Gwen Brown

A real Dom

OK, i have switched to my subbie persona for the purpose of this blog.

i used to think that i was a bonafide subbie, and then today i listened to someone say that they always thought that they were an abused subbie, but as it turned out as she got well, she found out that she was actually an abuser, and not even a subbie or a Dom. Hmmmm. She also said that she had learned how to not manipulate people in a negative way.

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Banned in porn in the UK

I see tonight that the UK has banned 10 acts from its porn? I don't even look at it any more having enough of that running around in my own head, not that I needs much.

One matter of distress to me is that they banned "Spanking". You mean that if I came to the UK, I could no longer get a few taps on me bottom ? I never felt that what I experienced as a child was even vaugely related to any sort of affection, so what I seek now and have been completely unable to find is that gentle rat tat tat. :)

What is the world coming to?



To the lonely in PDX

So, about everyone knows that I live in Portland, Oregon in a 6 story, 50 unit apartment building. I am told that there are 4 other T folk in this building. I have seen one of them, tried to make conversation, and you can guess where that went.

Across the street from me is another 6 story apartment building and on the 6th floor is another one of us.


The Stranger

The Stranger


Gwen Brown

“Are you an author or professor or something?” she timidly asked. Credence had ridden on the elevator with him a dozen times and increasingly wondered about him. He seemed so dignified? What was this magnetism she felt for him? Maybe he was dangerous to her, could perhaps hurt her, take advantage of her or even kill her? Why did he never come to the potlucks? He was civil, even friendly to her but it had never gone beyond the usual pleasantries and a sentence or two.

A place for us in society.

I promise, NO Drama.

Since 2005, I have been determined to forge a place in society for myself and those like me. I've stubbornly insisted and fought for a place in society as a woman, and to an amazing extent, that dream has been realized. It has been a long time since anyone has challenged me on the street or off it.

In spite of my total lack of understanding, the Mormon members around me have been kind and healing and supportive. That the upper management of the church has issues with those like me, actually arouses the ire of the members.

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Jennifer Gable's death

I've a really sad story to tell. A young woman named Jennifer Gable, transitioned from a man years ago. That's the last time I will mention her as trans.

So, she was apparently a customer service rep for Wells Fargo, in Idaho. Wells Fargo hires anyone they wish as long as they can do the job. She attended Boise State, studying Art and Drama.

She unexpectedly dropped dead at work with an aneurism. Doubly sad is that her father had her hair cut and had her buried as a male.


TDOR a surprise

I spend a lot of time on Facebook talking about things that matter to me. Oddly, I have yet to be confronted on TG issues, and this is surprising to me because I have pictures and everything right there.

A couple different people including the TED group put up things about Transgender folk and gratifyingly they were supportive and not snide at all. Perhaps things are turning around for us?

Sure, there were those who demonstrated their hate and ignorance. I think the anger was mostly manifested by the profoundly ignorant.



Ashleigh Blayze Where Are You?

Ashleigh Blayze:

So, in trying to find her, it seems that the last time she visited this site was in June of 2012. Has anyone here had contact with her? I am not thinking of badgering her for more of her science fiction, but would like to know how she is doing and to wish her the best.


PS: I have a strong suspicion that Ashleigh Blayze is one of the authors here who chose to write in a different voice. All I can say is bravo!

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Lost Story.

So, I thought her name began with an "A", and she wrote what I think was the most marketable Science Fiction I have ever seen on this site. She wrote about TG in a way that would be acceptable to the general public and that is what I want to see more.

He was a colonist whose world was attacked by pirates. He ran and got up into some woods to hide out and lo and behold, stumbled into a space ship that transformed him into a Princess with strengths of megalithic proportions.

Anyone have a clue?



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Transgendered or broken?

In my own situation, growing up with nasty, brutal men, I hated them, and I hated being one of the enemy even worse, and did not accept that idea without struggle. Then, what did I do but marry a young woman who herself had been abused awfully, and in her adult years became a rabid feminist. So after a while, I could never be right, or even OK. Looking back, I just wanted to be on the winning side. It was a choice to just walk away from her like so many other young males did at the time.

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DVD's, Stacks, and Twilight

So, I do not own a TV and do not wish to purchase one. I watch DVD's on my ancient Dell XPS 430. Sometimes to watch a Video disk, it is like dragin a dead mule through the mud. It freezes, or won't load and it seems impossible to predict when it will happen. At first I thought I could solve this with new DVD drive, but once I got a message that Windows 7 could not read the disk. Out of 5 disks of "Twilight", two were exceedingly frustrating, while the other three played without issue. Last night, the last disk would not load at all, so I just went to bed.

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Tutoring ESL Students

I am sat here thinking that I have gotten us in to a right mess Ollie. So, a few years ago, I helped a rather nice Saudi gentleman to improve his English to come to America to attend College. He is in Southern Oregon attending College now. Recently another Man contacted me about the same and we have been working on him for a while.

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Mysoginistic games

I suppose this will only mean something to you if you really, really want to be a woman. If you are just playing in girl's clothes, drinking beer, burping and bellowing at footie games, perhaps not so much.

I do not know how many of you here play Video Games. Every time I have tried some "guy" just kills me and walks away. Grrrr

So I had not thought of it much anymore until I heard Anita Sarkeesian speak on YouTube about how sexist video games are. Listening to her speak wakened something in me that I can best describe perhaps as being "Pissed Off, spitting mad!

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About Dragons

So, I'm just starting to write a story with a huge Dragon as the protagonist. He, or she will have previously been a 14 year old boy, you know the drill. I am have been reading Anne McCaffery, so my Dragon will not hatch or be fighting strings. It bothers me that one of the story devices I plan to use is that my Dragon will draw his power from another dimension, but I can not remember who originated that concept on this site, so I can ask permission to use it.

There will be no religion in the story, cultural or otherwise. I will use conventional sexual role models.

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SKYPE users

Got a nasty surprise tonight when I fired up SKYPE. Last week it was fine. Tonight it is showing my REAL NAME! I went steaming down to the Microsoft store, ready to ... I don't know what! Instead of yell and cuss, I started crying. DAMN !

So, the guy patted me on the shoulder and told me I was going to be alright.

He changed my name on SKYPE twice and it changed it back again.

I just turned on SKYPE when I got home to return someone's call, but I now see it is 12:15 AM where she is. I'll try it tomorrow.


Hurt so much!

I've seen others here write a blog like this but thought I would not any more after the murderous times of 2004-6.

So, in the last two weeks my oldest daughter, who I had not talked to in almost 10 years, said she could not get her mind around who I have become. My oldest son did that several months ago, and I never expect to hear from my youngest daughter.

It is so sad that we struggle as "manfully" as we can until our strength fails, and then those that we have poured our love into turn their backs on us, never realizing the sacrifices we made for them.

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Insane Hysterical Rant

So, I finally got moved into my palace in the sky (4th floor) down by the river. Everything was going fairly smoothly until I started dealing with our Government. Social Security was actually not too bad if one can accept the hour and a half of divining their secrets of joining on line. Wow, talk about secret squirrel !

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Gone to the Dark Side

Wish me luck please, Cathy, Bev, and Beth and anyone else who's listening. Tomorrow morning I am moving to a place that has nursing care available should I need it. AND, it will be $250/Mo cheaper than where I am now. Hopefully, this will enable me to resume writing and have a bit of peace.

Pulling the plug now on SKYPE and will perhaps be back on line by Friday?

Much peace


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Realism in our stories

I have seen snippets of "Game of Thrones" and find certain scenes far too graphic for my tastes. I am considering purchasing a season of it on DVD to watch and in some of the scenes I have seen on Youtube was greatly surprised to see a whole heart eaten. I hope it was that of a cow or something and not human. I am thinking of not purchasing the series.

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I'm editing this to make the TG element stronger, and intend to add an indeterminate number of chapters following. My muse has directed that this story will take an astonishing change in direction.

Gwen Brown

A lonely, divorced and abandoned woman finally pays an escort to take her out. She feels that if she is careful, she can afford to do this once a month.

Pure TG

Captain, Oh My Captain is pure TG and straight from my heart. I left it needing a bit of editing because I wanted to present a woman who was not quite coherent much of the time. I wanted to preserve the disorderly thinking.

So those who are tempted to pull the edit sword, be careful what you toy with.

It is my hope that both my fans will enjoy this glimpse into the mind of a crazed woman.

Khadija Gwen

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Comparison of accomplished authors

I just finished reading an Anne McGaffery trilogy, "Petabea", and as I reflect on the experience I actually feel that there are not a few authors here who are equal or perhaps better than her. I have loved her writing for quite a long time, and my comments are not meant in any way to demean her skills. They are rather comments on how well some of you do and how pleased I am that some of you have chosen to put themselves out on the open market and give it a go.

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A Warning

I love and respect so many of you. Those of you that have not been able to transition and live like I have are the brave, courageous ones. There is nothing brave about transitioning and having surgery. I just did what I wanted to do. It is you that sacrificed to keep the lives you have that are brave.

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