Angela Rasch

Kindle reviews

Yesterday Last week was Erin’s birthday.

She has often said that what she would really love to receive is financial stability for Big Closet.

There is a way you can help!

Almost everyone on this site lives hand-to-mouth. It was stated in a story on ABC News in May of 2019 that 40% of Americans have less than $400 in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. That was pre-Covid. Clearly that number would be much worse today.

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Miss Recudes

The captain of the cheerleaders and the most popular girl in the drama class revolts. After working to win the part, she refuses to play Maria in the school play The Sound of Music. Ryan is deeply in love with their teacher/director. Will the beautiful Miss Recudes persuade him to save the play? This was written as a premium story twelve years ago. It has been updated and edited.

Maryanne -- Your Power

Many years ago a person on FM posted something that was quite painful for me.

He said that there has never been a transwomen who he could not spot.

Imagine how devastating that concept felt for someone desperate to pass.

As therapy -- I made that person into a major character in my next story and in the story made him realize how wrong he was.

Just a thought.


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Hello, Again

A few days ago, I posted a blog in which I whined horribly about petty grievances.

I announced, quite pathetically, that I was going to take my ball and go home.

Over the next few days, I received about three dozen comments, PMs, and emails. They were almost universally encouraging and sympathetic. Some rightly called me out for the shortcomings I displayed.

Embarrassingly, I can’t even claim that I had acted out of passion, because I wrote the blog and let it sit for a number of days before posting it.

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Goodbye. Sometimes you just gotta say. . ..

. . .”What the fuck?”

In the mid 90s, I’d grown weary of the poorly written transgender stories I read on FM, Storysite, and other online locations.

My massive ego (more about that later) told me that I could write better stories. In college, I’d taken every writing course I could and wrote a humor column for the campus paper, along with sports articles.

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Please Help Me!

John Stockton was an excellent basketball player.

He was NOT a prolific scorer.

By NBA standards he was far too small and did not get a tremendous number of rebounds.

What he did, better than any other person who played professional basketball, was hand out assists.

An “assist” is a pass that leads directly to that player scoring a basket.

Stockton made nearly 16,000 assists during his career, which is almost 4,000 more than the next best player’s assist total.

I need you to give me an assist. Please!

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The Power of the Pen

I lived in Bismarck, ND for ten years. Generally, all of my thirties.

One of the local attractions was the blockhouses at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park.

I liked these reproductions so much that I built a one-third replica in my backyard as a playhouse for my boys who were six and ten at the time. The Civilian Conservation Corp built these repros in 1934.

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I've Got Your Number

Those of us who have been with Big Closet for over two decades have seen a lot of change. (I know my profile says I’ve only been here fifteen years, but that is because I left for a year when a reader said she was going to commit suicide because one of my stories made her feel so badly abut her life. She said the loving family I depicted in one of my stories was in stark contrast to hers.)

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Of Shoes and ships and sealing wax

Okay. . .there was a huge vote for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court today. Much to the surprise of some, including me, the conservative packed court voted 6-3 to acknowledge gay rights.

I’m doing my happy dance.

There’s a blog about this that has drawn some comments. I would consider most of the people who have commented to be nice people I’ve enjoyed speaking with for years. Yet. . ..

I’ve left little doubt where I stand on most issues. I’m a liberal.

Yet. . .if Erin sees fit to take down that other blog, I’m not going to be upset.

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One Person's Vegan Results

Last November, I watched a documentary called The Game Changers. It convinced me to try a vegan diet, mainly due to the adverse impact the meat industry has on the environment. I'm not radical, in that I'll share an occasional hamburger with fries with my spouse, but for all practical purposes I'm eating a plant-based diet and enjoying it. I rarely eat the psuedo meat because it is so highly processed but live three blocks from a Burger King and will eat the occasional impossible-burger.

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I can understand the anger.

The riots are two miles from me in one direction and four miles in another direction.

If I hadn't been watching the coverage on TV nothing would seem amiss.

I don't condone the destruction but . . .. The county attorney who hasn't brought charges yet is a long time jerk. His dad was governor and Agri Sec in JFK's cabinet. These riots are on his hands.



How A Bot That

The other day I was feeling pretty good about myself. Admittedly that is a common occurrence as I'm almost as self-confident as our Fearless Leader, who has plenary power according to Mike Pence. Being a former altar boy myself I know that when Pence uses the word "plenary" he's calling on his Baltimore Catechism education to define "plenary" as absolute and unqualified.

What caused me to trip the light narcissistic was the ever growing number of hits on my old stories.

Then an disturbing thought crossed my mind.

How many of those hits are actually bots?

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You Need a Good Slap

Imagine your over-served roommate, Teddy, announcing to that braying jackass in the bar, “You need a good slap.”

Now slur those words and add in five salient facts: 1.) Your roommate is built like a fireplug, 2.) he boxed Golden Gloves too many years, 3.) his face is right out of Guys and Dolls, 4.) his childhood would have shocked Dickens, and 5.) recently when his girlfriend had the gall to break up with him, he painted her car – with a broom and gallon of red enamel.


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Debt Kitty

For the last many months there has been a running total for a "debt kitty" on the right of the home page.

It would appear that the goal will soon be reached, if it hasn't already.

Maybe you should then start amassing a strategic reserve of $30,000.

It's time for you to create a perpetuation plan. The first step in such a plan would be adequate liquidity.

You could keep your "kitty" theme by calling it a "cat" fund (catastrophe).


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Who's Your Data?

I’m a prisoner in my home with time on my hands.

Over the years, I’ve made the statement many times that there is very little correlation between the quality of writing and the number of hits, quotes, and kudos.

To test this -- I took the last ten stories I’ve posted on BC. . .that still are posted as free stories and listed them in order of the best to worst. They’re my stories, I can do that. Unlike kids, having a favorite story is allowed.

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Is the Ratio of Readers to Authors Unbalanced?

We might be living in the Golden Age of Authors on BC.

But - do we have enough readers?

And - what percentage of readers are total takers, downloading the stories with no intent of ever commenting or leaving a kudos?

There has NEVER been a high correlation between the number of kudos and comments and the quality of a story. That said. . .there have been some mighty fine stories posted lately that have gone relatively unnoticed. And - it seems to me the number of hits for stories seems to have gone down lately as well.

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Big Tent / Big Closet

The other day Erin made a comment about Big Closet being open to a very eclectic group of people.

She has made this statement hundreds of times. She lives this statement every day.

Running a site that is opened to a huge variety of ideas is a recipe for disaster. Asking people who don't unanimously agree on everything to feel welcome under her tent is like begging for dispute, especially in today's world.

Erin knew this the day she opened her doors. She had watched the debacles in the mosh pit on another similar site.

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Is CDing a Mental Disorder?

A few days ago, I read a story on Big Closet that left me feeling a bit perplexed.

The story was well-written and the author has every right to explore the genre as she wishes.

Yet – I wish she had picked another premise or I had not read her story,
which shoved me back into the old argument as to whether cross-dressing is a mental disorder.


Writing Rules

Due to a recent comment, I’ve been thinking about writing rules.

My main writing rule is this – I keep writing and re-writing a story until I think it’s the best story I’ve ever written.

For your friendly, neighborhood narcissist, abiding by this rule can be a daunting task. . .but I try.

I’d be curious to hear what “writing rules” other BC authors have.

Your beloved "rule-r,


Blog About: 


Money Woes

Next year will mark my fiftieth year in business. The first fifteen years I worked for large corporations. The last thirty-five years I've owned my own business.

Owning a business is a lot like home ownership. You say "you" own the business as if that is first person singular -- when, in fact, the pronoun is almost always PLURAL.

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I'm Calling B.S.

It has become a matter of personal pride to complete reading the Mueller Report.

I've put in about three long hours, so far, and have completed about 75 pages.

Now -- back in grade school, I scored off the charts in reading comprehension test and vocabulary. I scored in the 99th percentile on most of the main scholastic exams.

All those politicians who look in the camera and talk about what the Mueller Report says, have they actually read it? Did one of their aides read it and give them Cliff Notes?


What Are Facts?

Have you ever heard the story about how AARP got started?

Here's a recap.

One night, about a decade ago, I was having an enjoyable dinner out with another insurance executive. He was the founder of several large insurance organizations including two large reinsurance companies. He was a serious-minded person who had a solid reputation.

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House of Blue Light

Good golly Miss Molly -- depression seems to be quite common within our ranks.

Yesterday, I had to have an eye exam to please the State of Minnesota so that I can drive the two or three thousand miles a year I put on my relic VW. On a whim, I asked the optometrist if there was anything to the "myth" of blue light impacting sleep.

Wow! He went from Mr. Quiet Conservative to Son-of-a Preacher-Man in a nano-second. The next ten minutes was a steady stream of melatonin-talk.

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Dominant Mother

March 22nd would have been my mother's 102nd birthday.

It's hard to believe it's been nineteen years since she passed.

She was a pistol. Very intimidating.

Years ago, it was quite fashionable to suggest that effeminate men were the product of women like my mother.

I don't consider myself effeminate but I DO consider myself quite feminine.

I wonder what the rest of you think about the theories regarding a mother's influence.

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BC Is a Silly Place

Big Closet is a silly place.

At times it seems to lack common sense.

In a world where its users are under harsh political attack Big Closet steadfastly refuses to engage. The logic behind that decision is anything but foolish.

Yet this is a silly place. Defying all economic logic – Big Closet continues to try to exist on donations, knowing full well that a large share of its users are indigent. Big Closet knows that BECAUSE a large share of its users are indigent it MUST exist on donations because a fee-based site would not be able to serve them.

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A few months ago, a friend who has read several of my non-TG books asked me to write a screenplay for a seven-minute film.

It was quite an adventure culminating a few days ago when we shot the film.

The film was about a high school girl and her male coach. She had learned that he was considering a job opportunity. He had coached her for five years and would be leaving before her senior year. She was feeling sorry for herself and upset with him. They meet in a gym by themselves.

It was an amazing experience to see actors bring my words to life.

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"Pleas" - I Want Some More

Over the last few days, there has been some discussion about Hits, Comments, and Kudos.

Years ago, a few authors did an extensive study on Fictionmania about what s seemed to make a story more popular.

They concluded that the single most important factor was story length.

It was suggested in a recent BS blog that there’s a formula of x% of hits for comments and x% of hits for kudos.

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Help for Contest

Melanie (Rasufelle) has announced a contest to start next week.

It is a serial story contest.

I don't write serials but thought I'd give it a try.

Could someone please tell me the basic mechanics for posting a serial story, versus a standalone story.

For example, how do you get the links set at the end of a part so that the reader can easily go on to the next installment?

Any other advice would be appreciated.


Blog About: 


Should Big Closet Convert to Hard Core Porn?

No . . . this site should never change its mission. But Erin needs help and I thought that blog title would get you to open this.

A few days ago, I posted a blog that suggested people could support Big Closet by serving on committees to help the site.

Okay . . . so people either don’t like committees (which proves they’re sane) or they didn’t care for the ideas I presented. The response was lukewarm, maybe even COLD!

But . . . out of that blog came a PM from Melanie that got me thinking that maybe the better answer is to concentrate on one area.

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Five-Second Rule

I rarely read serials because of the high percentage that are never completed. If I do read a serial, it's after the entire story has been posted.

That's just my preference after two decades of being left hanging out to dry by well-meaning authors who either got bored with the story, or wrote themselves into a corner, or simply had better things to do.

Just today a blog indicated frustration for a story on FM that was apparently quite good but never completed.

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Comments and Stars

You suffer through putting your heart into digital form for everyone to see by posting a story.

A day later you check the comments and kudos.

Whoa -- not everyone loves it. In fact, a couple of people say things that leave you wondering if you have any personal value.

What should you do about it?

A while back I asked for help finding software for writing a script.

I poured myself into what will become a seven-minute film.

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Thank You, Erin

For years I had this itch and didn't know how to scratch it. . .or even what it was.

I had to write quite a bit, in my business. People frequently told me that I had a real talent for writing. Some close friends said I should write a book.

It wasn't until I started to read TG fiction that I said, "I can do that. Writing is my itch and I'm going to take care of it."

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BC Should Charge Authors for Posting

Big Closet is true to its mission to be A friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgender Fiction. However, in order to execute that mission, Big Closet must fiscally sound.

Every month Erin sounds the alarm – and every month the same small group gives financial support. Relying on so few for so much is a recipe for disaster.

Nothing is going to change, unless change is provoked.

I know how crazy this is going to sound, but maybe it’s time to start charging people to post their fiction.

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Drain the Swamp

Someone said the other day that in the current political climate it is becoming harder and harder to say anything that doesn’t sound like a slur against one party or the other.

I sat down this morning to write a blog about contributions. I’d decided to base the blog on the question, “What could Erin be doing if she wasn’t constantly forced to spend her time fund-raising?”

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In the near future, DOPPLERPRESS will publish Baseball Annie.

This will be the fiftieth title published by DOPPLERPRESS.

Baseball Annie will be the sixth book they have published that I’ve authored. Only two other authors have had more books published by them than I have, which means I have an opinion based on multiple interractions.

As you might expect from an Erin-driven operation, DOPPLERPRESS has been extremely author-friendly. I’m especially pleased by the covers they’ve created for my novels.


Need Help - Script

A filmmaker friend has asked me to write a seven-minute script. He's won several local festivals and once worked for me so I know he's making a valid offer. I've often thought about trying a script.

1.) Can anyone suggest a good inexpensive software for scripts?

2.) Can anyone suggest a good book on script-writing?

3.) Does anyone have any advice?


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Dear Commentator

I saw your comment on Amazon about the “book” that I wrote. “Swifter, Higher, Stronger

You stated, “This is an excellent story by Angela that wastes a lot of potential by not giving us even more. We get vignettes of the protagonist's life when we could have had stories. What's here is very good. What's missing would have made this book gold medal quality.”

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New Ideas Needed

How are new readers and authors attracted to Big Closet?

Maybe the financial problems could be solved through an increased user base? It would seem likely that the more users BC has the more contributions Erin would receive.

I came to BC many years ago (probably over two decades ago) when Erin sent me an invitation to post here after reading one of my stories on FM.

How did you find BC?

Do you have ideas for attracting more readers and authors?

Is social media being used to attract readers?

Please comment.


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