Mature Subjects (pg15)

Cider Without Roses 9

And school days passed, until the weekend came, and each day began with the assembly of what was becoming, for me, a type of second family. We girls would meet on the bus, tease and be teased, and pass comment on everything from the colour of a teacher’s hair to the particular gifts and failings of boys.

The Christmas Ditz also Part 2 of 3

Christmas Ditz also part 2 of 3

My attempt at a Hard Boiled Detective story. Hope it is not as confusing. Have tried to explain certain hard boiled words and statements. Goddess Bless you All.

A Letter to My Ex

A Letter to My Ex

Dear Sharon,

I’m writing this, not necessarily to send, but so I can get my thoughts in order before I talk to you. See, I’ve been keeping a secret, and its beginning to feel like lying. I’ve gone back and forth on when I should tell you, with one part of my brain saying “confess! you are sinning against her and against God by not being honest with her!” The other part is saying “Wait! You’ll only hurt her and yourself if you tell her now!”


By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration!
SynopsisI am now who I always wanted to be, thanks to science.

The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The corridor was about ten metres long and a couple of metres wide. Off the corridor were three closed doors and one open one, which seemed to lead to the bathroom. Just behind the door, of the living room, was a coat rack with the various jackets and the holster rigs of the guests on. On the floor was a thin blue carpet, the walls were the same colour as the living room and had low wattage bulbs in the light fixtures.

Psylocke: Mind Over Matter Part 7


Thanks to Marvel comics for their wonderful characters. Psylocke, Juggernaut, Courier and Deadpool are all theirs. Buy something of theirs, willya! :)

Chapter 7

Tracy and I were walking on the beach. It was sunny and warm, and we were hand in hand, enjoying the walk. I was totally happy. Then everything started shaking.

“Betsy! Betsy! Wake up! You’re late!”

“Wha-what? I do’wanna, mom!”


Wild Magic 11

Tim pulled into a parking spot at the Green Onion. I had never been here before, but I’d heard of it. Mom called it a “fusion” restaurant, serving a slightly odd mix of Hispanic and Mediterranean foods. It was supposed to be pretty good, so I thought it was a good choice.

There were quite a few couples from our school, and I realized that this was a popular “date” restaurant. I couldn’t give Tim any points for originality, but if this was that popular, the food must be pretty good. We were shown to a comfortable booth, and a smiling young man gave us our menus.

Cider Without Roses 8

I left his office en route to my first class, which was English. I had done as well in Caen as could be managed when trying to study as things are thrown at you from behind or as someone tries to set fire to your shirt with a cigarette lighter, but this class was to be a different experience. I knocked at the door, as I was making a belated arrival after my little meeting, and at the invitation to enter I did. The teacher was a woman of a certain age, with what could have been the widest hips I had ever seen on someone not actually obese. Grey curls above a pair of pince-nez, she smiled and her whole face fell into the wrinkles of an elderly apple.

The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After a few drinks had been consumed, Sandra looked at Nick as Paul stood, saying to the group, “Shall we head back to Home Base?”
She watched Nick stand, placing the chair back from where he had taken it. ‘Nicki, I so want this weekend to be special, for you to embrace the other side of your personality, and also join us the Bitch Vixens Gangrel Street Gang unit.’

The Final Version Before Final Edit - The Making of Nibs - Volume 1.

I hope everyone enjoys this the first chapter of the final version before final editing.

Let me now introduce Nibola Calton or as she prefers to be called Nibs or the Blackfairy. The story starts on the few days before the final exams of High School.

The Making of Nibs — Volume 1:The Beginnings

Chapter 1

Sat in the living room of Damien Cameron’s home in Suraban were Timaus, Damien and K-Dog.

Chapter 1 of Hikari and June

When Hikari came home from her dads she told her aunt “I need to go out, so I can find “good friends.” so she went to the mall to hopefully find a new friend, ‘I blame Audrey, she told herself, “she told me that, "you know, if you want to meet new faces you should go to the mall.’” Audrey is one of Danielle’s friends Hikari met when she was at her dads.

Quarantine Cove, part 1 of 3

“Spar! Come on in,” I said. We had all thought my cousin Spartacus was immune to the changing, since he hadn’t caught it when other children did on several occasions when it was going around the village. But it was obvious now that she wasn’t.

Too Little, Too Late? 52

They weren’t that noisy, in the end, but I found Rachel slightly out of sorts the next morning. I had just filled the kettle to do my wifely duties, and she joined me in the kitchen. Her hair was all over the place and, to be blunt, she really needed a shower, but there was a slight edge to her expression.

“You OK, Rach?”

Seattle Gal Part 1

Chapter 1
The Return Of Jessica

by Susan Jean Charles
He lost everything, but she gained so much more

A little over a year ago, Lauran published a story entitled, “Son” about how a widowed father and his son became a mother and daughter. The story ended just as the mother began living full-time with a man she’d first met while she was experimenting with being a woman.

I enjoyed the story, but wondered what happened afterwards. How does a man used to working full-time, providing for, and making decisions for himself and his son, adjust to living as a woman totally dependent on her man?

‘Seattle Gal’ began as my attempt to explore this question. But soon Jessica’s decisions and their consequences took over the story. Further along, a throwaway character opened her mouth and my story went in an entirely new direction.

While there is some explicit sex in the story, at its heart it is a romance. I’ll warn readers of the sections containing explicit scenes.

While many of the places in the story are real, none of the characters are and any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Several products and names that appear in the story are trademarked and I used them to provide color, background and authenticity. No infringement is intended. My only intent is to present a good story.

“Seattle Gal” is already completed, so readers will get to read the entire story in several segments. My great thanks to Holly H. Hart, who is so valuable in both editing and in providing much extra information that has helped make the story so much better. I’ve learned so much working with her!

You Are The Target: 2. Reality Check

"You live alone too," I countered.

"Yeah," she said, "but not the way that you do. You're like that girl in the movie.
You've got a shadow behind you. There's some guy out there in the dark who worries you."

[ part two of three ]

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

The Christmas Ditz also Part 1

Dames, I don't quite get them. Well I do get them, you hear that(screaming out to the all seeing), a lot of them... and for some strange reason, a lot of men too. I believe the reason I attract them is my brilliant blue eyes. They seem to attract all the partners one could ever want, well if that person was female or gay. I had been going undercover while playing my X-Box in my search for Andy Kaufman, Elvis, and Jim Morrison. I'm sure they're alive out there.

Wrote this as a sort of prequel to The Christmas Ditz Aoi Santomi story takes place on the 23rd and 24th of December. It is a hard boiled detective story, about a Detective that thinks they are a hard boiled detective.

The Pregnant Boy -11- Awake

Juice dozed off on the bus ride, his head lolling sideways on Jenn’s shoulder. She looked at him sleeping and reached a hand out to brush back a lock of hair but stopped. Touching him might wake him up and her expression showed her feeling that he looked so adorable.

She sighed.

The Pregnant Boy

by Erin Halfelven

You Are The Target: 1. Yes To Everything

"What's so funny?" the nurse asked with a smile.

"Oh, everything!" I exclaimed. "The room, the curtains, the bed, this tasteless food... my funny little body with its breasts and—" I stopped and looked down at my lap.

"Hmmm...," the nurse said. "You are a funny little girl, aren't you?"

That was so wrong it made me laugh even more.

[ part one of three ]

Too Little, Too Late? 51

It was the start of things, and to my surprise I wasn’t rushing into things the way I had assumed. Larinda and Rachel had got Jill out of the nest, and all of the stories I had read on that particular website had been full of the same trope, the same repeated concept: that once the plunge was taken, the ‘new’ woman never looked back. That wasn’t true, and, in fact, without constant prodding by my lover and my friend, Jill would have remained a purely domestic goddess. Things came to a head after our first Christmas together.

What Did We Do Wrong? Chapter 8 Final Chapter


Chapter 8

Justin was awakened by his wife’s terrified screams. She was thrashing on the bed, wrapped in the covers.

“JUNG! JUNG! Wake up! Wake up!” Justin pulled the covers away from her face. Her eyes were wide with terror.

“Hyun! She’s dead! She’s dead! It’s my fault!”

Justin shook her. She was soaked with sweat, her nightgown was soaked through. “Honey, wake up! It was a dream!”

My so called (Un)Life Chapter 3: A Tricky Situation

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg

“Who’s this Danielle chick you keep talking to?” I ask in a voice that I’ve yet to realize isn’t the one I was born with.

“Why, you are, of course. Who else would we be talking to, love?” Carmilla answers. I stop sucking on the third pouch of blood about half way through it and can only stare wide eyed at the two of them while holding the pouch in my hands like a precious toy that’s been broken. I look back down to my chest again, and sure enough, I wasn’t hallucinating a moment ago. I do indeed have boobs hanging from my chest. I reach up and grab one, causing me to blink a few times and twitch involuntarily.

This time, when I tried, I actually did manage to scream. And both Carmilla and Josephine swear up and down that they saw the blood in my pouch curdle a little bit when I did. Like I’ve said before, I’m not exactly very quick on the up take when I’m first waking up.


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