
The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The corridor was about ten metres long and a couple of metres wide. Off the corridor were three closed doors and one open one, which seemed to lead to the bathroom. Just behind the door, of the living room, was a coat rack with the various jackets and the holster rigs of the guests on. On the floor was a thin blue carpet, the walls were the same colour as the living room and had low wattage bulbs in the light fixtures.

The Making of Nibs - Volume 1 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After a few drinks had been consumed, Sandra looked at Nick as Paul stood, saying to the group, “Shall we head back to Home Base?”
She watched Nick stand, placing the chair back from where he had taken it. ‘Nicki, I so want this weekend to be special, for you to embrace the other side of your personality, and also join us the Bitch Vixens Gangrel Street Gang unit.’

The Final Version Before Final Edit - The Making of Nibs - Volume 1.

I hope everyone enjoys this the first chapter of the final version before final editing.

Let me now introduce Nibola Calton or as she prefers to be called Nibs or the Blackfairy. The story starts on the few days before the final exams of High School.

The Making of Nibs — Volume 1:The Beginnings

Chapter 1

Sat in the living room of Damien Cameron’s home in Suraban were Timaus, Damien and K-Dog.

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