Gwen Brown

A Husband/Companion

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As the years pass, it becomes increasingly painful and lonely to not have a husband/ companion. The need to talk this out and think about the practicality of the idea has grown really clear to me. So, earlier tonight, as I was out riding, I began to consider who that I know could offer the best council.

The Mormon Church has been wonderful to me; supportive, dependable and gentle. But are they my family? They say they are, and in the next months they will have the chance to show it.

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Now I understand BDSM

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Previously, I had thought that "Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism" were, creepy, perverted and lewd. However, today I had an epiphany about it, at least some of it.

I have often joked about needing a spanking, and finally understood that being raised in a loveless, brutal childhood, I came to see being beaten as a sort of affection.

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Something exceedingly stupid.

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So, a good friend of mine at church, mostly figured me out, or at least I thought she did. But, later she told me she had not and to have me talk to her about it was really jarring to her. I've been with this church for 18 months and am extremely happy. Now this latest stupidity on my part feels really awful and I am very frightened of the consequences.

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Stories: when tears are appropriate

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This morning I found one of my stories in Random Solo. I was surprised to see it there because I had previously felt so embarassed with my early work, that I did not want it to be seen.

Reading it took me back more than 10 years to before I transitioned. And yes there were the usual word order problems and awkward sentences.

One thing that struck me was how easily Credence was driven to tears. In the past, I have been critical of other authors in their liberal use of the tear in their stories. Now it looks a bit like the pot calling the kettle black! GAD ZOOKS !

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Lulu Downloads

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OK, I am doing this out in the open, (1) so I don't have to bug Erin, (2) thinking maybe someone has already had this problem, knowing full well that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

So, I went to Lulu and bought Tiffany Shar's, "Bears Know Best" but am stupidly struggling with this stifling download process. I have the Kindle PC program, but don't know what is compatible with what.

I have a PC with Win 7 and when I try to download Apple's reader, it won't go. It says there is an error.

I download stuff all the time from Amazon because they make it easy for dummies.

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Video card possessed?

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Um so this girl freely admits that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to computers. So, this girl's computer is being funny. When posting on some sites, it looks like the ribbon on her typer thingy is running out of ink. Well, this girl does not believe there is such a ribbon in her computer, at least she has never found one. Where would they put such a thing?

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A warning about Facebook

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I notice that lots of authors on BCTS are also on Facebook and some have friended me. I noticed some funny stuff going on about a month ago and then they said that they wanted each user to use their real name. Then I noticed that I was getting things in my email that were hostile, so I closed both my FB accounts down. I do not plan to return to them, and may open new email accounts if it gets worse.

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Ocular Migrane

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I just thought I would say this while I have a chance so nothing gets left unsaid. Just to be clear, last night I recieved nothing more than a a scare, according to the doctor, but my roomate won't let me out of her sight today, so it scared both of us.

So, no drama, but i just wanted to make sure that I told everyone here what a great bunch you are with the exception of one or two who get crabby now and again. I do not think that anyone here has ever had a cross word for me, even when I was spouting radical Islamic propaganda. :)

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Musings of a demented mind.

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This blog is not really about anything at all, so those who are easily bored can stop reading now. :)

One of my frustrations with fiction writing is that ALL female warriors seem to be required to be nearly naked. This I do not understand, because anyone with breasts can tell you that the girls need to be aggressively supported and protected for a woman to be much of a warrior at all. Not only do they bounce around, but getting hit on one is a real owwie. It is confusing to me where this prejudice comes from on a site where many of us are professing to be women inside. Hmmm.

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Pseudo "Menses".

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Well, I am sufficiently certain that I am having a cycle of some sort that I have downloaded an Ap called "My Days" to see if there is any veracity to the idea at all. I've been suspecting this for quite a while, so in two or three months I will know for sure. I placed my start date at the 22nd of July.

This is hard to understand, because there is no cycle to my hormones, so either my brain is having a field day with me or the moon is sending me suggestions.

So, do any of you have similar delusional states?


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Seriously Depressed.

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So, I intended to go camping this week end and when I got where I was going, there was lightning, rain and a tornado warning, so I wound up sleeping indoors.

As part of my meticulous planning for this trip, I managed to leave my Trazidone at home. By the time I got home, I'd been off it two days, and last night I felt I was doing so well that maybe this was the time to just quit it cold turkey.

Last night was so hot that I did not sleep well at all but did manage to get a few hours sleep in my, by now, sticky itchy sheets.

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SMILE, smile, smile !!!!

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It gets tiresome saying this, but I will once again. SMILE ladies, Smile.

One of my biggest frustrations is when one of you puts your photo up and somehow I can look clear through to your very souls and see the pain, fear, lack of entitlement that lurks there; though poorly hidden.

Do what every young girl does. Spend time in front of the mirror, lots of it; time that is. Some of you seem to think you look more like the front end of a locomotive than a woman, but there is actually only one difference between a born woman and us, and that is entitlement!

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Women with balls.

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I'm still mildly seething, sort of like a dragon with smoke coming out my nostrils, but no flames. In my time being in the world of women, as one, I have never encountered a woman who acted like a man, aside from simply openly hostile, man hater, lesbian women, and even their presentation was, well lacking.

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Please, how do I do this again?

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So, I think that I might redo some of my stories and resubmit them. OK, so I know how to post them, but I am not sure how to get rid of the old one. Do I just highlight the whole business and then press delete, or is there a better way?



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Writing tips for novels

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I am in a writer's group once a month and much to my surprise, one of the small group is a published author and has written a few novels that I think are doing well. J P Blackmer, does that ring any bells? He writes Scottish fiction set about 600 years ago.

So, now to the point. He said that when he writes a book, he writes a little bit here, and some there, and finally in the middle and when he thinks he has a story then he works out ways to join all the little bits together. Hmmm. I wonder if I should try that?


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Please help rename this story.

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I would love some help with a story of mine, "Battle Field to Crib". So many people, including myself think that story title is well, lame. So, I would like some suggestions on a new name.

I think I am going to greatly extend this story to 2 or 20 chapters, and if I decide to try my luck selling anything on Amazon or where ever, it will likely be this story, after I publish it here. I like the sweet, gentle story line.

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Anyone heard from Beth lately?

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It has been months I think since I last heard from Beth. I haven't seen her on and know that she was having some health challenges, but appeared to be improving.

Has anyone heard from her?


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Thinly veiled TG sentiments.

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I am reading a certain main stream Author's stories again after 25 or so years. He has one series of books about 12 books long and with my experiences in the intervening years, I am more sensitive in recognizing certain tendencies that seem to be common among TG genre folk.

The way he and his team of researchers have handled certain subjects in these books makes me suspect that a good many of our stories right here in BCTS could survive and perhaps do well in the main stream market, especially those with relatively mild and brief TG content.

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Is Google getting stupider?

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As I grow at the wordsmyth-ing racket, I find it fun, even entertaining to use words that the reader must pull out their Dyctionary to sus out the meaning.

Well, using Google Chrome, I think that they have a spell checker running that analyses everything I pen. Lately, I do notice that their spell checker seems less and less able.

Has anyone noticed this. Is Google deliberately dumming down, or is it simply due to the fact that there is a huge influx of young employees who have no respect for the trade?


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Sorry, I am a mess right now.

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Those of you who pray, please do so for me.

I haven't written a word 4 months and I miss it a lot. I have some really radical story ideas and hope that I can somehow find the time to put them into bytes and bits soon.

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I met a girl today.

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I met a girl today; one of us, and she seemed quite happy and adjusted working the counter at Safeway, a local grocery store. I told her how thrilled to see one of use being treated decently and with respect. Some of us get none.

It made my day. As I finish this, I will return to my sick bed, wishing that she and all of us of the sisterhood will finally be given the lives we so long for.

She says we will meet later. I wonder


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In deference to my cousins...

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To the citizens of the United States of America

From: Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

In light of your failure in recent years to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy).

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Masterful writing style

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Well, I finally overcame the heat of my shyness and bought "50 Shades Of Grey". The thing I find amazing is the writing style. It just flows so naturally and there is never any need to stop and go back to figure out what happened. This is how I want to write when I grow up! :)

On another note: the protagonist is ME, and I need to get back to the book to see what happens to me.


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I struggled and fought until I was too exhausted to continue, but felt that I had succeeded in resisting temptation. Heavenly Father had been kind to me in a very special way.

The attraction of a young college student to a rich and powerful man who led her to face her darkest weaknesses somehow drew me and made me feel guilty in spite of the fact that I did not sin. I was tempted but did not sin. So why did I feel so guilty, as if I had sinned?

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Real Life

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Hello my lovelies:

I haven't been spending much time on here lately and expect to be here considerably less in the future. It is not that I have become a snob, or that I am depressed, but am just too busy to breathe any more, and I love what I am doing.

In truth, aside from the sadness of my losses once in a while, these are the happiest days of my life and I am pretty glad that I quit sucking on gun barrels.

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I Think Someone Stole My Book!

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So, I have been slaving away for years, secretly writing a romance novel. When I write, sometimes I really get into the story and actually try to live it, mostly to write the realisim. Sometimes I worked so hard that the windows in my office would fog up, depriving me of view of, harbor with huge plastic boat sitting in it. Or maybe I was sitting in steaming tub with rubber ducky and writing with laptop? Man, I got the good stuff this time! Woooeeeee!

So, I called the book "50 Shades", goodness those are a lot of sunglasses to carry around.

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Female Warriors With Clothes

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Finally I have found an author who writes stories with female protagonists who wear clothing! When I was writing, I wanted some art work with female warrior and all I could find is shapely hot women holding sword like it vegetable chopping knife.

I look forward to seeing this:

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My Untamed Dress

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Most of the time I successfully resist my exhibitionistic wanna be stripper inner self with great success. Though several years ago, I did go clubbing in not enough clothing, those days are long over for me and I strive to be as modest as a Nun, or more. It seems my Muslim days left a permanent mark on me.

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Lost: Construction Diva

I seem to have lost track of a story I wrote a few years ago. I think I published it here as "Construction Diva", and it was one of the few stories that I have written that actually attracted negative comments with a few people insisting that it could not happen in real life. LOL Well, I beg to differ, something quite similar DID happen to me.

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Heading off to Utah.

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I was supposed to start my trip tomorrow on my trip to Provo, but with the snow here in Portland, I plan to leave a day early so I do not have such long days traveling. I plan to take my lap top, but do not know about wifi access. So just checking the roads, they seem to be snowy but open. The Columbia Gorge is known to be treacherous and it is open now so I though it good to get while the getting is good. So, those who check on me, nothing bad going on here, just going to a re-union. Planning to return home Monday or Tuesday, Inshallah.

Much peace


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Several people from different compartments of my life have asked me to write my autobiography and I am finally feeling well enough to take on such a task. It will be a transgender (inter-sex) story, and it will also include every aspect of my life, including my success, failures and embarrassing moments. It will include all aspects of my spiritual journey.

I still have a lot to think about, but I think if it has to be sugar coated to avoid offending someone, then it is not worth the effort. It will include it all both smelly and fragrant.

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Password Attacks?

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It used to be that my internet passwords were simple, something easy to remember. After being victimised by unknown people in the last couple of years, I now have a book where I record my passwords, but in the last few days, something seems to be happening with several of my accounts. It is almost as if someone has gotten into some of my accounts and destroyed their password files, because accounts like Facebook, and several others, my passwords have stopped working.

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Because I am a Girl.

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Most of us, I believe, have very stylized ideas about what it means to be a woman in real life, and I must admit that my idea of a woman's life is vastly different than it was back in 1990, the initial start of my journey to my true self.

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Unanticipated Astonishing Blessing!

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The most profoundly thrilling thing in life for me is music and in almost every genre from Apalachian Hill Country, to Tabla Turbo to Kathrine Jenkins to ZZ Top to Queen to Handel and I likes it loud enough for my subwoofer to make nail pops in my walls. My soul soars with the angels.

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Someone died

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When I was in Thailand to get my body remodeled, there was a person there who was sort of the coordinator. She was TG,post op, Canadian, and had been a teacher. She drank a lot, a lot! Her job was to insure that we got to the hospital and then to the clinic afterward for thrice daily dilation, and generally see to our welfare. For her it was all about the bars, and male conversations. I could see she was deeply troubled and felt sorry for her, though she resisted any effort to help her to a less destructive life style.

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Dissing Gays

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So, I was sitting in a Family Home Evening with 6 other singles and it is about Articles of Faith 13. Then some guy starts going off on Gays and the it is of the devil thing. We've all heard it right. A quick google search should answer the questions you may have.

I finally had enough and he met the BITCH, though I was more gentle and loving and kind than I felt. I knew it would happen sooner or later. The battle is joined. I do not plan to give in lightly and I know several elders and a Bishop who will support me.

Please pray for gentleness to prevale.


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Marker on my screen

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So, some of the stories here are really long and I can't read them in one setting, so I have been using a marker to mark the position of the slide thingie before I shut down for the night. Before you all laugh at me, how else can I do it? It is really troublesome to find my place again when I come back on line.

I am worried about getting the marks off my screen.

Is there some sort of book mark thingie I can use so I can come back to the right place?

Thank you.


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California Gay Marriage law AIN'T NO MO !

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There are so many things that I do not get about the whole gay/lesbian thing, but I know it is a personal choice and should remain so.

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Comfortable Stockings

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In some areas of my life I am unapologetically weird. Pantyhose make me feel claustrophobic, so I always wore gartered stockings, which I gave up on when I was Muslim, because with floor length skirts, who needs anything but cotton anklets? So, now that I have rejoined a wider community, I can wear skirts up to my knees, so in more formal situations, I need to wear stockings again.

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Lt Katia in Afghanistan Ch 4


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Lt Katia in Afghanistan

By Gwen Brown

Well, my apologies for the delay in this last episode. The Schwartz was just not with me. So, I will provide a brief synopsis of the first three chapters to spare you reading it all again. I solemnly promise not to publish any more stories unless they are complete at publishing time. Here is a brief recap of the entire story.


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This story is 69 words long.

The Long Journey

Since I began to seriously began to address my different-ness in 2001 the good folks at this site have carried me through crisis after crisis; 5 hospitalizations for mental breakdown, a SRS operation, the loss of my family and everything I cared about in life. I was three days from living on the street before things slowly began to turn around. It took years, 10 of them to finally feel like I really wanted to live again, and that did not begin to happen until early last March.

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Dilation school

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Ok, girls take out a pen and paper and be sure to jot down notes. Test to follow.

So, I spent a delightful morning at the Gyno docs while she taught he how I might get myself out of my pruned up Vagina problem. You see, I have been a bad little girl and stopped dilating about 2 years ago, and now I don't think a rabbit could do me.

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I was the house servant

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Our life experiences give us all sorts of story ideas. It is just amazing.

Tonight I watched, "The Help", and I have no doubts in my mind that if the story is not literally true, it is in substance. Oddly, it took me back to my time with my family, and as I watched it, I realized that I had about the same status in my home as one of "them coloreds", and when they could no longer use me, I was fired. It was a dark, bleak realization but now I feel empowered.

Through the years, I have talked to other T folk who related the same sort of thing to me, it is not an uncommon experience

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Looking for Ice Tiger and Anari

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I mean, I'm not complaining because I have several stories that just sort of remain unfinished, and I think people like that are bloody awful. So, I resolve not to do that any more.

Anyhow, I was wondering what happened to Ice Tiger and the story called Anari something...can't exactly remember who the authors are, so I just can't bug them directily. There is another one about people being on a slave ship and escaping...

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Astonishing day at the Women's Clinic!

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My stars and garters, I never ever thought that I would be writing a blog like this one!

So, um... I never ever thought that I'd ever use my little hot dog wrapper, so I have been really lax about dilating and last month noticed that it has narrowed to far less than the size of a hot dog. When I got it, the thing would take a polish sausage, but due to my own negligence, well you know.

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