For years I had this itch and didn't know how to scratch it. . .or even what it was.
I had to write quite a bit, in my business. People frequently told me that I had a real talent for writing. Some close friends said I should write a book.
It wasn't until I started to read TG fiction that I said, "I can do that. Writing is my itch and I'm going to take care of it."
Erin was one of the first who gave me a lot of encouragement. Largely because of her I threw myself into writing fiction. I subscribed to a writing magazine, read everything I could on writing fiction online, bought and read over one hundred books about writing, and joined a writing group.
The biggest help I got was the support of the writing community on Big Closet.
The other day I re-read Sky. I wrote it quite a number of years ago. Erin has it for sale on Amazon, and I hope is still getting revenue from it. Since it had been quite a number of years since I last read it, my perspective was like that of a reader. I enjoyed it!
I'm not as accomplished as some of the better writers on this site because I'm not a natural storyteller. Yet, through the help I received from Erin's site I learned how to do something I simply HAD to do.
I'm content, as a writer, and I owe Erin for providing a place to be -- and her nurturing.
Over the last few years, my commercial writing has helped my business more than I can express. I was able to write a column in our local newspaper that I believe influenced many people.
Thank you, Erin.
I liked it too
I recently re-read Sky as well. After reading Peaches, the promo for Sky had me hesitating about reading it. The premise sounded as if it would be a forced story... Natural story teller or not, you did an excellent job with that one. Peaches was really, really good and the story seemed natural and logical. Though Sky used a lot of the same characters and the same local, it was a really different story; one I could relate to, because of the issues Sky dealt with are similar to mine. I can tell you that finding acceptance, even personal acceptance is a big thing.
Loved both Peaches and Sky.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thank you for writing, Angela
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank YOU, Angela,
and thanks to ALL the writers who post their hard work here at Top Shelf and other sites.
Angela you have been a driving force in the posting of great works here and also in your comments on others stories. Your support of the site is appreciated more than you know.
I hope your books bring all the success you and they deserve.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.