripping off the rest of her uniform and changing back into her tight, chic pencil dress, Jessica elegantly lowered herself onto the bench in front of her locker and took her smartphone from her handbag, switching it on to check her messages.

Kayda 5 - The Riddle of Sappho - Prologue and Canto I

A Whateley Academy Adventure

The Riddle of Sappho

by EE Nalley & ElrodW

Prologue and Canto I

Iridescent-throned Aphrodite, deathless
Child of Zeus, wile-weaver, I now implore you,
on't--I beg you, Lady--with pains and torments
Crush down my spirit,

Hymn to Aphrodite, Sappho

A Halloween Engagement

A Halloween Engagement

By Jessica C

I thought I was straight before my Halloween engagement... Jenn talked me into going to a Halloween Party as Little Bo Peep. What could go wrong; well maybe nothing did.

For Master Chapter 5

This part pushes things a little near the end, all I ask is that you read to the end the final part is very satisfying and should change some of the opinions people have messaged me about Glitch.

Nighttime, July 9th, 2007

Sissy Girl Forever part 2 and 3

Sissy Girl Forever Part two.

No going back now.

Mistress was going to be certain that there would be no turning back for me. Over the next few weeks she made certain that I used my hormone cream daily. No my breasts haven't started to grow yet but I could notice some slow down in hair growth. My male wardrobe seemed to be dwindling, with more camis, blouses, soft pullovers and ladies pants taking their place. Of course I have only had pretty panties and tight girdles for underwear for many years already.

Nikki, part 18

“Mmm,” I moan as the image of Sarah in her wedding dress fades and my brain starts swimming back to reality. I blink my eyes twice, turning my sore head to shield my sensitive eyes from the bright light streaming through the window.

“Morning, beautiful,” Sarah says, giving me a quick kiss on my forehead.

Kayda 4 - Now the Real Learning Can Begin - Final Chapter

A Whateley Academy Adventure

Kayda 4: Now the Real Learning Can Begin

Chapter 5 - Wakinyan Towa Pi (Lightning)

by ElrodW and EE Nalley

Tuesday, May 1, 2007, late evening

Dickinson Cottage

Mrs. Nelson poked her head into the TV room on the third floor of the cottage. "Girls," she said in a firm parental voice, "you know that the TV goes off at ten-thirty."

Car ride

It was about a quarter past one in the morning, and he was just driving around. And like most times he had dressed up in what he liked best.
From the bottom up that was a pair of pumps with a moderate heel, black nylons, the kind that stays up by itself. Then a greay skirt which fell
just to his knees, and a black blouse. Under it he wore black satin panties and an also black bra, with silicone inserts, a firm D-cup. He could
not wear this at home, his wife knew about his dressing preferences, but did not want to be confronted with it. So he only wore this at night,

Glimpses 10

Warning. This chapter and following chapters in its "thread" will contain some sexual situations, BDSM and other "kink". Nothing that outrageous, but there will be some.


He found it while exploring the woods one day.

He thought he heard voices. Between that and the twinges he was getting from his bondage he decided it was best to get off the trail.

He'd decided to try getting closer to the foot of the cliff. He couldn't be sure through the trees, but it looked like there wasn't a talus slope here.

It was odd, he'd have sworn there wasn't a place like that around here. He'd been digging through the local woods for years and surely he'd have noticed?

To his amazement, he suddenly stepped into a cleared area. Just some moss on the ground, then a bunch of waist high stones in a arc from the cliff. It was odd. Not only wasn't there a talus slope, but the stones weren't the basalt that all the local rock was.

He was just noticing the stones inside the arc and the large opening in the cliff when he heard the voices again.

"I'm sure I saw someone! And they were naked!"

For Master Chapter 2

Toronto Sick Children's Hospital,
June 5, 2007

A groan ripped through my throat. A drum beat incessantly within me. Something rushed through my body, surging and pulsing, roaring in my ears. Bugs and pins covered my body poking me, making me itch and my skin crawl. Every breath brought pain into the core of my being. Even with my eyes closed the bright lights made them water and burn. My body growled, I felt hollow and something in me twisted itself into a knot. A door opened, the creaking of the hinge was like nails on a chalkboard.


John lay on his bed wishing it would go away. Not the bed. That thing at his crotch. It was bad enough just having it there. But it had started growing a bit. That was a bad sign, he really wasn't looking forward to puberty. But at least he hadn't started getting hairy yet. Except for small patch just above it.

It was probably wishful thinking, but he thought he was growing a little bit up top. From what he'd read on the web, it was probably just gynecomastia, but he'd take what he could get.

The Initiation Part 2

We last saw Mike... or rather, Tracy, wearing her new collar and being led away by Marcy, her new Mistress. Tracy had been Mike just a few days ago but now here she was, a submissive slave to Marcy's every whim.

My mind was spinning as Marcy led me up the stairs and into what was now to be my room. She unfastened the leash that was attached to my collar and tossed it onto the dresser. She walked a few feet away and spun to face me.

"Come here!" she said in a commanding voice as she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor in front of her.

Stuart, part 5

“Jamie?” I ask as I open the door. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here,” Jamie says breathlessly, “because I love you, Stuart.” My legs start to wobble as I hear the words I’ve longed to hear, but in my head, I know what I’m hearing is too good to be true. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, steadying my nerves before replying.

“You love me… but?” I ask.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 7

“Exhausted yet?” Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport.

“Almost,” Abbey replied, returning Jessica’s smile. “It’s harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route…”

The Initiation

I sat at the vanity in my pretty, matching, pink lace bra and panties. I had lost my ability to fight against my would be captors so, with my hands in my lap, I simply sit as still as I can. The other girls whirled and whizzed around me, applying makeup and fixing my hair just right. They spun me around and gave me a good look over. Satisfied, Marcy, the obvious leader, handed me a pair of thigh high nylons and instructed me to put them on. All I could do was nod as they had done something to me and I was unable to speak.

Charlotte, part 16

“I am the resurrection and the life,' says the Lord. 'Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” I take a deep breath through my nose and stare over at my mother’s tear-stained face as the priest continues speaking.


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