Read This Blog Only If You Want BC to Be Here Next Time You Log On

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For at least the last fifteen years, the majority of websites have used a "freemium" approach to business. They sell advertising to cover their costs while not charging for the content. This leads people to believing everything on the internet is free.

It isn't!

BC costs money to maintain. The 200,000 unique visitors a month it attracts allows Erin to sell advertising. However, that advertising only generates a fraction of the revenue needed.

Of those 200,000 unique visitors about .5% make frequent donations required to make up the shortfall. Erin uses Doppler Press as a side hustle to help defray expense but that isn't enough to make things cash flow.

She is left to beg each month for contributions, which can't be either efficient or comfortable.

What BC desperately needs is more traffic.

Although a .5% donor ratio (my estimate) seems horribly low, it probably is a fairly hard number for a lot of reasons. By doubling traffic and maintaining that same ratio, contributions would double.

I'm fairly certain that BC's advertising income is based on traffic as well.

So -- how can we all pitch in to increase traffic?

I recently suggested that Erin buy Google Ads. It is my opinion that Google bases their search engine results on online authority AND on how much money you spend on Google Ads. That might sound overly suspicious but. . ..

Erin stated that buying ads takes time and effort. She is stressed to the max.

Do you have time and effort to donate?

Do you have ideas for attracting more eyeballs?



Thanks, hon

erin's picture

I'm sure it helps.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thanks, hon

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

The same old people donate

Angharad's picture

the readership can't even be bothered to give a kudos after reading a story, so expecting them to donate money is a lost cause and even a comment seems beyond most of them, I suspect some of them think the site runs on fresh air. In the UK money is becoming shorter as the world situation is forcing up the cost of energy to prices that only applied to astronomy before. However, the site is the best of its kind on the net so we have to save it. So come on people, put your hand in your pocket and help us keep the show on the road. PS Merry Christmas (it will be if we save BC).


Thanks :)

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Google Ads

is probably the only way to go but as I refuse to have anything to do with Google, I'm not the right person to help with it.
I refuse to band over and take one in order to sign up for a google account. The sad thing is... Google is slowly worming its way into just about everything. Google Forms (As used for surveys etc) requires a Google account to use. Nasty... no.. downright evil.
But... that's my own personal opinion.

If Erin can get some decent help to run this side of things then great.
Meanwhile, I'll carry on giving at least $100 per month (thanks to the UK Government for giving me the money)


erin's picture

We're not talking about putting Google ads on the site, btw. Google won't let us do that because someone complained about the very minor bit of adult content. We're talking about putting ads on Google search results, so basically, only people searching for TG-related stuff would see our ads.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

How I found this site

db-guru's picture

I don't know if it will help, but here goes. I read some Whateley stories and after I devoured what was available at the time I did a search. I came here from Google from that search and have stayed around because I found some excellent writing here. I follow 4 or 5 authors and check often for new stories by them. I think getting some keywords onto the site for other searches may help. Personally I'm always looking for SF and Fantasy.

FYI. I'm a hetero male in my 70's and don't search for TG stuff, but good stories are good stories. I love stories like the Death Dealer Saga and Sparcis (sp?). Maybe trying to promote stories like those elsewhere may help. I may be unusual, but I have no problem skipping by things that don't interest me. I also contribute a small amount monthly via Patreon and it's worth it

"Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart
Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams." Mary Ellen Kelly


erin's picture

Good stories are what we strive for. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Patreon and support

Personally i think Patreon is an easy way to give support. Set it up and it's there until you de ide to stop. Go set up an account. Even a basic one will give Erin a monthly bit of money and she and BC deserves every Thing and then some. Love all you Guys and gals for what you do.
Love from Bouncy in Denmark

Bouncy of Denmark

Thanks hon

erin's picture

Another bit of benefit for Patreon subscribers is you get to see my own stuff three to ten days early. Even for only $1 a month.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It is an idea, though may take a bit of hands on approach

These are mere ideas so...

Reach out to companies, corporations & small businesses that are trans positive & openly supportive. Offer Advertising space, on the sides, none of the flashy stuff, but just enough to get it out there, advertising for them while likely increasing the possibility of their own monetary & even community growth.

The side bars can be altered, if people know how, i certainly don't. But the tabs up top & such could be smaller & things like personal account can be minimized like on others with the arrow thingy that brings the options down. Organization & less clutter, more space for monetary providers to showcase their businesses.

Possibly guarantee a return investment to certain entities for charity, such as certain homeless shelters, especially women's shelters that are trans inclusive, many/most none specific ones in Canada are. This way they have a steady income, be known as safe & help others while also doing so for here.

Reach out the therapy organizations & individual therapists that are trans positive for the same purpose.

Reach out to Kindle authors of positive trans related content to showcase them as acceptable authors in a kindle authors page with links to their content, with an agreement to a percentage of their sales & in doing so, change the content to free or buy to buy only, this way increases revenue for all inclined, doesnt need to be a ridiculous amount, but if say 100k were to purchase the same kindle content for say 13 dollars for a story say as long as 'frills, by snowfall", 'lee corcoran cheerleader saga by daring diane or even the 'You have it all wrong (Chrissy) series, by sarauk" that in turn could garner 1.3 Million. Mind you this is just an estimate, even the 2.99 ones could garner alot & most likely would garner more because of the low cost to those whom cannot afford pricey digital reading material. now back to the 1.3 mill, you could set up obviously an advertising fee, with the addition to a percentage of their own revenue for your assistance in the increase to their monetary gain through said advertising & traffic increase via the strongest advertising context 'word of mouth".

200 thousand you said just for visitors & how many actual account holders?
If first time is free & enticing & is mentioned that a 25 cent or 2 dollar annual charge for a standard membership fee thats 50-800k right there.

If the desire for monetary gain outside of operational & management etc costs, is not to your desire, the ones left over could be used to reward advertisers, charities, authors etc for their loyal service, perhaps in a monthly ballot & or especially authors being prepaid for continued work could entice struggling writers more time & intent to increase their own creative production.

Many people will contend that BCTS, has been a tremendous source of safe atmosphere to both vent in blogs & read stories that can be therapeutically rewarding in & of itself, especially those whom do so only, because they cannot afford an actual therapist. The countless lives, BCTS most likely have saved should speak soundly of this.

I get that monetary billing, puts people off, tbvh usually I am one of them. Though sometimes, it is worth it, especially when it comes to the loyalty to a source that has been your own backbone, especially when that rock is on the brinks of turning to gravel.

I read an extra amount, especially during quarantine in the shelter. I even despite my situation, donated... not much but I did donate 20 or so here & there.

People, we have had BCTS as our rock for countless years & they stood grounded & firm in trying to make this a free enterprise, for our benefit, but because of their sacrifices & tremendous effort are & for awhile been on the brink of having to lay it to rest. None of us want to see BCTS go, though if it continues as it has, it is only a matter of time no matter how much all of us would be devastated to see it disapear. I know times are hard, I know we all have financial problems, I know it might cut into getting a coffee here & there. But what is more important, a mug of yummy goodness once in a while, or something that helps to keep us emotionally afloat.

If the price evens things out & is reasonable & can be met.... I can personally say as long as I am able to, I will give back, I will submit to that.

Please people, I know it sucks but..... please please please, do not let bcts fall when a meager contribution each is all thats needed.

I do ask that debit & or debit visa's be an option in paying. I do not use paypal for many reasons. debit etc is far easier. If this can be done, I will be more likely to not be too frustrated in donating.... it is actually one of the reasons I tend not to.

So everyone that actually wants this all to survive, now is the time to do what needs to be done. Please, even if not for you, for others. Others whom like ourselves may reach out to read or vent on the verge of suicide & by doing so calmed down enough to stick it out further. It is without a doubt worth the effort, worth the price & we all damn well know it!

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Some very good...

RachelMnM's picture

Ideas in this post. Not knowing how the shop operates to keep this site humming would certainly play into some of this. What I noticed after reading this blog entry and then doing some limited research was there are other sites doing this same thing (hosting TG Fiction) and they are either not updating, used much, have funding issues, etc... Sad really.

A couple searches for 'Transgender Fiction' via Duck Duck Go got me to BC after 5 "Show More Results" clicks and via Google after 3 "Next" clicks. Amazon and Barnes & Nobel showed way before BC. And, at least in my search some sites w/o any activity (or little) also showed before BC. What is the site providing in the way of hooks in the HTML that these search engine bots can at least catalog? Can those be expanded to hooks outside of fiction? (see next thoughts)

Traffic to BC would certainly help - but maybe some ads or partnerships w/ other retail sites could help too. One thing that may drive traffic is expanding the dimension of BC to include links for help for those Trans and CD folks looking for information on whatever topics, heck throw the LGBTQ+ crowd in there - this is an entertainment site - loosing your noodle in a good read. Resources links could help authors research for their stories. IDK... Another option - maybe combining this site with another? Not sure how to build that into a relationship? Just musing...

Certainly easy to toss out thoughts / ideas and not be that rubber that meets the road. Running a successful website is more than making sure the power is on - ask Erin, she'll tell ya a few of her horror stories. Content needs moderation, to be fresh, targeted, blah, blah, etc. That takes TIME, planning, scope, execution, accountability, and likely $$. And - more than one person being responsible and running themselves ragged and fearing every month the bank account is going to be empty.

I began posting back in the early 2K's on an different site. It's adequate - but NOTHING like BC. BC is like a new fully loaded Honda Accord compared to that sites bare bones used Ford Pinto... I'm thankful for a caring place to post my dribble. I certainly owe this site something in return and I'm working out how I can do that.

One idea I floated to another author was maybe via an Instagram influencer type or like influencers from other platforms in our community mindset and connected to the Trans community - maybe hitting them up to see if they'd shout out BC as a place to enjoy some fiction (maybe stress a Patreon subscription). Be a quick hit maybe, likely short lived, but might help get some attention. Couple times a month - differing influencers (aka high follower counts) - might help. I'm mulling this option over - but if you're on there, maybe reach out? Post yourself? I'm not really followed - but I could certainly shout out. BC is a readers NetFlix / Prime Video - a spot for entertaining that thing between our ears. Ppl need an escape - BC is a great place for that.

I'm rambling, so gonna put a pin it in. Thank for this comment and bringing this subject up and putting out a call for help. There are folks on here willing to chip in. It's what makes this a place worthy of hanging out.

Thanks Erin, et all involved!


Rachel M. Moore...


The odds that anyone will go beyond the first page of results are razor-thin.

Big Closet has the online authority to be listed on the first page. Google must have BC black-listed and has choked down its authority.

My opinion is that Google responds very favorably to bribes in the form of purchased Google Ads.

I'm willing to donate an additional $100 this month for that purpose. Are there others who will also donate for this effort? I would speculate that Google Ads for TG stories would be an inexpensive buy.

Is anyone willing to do the work of placing the ads?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Count me in

Emma Anne Tate's picture

I’ll match your donation, Jill (and add it to the one I’ll be putting in the mail anyway). But I can’t do the leg-work on the ad buys.



I got set up to give on Patreon but I don't remember how much.


Just increased my Patreon membership,

I can't afford much at Holiday times, hopefully I can increase again in January. I mention Big Closet when I can online, and to anyone I feel is receptive to TG fiction, unfortunately I don't have much of an online presence to be able to reach many people.

Thanks, hon

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thanks, hon

erin's picture


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Work, Work, Work

joannebarbarella's picture

The problem with many of the proposals to increase revenue is that, while they are very valid, they require lots of lobbying and extra effort from the staff and I think Erin and the team already have their work cut out just keeping BC going as it is and asking them to take on even more may well break the site on a physical basis.

For me, the main problem with contributing has been the intransigence and inflexibility of Paypal in demanding answers to questions that are impossible for a non-US resident to answer before they will allow a contribution past their gates. I have partially overcome their obstacles by using Patreon, but even this can be difficult.

I am retired and my income is inconsistent (mainly from dividends which are at the whim of company boards) so it is hard for me to commit to regular monthly deductions. The easiest way for me would be if I could contribute through one of the regular credit card companies, such as Visa or Mastercard. I already pay many of my bills via them and could increase my donations when funds permit.

Now I have no idea what kind of problem this would give Erin but perhaps an arrangement could be considered. I know it would not increase the site's patronage but maybe a few more of the existing readers would give more.

Just in case anyone misinterprets my commitment to keeping BC on line I will point out that I have been an active contributor to the site for over fifteen years and I'm not going to let it die if I can help it. I'm totally supportive of any effort to make it more financially viable.


erin's picture

Directly taking credit cards presents several problems. We'll look into it again, but we used to use Amazon to process credit cards, until they made it increasingly hard to do. Still, they were cheaper than going through a bank. Paypal takes credit cards, but I take it this is not doable for you?


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


joannebarbarella's picture

After reading Erin's reply to my comment I decided to have one more attempt at using a credit card with Paypal. It rejected the first two that I tried, just telling me that the card was not valid (both have limits of several thousand dollars!!!), so, on the point of giving up I tried my last card and Paypal accepted it....this after refusing any of my cards for over a year. Go figure!!

Anyway, the result was a contribution to BC accepted, so, if it continues to work the site will benefit. The problem might be resolved but I won't start cheering yet.

P.S. Paypal charge 4% as an exchange rate fee.

Look into SQUARE for Credit Cards

There is no approval process and you can accept any card withing minutes. There is no minimum and it's easy.
You can use it through websites or on onesy twosy charges.


erin's picture

We will look into that. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.